National Council of Resistance of Iran US Representative Office 1747 Pen·nsylvariia Ave., NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202-747-7847; Fax 202-330-5346; [email protected]; twitter: @ncrius NCRI-US: Iranian Resistance Builds Case for Terror Listing of Revolutionary Guards February 15, 2017 The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran [NCRI-US) held a press conference t_o sh"are details of the Islamic Revolution·ary Guard Corps' (IRGC) terrorist training bases in Iran. Alireza Jafarzadeh, Dep.uty D.i.rector of th:e NCRI-US, explained that the intelligence had come from the NCRJ's lllain con:Stitu,ent group, the Peopl.e's Moja:hedin Organization of Iran (MEK), which had previously exp<ise:<J key information abou_t Iran's i(ucleai weapon program. Click here to watch the press conference. •. The unearthed. informati.on c:On<:e.tning the traini.ng facilities indicates a rise of recruitment of foreign nationals, an expap.s.i,on that bas be:O,n explicitly endorse:<J by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Current!)', the Quds Force, an operation d.ivisi,on of ll)e I.RGC, is designated by the US Govemment urider executive z order 13224 as an en~ty engaged jn te.rrorisin, b_ut the IRGC itself is not. The NCR! pointe.d out that there i~ ~ c!i.stin:C.ti0Q be.tween. the I_RGC and the Quds ForC:e, either in organization and operations, the Iranian constittllilln or ...._ nationjtl budget. E g 5' f_f)...... Jafarzadeh showed maps and details, inclu(!ing cornrn;md.e,s' na.mes, of 14 terrorist training ceritei's in Iran. 1fu, ";; ;:;~ main headquarter, known as Irna,rn AH Garrison, is whereterrori.s.t traini.ng is pr~vided to foreJgn nati_onals .. Hj, al.so::;::-., included specifics on the types of training given to the rne.rc~n.aries from around'll)e world, :: ~ :;0 . ... ..,, The conference emphasized the iRGC's deep involveme_nt in eafh of the "three pillars" upon whi~h the regh€:js ~! power rests: the suppression of dissent inside Iran, the export of its Islamic revolution through terrorism and msional ,,; military operations, and the amplification of the Iranian miiitary threat through the pursuit of WMDs. IRG.C's connection to the international terrorist network was also discussed. Trainees were ''dispatched to various .countries in the Persian Gulf area, Asia, Africa, and Latin Am~rica." : · The NC_R.I saicl m~tll'es J.i.ke designating the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FfO) would decrease the HkeHhood of s_i_mil_a:r i_ncide.n.ts i.n the WO:st,.and woul_d strike a blow against the Iranian theocracy. I.Q h.is writt~n sta~ment, Jafarzadeh conclu_ded: "If the day comes when the Tehran regime stops its export of te.rroris:m and reHgim1s fascism:; arid if it _reins i.Ii the Revolutionary G_uards Corps, mandating it only to protect Iran from within Iran's borders; and if it lets go of its hostility towards the United States and drops its 'anti-imperialist' slogans: that day the mullahs' regime will collapse." ' · These materials are being distributed by the National Council ofResistance ofJrCln-U.S. Represenltitiv"e Office. AddiJiorial information is on file with the Department ofJuitic,e, W~ingt0n, D.C. · • National Council of Resistance of Iran US Representative Office 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202°747°7847; Fax 202-330-5346; info@ncrius,org; twitter: @ncrius Press Release Contac\: Ali Safavi 202-747-7~47 For Immediate Release February 28, 2017 Media Advisory · Iran's Revol~µo~ary Guard ~pands Financial Empire, Funds Terror Experts to Discuss the Topic and Forthcoming Report As Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) expands its-financial empire, its engagement in terrorism and destabilizing role in the region re.main unmatched by any modern state ent_ity. On March 8, 2017, from 10:30 am to 12:00, the National Council for the Res_istance of Iran-U.S. Represen,tat_ive Office (NCRI-US) will host a panel of leading · subject-matter experts to discuss the IRGC's growing influence,and global opt:ions to mitigate the threat. •• z A report prepared by the NCRI-US, detailing how the Iranian economy ha_s been takeq;;gver u, 0 by the Supreme Leader and the IRGC, and how the profits are being funneled into tenwist ;:::; networks, wiil also be. made public. · E: z:: C, ...._ 1 C::o Moderator: -J Zrn~~:::: A.dam Ereli, former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain and former Spokesman, Department of State-o u:, :::i:: Panelists:. --- . ' ''' '' ' ' -=w Wil_li_lµJl A. Ni~e, Adju_nct sch_olar at the Cente_r for Science and Int"f"iiltional Security and a ~ member of the Council of Foreign Relations. Michael Pregent, Adjunct fellciw, The Hudson Institute; Adjunct Lecturer, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University. · · ,• . · Edward G. Stafford (ret.), Career Foreign Service Officer, Politicat-MilitaryAffairs,the State Depart_111e_nt Alireza Jafarzadeh, Deputy Director, NCR.l's Wash_ington Office. Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1125 Washington, DC 20006 RSVP required: [email protected] These materials are being distribute(/ by the National C,.ouncil ofResistance ofIran-U.S. IJ._epresenlative Office. Additional i,ifonnation is Oll.file with the Department ofJu.slice: WOShington. b.C. · ~ .. National Council of Resistance of Iran us Representative Office 1747 Pennsylvania Ave .. , NW, Suite 1125, W,!!shington, DC 20006; Tel: 202-747-7847; Fax 202-330-5346; [email protected];.. twitter: @ncrius PRESS CONFERENCE FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2017; 10:30 AI\II Contact: Ali Safavi T. 202-747-7487;·C. 571,224-5682 RSVP: www.everitbrite.com/e/33817130949 STATUS OF THE IRANIAN REGIME'S NUCLEAR BOMB MAKING APPARATUS DETAILS TO BE REVEALED . Washingtcm, DC, April 18 - Through information received from the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) network within Iran, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has obtained critical and reliable intelligence on the latest status of the Iranian regime's nuclear bomb-making apparatus. ~ ~ The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-.:::::; c::, US)* will hold a press conference on Friday, April 21, 2017, a_t 10:30 am atthe Willai g Room, the Willard lnterContinental Hotel (1401 Pennsylvaryia_ Ave NW, Washingt~ c::;;; DC), to unveil the details including locations, satellite imagery, .arid key pl_ayers invoted. ~Pi' . :Ji: r_,r_;, l'IICRI has exposed some of the most signif'ica_nt parts of Tehrari'I? nuclear weaponf program over the years, including Natanz uranium enrichment•and Arak heavy wacar sites (August 2002), Kalaye Electric centrifuge assembly and'testing fac_ility (February 2003), Lashkar Ab;ad laser enrichment and Lavizan-Shian sites (May 2003), Forde un9erground enrichment site (DecembE;Jr 4005), and Organizatioo of Defensive Innovation and Research, SPND (July 2011). ### These materials are being distributed by the National Council of Resistance of fran-U.S.' R_epresentative Office. Additional inforrnaiion is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. National Council of Resistance of Iran US Representative Office 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202°747,7847; Fax 202-330-5346; [email protected]; twitter: @ncrius Press Release Contact: Ali Safa:vi 202-747-7847 For Immediate Release February 9, 2017 It) M MEDIA ADVISORY ~vealing IRGC's Terrorist Training Camps for Foreign Fighters inside Iran for c:.!> ==, the Export of Terrorism cc: [email protected], Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran will hold a press cofiference to reveal for the first time information on the Islamic Revolutionary Gua_rd_s Corps (IRGC) command headquarters for terrorist training of foreign me_rcenaries a_nd a number of training centers in different parts of Iran. The conference will be held at the NCR! office in Washington, DC at 10:30 am, Tuesday, Februaiy14, 2017. The names of most senior IRGC commanders directly involved in military and terrorist training of these foreign mercenaries as well as locations (with satellite imagery) and details will be made public. - Tuesday, February 14, 2017; 10:30 a.m. 1747 Pelinsylva:n:ia Ave., NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 2_00_06 rsvp required; [email protected]; (202)-747-7847 ### These materials are being disiribllled by the National Council Of RtSiiliinCi ofIian-_U-S. Re"preS'eritative OffiCe. Additional iTlformfJtiOn is on file w/tii"the Department o/JustiCe, Wtirhington, b.C. · · National Council of Resistance of Iran US aeprese11tative Office 1747 Pennsylvania Ave,, NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202-747-7847; Fax 202-330-5346; [email protected]; twitter: @ncriils '., APRIL 21, 2017 Even after the JCPOA, Activities Stiil fo Motion at SPND, Responsible for Manufacturing a Nuclear Weapon Revelations about i>archin Research Academy, the new main lo.cation for "Center for Researc_~ and E_xpansion of Technologies on Explosions and Impact (METFAZ)" Reliable information obtained by the network of the People's Mojahedin Organization oflran (M_E_K) inside the country shows that the "nerve center" of the Iranian regime's nuclear weapons project, responsible for desigwng the bomb, has been continuing its work. Following th_e Joint Comprehensive Pl_aIJ. of Action (JCPOA), known as the nuclear deal reached r,; in 2015, not only has the unit remained in place and its activities have not subsided, but it~now g cleat that.in some fields its activities have even expanded. ~ f,; c:: :,_/') In this information, a new location tied to the nuclear we_apons project, which has been kepn ~~­ secret until now and away from the Internatioilal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspe_ctorfrlas ::.<e:~ been exposed, ~ '~::; -:: I::1 Situation of the engineering unit for nuel_ea_r weapons The engineering unit for nuclear weapons progrlllll iilside tlie Iranian regime is called the Organization o{Defen:sive Innovation and Research (Sazmgn-e Paz_houheshhaye Novin-e Deja '1), known by its Persian acronym S:PND.
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