The Jewish Star Serving the Orthodox communities of the South Shore VOL. 7, NO. 9 FEBRUARY 29, 2008 | 23 ADAR I 5768 SOSUA: A DOMINICAN HAVEN MAKING A MONTAGE Museum exhibit explores refugee experience Your guide to creating the perfect slide show Page 3 Special Issue Page 10 IN MY VIEW No deal on ban Blue Fringe Rabbonim and producer fail to reach Human Jewish band’s music appeals agreement on ‘Big Event’ at MSG to wide audiences BY MAYER FERTIG assistance organization Nechomas Yisroel, apparently problems set out to shut Schmelzer Producer Sheya Mend- lowitz was hoping Tuesday down. He convinced nearly afternoon to get the final go- three dozen rabbonim, ahead to resurrect his “Big including some of America’s Event” concert, scheduled for most revered contemporary It’s only a Jewish problem March 9 at Madison Square Charedi leaders, that if it’s ignored Garden but, at the last Schmelzer should be reined minute, talks fell apart and in. the concert was cancelled. In a statement, Schmelz- The final details of the er said he has decided to dis- continue performing any BY RABBI YAKOV HOROWITZ agreement were being ham- mered out Tuesday afternoon. music of non-Jewish origin. In keeping Schmelzer off ognitive dissonance: “The uncomfort- Minutes before The Jewish the stage, Friedman appeared able tension that may result from hav- Star went to press Mendlowitz to have met his primary goal. ing two conflicting thoughts (cogni- said it was over. On Monday someone C tion) at the same time ...that conflicts A deal would have with direct knowledge of the with one’s beliefs (dissonance is defined as capped a week of talks situation described Friedman, ‘lack of agreement, consistency, or harmo- between Mendlowitz and who is not a rabbi, as “a kanoi ny’)... In popular usage, it can be associated BY YAFFI SPODEK ish orthodox weddings is to feature Blue Fringe’s many of the 33 rabbonim [zealot] and a loose cannon” with the tendency for people to resist infor- songs as background music. One is “Eishet Chay- who, last week, issued a kol who aligned himself with mation that they don’t want to think about, The Backstage club in Woodmere was rock- il,” which Blue Fringe composed as an original korei –– as a rabbinical pro- [others] who have an ax to because if they did it would create cognitive ing when Blue Fringe performed there for fans on melody with English lyrics and combined it with nouncement is known in the grind “with Lipa and the Jew- dissonance. They Motza’ei Shabbat and Sunday. But the band’s the chorus of a well-known traditional tune of the Charedi world –– to prevent ish music industry.” usually have at music resonates far beyond the Five Towns, since Friday night song. The second song is the band’s popular Chassidic singer Lipa Contacted by The Jew- least partial aware- their songs can now be heard on Continental air- own version of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Schmelzer from performing. ish Star for comment, Fried- ness of the informa- lines and will soon debut on national television. “V’shamru,” which Rosenblatt described as being Critics apparently disap- man said he would first have tion, without hav- “Two songs from our newest CD, ‘The Whole “a little more Death Cab for Cutie than Car- prove of his humorous on- to consult his Da’as Torah. A ing moved to full World Lit Up,’ will be played on Current, Al Gore’s lebach.” stage antics and the non-Jew- short time later he called back acceptance of it, cable TV channel,” disclosed guitarist Dov Rosen- Death Cab for Cutie is just one of many ish musical influences incor- to say, “The gedolei yisroel and are thus in a blatt, the group’s lead singer and composer. porated in his act. One Brook- don’t want that issue [to be state of denial In March, a segment on Current about Jew- See BLUE FRINGE, Page 10 lyn man, Asher Friedman, who also heads the tuition “It took a few about it” (Encyclo- See BANNED, Page 6 pedia Britannica). deaths of frum In the late kids from drug 1990s, shortly after I began writing and overdoses for lecturing about the topic of at-risk Shidduch Community our community teens, a colleague to get their informed me that Orthodox kids were hearts in sync selling significant lecture short concert notes quantities of drugs with the facts.” to other frum chil- Courtesy NYPD dren. Here’s basical- many benefits Mothers meet Tatiana Timoshenko (left) poses with her son’s ly the way it on solutions portrait, painted by artist Jodi Reznik (right). worked: if you were Musical event to raise money an adult or teen Mixed-seating weddings, who wanted to purchase drugs, you would for Zev’s Fund Art as consolation go to designated pay phones in the Boro mingling encouraged BY MIKE CAPUTO Orthodox artist reaches out Park/Flatbush sections of Brooklyn and pre- BY YAFFI SPODEK tend to make a phone call. Then, using pre- Debra Shershow and Gary Schall never to mother of slain officer arranged signals, you would indicate the type The shidduch crisis is a serious issue that our met Zev Wolff, a cancer-stricken boy from of the drug you wanted to buy. For example, BY MAYER FERTIG born in Belarus, arrived in the community is not willing to deal with, said Dr. Woodmere. Yet, both collaborated to orga- U.S. in the early 1990s, when placing a hand in your left pocket meant that nize an upcoming benefit concert for Wolff, Michael J. Salamon, addressing hundreds of people After New York City Police he was 9. He had been on the you wanted to purchase ecstasy pills, while a to fund research to help find a treatment for at the Young Israel of Woodmere on Monday night. Officer Russel Timoshenko was job just 18 months when he hand in your right pocket signaled that you the disease he has fought for the last two However, he offered no practical advice about how to murdered last summer, artist was shot twice in the face on were looking for marijuana. Then, after you years. solve the problem that is plaguing the community. Jodi Reznik couldn’t get the July 9, 2007 during a routine would flash hand signals informing the push- In the School District 15 community, “As a community, we’re not doing enough to 23-year- old out of her mind. traffic stop in Crown Heights. er of the exact quantity you requested, some- sometimes marked by differing educational help singles,” confirmed Rookie Billet, Rebbitzen of “I kept seeing his face,” He died five days later. one would approach you and close the deal. opinions, the concert at Lawrence High the shul, who was the second speaker of the evening. she said. So she decided to The painting hung in After verifying from several sources that School on Sunday, March 2, is expected to “I don’t have the answers...we all need to pray paint him. Reznik’s workshop, next door the ‘intel’ was correct, my colleague was reap benefits beyond its philanthropic mis- and put in our hishtadlut,” she recommended. “It was just the only way I to a barber frequented by faced with a dilemma: what to do with the sion. Dr. Salamon is the founder and director of the could deal with this beautiful police officers who kept asking information? After all, by going to the “It takes children to bring people Adult Developmental Center, Inc., a psychological young boy’s murder,” Reznik about it. Finally, she decided to authorities, he would be committing mesir- together,” said Shershow, who referred to consulting practice in Hewlett, N.Y., and the author of said. give the painting to the young ah, turning fellow Jews in to the police. Addi- members of both the public and private “The Shidduch Crisis: Causes and Cures,” a book She downloaded his officer’s mother, Tatiana. tionally, we were raised to avoid anything school communities. which attempts to explore the problems that exist photo from the Internet –– a “I wanted to communicate that might cause a chilul Hashem –– and Shershow, a music enthusiast from Far with dating and matchmaking in the orthodox com- thumbnail of him in his uni- in some way and art really having observant boys arrested for drug Rockaway, and Schall, Lawrence High munity. In the lecture, he cited rising divorce rates as form. bridges all cultures and all lan- School’s music director, recently met by See VIEW, Page 5 proof that people are getting married for the wrong “He just looked so hand- guages,” she explained. chance in a local music store. When Schall reasons, choosing spouses based on availability rather some, so young and so fresh. Police Commissioner Ray told Shershow about the concert, she felt Rabbi Yakov Horowitz is the founder and than compatibility. People also make these decisions I’m a mother. I have five kids. I Kelly’s office arranged for the based on the unrealistic and superficial criteria found two women to meet in the Menahel of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of See COMMUNITY, Page 6 have a son-in-law about his Monsey, and founder and Director of Agu- on the ubiquitous “checklist” of so-called qualifica- age. It was a catharsis for me.” office of Chief Joseph Fox, dath Israel's Project Y.E.S. See SHIDDUCH, Page 6 Timoshenko, who was See ART, Page 6 Opinion .................................................................................4 Sports ...................................................................................8 Candlelighting: 5:27 p.m. ■ Shabbat ends: 6:28 p.m.
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