Econometrics Journal, Editor’s Annual Report, 2015 The Royal Economic Society The Econometrics Journal Managing Editor’s Annual Report 2015 The period covered in this report is July 1 2014 until June 30 2015. The Econometrics Journal was established in 1998 refreshing and renewing the Associate Editors of by the Royal Economic Society with the original the journal. The recruitment of an Editorial intention of creating a high-quality refereed Board of international distinction is and has been journal with a standard of intellectual rigour and critical to raising the international profile and academic standing similar to those of the pre- academic standing of The Econometrics Journal. existing top international field journals for These editorial appointments underline and econometric research such as Econometric Theory, reinforce the original intention of the Royal Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Business Economic Society of creating a high-quality ref- and Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics and ereed journal with a standard of intellectual Review of Economics and Statistics. rigour and academic standing similar to those of the pre-existing top international field journals The Econometrics Journal is a general journal for for econometric research. econometric research and included all areas of econometrics, whether applied, computational, The Econometrics Journal is grateful to Joris Pinkse methodological or theoretical contributions. As (Pennsylvania State University) who resigned as a journal of the Royal Economic Society, The an Associate Editor due to pressure of other Econometrics Journal seeks to promote the general commitments for the help and advice he provid- advancement and application of econometric ed to The Econometrics Journal. methods and techniques to problems of rele- The Econometrics Journal is also delighted that the vance to modern economics. following have agreed to continue for a further Editorial Board three year term as Associate Editors: Daniel Ackerberg (University of Michigan), Chunrong The Editorial Office of The Econometrics Journal is Ai (University of Florida), Joerg Breitung based in Faculty of Economics at the University (University of Bonn), Federico Bugni (Duke of Cambridge with Richard J Smith as Managing University), Ivan Canay (Northwestern Editor of The Econometrics Journal. University), Giuseppe Cavaliere (University of Recent editorial changes include the appoint- Bologna), John Chao (University of Maryland), ment of Dennis Kristensen (UCL, IFS and Yingying Fan (University of Southern Cemmap) as Co-Editor to replace Andrew California), Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston Patton (Duke University) on his taking up the University), Silvia Goncalves (University of position of Managing Editor of Journal of Western Ontario), Stefan Hoderlein (Boston Financial Econometrics. Dennis has been an College), Shakeeb Khan (Duke University), Associate Editor of The Econometrics Journal since Tatiana Komarova, (London School of 2008 whereas Andrew was a Co-Editor between Economics), Ivana Komunjer (University of 2013 and 2015. The Econometrics Journal is very California, San Diego), Serena Ng (Columbia grateful to Andrew for his excellent service dur- University), Morten Nielsen (Queens ing his tenure as Co-Editor. University), Alexei Onatski (Universiity of Cambridge), Taisuke Otsu (Yale University), The Editorial Board of The Econometrics Journal Aureo de Paula (University College London; undertook at the end of 2014 its annual editori- PEN), Zhongjun Qu (Boston University), al review with the particular intention of Andres Santos, (University of California, San - 1 - Econometrics Journal, Editor’s Annual Report, 2015 Diego), Oliver Scaillet, (University of Geneva; cates that proportionately the number of submis- SFI), Susanne Schennach, (Brown University), sions attracted from North America by The Azeem Shaikh, (University of Chicago) and Econometrics Journal dropped relative to 2013-14 Gautam Tripathi, (University of Luxembourg). being rather similar to the historical level of ear- lier years. Consequently, The Econometrics Journal The full editorial membership is given in is still failing to attract the numbers and quality Appendix A below. of submission from North America required in order to achieve its aim of becoming a top inter- Progress national general journal for econometrics Impact factors research. The proportion of submissions from Europe is similar to that of previous years The sixth set of data from the ISI Citation Index whereas that from the UK rose substantially. on The Econometrics Journal became available for Table 2 underlines the continuing predominance 2014.The journal impact factor is 0.818 (1.128, of acceptances originating from North America, 1.000, 0.870, 0.691, 0.733, 0.750, 0.479) with UK and Europe although there is evidence of an the immediacy index at 0.095 (0.364, 0.227, increase from the rest of the world. 0.240, 0.176, 0.125, 0.065, 0.034); 2007-13 data are given in parentheses. The eigen-factor Wiley-Blackwell prepared marketing informa- score and five year impact factor are 0.00415 tion for the RES 2015 Conference (leaflets, (0.00377, 0.00417, 0.00280, 0.00352, posters, highlighted key papers) and pho- 0.00367, 0.00324, 0.00379) and 1.488 (1.235, tographed the Wiley-Blackwell stand and the 1.252, 0.964, 1.166) respectively; 2008-13 and Denis Sargan Prize award. An email blast was 2010-13 figures respectively in parentheses.The sent to the Wiley-Blackwell opt-in lists to join journal impact factor ranks The Econometrics The Econometrics Journal stand at the RES 2015 Journal at 175 (112) out of 333 (333) economics conference granting immediate access to The journals. Econometrics Journal and included an invitation to The Econometrics Journal Special Session on Both journal impact factor and immediacy index ‘Econometrics of Matching’. The Econometrics have disappointingly dropped substantially as Journal was also promoted by Wiley-Blackwell compared with the gentle increases in recent with free sample issues, trial cards and leaflets at years, the former primarily due to the excellent a number of events worldwide. 2011 being omitted. More encouraging are the eigen-factor score and five year impact factor Wiley-Blackwell has yet to report on how they with the latter the highest ever recorded and intend to promote The Econometrics Journal at placing The Econometrics Journal at 117 (149) out Econometric Society meetings and other meet- of 333 (333) economics journals.The impact fac- ings of econometricians.The Editorial Board of tor and rank for the competitor journals are The Econometrics Journal has requested Wiley- rather similar to 2013: Econometric Theory 1.262 Blackwell to provide an annual list of such pro- (103), Journal of Econometrics 1.600 (64), Review motional activities in advance for each year. The of Economics and Statistics 2.749 (22), Journal of Econometrics Journal prefers an active rather than Applied Econometrics 1.673 (60) and Journal of reactive rôle in contributing to the preparation Business and Economic Statistics 2.241 (37). of resources for conferences and marketing cam- paigns. The short-term figures give cause for concern although it is likely the 2015 impact factor The Econometrics Journal now prepares and pub- should improve in 2015 as the rather poor 2012 lishes Winter and Summer Newsletters. Issues will be omitted. Nos. 3 and 4 have been distributed to RES mem- bers, The Econometrics Journal email database and Promotion various Wiley-Blackwell e-mail databases. Table 1 displays the geographical distribution of Newsletters are posted on The Econometrics new submissions for 2014-15. This table indi- Journal website and accessed from the left hand - 2 - Econometrics Journal, Editor’s Annual Report, 2015 menu of The Econometrics Journal home page with Special Session on ‘Heterogeneity’ at the RES twelve news items also posted announcing spe- Annual Conference 2013 held at Royal Holloway cial events. University of London. Submissions have also been received from the presenters Jianqing Fan The Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize (Princeton University) and Marc Hallin The Econometrics Journal Denis Sargan (ECARES ULB and ORFE Princeton) arising Econometrics Prize is awarded for the best from The Econometrics Journal Special Session on (unsolicited) article published in The Econometrics Large Dimensional Models at the RES Annual Journal in a given year by anyone who is within Conference 2014 at the University of five years of being awarded their doctorate. An Manchester. honorarium of £1000 will be awarded to the winning author. The Econometrics Journal organized a Special Session on ‘Econometrics of Matching’ at the The Econometrics Journal Editorial Board 2014 Royal Economic Society Annual (Managing Editor and Co-Editors) evaluated Conference, Monday 30 March to Wednesday 1 those qualifying articles published in The April, 2015 at the University of Manchester. Econometrics Journal in 2013 and the prize was awarded to Professor Koen Jochmans (Sciences The papers presented were: Po). The award to Professor Jochmans is in Alfred Galichon (Sciences Po): ‘Estimating respect of his paper ‘Pairwise-comparison estima- Transfer Frictions in the Marriage Market’ tion with non-parametric controls’ published in The Econometrics Journal,Vol. 16, Issue No. 3, pp. Jeremy Lise (UCL and IFS): ‘Multidimensional 340-372, and available at: http://onlinelibrary. Skills, Sorting and Human Dimension wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ectj.12008/abstract Calculation’.
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