August 6, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27049 to agreements subject to review by the Com­ 1972 relating to the incidental taking of ma­ By Mr. LITTON (for himself, Mr. BELL, mittee on House Administration of the House rine mammals in the course of commercial Mr. FASCELL, Mr. McCLOSKEY, and of Representatives, in the case of certain fishing operations; to the Committee on Mer­ Mr. STARK): legislative officers and employees; to the chant Marine and Fisheries. H. Res. 1294. Resolution requesting the Committee on House Administration. By Mr. VEYSEY: President to turn over evidentiary informa­ By Mr. WAMPLER: H. Con. Res. 586. Concurrent resolution tion to the House Judiciary Committee and H.R. 16299. A bill to amend the Railroad the Special Prosecutor; to the Committee on Retirement Act of 1937 to revise the retire­ calling for a domestic summit to develop a unified plan of action to restore stab111ty the Judiciary. ment system for employees of employers By Mr. YATES (for himself and Mr. covered thereunder, and for other purposes; and prosperity to the American economy; to CONTE): to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign the Committee on Banking and Currency. H. Res. 1295. Resolution providing for tele­ Commerce. By Mr. BINGHAM (for himself, Mr. vision and radio coverage of proceedings in By Mr. BOB WILSON (for himself, Mr. BIESTER, and Mr. GILMAN): the Chamber of the House of Representatives VAN DEERLIN, and Mr. BURGENER) : H. Res. 1293. Resolution to establish a John on any resolution to impeach the President H.R. 16300. A bill to amend the provisions W. McCormack senior citizen intern program; of the United States; to the Committee on of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of to the Committee on House Administration. Rules. EXTE:NSIONS OF REMARKS IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 13377, THE AL­ In reflection it is significant to note at the abuse of power issue, I bring to the LIED WAR VETERANS OF AMER­ this point the all-encompassing welcome attention of my colleagues an editorial ICA MEDICAL ASSISTANCE BILL inscribed at the door to our Nation, "The in today's edition of the Peoria Journal­ Statue of Liberty," whieh reads, in part, Star which raises some interesting points as follows: regarding abuse of power as well as some HON. ROBERT A. ROE questions as to what we are really talking OF NEW JERSEY "A mighty woman with a torch whose flame about when we use that phrase. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Is the imprisoned lightning and her name I place the text of the editorial in the Monday, August 5, 1974 Mother of Exiles. From her beaconed-hand RECORD at this point: Glows world wide welcome; :i:\11'. [From the Peoria (Ill.) Journal-Star, Aug. 5, Mr. ROE. Speaker, as a sponsor of Her mild eyes command 1974] H.R. 13377 which is on the consent cal­ The air-bridged harbor that twin cities endar for consideration by the Members frame. ABUSE OF POWER of the House today provide hospital Now that "abuse of power" seems to be to "Keep ancient lands, your stoned pomp l" accepted by many as a "high crime" and an and medical care for lawful residents­ cried she with silent lips. impeachable offense whether it includes any for at least 10 years-of the, United "Give me your tired, your poor, previously illegal criminal act or not, per­ States who were members of ·uhe Armed Your huddled masses yearning to breathe haps we ought to provide for the removal Forces of nations allied with the United free, from office of any public official, appointed States in World War I or World War II, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. or elected, who can be convicted of such. I join with my distinguished colleague Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to We are going to need some such amend­ from Tilinois, Congressman ANNUNZIO, me, ment to the state and federal constitutions I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" to protect ourselves from judicial dictator­ and other sponsors of this measure in ships, electoral cabals, and bureaucratic urging passage of this long overdue leg­ This inscription depicts our symbol of tyrants. islation that will finally erase the un­ freedom and heritage in a country whose Indeed, we have needed such a defense al­ reasonable line between past and pres­ very foundation and existence was born ready and no such tool exists, and none did ent citizenships and provide equal treat­ as a haven for all free peoples of the exist untU eager House prosecutors invented ment under the law for American cit­ world. it for one man only, the President. izens who serted our Nation during Mr. Speaker, we here in the House Perhaps, we have invented the one new "criminal" activity that can be used as a World War I and World War II. There now have the great opportunity to con­ curb on "freedom of the press" before this is no question that these veterans con­ firm our Nation's welcome and accept­ whole chain reaction is over-"abuse of tinue to serve as dedicated, loyal mem­ ance of these citizens and demonstrate power." bers of a society that they, themselves, America's gratitude, civility and abund­ It can cover anything under the sun just helped to preserve for all of us. ant promise of a good life for our adopted about, 1f you happen to disagree with the It is important to point out that the veterans of other countries who fought current use of "power" by anybody who countries of Czechoslovakia and Poland for our cause in World War I and World has it. What ought we legislate to deal with the allied with ou:- Nation during World War Wa.r II but because of subsequent po­ "abuse of power" by labor unions and labor I and n experienced drastic changes in litical circumstances of their government leaders? How about the all too frequent their government after the war-changes were unable to receive the accord and "abuse of power" by TV networks over their which deprived the valiant citizens of honor of war veterans as we ha..ve been affiliates? these nations the very freedom for which able to do as the land of the free. Do zoning boards sometimes act 1n ways they had fought. As some of my col­ During these most trying times when you regard as an "abuse of power?" leagues have already testified, one need a little help can mean so much to our When a judge gives an arbitrary order that proves to be illegal 1n the appellate court, only look at the record of the Polish people who are suffering under unpre­ we might well remove that lower court Freedom Fighters and their wartime con­ cedented economic hardships, with per­ judge for his "abuse of power." tribution to our people for which we owe sonal fiscal resources taxed to the danger When Congressmen vote into law an un­ a debt of gratitude. point of being confiscatory, I most Constitutional imposition on us that 1s so These allied war veterans settled strongly urge the passage of H.R. 13377 proclaimed by the U.S. Supreme Court, ought throughout the United States, a great to help provide medical care for these we not be able to remove those members of many of them becoming American cit­ Congress for ''abuse of power?" allied war veterans of America. When a Congressional committee violates izens, contributing their talents, initia­ the rights of witnesses, and disregards the tive and hard work to the further en­ normal standards of justice under our Con­ richment of America. The legislation we ABUSE OF POWER stitution and in our system, should we not are considering today recognizes the have the means of removing those commit­ sacrifice and outstanding service these tee members from public office for their Americans made to the allied war effort HON. ROBERT H. MICHEL "abuse of power?" When a hearing officer imposes vicious and to their adopted country by pro­ OF ILLINOIS conditions on a private operation and relief viding that they will be eligible for cer­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tain essential benefits for hospital and is ultimately ialned in a court of law, can we Monday, August 5, 1974 not get that hearing officer removed from his domiciliary care and medical services position of power for an "abuse of power?" commensurate with veterans of the U.S. Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, since one However, what may be the greatest and Anned Forces. of the articles of impeachment relates to saddest abuse of power of all is one that we 27050 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 6, 1974 cannot do a thing about except the restraint the floor, Rep. Abzug offered an amendment long-standing policy of nuclear deterrence. ourselves. to strike over $250 million in Research and At the very lease, such a significant reversal This is the tyranny of the living over the Development funds to increase the accuracy of policy warrants full Congressional exami­ dead. and yield of our strategic nuclear weapons, nation and debate. We urge your support for A group is now proposing very seriously the so-called counterforce program. Tomor­ the amendment to delete funds for research that we get rid of "The Star Spangled Ban­ row, when the Department of Defense Appro­ and development of these new nuclear ner" on the grounds that it fails to meet the priation bill (HR 16243) is under considera­ weapons. aesthetic standards of music as we now know tion, we plan to offer a similar amendment.
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