REFERENCES Works by Roman Jakobson Abbreviations We refer here to the eight volumes of the Selected Writings with the following abbre- viations. S WI Vol. I, Phonological Studies. 1962; 2nd exp. ed. 19? 1. SW\I Vol.II, Word and Language. 1971 SW III Vol.III, Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. 1981 5 WIV Vol. IV, Slavic Epic Studies. 1966. SWV Vol.V, On Verse, Its Masters and Explorers. 1979. S W VI Vol. VI, Early Sla vie Paths and Crossroads. 1985, Pt.f, Comparative Slavic Studies: The Cyrilio-Methodian Tradition Pt.2, Medieval Slavic Studies. SWVII Vol.VII, Contributions to Comparative Mythology; Studies in Linguistics and Philology, 1972-1982. 1995. Vol.VIII, Major Works, 1972-1982. 1987. References here are either to the English version of a work or, when such is unavail- able, to the original version. The original source of works is given only for items not appearing in Selected Writings or other collections of Jakobson's writings, except that items still available as separate publications are so identified. For a complete bibliography of Jakobson's writings, see Roman Jakobson, A Complete Bibliography of His Writings, 1912—1982, comp. and ed. Stephen Rudy (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990), 178 pages. 1919 "Futurism." In I987a, 28-33. 1921 a "On Realism in Art." In 1987a, 19-27. 192lb Novejsaja russkaja poezija. Nabroxok pervyi. Viktor Xlebnikov. SWV, 299-354, English translation (partial); "Modern Russian Poetry: Velrmir Khlebnikov." In Major Soviet Writers: Essays in Criticism, ed. EJ. Brown, 58-82. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. 1923 fesskom stixe-preimuxcestvenno v sopostavlenii s rttsskim. SWV, 3—121, with the addition of the English translation of the afterword to the Czech edition (1926). Reprinted in Brown University Slavic Reprints, no.6, ed. T. Winner, Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1969, (Contains English appendixes translated from the 1926 Czech edition.) 1927 "Fonetika odnogo severno-velikorusskogo govora s nameiajuädejsja perex- odnost'ju." SW\, 571-613. (Written in 1916.) 1928a "The Concept of the Sound Law and the Teteological Criterion." SW\,\-1. WORKS BY ROMAN JAKOBSON LXV I928b "Quelles sont les mothodes ies mieux approprioes ä un expose complet et pratique de la phonologic d'une langue quelconque?" (approved and countersigned by S. Karcevskij and N. Trubetzkoy). SWl, 3-6. (Proposi- tions for the First International Congress of Linguists, 1928.) 1928c With Jurij Tynjanov: "Problems in the Study of Language and Literature." S^III, 3-6. Reprinted in 1980f, 29-32; 1985e, 25-27; and 1987a, 47-49. 1929a Remarques sur {'evolution phonologique du russe comparee a celle des attires langues slaves. SWI, 7-116, 1929b "Jan Baudouin de Courtenay." S WII, 389-393. 1929c With Petr Bogatyrev: "Folklore as a Special Form of Creativity." In The Prague School: Selected Writings, ! 929-! 946, ed, P. Steiner, 32-46. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. 1929d Collectively with members of the Prague Linguistic Circle (N.M. Durnovo, B. Havränek, V. Mathesius, J. Mukarovsky, N.S. Trubetzkoy, and B. Trnka): "Theses Presented to the First Congress of Slavic Philologists in Prague, 1929." In The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929-1946, ed. P. Steiner, 3-31. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. (Originally published in French in Travaux du Cercle Linguisüque de Prague 1:5-29.) 1929e "Über die heutigen Voraussetzungen der russischen Slavisük." Slavische Rundschau l (8):629-646. 1930a "Problems of Language in Masaryk's Writings." In T. G, Masaiyk in Perspec- tive Comments and Criticism, ed. M, Capek and K. Hruby, 63—82. New York:SVU Press, 1981. 1930b "On the Translation of Verse." SW V, 131 -134. 193la "Die Betonung und ihre Rolle in der Wort und Syntagmaphonologie." SWI, 7-136. 1931b "Über die phonologischen Sprachbünde." SWl, 137-143. 1931c Kxarakteristike evrazijskogo jazykovogo sojuza. SWI, 144-201. 1931d "Phonemic Notes on Standard Slovak." SW l, 221-230. 1931e With Petr Bogatyrev: "On the Boundary between Studies of Folklore and Literature." In Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views, ed. L. Matejka and K. Pomorska, 91-93. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971. 193If "Prinzipien der historischen Phonologic." Travaux du Cercle Linguistiquc de Prague 4:247 — 267. (cf. 1949a, the later, reworked version.) 193lg "Projet de terminologie phonologique standardisee," Travaux du Cercle Lin- guislique de Prague 4:309-323, 1932a "Phoneme and Phonology." S W l, 231 -233. 1932b "Structure of the Russian Verb." In 1984b, 1-14. 1932c "Musicoiogy and Linguistics." In 1987a, 455-457, 1933a "La Scuola Linguistica di Praga." SWll, 539-546. 1933b "Is the Film in Decline?" In 1987a, 458-465. ! 93 5a " Les enclitiques sla ves." S W\ I, 16 - 22, I935b "Marginal Notes on the Prose of the Poet Pasternak." In 1987a, 301 -317. I036a "Contribution to the General Theory of Case: General Meanings of the Rus- sian Cases," In 1984b, 57-103. (Original version: "Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre; Gesamtbedeutungen der russischen Kasus." SWMI, 23-71.) Re- printed in 1996, 332-385. 1936b "Marginal Notes on Puäkin's Lyric Poetry." SW V, 281-286. 1937a "Über die Beschaffenheit der prosodischen Gegensätze." SWI, 254-261. 1937b "On Ancient Greek Prosody." SWI, 262-271. 1937c "Antoine Meillet zum Gedächtnis." SWll, 497-500. 1937d "The Statue in Puäkin's Poetic Mythology." SW\, 237-280. Reprinted in 1987a, 318-367. LXV! REFERENCES 1938a "Die Arbeit der sogenannten 'Prager Schule'." SW\\, 547-550. 1938b "Die Reim Wörter Cech-Lech.1' S WII, 605-610. 1938c "Sur la theorie des affmites phonologiques des langues." In Actes du IV Con- gres International des Linguisten, 48-58. Copenhagen: Binar Munksgaard. (cf. the revised version, 1949b.) I938d "O souhlaskach." Stovo a slovesnost 4:192. (Czech abstract of 1939a.) 1939a "Observations sur le classement phonologique des consonnes." SW l, 272-279. (cf. 1938d.) 1939b "Un manuel de phonologic generale." S W l, 311-316, 1939c "The Zero Sign." In 1984b, 151-160. I939d "Nikolaj Sergeevic Trubetzkoy (16 April 1890-25 Juni 1938)." SW\\, 501-516. 1939e "Le developpement phonologique du langage enfantin et les coherences cor- respondantes dans les langues du monde," In V"™ Congres international des Linguisten: Resumes des communications, 27-28. Brugge: Imprimerie Sainte Catherine. (Abstract of I949c.) 1940 "Das Nullzeichen." SW II, 220-222. 1941 a Child Language, Aphasia, and Phonological Universals. The Hague: Mouton, 1968. (Original version: Kindersprache, Aphasie, und allgemeine Lautgesetze, SWI, 328-401.) 1945b With John Lotz: "Axioms of a Versification System-Exemplified by the Mordvinian Folksong." SWV, 160-166. 1943 "Polish-Russian Cooperation in the Science of Language." S WII, 451—455, 1944 "Franz Boas' Approach to Language." SWll, 477-488. 1945 "The Beginnings of National Self-Deteranination in Europe." S ff VI, 315-128. Also in Readings in the Sociology of Language, ed. J. Fishman, 585-596. The Hague: Mouton, 1968, 1948 "Russian Conjugation." SWU, 119- 129. Reprinted in 1984b, 15-26, 1949a "Principles of Historical Phonology." In A Reader in Historical and Compar- ative Linguistic.'!, ed. A.R, Keiler, 121-138. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1971. Also in Readings in Historical Phonology: Chapter a in the Theory of Sound Change, ed. P. Baldi and R, Werth, 103-120. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978. Reprinted in !990b, 184-201. 1949b "Sur la theorie des affmites phonologiques entre les langues," SW\, 234—246. (Revised version of 1938c.) Older English translation: "On the Theory of Phonological Associations among Languages," in A Reader in Historical and Comparative Linguistics, ed. A.R, Keiler, 241 —252, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1971. Reprinted in new English translation: "On the Theory of Phonological Affinities between Languages," in 1990b, 202-213. 1949c "The Sound Laws of Child Language and Their Place in Genera! Phonol- ogy." In 197Ig, 7-20. Reprinted in I990b, 294-304. 1949d "On the Identification of Phonemic Entities." SWl, 418-425. 1949e With John Lotz: "Notes on the French Phonemic Pattern." SW\, 426-434. 1949 Slavic Languages., New York; Columbia University, Department of Slavic Languages. (2nd rev, ed.: Slavic Languages: A Condensed Survey, New York: Columbia University Press, 1955.) Chapter 1: "Comparative Slavic Phonol- ogy." SWl, 413-417, Chapter 2: "Comparative Slavic Grammar," S WII, 115-118. 1949g "The Phonemic and Grammatical Aspects of Language in Their Interrela- tions." SWII 103-114. Reprinted in 1990b, 395-406. 1949h "Notes on General Linguistics: Its Present State and Crucial Problems." New York: Rockefeller Foundation. Mimeo. Reprinted in part in 1990b, 49—55. WORKS BY ROMAN JAKOBSON LXVH 1949S "Autobiographical Notes on N.S, Trubetzkcy," In N.S, Trubetzkoy, Prin- ciples of Phonobgy, 309—323. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969, 1949J "Letter to Gladys A. Reichard about Language and Synesthesia." Wurd 5:226,230-231. 1950a "Les categories verbales." Cahiers Ferdinand de Sausswe 9:6. (Early draft of I957c.) i 950b "Slavic Gods and Demons." S W VI I, 3 -11. i 951 "For the Correct Presentation of Phonemic Problems." SW I, 435-442. 1952a "Texte guilyak." SWll, 98-102. 1952b "Slavic Epic Verse: Studies in Comparative Metrics," S^IV, 414-464. 1952c With C. Gunnar M. Fant and Morris Halle: Preliminaries to Speech Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Rev. ed. [including 1962b], 1963), Also in SW VIII, 583-660. Chapter 1 reprinted as "The Concept of the Phoneme," in 1990b, 242-258. 1953a With E. Colin Cherry and Morris Halle: "Toward the Logical Description of Languages in Their Phonemic Aspect." SW\, 449-463. 1953b "Pattern in Linguistics." S WII, 223-228. 1953c "Results of a Joint Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists." SWl\, 554-567. 1953d "Vestiges of the Earliest Russian Vernacular." SWII,61l-619. 1953e "The Yiddish Sound Pattern and Its Slavic Environment." Yidishe Shprakh 13:70-83. Reprinted in Judah A. Joffe Book, 207-220. New York: Yivo In- stitute, 1958.
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