Hazrat Umme Ummaarahra Islam International Publications LTD. Umme Ummaarah ra Written by Nafisa Bashir Translated from Urdu into English by Hajra Ahmad First Published in the UK, 2016 © Islam International Publications Ltd. Published by Islam International Publications Ltd. (Additional Wakalat-e-Tasneef) Islamabad, Sheephatch Lane Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ, UK For further information please visit www.alislam.org. ISBN 978-1-84880-883-6 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface ..........................................................................v Hazrat Umme Ummaarahra .......................................... 1 Family Background ........................................................ 1 Marriages and Children ................................................ 2 Acceptance of Islam ....................................................... 2 Arrival of the Holy Prophet in Madinah ...................................................................... 4 The Holy Prophet’s Childhood Visit to Madinah ............................................................. 6 A Huge Privilege for the Najjaar Family .......................................................... 6 Preparing for the Battle of Uhud ................................. 7 Hazrat Umme Ummaarah’sra Role in the Battle of Uhud .................................................... 8 Courage of Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ............................................ 9 Aftermath of the Battle ................................................11 Unwavering Faith and a Mother’s Immense Sacrifice ........................................12 Hazrat Umme Ummaarah’sra Vow to Kill Musaylimah ..............................................13 The Battle of Yamama ..................................................13 A Mother’s Revenge .....................................................15 Wahshi Kills Musaylimah ...........................................16 Khalid Bin Waleed’sra Treatment of Hazrat Umme Ummaarahra ...................................16 Status of Hazrat Umme Ummaarah Among Companions ...................................................17 Devotion to the Holy Prophet ..................................18 Demise of Hazrat Umme Ummaarahra ........................................18 Study Questions ........................................................ 19 Glossary .................................................................... 21 Publisher’s Note ........................................................ 23 iv Preface The Holy Prophet saw was bestowed with extremely devoted, selfless and passionate companions. They assisted their Master Muhammad saw, defended him, protected him, followed him and above all loved him unconditionally. One such companion was Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra who became the symbol of bravery and heroism for the generations to come. The book,Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra, is an attempt to commemorate the life of one of the bravest ladies in Islam. Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra is known for protecting Prophet Muhammad saw in the Battle of Uhud and was immensely praised by the Holy Prophet saw for her unparalleled valour. She fought in all battles in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet saw. After his death she took part in the battle of Yamama against the false claimant of prophethood. May Allah raise her status in Heaven, Aameen. Several individuals have helped us in preparing this edition, including Uzma Ahmad, Noma Samee, Hajra Ahmad, Zeshan Ahmad, Roshan Ahmad, and Ayesha Noor. Finally, we appreciate the Research Cell in Rabwah, Pakistan for their work on verifying the book’s references. May Allah the Almighty reward them all for their efforts. Munir-ud-Din Shams Additional Wakeelut-Tasneef London, July 2016 Hazrat Umme Ummaarahra Hazrat Nusaibah ra, known as Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra, was a renowned female companion of the Holy Prophet saw. This is a tale of a heroic and devoted Muslim woman, whose courage is unmatched in the vast history of Islam. Family Background Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra was born in Madinah, around 40 years before hijrah, the migration of the Holy Prophet saw from Makkah to Madinah.1 She belonged to a respectable family in the Madinah tribe of Khizraj called Najjaar.2 The Holy Prophet saw was very attached to the Najjaar because his saw great-grandmother (Hazrat Abdul Muttalib ’s mother) belonged to this clan.3 1. Sahaabiyyaat by Niyaz Fathpoori p. 204 Nafees Academy Press, Karachi, 1967. 2. Sahaabiyyaat by Niyaz Fathpoori p. 204 Nafees Academy Press, Karachi, 1967. 3. Tadhkaar-e-Sahaabiyyaat by Talib al-Hashmi, ‘Hazrat Marriages and Children Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra first got married to her cousin, Zaid Bin Aasim, with whom she had two sons, Abdullah ra and Habeeb ra. After Zaid’s demise, she got remarried to Ghaziyyah Ibn Amr ra.4 This marriage resulted in two children, Tameem and Khaulah. Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra accepted Islam, at the time of her second marriage. Acceptance of Islam Around three months before Hijrah, Hazrat Mus‘ab Bin Umair ra travelled from Madinah to Makkah with a delegation of believers who wanted to accept Islam. Hazrat Ka‘b Bin Maalik ra narrates that it was the day afterEidul-Adha around Hajj time, when the delegation gathered in the narrow valley of Aqabah. In a majority male group, there were only two women present. One was Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra and the other was Asmaa’ Bint Amr ra. Hazrat Umme Ummaarah ra and her husband were one of the first people to enter Islam because they were a part of this delegation. Umm-e-Ummaarahra’ p. 390, Published by Al-Badr Publications, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore. 4. At-Tabqaatul-Kubraa by Ibn Sa‘d, vol. 8, p. 440, ‘And from among the Women of Bani an-Najaar: Umm-e-Ummaarah’, Daaru Ahyaa’it-Turath Press, Beirut, 1996. Al-Isaabah fi Tameezis-Sahaabah by Imam Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani, al-juz’uth-thaamin, p. 441, Ummu Ummaarah, Published by Daarul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 2005 2 The Holy Prophet saw came to them with Hazrat Abbas ra, who was a sincere well-wisher of the Holy Prophet saw but had not openly accepted Islam at that time. Immediately after taking an oath to enter the fold of Islam, the delegation invited to take the Holy Prophet saw and his Companions ra back to Madinah with them. The Almighty Allah had already indicated to the Holy Prophet saw by then to migrate. Upon hearing the request from the delegation, the Holy Prophet saw remained silent but Hazrat Abbas ra said: Group of Khizraj! You know that our family has always protected the Holy Prophet saw in times of danger. Now that you wish to take him back with you, make sure you are capable of the responsibility of his saw protection before making any commitment. On this remark, Hazrat Baraa’ Bin Ma’roor ra Ansaari grabbed the hand of the Holy Prophet saw and proclaimed: We swear by the God who sent the Holy Prophet saw as his true messenger! We are dutiful people and our traditions live. We will protect the Holy Prophet saw more than our own lives! This oath taken in a small valley of Makkah was very significant. According to the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet saw made this unforgettable deal with the Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) for the sake of Allah. The Holy Prophet saw also took bai‘at (oath of alle- giance) from the two women present without holding their hands 3 out of modesty and respect. The Holy Prophet saw considered women’s oral oaths sufficient for bai‘at.5 Arrival of the Holy Prophet in Madinah Upon the arrival of the Holy Prophet saw in Madinah, a huge group of people excitedly welcomed him outside the city. Naturally, every family wanted to host the Holy Prophet saw at their homes. The Holy Prophet saw rode in with Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiquera on a camel. They moved into the city slowly. Whenever they passed by Muslim homes, his followers enthusiastically invited the Holy Prophet saw in, promising him their protection and possessions. The Holy Prophet saw smiled at them and said prayers before pro- ceeding further into the city, while Muslim women gathered on their rooftops and ardently started singing an Arabic poem that said: َ ََ َ َْ ْ ُ َ َْ َ ْ َّ َْ َ َ َ َ ُّ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ّٰ َ طلع البدر علینا ِمن ثِنی ِات الوداع وجب الشکر علینا ما دعا ِ ِل د ِاع The Full moon rose over us, from the valley of Wadaa, And it is incumbent upon us to show gratitude, for as long as any- one in existence calls out to Allah. To celebrate this joyous day, young Muslim children ran around 5. Usdul-Ghaabah fi Ma‘rifatis-Sahaabah by Ali ibn Muhammad al-Jazari- yyi, vol. 6, p. 284, Naseebatu Bintu Ka‘b, Darul-Fikr Press, Beirut, 1995. 4 the streets of Madinah singing “Muhammad saw is here! The Messenger saw of Allah is here!” and servants demonstrated tricks from their swords. The procession finally reached the Najjaar fam- ily neighbourhood. Laced with weapons, the Najjaar family lined up outside their homes to welcome the Holy Prophet and their women sang a welcome song, beating their tambourines: َُْ ََ ِّْ َ ََّّ َ َََّ ٌََُِّّْ َ نحن جوٍار من بِنی النجٖار یا حبذا محمد من جٖار 6 We are girls of the Najjaar family! How lucky are we to have the Holy Prophet saw stay amongst us! When the Holy Prophet saw passed them, he smiled and said, “Dear girls! Do you hold me dear?” The girls unanimously replied, “Yes! Our beloved Prophet saw!” The Holy Prophet saw said, “I hold you dear as well!” The Najjaar family was extremely ecstatic that day because the Holy Prophet saw had chosen Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansaari ra, leader of the Najjaar family, as his host in Madinah. Since his great-grandmother belonged to the Najjaar, they held a promi- nent and
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