SPRING COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION S ’ 2020 UNSLIN ER S GOfficial Journal of the ’ Cowboy fast Draw assoCiation AZETTE ing the RomanceG and Legend of the O ~ Honor ld West ~ 2019 NEBRASKA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP ARTICLE ON PAGE 6 CFDA Celebrates 4th of July in Fernley, NV for the 2019 Nevada State Championship & Western Territorial Article on Page 8 Competitors Duel it out at the 2019 Wisconsin State Championship (Cover Picture) Article on page 11 Page 2 Spring 2020 Gunslinger’s Gazette Taylor’s & Co. proudly markets finely-crafted historical firearms for the collector. Manufactured using precise modern machinery and high quality modern materials, these firearms are faithful reproductions of those originally designed in the nineteenth century. (540)722-2017 [email protected] WWW.TAYLORSFIREARMS.COM PROUD SPONSOR OF THE COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION Gunslinger’s Gazette Spring 2020 Page 3 GUNSLINGER”S GAZETTE EDITORIAL Publisher DEAD LINE Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC to each photo if you choose. Not to mention, Deadline to submit articles Director this makes it easy for say, someone who may Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L2 need to use photos to go along with articles for for the next Gazette is: a particular publication they put out, hint hint... Editor AND it is so much easier than having to send me Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46 April 13th multiple emails with photos. I try to get as many Please submit all articles and Contributing Editors pictures included with articles as I can, but many pictures to: Alotta Lead #L37 times there is just not enough room. So if you [email protected] Mongo #L57 have already posted your photos on the CFDA Society page, people will get a chance to view Copy Editor ALL the photos for your event and not just the Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” t’s that time again! Time to gear up for anoth- ones that fit into the Gunslingers Gazette. This is Life #46 Ier fun filled CFDA shooting season! In just a such a SUPER SIMPLE resource that helps you Marketing and Sales matter of days, the first Titled CFDA Event will promote your event and makes it easy to sub- # Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” #L46 take place. I am really looking forward to read- mit photos for any articles you may submit. So Inside CFDA ...............................................4 ing all the great articles and seeing the pictures. Let’s All Give it a Try! Memberships/Product Orders: Membership News .....................................5 Alotta Lead #L37 Also, thank you to everyone who Jackie Daniels L2472 Create a Photo Album of your posts Live Feeds to the page. I know it is very 2019 NebraskaContents State....................................6 (775)575-1802 CFDA Event on the appreciated by those who are unable to attend. 2019 Nevada State.....................................8 www.cowboyfastdraw. com Cowboy Fast Draw Society I would also like to thank our CFDA Society page “Moderator Group”. This group of 2019 WisconsinArticles State................................11 CFDA Shoot For the Stars Scholarship Fund Facebook Page! Windmill Kid #L1748 & Miss Betty #L2457 Speaking of seeing the pictures, if you are a CFDA members do a wonderful job of watching CFDA Member Spotlight.........................10 member of our Cowboy Fast Draw Society over our page to make sure people are on this [email protected] 2019 Top Guns of the Year.......................14 or 432-664-1913 Facebook Page, you can actually create a photo page for the right reasons and posts are related album of your event and add to it during and af- to CFDA. So thank you all!!! 2019 Club of the Year...............................15 Advertising ter your match. That way you can upload photos Rule Clarification - Holsters........................16 (775)575-1802 as you go and everyone who was unable to make Good Luck and Safe Travels to all those headed [email protected] Rule Clarification - Footwear..................18 it will also benefit. This also makes it super easy to competitions in 2020! Please send Letters to the Editor to: to refer back to your event so it doesn’t just get The Sheriff of Canon by Will Starr..........20 [email protected] lost among all the other posts, and also gives Best Wishes, Hat Etiquit by Major D.............................22 new members an idea of what CFDA events Hannah Calder Copyright 2020 by Cowboy Fast Draw Association, Regulators & Territories............................24 LLC. All rights reserved under international and Pan are all about. You just click on the “Album” American Copyright Conventions. Reproduciton in section on the CFDA Society page, click “Cre- Be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook! Shoot For the Stars....................................24 whole or in part without written permission of the ate New Album” and BOOM, there are your Please send all articles and advertising to: New Member List.....................................26 publisher is strictly prohibited. event pictures. You can also add a description [email protected] Printed in the U.S.A. PO Box 5 - Fernley, NV 89408 Information (775)575-1802 CFDA General Store................................27 Office Hours: Shooting Schedule....................................28 Monday - Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (pst) Affiliated Clubs.........................................29 www.cowboyfastdraw. com Membership Information........................30 e-mail: info@cowboyfastdraw. com Warning: Readers: Be advised that there may be products Current CFDA World Record Holders represented in this magazine as to which the sale, Men’s Record -Kopperhead Kid possession, or interstate transporation thereof may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing established 10/6/18 requirements. Nothing herein is intended to 21’ - .289 @ 24” / 15’ - .281 @ 17-3/16” constitute a manual for the use of any product Ladies Record- K.K. Kid or the carrying out of any procedure or process. Join the Cowboy Fast Draw Society Group on Facebook The CFDA, its publications, officers, authors, 21’ - .331 @ 24” / 15’ - .323 @ 17-3/16” consultants and employees accept no responsiblity And join in on discussions with other CFDA Members! established 6/2/18 for any liability, injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely upon information contained herein. Advertise in The Gunslinger’s Gazette! Articles Wanted! One Issue Ad Pricing We are always looking for Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch articles to be submitted in regards Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50 to clubs, contests, historical, Inside Back Cover $325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75 aliases, or anything else that Back Cover $240 pertains to our sport. All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $100 $85 $6.50 Telegraph Business Cards $35 If You Are Interested, Current Global Passwords: 3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 5 Issue Contract Deduct 20% - (From Above Prices) Please Contact: safetyfirst To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines, hitemfast Hannah Calder at (All lower case, no spaces) visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com [email protected] Page 4 Spring 2020 Gunslinger’s Gazette Through years of refinement we have raised our level of efficiency so much that we INSIDE THE CFDA have found time in a weekend to run multiple competitive opportunities like Category Matches, By: Quick Cal, Executive Director Second Chance Matches, Bracket Matches, and Magnificent 7 Finals. Gone are the days of being the Year, the Virginia Peacemakers (See Article Draw. During the 50’s & 60’s there was a lot of eliminated from a match, then standing around Page 15). In short, they have developed a program club pride and membership in local clubs flour- without much to do, or waiting for hours between wherein any existing club member who brings a ished across the country. But, during the 70’s a rounds. new shooter to a match, earns a free entry-fee for trend started where many shooters began to ig- It was time to completely reorganize that match for both their friend and themself, and nore local clubs and preferred to just travel to ma- and update our entire program after years of edit- it certainly works for them! jor matches. A decade later the main organization ing the existing program. It is available to down- Some of our new members find CFDA became more of a North American club that was load and print for all of our members in the Rules or one of our affiliated clubs through social media, spread from coast to coast. Two major downfalls and Range Officer Training section on the CFDA one of our magazine advertisements, or may have were…. How do you recruit new members into an Website. e begin a new decade of Cowboy Fast Draw, seen us on the Outdoor Channel. When they call activity where they must travel sometimes thou- I highly recommend that all of our Wsince our founding in 2002 this year we cel- our office, we love it when there is a club close to sands of miles for their first experience? How members study our CFDA Range Officer Pro- ebrate our 18th Anniversary! It is a time to both them that we can refer them to. Unfortunately, many people can afford to be a member of some- gram, it will make you a better competitor, if you reflect on what we have done and where we are most time there is not a club close to them, so we thing that requires so much traveling, time off of understand our rules and how match procedures going. give them the closest club, no matter how many work, and money, just to attend enough events to operate, and you will have a more enjoyable ex- Together, with the help of all of our hours away and give them the contact informa- keep them interested? The result was, that within perience at our matches.
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