Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06253-5 — Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860–1600 David d'Avray Index More Information Index of manuscripts Bamburg, Staatsarchiv, Markgraftum J.435.14, 277–9 Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Geheimes J.435.15, 284 Hausarchiv Plassenburg Nr. 1177, J.435.16, 279–81 331 J.435.17, 284 J.435.18, 289 London, British Library (BL) J.435.20, 291 Add. 20917, 150, 152 J.435.21, 290 Royal 10.E.1, 132 J.436.22, 294 Royal 11.D.V, 132 J.436.23, 296 London, The National Archives (TNA) J.436.24, 298 PRO SC7/7/7, 273, 274 J.436.25 quater, 300 PRO SC7/18/16, 258 J.437.34, 318 J.683.5, 241 Paris, Archives nationales (AN) J.435.2. 2, 261 Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano J.435.4, 254 (ASV) J.435.5, 249 Congr. Concilio, Libri Decret., 10, J.435.6, 257 187 J.435.8, 264 Reg. Vat. 27, 252 J.435.8bis, 266 Reg. Vat. 78, 136 J.435.9, 269 Reg. Vat. 109, 304–5 J.435.10, 267 Reg. Vat. 113, 137 J.435.12, 273, 274 Reg. Vat. 143, 310 J.435.13, 276 Reg. Vat. 263, 321 348 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06253-5 — Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860–1600 David d'Avray Index More Information General index Abulafia, David, 140 Barbara of Brandenburg, 154, 161–9, Adalhard, second wife of Louis the 327 Stammerer, 64 Bauer, Thomas, 51, 52, 53 Adela, wife of Otakar I of Bohemia, 82–4 Baumgartner, Frederick J., 145, 146, 153 Adela of Vohburg, 70 Bayazid, Sultan, 141 Adelheid of Hesse, 45 Beatrice of Naples, 164–9 adversarial legal procedure, 86–7 Behrmann, Thomas, 88 affinity, 100. See also forbidden degrees Bellomo, Manlio, 91 Afonso III of Portugal, 41 Berend, Nora, 45 Afonso IV of Portugal, 133–4 Bertrada, 15, 40, 62 Afonso V of Portugal, 191 Berzeviczy, Alberto, 164 Agnes of Courtenay, 72 Black Prince, Edward the, 225, 236, 311 Airlie, Stuart, 55 Blanca of Castile, 131, 133–9 Alexander III, 157, 161, 197, 198, 241 Blanca of Navarre, 124–30 Alexander IV, 222, 224 Blanche of Burgundy, 7, 16–17, 79, 85, Alexander VI, 146, 162, 166, 167, 327 92, 98, 101, 105–12, 189, 192, 193, Alexis legend, 156 228, 230, 231 Alfonso X of Castile, 19–20 Bohringer,¨ Letha, 49 Alfonso XI of Castile, 41–3, 78, 131, Bonaventure, 214, 215 132–3 Boniface VIII, 30, 96, 110, 113–14, 133, Alice Perrers, 46 144, 219, 224, 225, 227, 241, 266, Amaury I of Jerusalem, 20, 72 268, 281 Anastasius, papal librarian, 53 Boniface IX, 141, 142, 144 Annales Hildesheimenses,68 Borgolte, M., 37–8 Anne Boleyn, 1 Bouchard, Constance, 66 Ansgard, first wife of Louis the Stammerer, Boyle, Leonard, 219 64 Bresslau, H., 219 anthropology of kinship, 101 Brittany, 145–6 Anton, A. E., 171 Brown, E. A. R., 114 Apostolic Penitentiary, 204–5, 236 Brundage, James A., 114 Aragon, royal house of, 258 Brunner, Otto, 23 Archibald, Earl of Angus, 79, 169–72 Burchard of Worms, 62, 67, 68, 195 arenga, 220, 221–6, 241 Burns, R. I., 39 ‘Aristotelisation’, 34 Butler, Sara, 33 articuli.Seepositiones/articuli Atiyah,P.S.,159 canon law, 28–9 Augustine of Hippo, 211, 212 Canteaut, Olivier, 106, 111, 120 Aurell, M., 85 Catherine of Aragon, 1, 92, 129, 174–80 Cazel, F. A., 74 Baldwin the Leper, 72 Celestine V, 222, 225, 262 Baldwin, J. W., 33, 69, 76, 105, 199, 229 Cesare Borgia, 146 banns, before marriage, 78, 120, 170 Charlemagne, 13 349 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06253-5 — Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860–1600 David d'Avray Index More Information 350 General index Charles II of Naples, 225 de Sousa Costa, Antonio´ Domingues, 135, Charles IV of France, 7, 16–17, 79, 85, 92, 137, 138, 139 98, 101, 105–12, 188, 189, 192, 193, Destefanis, Abel, 151 228, 230, 232, 292 Diplomatic/Diplomatics, 219 Charles V of France, 236, 309, 314, 321 dispensations, 106–12, 129–30, 181 Charles VIII of France, 4 dispositio, 220, 221, 223, 226, 232 Charles of Anjou, 274, 281, 295. See also dissimulatio, 197–9 Charles of Valois divorce, 2 Charles of Durazzo, 139 Domingues de Sousa Costa, Antonio.´ See Charles of Valois, 116, 117, 118, 225, 232. de Sousa Costa, Antonio´ Domingues See also Charles of Anjou Donahue, Charles, 103, 170 Charles the Bald, 48, 57, 61, 64 Dondaine, Antoine, 158 Charles the Fat, 160 Dotterweich, Roswitha, 331 Church and State, 5–6 Dronefeld v. Donebarre, 170 Clement IV, 234 Duby, Georges, 10, 27, 40, 65, 66 Clement V, 106, 110, 224, 227, 228, 287, due process, 75, 80–93, 239 290, 292 Clement VI, 132, 137, 139, 236, 309, 315 Eaves, Richard Glen, 171 Colard Heitie, 118 Edbury, Peter W., 73 Congregatio Concilii, 187 Edict of Nantes, 184 Conrad of Montferrat, 73 Edward I of England, 45, 227, 257, 258, consanguinity. See forbidden degrees 259, 272 consent, and dispensations, 181, 189, Edward II of England, 227, 270 190 Edward III of England, 46 Constance, second wife of Otakar I of Edward IV of England, 76 Bohemia, 82–3 Edward Carne, 180 Constanza, daughter of Juan Manuel, 42, ego-centred kindreds, 101 43, 131, 132–3, 134 Ehrenkodex of duelling, 46 consummation, 154–69 Einhard, 14 Contreni, John J., 60 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 4, 11, 15, 41, 70, Corbet, Patrick, 195 196–7 Corpus Iuris Canonici Eleanor of Provence, 95 VI 4.2.1, 131 Elizabeth Woodville, 76 X.3.32.2, 157 Enrique II Trastamara, 42 X.3.32.7, 157 Enrique IV of Castile, 130, 191, 324 X.4.14.7, 100 Ermakoff, Ivan, 69 X.4.14.8, 214 Esch, Annaliese, 202, 203, 219, 236 X.4.15.5, 125 Estow, Clara, 43–4 X.4.15.7, 126 Eudes Duke of Burgundy, 101, 302 Corran, Emily, 160, 161 Eugenius III, 15, 41, 70, 197 Costanza Chiaramonte, 131, 139–44, 189 Fawtier, Robert, 65 Council of Trent, 78, 170, 183, 187, 189, Ferdinand de la Cerda, 253 193 Feret, P., 186 new rule for dispensations, 185–6 Fichtenau, Heinrich, 221 crusade, as rationale in dispensations, 227 Fitzpatrick, Antonia, 206 Cutolo, A., 141 Flodden, Battle of, 171 Flori, J., 70 Daumet, Georges, 96 Fodale, S., 140–1, 142, 202 Dauvillier, Jean, 131, 138, 143, 161, 195, forbidden degrees, 33, 65–79, 94, 113, 201, 219, 225, 226, 232, 289, 309 121, 179, 189, 195, 210–16, 309 Davies, Stephen Rhys, 95, 155 forgery of dispensations, 45 de Azcona, Tarsicio, 130, 192 forgery of genealogies, 69 de Chevanne, M. J. Robert, 109 formal legal rationality, 4, 6, 9, 21, 24, de Maulde, M., 145, 151 29–31, 47, 93, 229–37, 239–42 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06253-5 — Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860–1600 David d'Avray Index More Information General index 351 forsan, significance of in dispensations, 129 Henry II, Emperor, 67, 68 Fourth Lateran Council, 12, 13, 17, 33, Henry II of England, 41 71, 76, 77, 78, 94, 95, 104, 105, 120, Henry III, Emperor, 68 170, 194, 201, 213 Henry III of England, 45, 79, 81, 92, 95, Fowler-Magerl, Linda, 88 97 Fox, R., 100 Henry VIII of England, 1–2, 79, 92, 129, Frederick II, Emperor, 227, 244 169, 174–80, 239 Frederick III of Sicily, 202 Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, 72 Frederick Barbarossa, 70 Himstedt, Heinrich, 89–91 Frenz, Thomas, 329, 330 Hincmar of Laon, 61 Fulk of Anjou, 62 Hincmar of Reims, 49, 51, 52, 61 functionality, distinguished from Hlawitschka, Eduard, 70 rationality, 32 Hoensch, Jorg¨ K., 42 Hoffmann, Hartmut, 57, 62 Gallican history of royal marriages, 10–20 Hofler,¨ Constantin, 162 Gascony, 227 Honorius III, 223, 224, 227, 244 Gaude-Ferragu, Murielle, 110, 111, Honorius IV, 225, 227, 257, 258, 259 146 humours, four, 213 Gaudemet, Jean, 131, 138 Humphrey of Toron, 73 George Podiebrady, 162 Gerbert of Aurillac, 66 Iberia, polygyny or ‘bigyny’ in, 41–4 Gertrud von Dagsburg, 77 ideal-types, 23, 26–7 Gilles, H., 202 impotence, 79, 122–30, 145–53 Gillingham, John, 72 indissolubility, theology of, 179, 208–9 Gimenez´ Soler, A., 135 Ines de Castro, 43 Giuttari, M., 31 Ingeborg of Denmark, 16, 75, 80–1, 192 Glick, P. C., 36 Innocent III, 12, 20, 27, 33, 46, 76, 78, Glogau inheritance dispute, 163 79, 80–5, 102, 192, 193, 200 godparenthood, 79, 113–19 Innocent IV, 33, 194, 201, 202, 203 Grandes chroniques de France, 48, 63 Innocent VI, 44, 225, 311 Gratian, 197 instrumental rationality, in arengae, 221 Gregory I, 12 instrumental rationality of the forbidden Gregory II, 113, 195 degrees, 210–16 Gregory V, 66, 67 irrationality, contradiction as, 75 Gregory VII, 195 Isabella, daughter of Jaume I of Aragon, Gregory IX, 30, 190, 201 246 Gregory X, 234 Isabella, Queen of Jerusalem, 73 Gregory XI, 314, 321 Isabella of Angouleme,ˆ 74 Gregory XIII, 187, 188 Isabella of Gloucester, 74 Gunther, Archbishop, 49, 50, 58, 59 Isabelle, daughter of Philip IV of France Guy de Lusignan, 72 and wife of Edward II of England, 227 Guyotjeannin, Olivier, 219 Italian customary law, 91 ius commune, 80, 89, 215 Hallam, Elizabeth, 65 Ivo of Chartres, 62 Hallaq, W. B., 30 Hartmann, M., 64 Jaffe,´ E., unpublished dissertation of, 232, Hartmann, Wilfried, 52 309 Hatch, Mike, 31 James IV of Scotland, 170 Heers, Jacques, 103 Jane Stewart of Traquair, 171–2 Heidecker, Karl, 48, 50, 53, 58, 59 Jasper, Detlev, 61 Helmholz, Richard, 33, 76, 170 Jaume I of Aragon, 38, 77, 95 Henri IV of France, 10, 11, 79, 183–8, 189 Jaume II of Aragon, 95, 134, 136, 137, Henri de Villars, 315 155, 156, 160, 193 Henri of Navarre.
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