R. I . Jewish Historica l Association 11 130 Sessions Street Providence , RI 02906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membership People THE ONLY ENGLISH -JE W ISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAS T MASS VOLUME LXVI . NUMBER 17 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 21 , 1980 25' PER COPY Kollek Terms Israel "Miserly" in N avon /Assimilation TEL -\VIV ()TA) - President Yitzhak Giving Rights to East Jerusalem Arabs Na,on v.Jrncd thJl unless immediate steps Jre lJkcn to chcc~ assimilation, the Jewish J ERUSALEM (JTA) - Mayor Teddy fact thdl the rights of Jcru~lcm Ar•b• ,,re, k.01lc . rcJccl d that idea peakJOg to Jn peorlc mJ) lo e three m,11,on of its members Ko llck of Jerusalem accused Israe li govern­ to this da). not en hrincd 10 lav. but - a, I racl Bond labor dclcgauon from the b} the end of this ccnturi He ingled out un­ ments, past and present. of shelving the wuh the right to teach Jordaman school \\ c,t Co.ut he ~•d 11 v. as a log,cal contrad,c­ l'Crs1l} campuses Jround the "orld as the problem of the country's minorities and curricula - v.crc J matter of admini trau,c llon that could lead ooh 10 a ··Berhn v.al1.·· places "" here the Jewish boi comes into charged that Israel has been " mi se rl y" in practice that could ea,il) be rc,cr-.cd birhcr, the AJCommlltee lcadcr v.erc contact" 1th the" ,de \\Orld'" and "it is there givi ng the Arab residen ts of Jerusalem their Kollek ha, long been ad•ocaung a told b) \l aJor Elias hciJ of Bethlehem that that as<1mllat1on begJOs."· rights. "borough·· S) ,tern for Jcru,alem JO "'h1ch the Pale line Ltbcra11on Organ1za11on ',a,on made his remarks at ceremonies the Arab area v.ould enJO) a mea urc of v.ould ,oon publtd) rccogn11c I racl' right here marling the 15 th anniscrsary of Bar Meeting wit h the Board of Governors of local sclf-go,crnmcnt mumc1pal dclcga- to e\l 1. He aid PLO chief Yam rafat v.a llan n,,crsil) . He praised the Orthodox­ the Ameri ca n Jewish Comm1llee Kollek sai d 1100 1 prc>ently JO London >ludying the becoming more moderate and that the con­ sponsored ,n l1tu11on for combi ning it would be absurd for 100,000 East borough )\tern '\Cn,u, among PL le.ider fa,orcd a Palcsu­ Je-. ,shness. rchg1on and trad1t1on with Jerusalem Arabs to be excl uded from the man talc on the\\ e,1 8.rnk and Gau Strip general lno v.ledge. thercb) fighting political rights lo be granted other West T•o So,ertlgntin Rtjected to h,e JO pcaceful COC\lstcnce v.1th hracl J<s1m liallon He called on the Je" ish Ba nk residents under the proiectcd Prcs,dent A n-.ar Sadat of Eg) pl ha nder quc.11oning, FrciJ contended that academic " Orld lo dedicate itself lo the cx- autonomy scheme. "Another solu11on must propo-.cd tw o w,crc1gn11cs JO an und,-1dcd dc,pllc the ··Pale line Co,cnant."" the PLO 1 tencc of Jud a, m a nd c heck th e be found" for them, he said. He deplored the Jerusalem. Y1tlhak nna, Jn advi,or to 1 not l>cnt on the dc,truc11on of I racl phen,,mcn n of a 1m1la11on . Hebron Settlement U . 'V. Condemns Israeli Human Rights Violations Threatening Peace Process 8) Tamar~) other displaced ,nhabuanls of the occupied WASHINGTON (JTA) - The .S. comprehcn 1vc ~culcmcnl I the bc,1 GtSf:\ A (JT ) - The l,n1tcd , at,on Arab territories lo their homes and declared th at " th e move ment of Israeli se t­ guarantee for the afcl) of I racl .'" aner HumJn Rights Comm, ,on adopted a l,.o­ propert . Part 8 concern the appli cation of tlers into the ci ty of Hebron it self wo uld be \a1d p.m draft rc.o lut1on that condemn l~raclt the 1949 Geneva Convcn l1 o n to protect a step backward in the peace process" but He noted that Prc\ldenl arter· pc<:1JI pohc10 Jnd practices JO the occupied ;\rab c1v1han populations ,n time of war to all exp li citly ruled out "punitive" action Amb.,s •dor to the \1 1ddlc Ea l. o l territories - 1ncludJOg l: ..1'l Jeru alem - a rab termories occupied by Israel since against Israel. L1now1t£ \ latest meeting v.11h la>ptian and " ar rim<' and an affront to humanil}" 1967, 1ncludJOg East Jerusalem . In a statement read lo reporters, Stale Israeli ncgot,ator> had "produced the fir\l and dcm•nd the return of d1 placed It cxprc,ses deep concern al the co nse­ Department chief spokesman Hodding practical tcp " for an autonom) agreement Palestinian and others to their homes and quences of Israel"s refusal lo apply the Carter said " the implication " of the Israel and that the three part1e have reached a properly Geneva covenant fully and effectively and Cabinet's decision to all ow Israelis to move "tentative under tandJOg" lo be discussed The second sccllon of the rcsolut1on. Part 1l failure to acknowledge the applicability into ho uses in Hebron, whose original by them later thlS month. The central point 8 . was adopted by 2 -1 margJO wuh 10 of 1hc convention. It calls on Israel lo abide Jewish owners were massacred or forced lo is that "all three" arc ccking to resolve the ab tcnt,on JO the roll-call vote, and the by and respect the obligations arising from Oee in 1929, "arc serious and far-reaching Palestinian issue and arc not going beyond fir l scc11on. Part , by a vo te or 28-3 wi th the UN barter and other instruments and a nd the U.S. government is seriously con­ the amp David framework. eight ab tenl1ons. The nitcd talcs was rules of intern ation al law, including the cern ed about them." ertcr said he would comment later on a the onl) nation to •ole again l Part B and provisions of the co nvention. Carter said that the move "could have (Continued on page 6) was one of three to vote against Part A. The Among the countries tha, supported Part seri ous consequences for the auto nomy other \\ere anada and Holland. Israel is 8 were: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa negoti ations." He added: "It would damage not a member of the Human Righ LS Com­ Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, India, the confidence of the parties, particularly m, ,on but has observer statu . Jordan. Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Philip­ the Palestinians on the West Bank and The voting culm1na1ed a week-long pines, Poland , Soviet Union, Syria and Gaza Strip, beca use it raises the basic ques­ debate on Israeli policies and practices in Yugoslavia. Abstaining were Canada, Den­ t ion o f Israel' s commitment lo full the occupied territories. Part A of the mark, Fra nce, Federal Republic of Ger­ autonomy." resolution calls on I racl to take immediate many, Ivory Coast, N~therlands, Panama, Asked what " clarification" the Stale steps for the return of the Palestinians and Portugal and United Kingdom. Department has received from the Israel government, Carter replied, "The Israeli s • say they can proceed with the process of New War Shaping Up ID Lebanon pulling settlers in." When a reporter TEL AVIV (JTA)-A new round in the Lebanese Prime Minister Selim al-Hoss suggested that the movement did not con- Lebanese civil war appears to be laking telephoned President Hafez Assad of Syria slitule a "settlement," Carter modified his shape as Syria prepared to redeploy its last night and new to Damascus - his statement lo speak of Israel's "positioning "peacekeeping" force despite urgent ap- second trip there in a week - in a further of people" in Hebron. peals by the Lebanese goverrtmenl 10 call effort lo persuade the Syrians to remain in When another reporter asked what off or delay its evacuation from the Beirut the Beirut area. The Lebanese fear that if measures the U.S. would take as a conse- area. The Syrian moves a pparently have en- the Syrian forces are withdrawn their posi­ quence if Israel "persisted" in settling oc- couragcd the Palestinian terrorists to tions will be taken over by Palestinians. cupied Arab lands, the State Department res ume their attacks on the Christian en- spokesman said he was ·•not going into clave in south Lebanon. that. " Later, when asked specifically about Senator Claiborne deBorda Pell, Nlllor Artillery exc hanges continued in1ermi1-- Begin Greets that point, he said the U.S. would not take u. s. Senator from Rhode (eland, will be tently between the Palestinians and the "punitive" measures. • honored Sunday, March 9, at a dinner Christian militia. It was learned, Egyptian Jews Asked what U .S. policy would be should . gala In Warwick to benefit National meanwhile, that the heavy shelling by the Arab citizens of Israel , not Jewish citizens, J-leh Hoepltal/Natlonal Aathma Cen- Palestinians of the Christian village of Dier J ER USA LEM (JT A) - The first group · move into Hebron. Carter said he would tar (NJH/NAC). Pell, who will .-.cefY8 Memes yesterday was a cover for the in- of Egyptian Jews to visit Israel was warm- reply lo that later. However, he said, the the hoapltal'• prHtlgloua National filtration of terrorists into the hamlet. The ly received by Premier Menachein Begin f. U.S. policy of opposition to Jewish settle- Humanitarian Award for hie concern and eight casualties there - four dead and four recently.
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