Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop 2017 (LPI Contrib. No. 1989) 8041.pdf SMALL BODIES EXPLORATION IN THE NEXT 35 YEARS. T. D. Swindle1 and The SBAG Steering Com- mittee (N. Chabot (APL), B. Barbee (NASA GSFC), J. Bauer (JPL), B. Bierhaus (Lockheed Martin), D. Britt (UCF), J. Castillo-Rogez (JPL), P. Chodas (JPL), L. Feaga (U. Maryland), C. Hartzell (U. Maryland), C. Mercer (NASA Glenn), A. Stickle (APL)), 1LPL, University of Arizona, [email protected]. In the last 35 years, our knowledge of small bodies vations), enabling us to address questions not just of has increased by orders of magnitude, from roughly the origin of the known planets, but also of whether 2000 numbered asteroids to nearly 500,000, from one other large, perhaps even planet-sized, objects exist in known trans-Neptunian object (Pluto) to 2300, from the cold outer reaches of the Solar System. The New ~2000 meteorites to more than 55,000, from no sam- Horizons spacecraft has demonstrated that Pluto is a ples from any specific small body to samples returned much more active body than had been expected, and it from a comet’s coma (Stardust) and an asteroid’s rego- will be flying by another TNO in its extended mission. lith (Hayabusa) with two more spacecraft on their way Centaurs are an as of yet unexplored category of small to return asteroidal samples, from no spacecraft images bodies that exhibit evidence of cometary activity, ring of small bodies other than Martian moons to flyby, systems, and binaries, and may serve as a mid-stage rendezvous, and/or landing missions to a dozen comets sample of the effects of solar exposure on TNOs. and asteroids plus Pluto. What will we achieve in the Whether we send spacecraft to explore the outer reach- next 35 years? A good place to start is to look at the es of the Solar System may depend on development of goals that the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) effective communications and propulsion systems. has defined for the exploration of small bodies, and Already, we have two spacecraft, Hayabusa-2 and consider where we are poised to make progress. OSIRIS-REx, en route to return samples from (primi- The SBAG Goals Document [1] identifies three tive?) carbonaceous asteroids. The study of that mate- overarching, high-level goals pertaining to the Solar rial, plus refractory and sub-surface cryogenic material System’s small bodies, 1) utilizing the Solar System’s returned from a cometary nucleus, will give us a much small bodies as the scientific probes of the Solar Sys- greater knowledge of what kinds of materials were tem’s formation and evolution, 2) defending planet available to provide volatiles to the terrestrial planets, Earth against the potential hazard that the impact of and how closely the origin of water and/or organic ma- comets or asteroids represents, and 3) taking advantage terial on Earth may be tied to different types of small of the unique properties of the small bodies in the inner bodies that we can study today. In addition, Ceres may Solar System to enable human exploration. be the most accessible ocean world. Science: Small bodies provide unique scientific Increased scrutiny of, and, in particular, sample re- opportunities to investigate the formation of the Solar turn from, from Mars’ moons can address the long- System. They represent remnants of the building blocks standing puzzle of their origin. That question has fun- of the planets and provide insight into the conditions of damental implications for the dynamical environment the earliest history of the Solar System and the factors in the vicinity of Mars, which, in turn, is wrapped up in that gave rise to the origin of life. Small bodies also the origin and evolution of the entire inner Solar Sys- experience a myriad of processes, providing numerous tem. natural science laboratories to gain knowledge into the We are only beginning to study Jupiter’s Trojan as- evolution of the Solar System. The high priority scien- teroids. They are highlighted as a New Frontiers mis- tific objectives identified by SBAG are to understand sion target in the most recent Decadal Survey, with a the census and architecture of small bodies in the Solar history waiting to be deciphered. System, to study small bodies to understand the origin Meteorite investigations have led to dramatic in- of the Solar System and the dynamical evolution of the creases in our understanding of the nature and timing Solar System, to understand the evolution of small bod- of accretion and differentiation of small bodies within ies’ surfaces and interiors, and the relationship to other the early Solar System. Future analytical advances and events and processes in the Solar System, and to de- the continued discovery of rare meteorite types will termine the source, amount, and evolution of volatiles lead to new insights during the next 35 years. The within small bodies in the Solar System. There are nu- study of more asteroids (both in situ and via sample merous ways in which the science related to small bod- return) will lead to more specific constraints for Earth- ies is likely to advance. based laboratory studies of meteorites. We are likely to achieve much greater knowledge Planetary defense: Some small bodies have orbits of the population of TNOs and the Oort Cloud (which that approach and intersect Earth’s orbit, and thus have should become accessible at least to telescopic obser- the potential to impact Earth, possibly with damaging Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop 2017 (LPI Contrib. No. 1989) 8041.pdf consequences to humankind. Planetary defense refers The techniques that will make it possible to identify to the combined activities undertaken to understand the hazardous NEOs for planetary defense purposes will hazards posed by near-Earth objects impacting our also vastly increase the number of known NEOs that planet and develop strategies for avoiding impacts or are potential exploration targets for humans. This is managing their aftermath. In 2005, Congress directed because many of the most hazardous NEOs occupy NASA to detect 90% of all near-Earth objects (NEOs) rather Earth-like orbits, which also makes them the larger than 140 m in diameter by 2020 [2]. Current most accessible objects outside the Earth-Moon sys- surveys are inadequate for achieving this goal, even by tem. NASA monitors the accessibility of the NEAs via 2050. But, a combination of space-based and next- the automated Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight generation ground-based systems could complete the Accessible Targets Study (NHATS) system. At the survey well before 2030, as well as increase the num- time of this writing, 1,894 of the known NEAs have ber of detected NEOs of all sizes by more than an order been identified by the NHATS system as being more of magnitude. Several multi-meter objects are likely to round-trip accessible than Mars, and 70 are more be found days before impacting Earth. Although prob- round-trip accessible than low lunar orbit. ably too small to be hazardous, observing these objects Missions like Hayabusa, Hayabusa-2, OSIRIS-REx, as they impact, and possibly collecting resulting mete- and Rosetta are spending more and more time working orites, will provide unique opportunities to study aster- and taking measurements in the vicinity of asteroids oid strengths and link asteroid classes with meteorite and comets. As a result, we are learning, and will con- physical properties. tinue to learn, about the physics of operations in the In order to develop robust mitigation approaches to vicinity of small bodies. Large increases in knowledge address potential impactor threats, it will be important are likely to occur when humans are actually present. to validate these techniques through demonstration Although SBAG’s human exploration objectives are missions. It is likely that we will launch a Kinetic Im- tied to closing the existing Strategic Knowledge Gaps, pactor demonstration mission in order to assess the there is much intrinsic science about small body envi- importance of ejecta in the momentum transfer of the ronments that astronauts will uncover. mission. Deflection demonstrations of other tech- Phobos and Deimos are easier to access with a niques, such as gravity tractor, ion beam deflection, crewed spacecraft than the surface of Mars, and lack and laser ablation would be appropriate to ensure ro- the planetary protection issues posed by Mars, so they bust operations during an actual emergency scenario. are likely to play key roles in the human exploration of Enabling human exploration: The accessibility of Mars, either for precursor missions or as outposts for NEOs, and in particular, near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), teleoperated activities on the Martian surface. presents opportunities to enable human exploration of At present, exploration missions rely on bringing our Solar System, and the Martian moons represent all needed supplies, from fuel to shielding to building natural outposts in the Mars system. NEAs may contain materials (for space stations) to food (for crewed mis- resources, such as water, that human explorers could sions). There are NEOs that can probably satisfy many utilize, thereby enabling exploration missions that of these needs, and there are now private companies would otherwise require the launch of significantly with the stated goal of mining asteroids. If any of these more material from Earth. In this context, NEAs are companies are successful, it will not only revolutionize inner Solar System destinations in their own right, as travel beyond Earth orbit (for both crewed and robotic well as a proving ground at which we can learn vital spacecraft), but there are also a host of scientifically lessons pertinent to the extension of human exploration interesting properties about the structure and interiors capabilities to more distant destinations.
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