CCAADD DDaattaa EExxcchhaannggee 2255..335533 LLeeccttuurree SSeerriieess PPrrooff.. GGaarryy WWaanngg Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering The University of Manitoba 1 BBaacckkggrroouunndd Fundamental incompatibilities among entity representations Complexity of CAD/CAM systems CAD interoperability issues and problems cost automotive companies a combined $1 billion per year (Brunnermeier & Martin, 1999). 2 BBaacckkggrroouunndd (cont’d) Intra-company CAD interoperability Concurrent engineering and lean manufacturing philosophies focus on the reduction of manufacturing costs through the outsourcing of components (National Research Council, 2000). 3 IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo bbee EExxcchhaannggeedd Shape data: both geometric and topological information Non-shape data: graphics data Design data: mass property and finite element mesh data Manufacturing data: NC tool paths, tolerancing, process planning, tool design, and bill of materials (BOM). 4 IInntteerrooppeerraabbiilliittyy MMeetthhooddss Standardized CAD package Standardized Modeling Kernel Point-to-Point Translation: e.g. a Pro/ENGINEER model to a CATIA model. Neutral CAD Format: e.g. IGES (Shape-Based Format ) and STEP (Product Data-Based Format) Object-Linking Technology: Use Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology to share model data 5 IInntteerrooppeerraabbiilliittyy MMeetthhooddss (Ibrahim Zeid, 1990) 6 CCAADD MMooddeelliinngg KKeerrnneellss Company/Application ACIS Parasolid Proprietary Autodesk/AutoCAD X CADKey Corp/CADKEY X Dassault Systems/CATIA v5 X IMS/TurboCAD X Parametric Technology Corp. / X Pro/ENGINEER SDRC / I-DEAS X SolidWorks Corp. / SolidWorks X Think3 / Thinkdesign X UGS / Unigraphics X Unigraphics / Solid Edge X Visionary Design System / IronCAD X X (Dr. David Kelly 2003) 7 CCAADD MMooddeelliinngg KKeerrnneellss (cond’t) Parent Subsidiary Modeling Product Company Kernel Parametric Granite v2 (B- Pro/ENGINEER Technology rep based) Corporation (PTC) (www.ptc.com) Dassault Proprietary CATIA v5 Systems SolidWorks Corp. (www.3ds.com) SolidWorks (Parasolid based) Spatial Technology ACIS (B-rep ACIS Modeler R12 Corporation based) Electronics Data UGS PLM Solutions Parasolid (B- Unigraphics (Parasolid based) Systems rep based) Corporation Solid Edge (Parasolid based) (EDS) Structural Dynamics (www.eds.com) Proprietary I-DEAS Research Corporation (SDRC) 8 Format Description Ext. PTC® *.prt PTC Pro/ENGINEER parts and assembly files. Pro/ENGINEER™ *.asm Autodesk® DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) drawing files *.dxf DXF format Autodesk DWG drawing and models from Autodesk products and compatible CAD systems. *.dwg DWG format Dassault Systems® CATIA V5 R10 part files and assemblies. *.catpart, *.catproduct CATIA® V5 *.sldprt Dassault Systems SolidWorks parts, assemblies, drawings and sheet metal models. *.sldasm SolidWorks® *.slddrw SAT files generated by Spatial Technologies® ACIS as exported by Autodesk AutoCAD, ACIS® SAT *.sat CADKEY®, IRONCAD®, Vellum Solids™, and several others CAD systems. *.idi EDS® I-DEAS Web Access files including assemblies. *.idz I-DEAS® *.mca *.igs IGES 2D & 3D (Initial Graphics Exchange Specifications) All IGES 2D & 3D entities. *.iges EDS Parasolid solids from Unigraphics parts and assemblies. *.prt Unigraphics® *.par EDS *.asm Solid Edge parts, sheet metal, assemblies and drawings. Solid Edge® *.psm *.dft EDS Parasolid X_T files as exported by Unigraphics, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, PTC *.x_t Parasolid® Pro/DESKTOP™, and several other CAD/CAM systems. *.xmt_txt *.stp STEP STEP files compliant with AP203 and AP214. *.step 9 PPaarraassoolliidd In 2002, eight of the top 10 vendors are Parasolid licensees and seven of the top 10 use Parasolid for solid modeling. Parasolid is selected for modeling capabilities by a margin of 6:1 over its closest rival by the top 25 CAM vendors Unigraphics NX (UGS PLM Solutions), Mastercam (CNC Software), GibbsCAM (Gibbs and Associates), EdgeCAM (Pathtrace), SURFCAM (Surfware), VISI-Series (Vero International) and ESPRIT (DP Technology). (NC Software and Related Services Market Assessment, May 2003, CIMdata) AACCIISS Low-end 2D CAD market 10 IIGGEESS (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Developed by Boeing, GE, and National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1980. CAD-to-CAD exchange: for both shape and non- shape data (no design and manuf. Data) 11 Flag section (optional) Start section Global section Number of significant digits Model space scale Model units Minimum resolution and maximum coordinate values Directory Entry (DE) Line font, layer number Transformation matrix Line weight, and color Parameter Data (PD) Data defining each entity Terminate section 12 SSTTEEPP (Standard for the Transfer and Exchange of Product Model Data) Proposed in 1984 by ISO To exchange all four types of data PPDDEESS (Product Data Exchange using STEP) Initiated in 1983 and named as Product Data Exchange Standard by U. S. Similar to STEP Includes all four types of data which is relevant to the entire life-cycle of a product: design, analysis, manufacturing, quality assurance, testing, support, etc. 13 DDuummbb SSoolliiddss No transferred information about how parts were created - Experience with AutoCAD and Pro/E - Project on data transfer in 2000 (Unigraphics, Pro/E, SolidWorks, and Mechanical Desktop) 14 RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn - Stick with one major CAD/CAE/CAM tool - Minimize data exchange between tools - Plan the data exchange ahead (buy the module, or a third-party tool) - Check with your supplier and customers to ensure compatibility 15 Quick Questions • Given IGES and STEP, exchange info between CAD tools becomes seamless. • STEP transfers design and manufacturing data and IGES does not do that. • ACIS and Parasolid are two widely used CAD geometric kernels. • Pro/Engineer is based on Parasolid kernel. • ACIS is mostly used in low-end CAD tools. • It is recommended to use high-end CAD tool in your company and low-end tools for your suppliers. 16.
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