San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1950 Special Libraries, 1950s 1-1-1950 Special Libraries, January 1950 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1950 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1950" (1950). Special Libraries, 1950. 1. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1950/1 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1950s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1950 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BLETCHER- ANCHORS CO. Printers and Publishers FIFTHFLOOR . REA BUILDING 704 SECOND AVENUE PITTSBURGH 19, PA. Library Furniture Available Now! Sectional and Solid Card Cata- log Cabinets -Book Trucks - Displayers -Stools -Trays. Sectional Cabinet composed of - Quarter sawed oak in light and TOP dark finish only. 5-Drawer Section Sliding Shelf Expertly made and beautifully 15-Drawer Section finished to give years of service! Leg Baae Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements Needed for Daily Reference AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - VOLUME I By DONALDE. H. FREAR This great reference includes all up-to-date developments. 902 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $9.00 DATA BOOK ON HYDROCARBONS By J. B. MAXWELL The manual of the Esso Engineering Department of the Standard Oil Development Company. 270 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $5.00 PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTALS AND ULTRASONICS (Bell Telephone Laboratories Series) By WARRENP. MASON A detailed account of the production and use of natural and synthetic crystals in communication engineering. 410 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $7.50 RADAR SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS (Bell Telephone Laboratories Series) BY THE STAFFOF THE BELL TELEPHONELABORATORIES A complete, authoritative book on radar. 1020 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $7.50 THEORY AND DESIGN OF ELECTRON BEAMS (Bell Telephone Laboratories Series) By JOHNR. PIERCE Full details of new scientific and industrial developments. 208 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $3.50 MATHEMATICS DICTIONARY By GLENNJAMES AND ROBERTC. JAMES Covering every term in all branches of mathematics. 432 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $7.50 RADIOACTIVE TRACER TECHNIQUES By GEORGEK. SCHWEITZERAND IRAB. WHITNEY Simple, explicit directions for the present-day uses in medicine and industry. - 186 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $3.25 INFRARED DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC STRUCTURE By HARRISONM. RANDILL,RICHARD G. FOWLER,NELSON FUSON, AND ROBERTDANGL Complete theory and practice, with spectrographic charts of hundreds of compounds. 237 Pages, Fully Illustrated, Durable Binding, $10.00 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Inc. 250 Fourth Avenue New York 3, N. Y. Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements Special Libraries OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Editor ALMA CLARVOEMITCHILL I CONTENTS Editorial Assistant I I MRS.WINIFRED YORK FORWOOD Advertising Manager MRS.KATHLEEN B. STEBRINS From Our President's Desk, Ruth Hooker 5 SLA OFFICERS. 1949-1950 11 MRS.RUTH HOOKER, President I Talk of Many Things, Ruth Savord . 6 Naval Research Laboratory Washington 25, D. C. Principles to be Considered in Planning and Operating a Functional Technical MRS. ELIZABETHW. OWENS, First Vice President and Reference Library, Juanita H. Hufford 9 Presiden t-Elect !I Mercantile-Commerce Bank & How to Tell Your Story to Management, William S. Barber .......14 Trust Co., St. Louis 1, Mo. I BEATRICEV. SIMON, 11 Personnelisms, Robert C. Sale .... 20 Second Vice President I / Redpath Library, McGill SLA Chapter Highlights ....... 24 University, ! i Montreal, Canada // SLA Group Highlights . 24 DAVIDKESSLER, Treasurer General Motors Corporation SLA Membership Committee 1949-1950 . 25 Detroit 2, Michigan 1 Convention Notes .........26 MRS. KATHLEENB. STEBBINS,11 Secretary Off the Press ..........26 31 East Tenth Street 11 New York 3, N. Y. Have You Heard .........32 ROSE L. VORMELKER, Immediate Past President Business Information Bureau Cleveland Public Library Cleveland 14, Ohio Indexed in Industrial Arts, Public Mairs ii Information Service, and Library Literature 1 The articles which appear in SPECIALLIBRA- RIES express the views of the authors, and do DIRECTORS not necessarily represent the opinion or the PAULGAY, policy of the editorial staff and publisher. Biddle Law Library I - I University of Pennsylvania s1'E:CIBL LIBRARIES publirhed monthly September to April. Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania with bi-monthly issues May to August, by The Special Libraries .issociation. Publication Offlce, Rea Building, 704 Second An. MARGARETHATCH Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Address all communications for publication Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. to editorial offlces at 31 East Tenth Street, New Yo* 3, N. Y. San Francisco 20, California I Subscription price : $7.00 a rear ; foreign $7.60 ; single copies, 76 cents. Entered a8 second-clam matter February 5. 1917, at ESTELLEBRODMAN / the Port Ofice at Pittsburgh, Pemaylvan<a, under the dot of I Xarch 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rats of postage U. S. Army Medical Library provided jw in the Act of February 28, l9t5, outhwieed Febru- Washington 25, D. C. 11 ary 5, 1947. RECOMMEND THESE BOOKS TO YOUR COMPANY EXECUTIVES JANUARY THE SCIENTIFIC APPRAISAL OF MANAGEMENT A Study of the Business Practices of Well-Managed Companies By JACKSON MARTINDELL,President, American Institute of Management What makes the difference between success and failure in business man- agement? To answer that vital question and to provide a scientific method for gauging the strength of any corporate organization is the purpose of this book. It is based on an analysis of a variety of notably well run companies, in which each important phase of the management function is carefully scrutinized. Written out of the author's wide experience in management analysis and ap- praisal, the book supplies a working guide and tool for the use of top manage- ment executives and business investors on ways to size up the investment value and management effectiveness of individual corporations. $3.50 PROBLEMS IN PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION By RICHARDP. CALHOON,Professor of Personnel Administration, University of North Carolina This volume constitutes a unique contribution to the descriptive literature of personnel. From a critical evaluation of the current personnel views of more than 500 personnel administrators, the author provides a detailed appraisal of up-to-date personnel procedure. Emphasis is on problem analysis, problem handling, and the personal relationships in personnel administration. Here is information that will be of great practical value for all personnel workers, as well as for executives responsible for shaping broad policy. $5.50 CONFERENCE METHODS IN INDUSTRY A Practical Handbook of Basic Theory of Group Thinking and Tested Applications to Industrial Situations By HENRYM. BUSCH, Cleveland College of Western Reserve University "This handbook should be in the hands of all industrial executives."-PAUL L. FEISS,Chairman, The Joseph & Feiss Company. "The conference methods explained in this book have been followed by the management group of our company with distinct success."--R. A. OHMANN,Industrial Relations Dept., The Standard Oil Company (Ohio). $1.50 BOTTOM-UP MANAGEMENT People Working Together By WILLIAMB. GIVEN,JR., President, American Brake Shoe Company ". a management 'Way of Life' that no executive can afford to leave unstudied and unabsorbed."-LA~RENCE A. APPLEY, President, American Management Association. $2.50 ATYOURBOOKSTOREORFROM HARPER & BROTHERS 49 East 33rd st. N~WYork 16, N. Y. r-w-2 Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements From Our President's Desk N LINE WITH A RECENT REQUEST to benefit. Such cooperation would more I discuss SLA activities in the forma- than compensate any organization for tive stage, I want to mention this month the slight amount of time and money some of the work performed by one of involved. Full development and use of our newest committees, the Translation such a pool will help to prevent dupli- Committee. This Committee has existed cation of translations which in turn will for some time in the Science-Tech- allow the total translating skills in the nology Group and, at the request of the country to be used to greater advan- chairman of that Group, was made an tage. Some not-too-immediate plans are Association committee last June. also being considered for publishing a The Translation Committee has two list of the translations now in the Pool functions: with provisions for future supplements. (1) To establish and service a Pool of The Directory of Translators is a Translations. card file listing translators and includ- (2) To establish and service a Directory ing information about their language of Translators. The Pool of Translations consists of and subject specialties. The possibility a collection of copies of translations, of cooperation with Aslib, which has a primarily from periodical literature, and similar directory service, is being ex- available on loan or by photoduplica- plored. To facilitate the use of this Di- tion. It not
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