2612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 26 move that, pursuant to the order pre­ ·. As a very new Member of Congress, I But there is another imperative at viously entered, the Senate stand in ad­ certainly do not presume to tell the Presi­ work, namely, justice. journment until tomorrow. dent how to run his job. I .do not pre­ What· is the rule for them must be the Mr. President, I so move. tend to be a great expert in foreign pol­ rule for Israel, .until such time as there The motion was agreed to; and Cat 8 icy. I am seeking to learn the duties of is eqU'al justice for all. o'clock and 6 minutes p. m.) the Senate being a Member of Congress and I am Therefore, Americans oppose sanctions adjourned, the adfournment being, unde~ trying hard to become familiar with the against Israel. the order previously entered, until to­ operation of our Government generally. We realize that Israel must witnuraw morrow, Wednesday, February 27, 1957, I admit I have much to leairn. from Egypt, but, in return, must have at 12 o'clock meridian. Nevertheless, I should think by now it genuine guaranties that Egypt will not would be obvious to anyone in our Gov-. interfere with the passage of Israeli ship­ ernment, and particularly anyone as­ ping through the Suez Canal and NOMINATION .signed to responsible duties in connection through the Gulf of Aqaba. Executive nomination received by the with foreign policy, that before attempt­ Whatever formula is negotiated to Senate February 26, 1957: ing to settle this far-reaching crisis in achieve these ends, as a preliminary to settlement of the tensions in this area, . DEP_ARTMENT OF. THE INTERIOR the-Middle East on the basis of what we hope Nasser might be willing to do, that will be acceptable to the American people Olin Hatfield Chilson, of Color~~o. to be provided that no sanctions are brought to Under Secretary of the Interior, vice Clarence we make sure we know his real inten­ A. Davis, resigned. · tions. bear against Israel. · Much of the difficulty in getting Israel Otherwise, our Government will ignore I I ..... •• out of the areas the U. N. says Israel the majority opinion of its own people, should evacuate is based on the plain fact leading to a loss of confidence in its con­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that Nasser has agreed to and then re­ duct of foreign policy. pudiated a series of understandings There must be no sanctions against TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 which turned out to be insincere, .or at Israel. least turned out to be misunderstandings. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. As long ~s we let policy be set that way, MARY ANN BARTHOLOMAY-SHE The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, any peace will be built on Egyptian sand. D. D., ofi'ered the fallowing prayer: COOKED THE BEST CHERRY PIE IN AMERICA Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this new day. May we THE UNITED NATIONS AND EGYPT Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I ask i·ejoice and be glad in it. Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ unanimous consent to address the House We gratefully acknowledge that always mous consent to address the House for for 1 minute and to revise and extend and everywhere Thou art ministering 1 minute and to revise and extend my my remarks. unto our many needs, ·sustaining and remarks. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to supporting us in our weakness and re­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New straining and guiding us in our strength. the request of the gentleman from York? · Hear us in our prayers of intercession Massachusetts? · There was no objection. for all who are the victims of difficult There was no objection. Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I am and .tragic circumstances. Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, the Ameri­ pleased and honored to announce that · Help us to cultivate a .nobler skill in can conscience is· uneasy, as ·it views . America's best cherry pie baker is in the art of brotherly living, and may our our Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde foreign Washington today. She is Mary Ann minds and hearts sense the high value policy. Bartholomay, of Henrietta, N. Y., a resi­ and eternal worth of all human souls. No word of criticism for Egypt which dent of my Congressional district. Grant that we may hasten the coming still stands in contempt of a U. N. reso­ After capturing State and regional of that glorious day of prediction when lution, but righteous indignation and awards, Mary Ann just the other day every need shall be supplied. · threats of sanctions against Israel under was chosen the winner of the National In.Christ's name we bring our petition. similar circumstances. Cherry Pie Baking Contest in Chicago. Amen. How to reconcile these opposites? She won out over representatives of every other State, Canada, Alaska, and The Journal of the proceedings of It just cannot be done without treating both alike.· Hawaii. It is a high honor, and from all yesterday was read and approved. Is the leadership we contribute to the reports, a well-deserved one. United Nations to be based on military · Mary Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bartholomay. She is 17 and BUILDING ON SAND assistance and economic aid, accom­ panied by secret diplomacy that is as a senior at ~ush-Henrietta High School, Mrs. GRANAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask variable as the wind? where she is preparing to become a home unanimous consent to address the House This does not satisfy Americans. economics major in college. Besides her for 1 minute. Diplomats must never forget that the cooking proclivities, she has been ex­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to conduct of foreign policy cannot be tremely active in 4-H work, with the the request of the gentlewoman from alienated .from public opinion here in the Youth Fellowship and the junior board Pennsylvania? United States. · · o.Z the Henrietta Civic Center. There was no objection. Our people are known for their sense She _is in Washington today, accom­ Mrs. GRANAHAN. Mr. Speaker, of fair play. panied by Miss Jane L. Merry, 4-H Club throughout· the long period of negotia­ They do not believe in the doctrine of .agent for Monroe County, to present one tions, conferences, statements, speeches, expediency, whereby a small nation is of her famous.pies to a representative of announcements and proposed deals for pressed to the limit, while a larger na­ President Eisenhower. I am sure the achieving peace in the Middle East, many tion, guilty of brutal aggression, goes un­ President will be most appreciative of of us have been impressed by the hope­ punished. this tasty gift. lessness of building something durable The United Nations can never COJll­ Mr. Speaker, Mary Ann Bartholomay on sand. mand the confidence and support of proves a point I have long contended­ Much of our Government's approach mankind, unless it establishes a consist­ that the best cooks in America come and many of the proposals put forward ent policy. And for that, in the present from the 38th Congressional District of by Secretary Dulles have apparently state of the world, it must depend upon New York. I am therefore not surprised been based entirely on an assumption of just leadership on the part of the United that this award has come to a resident of good faith and an assumption of coopera­ States. that area, but I do want to extend my tion from Egypt's Nasser. There must be no sanctions against heartiest congratulations to this queen Isn't that attempting to build on sand? Israel unless similar sanctions are in­ of cherry pies. I wish her many more Hasn't the Egyptian dictator shown that voked against Egypt, Communist Russia, years of happiness and success in cook­ any arrangement he enters into is only and India. ing and in life. at best a temporary policy which he will Obviously all this cannot be done on I am also proud to announce that west­ repudiate at will? the basis of votes and vetoes. ern New York's far-famed cherry indus- 1.957 . ·- CONGRESSIONA~ .RECORD.- HOUSE 2613 try received recognition recently when 16. FRANK T. Bow. · Mr: Chairman, we have with us -again· H. B. <Pete) Pearson, president of the . 17. J. HARRY. MCGR.EGOK. today the appropriation bill for the De­ Alton Canning Co., was elected president 22. FRANCES P. BOLTON: R. -- 23. WILLIAM E. MINSHALL". partment of the Interior, H. 5189. of the National . Cherry. Institute. Mr~ The budget request submitted this year Pearson is from Sodus, N. Y., which is, for 1958 was in the amount of $515,189,­ I believe the largest cherry~ growing town­ 'PUERTO RICO '700. The appropriation for 1957 was ship in Wayne County of my district, $458,135,000. The committee recom­ which is the largest cherry county in New Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I mends $454,395,700 for 1958, $3,739,300 York State. His elevation to this office ask unanimous consent to address the below the bill last year and $60,794,000 comes as fitting recognitfon for his out­ House for 1 minute and to revise and below the budget request. standing contributions to the cherry extend my remarks. I have always made the statem.ent industry. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to when I have spoken on this bill that, the request of the gentleman from Mas­ if I had my way,_the bill would be for sachusetts? $1 billion or $2 billion.
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