PHYS 248 A: Unraveling the Dark Universe with the Large Hadron Collider Shih-Chieh Hsu University of Washington Seattle PHYS 248A - Lecture 3 Relativity I PAA A110 Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri: 9:30am-12:00pm 1 CENPA Tour Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics CENPA Conference room NPL-178 9:45am tomorrow Pak Kau Lim 206 660 9811 2 www.npl.washington.edu/ Weak Interaction Studies with 6He Precision test of Electroweak interaction: solar fusion, neutrino interactions, or muon interactions 5He 6He Alejandro Garcia Measuring angular distribution of decay ∼1010 atoms/s 3 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator Electrostatic accelerator Produce high intensity beams of • Continuous transfer of positive hydrogen and helium isotopes at static charges from a moving belt to the surface. energies from 100 keV to 7.5 MeV • Ions are accelerated from the source (high-voltage supply) to the target (ground) http://www2.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/chapters/11/2.html UW Seattle 4 The Axion Dark Matter Axion eXperiment (ADMX) • a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem (naturally preserve charge-parity) in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). • a low mass axion is a possible component of cold dark matter. Facility: 8 tesla magnet and a cryogenically cooled high- Q tunable microwave cavity Principle: cavity refequenncy tuned to axion mass can enhance interaction with axion which decays to two photons and deposit tiny energy into the cavity. Detection: Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) amplifier and lower temperatures from a 3He refrigerator (noise level 0.15K ) Gray Rybka 5 Torsion-Balance Exp. The Eöt-Wash Group 6 Krishna Venkateswara Relativity I • Reference from Tipler chapter 39-1 to 39-3 • Historical Remark • Newtonian relativity • Einstein’s postulates • Lorentz transformation • Time dilation • Length contraction • The relativistic Doppler effect 7 Relativity Einstein was far from being the only person who contributed to the development of the theory of special relativity. However, he was the one who put everything together. Some important years: 1904 Lorentz transformation/Poincaré 1905 Special Relativity - inertial frame 1915 General Relativity - non-inertial frame (acceleration frame) The Nobel Prize Jules Henri Poincaré The Nobel Prize in in Physics 1902 - Physics 1921 - Albert Hendrik Antoon Einstein Lorentz 8 Wave theory of light Is light a wave or a particle? Huygens first proposed wave theory of light. (1678) What is a wave? an oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy that travels through space or mass. Propagation in media. Interference frequency = 1 / T Unit: [s-1] Wave velocity Diffraction = λ / T = λ f Unit: [m/s] 9 Particle theory of light Refraction Phenomenon 1660 Hypothesis: Huygen’s wave theory explains refraction due to white light corruptions in glass. -> Experiment: The more glasses the more corruption. Result: decomposed light depends on the refraction angle but not amount of materials passing through. Conclusion: wave theory is wrong. New theory: white light is composed of different colored particle Newton's sketch of his crucial experiment. Image credit: Warden and Fellows. 10 Wave theory returns Young’s Double-slit experiment Fresnel’s single-slit experiment 1801 1816 Interference Diffraction 11 Electromagnetic theory 12 Electric Field Electric field’s SI units are newtons per coulomb (N⋅C−1) or, equivalently, volts per metre (V⋅m−1) 13 Magnetic field B is measured in teslas (symbol:T) and newtons per meter per ampere (symbol: N·m−1·A−1 or N/(m·A)) in the SI. 14 Electromagnetic theory Gauss’s Law Gauss’s Law for magnetism 1835 Absence of free magnetic poles Faraday’s Law of Induction Ampère's Circuital Law 1831 1826 15 Maxwell’s equation (Integral form) Gauss’s Law Gauss’s Law for magnetism 1861 Absence of free magnetic poles Faraday’s Law of Induction Ampère's Circuital Law 16 Maxwell’s equation (Differential form) Gauss’s Law Gauss’s Law for magnetism 1861 Absence of free magnetic poles Faraday’s Law of Induction Ampère's Circuital Law 17 Maxwell’s EM wave equation 1861 c =299792458 m/s =3x108m/s 18 Light is a Wave c = constant in vacuum 19 Newton 1687 Sir Isaac Newton published his book Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (or just Principia). In classical Newtonian mechanics, time was universal and absolute. Isaac Newton 20 Maxwell 1873 James Clerk Maxwell completed his theory of electromagnetism. This theory turned out to be compatible with special relativity, even though special relativity was not known at that time. James Clark Maxwell 21 Michelson-Morley 1887 The famous Michelson-Morley experiment was performed by Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward Williams Morley. In the same year, during studies of the Doppler effect, Woldemar Voigt wrote down what were later to be known as the Lorentz transformations. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson 22 Larmor and Lorentz 1898 The Lorentz transformations were also written down in 1898 by Joseph Larmor and in 1899 by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1902 - Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 23 Poincaré 1898 Jules Henri Poincaré said that "... we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals." 1904 Poincaré came very close to special relativity: "... as demanded by the relativity principle the observer cannot know whether he is at rest or in absolute motion." Jules Henri Poincaré 24 Special Relativity 1905 On June 5, Poincaré finished an article in which he stated that there seems to be a general law of Nature, that it is impossible to demonstrate absolute motion. On June 30, Einstein finished his famous article On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, where he formulated the two postulates of special relativity. Furthermore, in September, Einstein published the short article Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy-Content? In which he derived the 2 formula E0=mc . 25 Planck 1908 Max Planck wrote an article on special relativity. He was the second person after Einstein who wrote an article about this theory. In the same year, Hermann Minkowski also published an important article about special relativity. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918 - Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck » 26 General Relativity 1915 On November 25, nearly ten years after the foundation of special relativity, Einstein submitted his paper The Field Equations of Gravitation for publication, which gave the correct field equations for the theory of general relativity (or general relativity for short). Actually, the German mathematician David Hilbert submitted an article containing the correct field equations for general relativity five days before Einstein. Hilbert never claimed priority for this theory. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 - Albert Einstein » 27.
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