WHITHER GOEST THOU.... EDITORIAL READERS, THLS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO YOU - THE STUDENTS OF THE GRA DE PRAlRIE JU 1IOR COLLEGE DURING THE 1968-' 69 SESSION. IT IS NOT O LY A COLLECTION OF MEMORIES, BUT GREATER STILL, A SYMBOL OF YOUR LAUNCH INTO THE WORLD. IT IS POI TLESS TO REVIEW THE YEAR I TERMS OF WORDS; SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, HERE IT IS - YOUR YEARBOOK. SINCERELY, BARB and AN E (EDITOR and CO-EDITOR) GRANDE PRAIRIE LIBRARY JUN IOR COLLEGE GRANDE PRAIRIE JUNIOR COLLEGE'S DEAN ANDERSON DEAN'S MESSAGE The stated objective of the College is to develop as a regional post-secondary institution with a variety of educational programs designed for students with differing aspirations, interests, and background preparation. The past aca­ demic year saw business education programs and an expanded set of courses in adult occupational training added to the offerings of the College, as an extension to the University and matriculation programs which had been estab­ lished. The result of these additions was reflected in a broader cross section of students, and a greater diversity of interests to provide for in student life. The range and the complexity of demands on students, and the difficulty in providing the necessary facilities and spaces, produced problems for the student body, and the student government. A continuing problem, while our programs are scattered in different sections of the city, will be to provide a common identity for all students as members of the same institution. I have been very pleased with the co-operation and good will which characterized the response of the students to the limitations which were imposed on us in the past year, which was a critical period in our development. A new and permanent campus plan is now underway. The past year at the College produced a series of events, impressions, and recollections. While many activities were common to students, your individual assessments of the worth of these experiences will vary widely. One measure of the value of the past year will be t he growth in knowledge and skills gained through the program of studies you selected. But the total contribution of the past year to your educational and personal development may take some t ime to place in perspective. If reflection on this past year causes you to recall persons, ideas, and events which made a positive and permanent difference for you, the year will have been useful and worthwhile indeed. Sincerely, Mrs. W. Evaskevich SECRET ARIES Mrs. D. Saunders Miss M. Van Schaick MR. W. L. F ITZPATRICK - ACCOUNTANT MRS. H.M. PATTERSON - SECRETARY- TREASURER J. W. BULCOCK, B. A., M. Ed. J . M. IIINTZ, B. A. L. J . LOGIE, B. A. , M .A. L. LARSEN, B. Ed. P . LEMAY, B.Sc., M . Sc. MR. R. I. MARSTO.:--J, B . Sc. , M . Sc. L. P . WOOLLE Y, B. Ed. , M . A. - MR. R. W. WALDENBERGER, B. P. E . , M.Sc. - MISS R. SCHWEITZER, B. Ed. SR. DORIS HAMERL, C. S . C. J L.A. FALK, B. A. (HONS.) M.A. A. A. CSEUZ, B.Sc. (IIONS. ), M . Sc. D. R . CRISTALL, B. Sc., M . Sc. V. KRUPKA, B. Com., B. Ed. MRS. H. KELLNER, B. A. , BL. S. MlSS J. BEL ZCL, B. Ed. MRS. R. COMEAU MlSS L . WEISE~BURGER, M.A. Sorry, there are no photographs of the following instructors: MR. K. T. JOH~SON, 8 . A. MRS. P. LAMAY, B. Ed. MR. R. R. QUIN , B. Ed. DR. 0 . FUCHS, B. A. , B. Ed., M . A., Ph.D. MR . P . JENSEN, B.Sc. , M . Sc. MR. G. NELSO~, B. Sc., M. A. Babkirk, Miss Gail Faculty of Education Bask, Mr. Eric Faculty of Education Beaulieu, Miss Gisele faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Bekewich, Mr. Lorne Faculty of Arts Belford, Mr. Tom Faculty of Education Berean, Miss Brenda l◄'aculty of Science Bettenson, Mrs. Shirley Faculty of Arts Bliska, Miss Audrey Faculty of Education Bouchor, Mr. Delmer Faculty of Science Bowen, Miss Patricia Faculty of Education Bowhay, Mrs. Marlyss Faculty of Science Boychuk, Miss Katherine Faculty of Education Bradley, Mr. Stuart Faculty of Science Brandsater, Mr. Ken Faculty of Education Brown, Mr. Robert Faculty of Education Bruneau, Mr. 1o rman Faculty of Education Campbell, Miss \lary Faculty of Science Collister, Miss Beverley Faculty of Education Connell, Miss Peggy Faculty of Education Conrad, Miss Anne Faculty of Science Cubberley, Mr. John Faculty of Education Dalgleish, M 1ss Janice Faculty of Education Dane, Miss Ann Faculty of Education Dech1ef, Mr. George Faculty of Science Dunbar, Mr. Raymond Faculty of Education Dunn, Miss Pauline Faculty of Education Erickson, Mr. Robin Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Fimrite, Miss Penny Faculty of Education Fontoura, Mr. Antonio Faculty of Science Foster, Mr. Owam Faculty of Arts Gauthier, Mr. Roland F'aculty of Education Gauvreau, Mr. Henry 1" aculty of Education Given, Miss Cathy Faculty of Educatton Grotkowski, Mr. Edwin Faculty of Science Gugins, Mr. John Faculty of Science IJalaburda, Miss Dianne Faculty of Education Harris, Mr. Peter Faculty of Agriculture Ilawryluk, Miss Joyce Faculty of Science llegland, Mr. [van Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Holloway, Mr. Harvey Faculty of Education Hoskin, Mr. Andrew Faculty of Arts Jason, Mr. Edward Faculty of Science Johnson, Mr. Charles Faculty of Science Kalyn, Miss Anne F acuity of Education Kirkham, Mr. Danny Faculty of Business Administration & Commerc J Kirkland, Mr. Glen Faculty of Education Kurichh, \.1r. :\1. L. Faculty of Education Kurz, Mrs. Evelyn Faculty of Education I Lay, :\1r. Dennis Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Lessoway. \lr. Laverne Faculty of Science Lewis, :Vlr. Fred Faculty of Busmcss Administration & Commerce Lock, Miss Maureen Faculty of Education Luther, Mr. Ron t<'aculty of Arts Macauley, Miss Barbara Faculty of Education MacTavish, M iss Ruth Faculty of Education Mates, Mr. Gary Faculty of Physical Education Matheson, Mr. Dunca n Faculty of Science l\lcColm, Miss Colleen Faculty of Education McDonald, Miss Freda Faculty of Education McFarlane, Mr. James Faculty of Science McVittie, Mr. Loran Faculty of Science Meier, Mr. Volker Faculty of Education Melnyk, Miss Eileen Faculty of Education __,- Moore, Mr. Harold Faculty of Agriculture Morgan, Mr. John F'aculty of Arts Mouser, Miss Sandra Faculty of Education Marray, Mr. Robert Faculty of Science Nepstad, Mrs. Marie Faculty of Arts 0 1 F laherty, Mr. Ken Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Osborne, Miss Susan Faculty of Education Podulsky, Miss Barbara Faculty of Education Podruzny, Mr. David Faculty of Science Popijak, Miss Helen Faculty of Science Purves, Mr. Dewin Faculty of Science Pusher, Mr. Dale Faculty of Education Randall, Mr. Ray f?aculty of Education Ratzlaff, Miss Elaine Faculty of Physical Education Ray, Mr. Cecil Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Reichert, Miss Diane Faculty of Education Richards, Mr. Alan Faculty of Arts Roberts, Mrs. Gay Faculty of Education Rockarts, Miss Linda Faculty of Education Rowe, Mr. Garth Faculty of Science Rudge, Mr. Frank Faculty of Business Administration & Commerce Rutherford, Miss Ella-Mae Faculty of Science Sandul, Miss Jo Ann Faculty of Education Sarmaga, Mr. Grant Faculty of Science Sather, Mr. Barry F acuity of Arts Scorgie, Miss Eleanor Faculty of Science ~·- Scott, Mr. Varley Faculty of Science Severson, Miss Myrna Faculty of Education Shackleton, Miss Barbara Faculty of Education Skirzyk, Miss Carilyn Faculty of Science Sodergren, Mr. Edward F'aculty of Education Spencer, Mr. Guy F' acuity of Science Sterr, Mrs. Nellie Faculty of Education Stith, Mr. Glen Faculty of Science Sudnik, Mrs. Dorothy Faculty of Education Thors, Miss Elaine Faculty of Education Travalia, Mr. David Faculty of Education T urner , Miss Beth Faculty of Arts Tymchuck, Mr. Ron Faculty of Science Tysowski, Miss Dorothy Faculty of Arts Utas, Mr. Gregory Faculty of Arts Vanden Dungen, Miss Rickie Faculty of Education Wales, Miss Sharon Faculty of Education \Valisser, Mr. Wayne F'aculty of Science Waters, Mr. Ray Faculty of Education White, Miss Lorraine Faculty of Education \Vong, Miss Rose Faculty of Education This page is sponsored by: NORTHLAND UTILITIES LTD. Serving The Peace River Country Telephone 532-4438 BUSINESS EDUCATION Becker, Miss Pat Bespflug, Miss Brenda Bowen, Mrs. Linda Buholzer, Miss Susan Chemerinski, Miss Edith Clarke, Mrs. Betty-Lou Clease, Miss Judith Dean, Miss Elise Descoteaux, Mrs. Bonnie Ewanchuk, Miss Adaline Fair, Miss Judy Florchuck, Miss Rosemarie Gaboury, Mrs. Barbara Gaboury, Mrs. !:<'aye Gaunt, Mrs. Eileen Gresko, Miss Gloria Gullion, Mrs. Margaret Hoglund, Mrs. Alexandria Part-Time House, Mrs. Eileen Part-Time Hudema, Miss Emily Johnson, Miss Wanda Lillico, Miss Linda Lock, Miss Sherrill Marcotte, Miss Lillian I Marek, Mrs. Janet May, Miss Willama (Billie) McIntosh, Miss Sherida Muir, Miss Linda Ioosekey, Miss Ernestine Part-Time Ouellet, Miss Yvonne Patterson, Miss Carol Ramsey, Mrs. Arlene Remple, Mrs. Rudy Part- Time Robideau, Mrs. Marjory Part-Time Schweitzer, Miss Dorothy Severson, Miss Barbara Smith, Miss Susan Stith, Miss Maxine Stojan, Miss Carol Stone, Miss Sheila Part-Time Szabo, Miss Susan Toews, Miss Verna Wagner, Mrs. Jean Part-Time Wales, Miss Janice Weiss, Miss LaDean ACADEMIC PREP ARA TORY STUDENTS Abram Andres, Grande Prairie Christian Larsen, Grande Prairie Laurents Aubin, Grande Prairie Raymond Laurin, Mc Lennan Walter Bak, Clairmont Jeanne Lepine, Edmonton William Bellerose, Driftpile Philip Matkin, Grande Prairie 1 aomi Bryenton (Mrs. ) Grande Prairie Percy Morrison, Grande Prairie Doreen Cardinal, Grande Prairie Stephen Moses, Valleyview Henry Carlson, Peace River Romeo obert, Joussard Edward Chalifoux, McLennan M . R. Lynne Pickles, Grande Prairie Leora Croken (Mrs.) Grande Prairie Larry Remple, Grande Prairie Doreen Ducharme, Grande Prairie Kornelius Rienks, Slave Lake Leonard Emard, Grande Prairie Neil Rycroft, Sexsmith Laverne Giles, Grande Prairie Denise Sharp, Peace River Karen Green (Mrs.) Grande Prairie William Thiessen, Grande Prairie Raymond Guenette, Falher Leonard Thorson, Hines Creek James Hibbert, Valleyview Thomas Tilson, Peace River Steve Ilimer, Peace River David Wiebe, Grande Prairie Richard Hoglund, Grande Prairie Gordon Wiebe, Woking Ernest Hopkins, Grouard Alvina Willier, Joussard Bernice Karpan, (Mrs.
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