Imtxmen¡M Mh K]Vxxnbpss \Ndhnр

Imtxmen¡M Mh K]Vxxnbpss \Ndhnр

Not for Sale / Private Circulation only. “Bringing Souls to Glory” September 2016 Vol.5 Issue.6 t¥mdnb \yqkv k]vXXn hntijm ]Xn¸v September 2016 4 /glorianewsindia Xn hntijm ] ]vX Xn¸ GLORIA NEWS k v SAPTHATHI GREETINGS TO THE PRIMATE sF-Iyw Zu-Xy \nÀ-Æ-l-W-¯n-eq-sS _n-j-¸v tXm-a-kv km-ap-h k-`-bp-sS B-tKm-fo-I-c- Iq-«m-bv-a-bp-a-Ã. k-ss`-Iyw NÀ-¨ sN-bv-Xp Xo-cp-am- OF THE MALANKARA CHURCH Ww h-f-sc ap-¼p-X-s¶ \n-t¡-ï H-¶-Ã. tem-I-¯n-sâ C-¶-s¯ km-l-N- Dr.Yakob Mar irenios Metropolitan kw-`-hn-¨-Xm-Wv. ss{I-kv- cy-¯n k-`-bp-sS \n-e-\nÂ-¸n-\p-th-ïn-bp-Å H-cp X-h a-X-¯n tN-cm-¯ X-{´-hp-a-Ã. {In-kv-Xp-hn-sâ i-co-c-am-Ip-¶ k-`-bv-¡v Kunnamkulam has Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Paulos II, sitting on the cm-Py-§Ä `q-tem-I-¯v ssZ-hw \Â-In-b Zm-\-am-Wv. {In-kv-Xp-hn-sâ i-co-c-am- BIRTHDAY given birth to four dis Apostolic Throne of St Thomas. This Holy Father C-Ã. C-sXm-cp A-Ûp-Xw Ip-¶ k` H-¶m-Ip-¶-Xp-t]m-se ssZ-h P-\-hpw H-¶m- tinguished hierarchs was chosen by his predecessor, the late lamented X-s¶-bm-Wv F-¶v Im- Wv. k-`-I-fp-sS sFIyw F-¶-{]-tbm-Kw X-s¶ i-cn-b-Ã; in the Malankara Catholicos Didymos I. One special feature about âÀ-_-dn BÀ-¨v _n-j-¸v Im-c-Ww k-` H-¶p-X-s¶-bm-Wv. H-¶n-¨p-Å Ir-Xy-\nÀ- Orthodox Church. this hierarch is that he was elevated to this hn-eyw sS-¼nÄ hÀ-j- Æ-l-Ww sF-Iyw Iq-Sp-X i-àam-¡p-¶p. Hm-tcm- Three of them are position at a relatively early age when compared §Ä-¡v ap-¼v ]-d-ª- k-`-bp-tS-bpw ]m-c-¼-cy-hpw, \n-e-]m-Sp-I-fpw, hn-izm- renowned as the to a couple of his immediate predecessors. The tXmÀ-¡p-¶p. C-tX-t]m kml-N-cy§-fpw hy-Xy-Ø-am-sW-¦n-epw ]-¦p-tN-cm³ Primates in its rich experience, the Holy Father had gained as -se-bp-Å a-säm-cp A-Ûp- I-gn-bp-¶ ta-J-e-I-fn-se-Ãmw H-¶n-¨p-\nÂ-¡m³ I-gn- twenty century old X-am-Wv F-Iyp-sa-\n-¡Â b-Ww. Nn-e ta-J-e-I-fn kw-LÀ-jw D-ïm-hm-\p-Å an official of the MGOCSM, has enabled him to ImtXmen¡m _mh k]vXXnbpsS \ndhnð history. The first of understand and appreciate the young minds of the {]-Øm-\-¯n-sâ Xp-S-¡w. k-`-tb-bpw Zu-Xy-t¯- km-[y-X X-Ån-¡-f-bp-¶n-Ã. B-i-b-]-c-am-b ta-J-e- HmÀ-¯tUm-Iv-kv k-`-bp-sS ]-c-am-²y-£³ _-tk-en- tbm-Sp-Å kv-t\-l-hpw `-àn-bpw Im-¯p-kq-£n-¨p. hm-gn-¡-s¸-«p. B-tKm-f ss{I-kv-X-h-tem-I-s¯ t\- tbm-kv amÀ-t¯m-½m ]u-temkv Zzn-Xo-b³ Im-tXm H-cn-¡Â-t]m-epw ho-«n B-cpw tZ-jy-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv Xm-¡-sf k-µÀ-in-¡p-I-bpw A-`n-ap-Jw \-S-¯p-I-bpw these Church leaders Malankara Church in the 21 century. It is hoped that bpw c-ïm-bnIm-Wp-I A-km-[y-am-Wv. D-¯-cm-[p- bn am-{X-a-à {]m-tbm-Kn-I Po-hn-X km-l-N-cy-¯n was Ittoop Ramban \n-I Im-e-¯v H-cp k-`-bpw H-cp Zu-Xy-hpw F-¶ hn-izm-k-k-aq-l-¯n-sâ tbm-Pn-¸v {]-I-S-am-I-Ww. -en-¡m _m-h-bp-sS 70þmw P-·-Zn-\-¯n "k-]v-X-Xn' a-¡fm-b R-§Ä I-ïn-«n-Ã.'' (Po-hn-X Im-gv-N-IÄ). sN-bv-Xv B-tKm-f k-ss`-Iy {]-Øm-\-¯n-\p \Â-In- this unique aspect will possibly go a long way in hn-ti-jm ]-Xn-¸m-bn Cu e-¡w {]-kn-²o-I-cn-¡p- (later Joseph Mar Dionysius Pulikkottil I, who Nn-´ Iq-SpX {]-_-e-am-bn-cp-¶p. C-sXm-cp N-cn-{X A-\p-Xm-]-lr-Z-b-am-Wv D-ïm-tI-ï-Xv. X-½n X-½n ]-cn-ip-² _m-hm-þ-{]-[m-\ Po-hn-X \m-gn-I-¡-Ãp-IÄ s¡m-ïn-cn-¡p-¶ kw-`m-h-\-IÄ N-cn-{XXm-fp-I-fn illuminating his style of administration. The Church hm³ km-[n-¡p-¶-Xn Nm-cn-XmÀ-°yw D-ïv. B-tLm- \-à H-cp Po-hn-X-¯n-\p-Å A-Sn-¯-d `-h-\-¯n was a “Maharshi” in letter and spirit - a brilliant -{]-[m-\-am-b am-äw B-bn. ]p-Xp-]p-¯³ B-i-b- B-Z-cn-¡p-hm-\pw _-lp-am-\n-¡m-\pw DÄ-s¡m-Åm-\pw X-¦-en-]n-I-fm F-gp-X-s¸-Spw. 2012þ sI-bv-tdm-bn is steadily growing and expanding its boundaries §Ä cq-]-s¸-«-Xp-sIm-ï-à Cu amäw D-ïm-b-Xv. I-gn-b-Ww. tI-c-f-¯n-se k-`-IÄ-¡v A-Xn-\p-Å j-§Ä H-gn-hm-¡n-b ]. ]n-Xm-hv {]-kn-²o-I-c-Wm- \n-¶pw k-ao-]-s¯ B-cm-[-\m-e-b-¯n \n-¶pw example of the rare fusion of Yogi and Church h-¨v tIm-]v-än-Iv HmÀ-¯-tUm-Iv-kv k-`-bp-sS X-e-h³ across the globe. The challenge before the present A-e-k-am-b k-ln-jv-W-X-bp-am-bn-cp-¶n-à Im-c-Ww. BÀ-Ö-hw D-ï-¶m-Wv Rm³ I-cp-Xp-¶-Xv. k-]v-X-Xn \p-hm-Zw \Â-In-b-Xn ssZ-h-s¯ kv-Xp-Xn-¡p-¶p. _-Ôp-¡-fn \n-¶pw e-`n-¨p. Xr-iqÀ, skâ v tXm- leader. In fact the ancient idea of a Church ]. X-thm-t{Zm-kv c-ïm-a-sâ Øm-\mtcm-l-W-¯n-epw church leadership is to equip the faith community hn-`m-Ko-b-X-bn \n-¶pw ]qÀ-®-X-bn-te-¡pw sF- B-tLm-jn-¡p-¶ ]-cn-ip-² _m-hm-Xn-cp-ta-\n-bp-sS ]-tc-X-cm-b {io. sI.sF. sF-¸n-sâ-bpw Ip-ªn-än- a-kv tIm-f-Pn \n-¶pw _n-cp-Zm-\-´-c _n-cp-Z-hpw 2013þ F-tXym-]y³ leader, which has gone deep into the Nazrani to comprehend and appreciate the challenges in Iy-¯n-te-¡p-ap-Å Xo-{h-am-b B-{K-l-¯n-sâ ]qÀ k-ao-]-\w C-¯-cp-W-¯n {]-iw-k-\o-b-am-Wv. ZoÀ- bp-sS-bpw c-ïv a-¡-fn c-ïm-a-\m-bn Ip-¶wIp-f-¯v t\-Sn. tIm-«-bw ]-g-b sk-an-\m-cn-bn ]T-\w hn- psyche is that Church father has to be a sanyasi HmÀ-¯-tUm-Iv-kv k-`-bp-sS ]-c-am-²y-£³ ]. a-°ym- the modern world, and confront them intellectually -¯o-I-c-Wam-bn-cp-¶p Cu am-äw. F-Iyp-sa-\n-kw \nÀ- L-hÀ-j-§Ä B-bp-Êpw B-tcm-Ky-t¯m-Sp-an-cp-¶v IÀ-j-I Ip-Spw-_-¯n 1946 B-K-Ìv 30þmw Xo-b-Xn P-b-{]-Z-am-bn ]qÀ-¯n-bm-bn 1973þ I-Èo-im ]-«w par excellence, and a benign administrator and ]. ]n-Xm-hv P-\n-¨p. sI.sF. t]mÄ F-¶m-bn-cp-¶p kv ]m-{Xn-bÀ-¡o-kn-sâ Øm-\m-tcm-l-W¯n-epw and as guided by the Holy Spirit. hn-Im-c-hpw A-e-k-hp-am-b H-¯p-tN-c A-Ã. H-cp-an-¨v ssZ-h-Ir-]-bn B-{i-bn-¨v k-ss`-Iy {]-Øm-\-¯n-\v kzo-I-cn-¨p. 1984þ cq-]o-Ir-X-am-b Ip-¶w-Ip-fw guardian and defender of faith. Mar Dionysius {]-hÀ-¯n-¡p-hm-\p-Å H-cp \n-Ý-b-ZmÀ-Vyw A-Xn-sâ Iq-Sp-X i-àn-]-I-cp-hm³ kÀ-Æ-i-à-\m-b ssZ-hw _m-ey-Im-e t]-cv. _m-ey-Im-e-s¯-bpw am-Xm-]n-Xm- `-{Zm-k-\-¯n-sâ {]-Y-a sa-{Xmt¸m-eo-¯-bm-bn ]u- ap-Jym-Xn-Yn-bm-bn-cp-¶p. 2013 sk-]v-äw-_À 9þmw Xo- During his six year old reign, our Bava has was an “Ihidoyo” a solitary monk serving the ]n-¶n-ep-ïv. km-am-\y-a-cym-Z-bp-sS t]-cn-ep-Å k-lm-bn-¡-s«. ¡-sf-bpw kw-_-Ôn-¨v ]n-Xmhn-sâ X-s¶ `m-j-bnÂ; tem-kv amÀ an-en-¯n-tbm-kv F-¶ t]-cn 1985þ b-Xn Bw-¥n-¡³ k-`m B-Øm-\-am-b emw-_-¯v envisaged an appreciable interest in the integrity ]m-e-kn \-S-¶ F-Iyp-sa-\n-¡Â k-t½-f-\-¯n Church.

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