O.V. Kozerod,S. Ya.Briman A.f. Denikin's Regimeand the Jewish Population of Ukrainein 1919- 1920 and development of Up to now the problem of formation regime and the Jewish interrelation between A' I' Denikin's be almost one of the most population of Ukraine was considered to ukrainian history. Paylnn u restrictect themes for a researchrer of aS an ideology, which considerable attent,ion to disclosing fascism resultedinamassdestructionofJews,soviethistoricafscience coming the most got away from the fact that'"' before Hitler's place during Civil war tn considerable massacre of Jews took r Ukraine' A' I" Denikin's regime The history of mutual relations between in the works of Soviet and Je\47swas described, at a great deal' researchersofthefirstyearsoftheSovietpower.Theworksbv dedicated to the problems of Y. Khaifets/ P. Yeletsky, M' Mozin are published after the pogroms' the a pogrom ideotogy. In those works, for the first time' and it was resul-ts of the pogroms were analysed concludedthatal.Lofthemhadbeenorganised.Thoseworkswerenot conclusions' but voluminous, they did not present deep analytical the problem and introducing they played their part in formulating vasl factual material into science'? r 1977.- 129' Kenez P- Civil War in south Russia,* London, P. yKpanHe 1919 r' - Hrn-iopx' l92I'i 2 xeitqeq E- norPoMH eBPeeB Ha s Lgi.g. ,B Hcropnfl qo6poaonsuecrofi norpouuu- EreqKHI: n' O eBPe.sx.- XaPEKoBf HH.- KEreB, 1921' In 7922 a research by N.I. Shtiff, a member of one of Kiev commissions on assistance to the pogrommed was issued. rt contain- ed a rarge number of memoir documents. N. r. shtiff gave anarysis of the causes of anti-semitic feelings, did a great work on gather- ing data about the pogrommed, summarised aI1 the data, and made a statistic tabr-e deating with every town and borough of ukraine.r fhe work by A. F. Maleyev yevteyskogro Trjdtsat Dney poq-roma v Mestechke Krivoye Ozero (,Thirty pogrom Days of in the Borough of crooked Lake') is dedicated to the tragedy in the borough of Kri_ voye ozero' which stopped ,whi-te' existing after a pogrom.a The re- search work described such a phenomenon as taking hostages, charac- teristic of mutual relations between the Jewish populatron of uk- raine and A. r. Denikin's t.roops. A. F. Maleyev also characterised social- types of pogrom-makers. The thesis about Jews themselves be_ r'ng responsible for the pogroms was devel0ped by D- s. pasmannink. fn his ar:ticle, published on September 14, 1919, in the newspaper called Obshcheye DeJo ( /Common ,offj-cers Deed, ) he wrote, from A. f. Denj-kin,s Army forget that trotskysf kamenevs, zj-novryevs, and larins are borne Jews, but they have nothing in conmon with their nationality. But despite the fact that the vor-unteer Army did not Iike Jews, on the territory, which had already been occupied bv A. I. Denikin's Army, there was not any pogrom.,5 J mrz$ H. U, norpoMH Ha yKpaHHe._ EeprIHH, 1922. I Maneea A. o- Tpagqai'E AHefi eapeficroro norpoMa B MectresKe KpHBOe O3epo,- M.,1921. snacuasaax ,q. c. EBpefrcKafi poccEu, Boxpoc B o6u{ee Eeno.- }& 7..- la - n ? 2 To prove inconsistency of such statements s. Gusev-orenburgsky a welr known in pre-Revoluti.onary Russia published a book called Rniga o yevreyskikh pogronakh na tlkraine v 1919 gtodu (,The book on the pogroms of Jews in ukraine in 1919'). Having paid a consi_derable attention to analysing a normative basis of ttre regime of the Armed Forces in the south of Russia, he came to the conclusi-on that senior officers took part in the pogroms, and that the struggle of A. r. Deni-ki-nts command agaj-nst that phenomenon v/as highly ineffective.6 rn 1926 in Moscow a summarising correction car-led. yevreyskiye pogromi= 1918-1921 (',pogroms of Jews, 1g1g-1921') was published. rt \,ras created on the basis of analysis of regional committees of the Red cross' and of the provincial sections attached to the provinciar executive comrnittees, rendering help to the pogrornmed.T rn that very year a French journalist called B. Lekash, who was investigating the results of the pogroms of the Jews/ pubrished Kogda fsrail- umirayet (rWhen Israel is dying.) where he gave quite a number of data on the pogroms in the South sf Ukraine, and in Kherson, in particurar. Besides that, he analysed the p::obJ-elnot personal responsibility of the readers of the poritical parties of that time for not preventing the pogrorns of the Jewish population of Ukraine. t In 1930s, the theme of inter:relation between A. I. Denikin,s regime in ukraine and Jews became forbidden. separate issues of the 6 lycea-Opeu6yprcxai C. KEnra o eBpeicKrax fiorpoMax Ha yKpar{He B 1919 L926. 7 Eepericxne norpoMbr: 1918-1921.- lt.., 1926. I tlerau E. RorAa E3pa}]nb yMnrpaer.- n., 1926.- c. 5. history of work of the ukrainian g'overnments on rendering assistance to the pogrommed were considered in s. r. Golderman/s ll/af,s_.onalnaya avtononiya na ukraine ('National autonomy in Ijkraine, ) pubrished in Munich in 1963. paying a considerabre attention to the activities of the leadership people,s of the ukrainian Republic on deveropi-ng JevJish nati,onal autonomy, the author onry touched upon the traqedv of the Jews in lglg.e rn 1970s, probrern ,pogrom the of the movement'in ukraine was raised by p. Kenez in his book calred, civif war in south Russia. rn the section 'A. ca11ed r. Denikin and anti-semitism' he emphasised the place part and of peasants in the conflict between the cossacks and the Jewish population of Ukraine. rt is worth mentioning p. that Kenez was quite careful while touching on 'pogrom the theme of that very movementr. He limited himserf to the research of the causes of anti-semitism and review of the sources of historical science, dealing \,rith the probl-em. In general' his r"rork became the most comprehensive research of the history of mutuaf rer-ations between A. r. Denikinfs regime and - 10 Tharrru nrnl-r'l o* ur^€ €x&ct v!u!ac.r estimation of the number of victims of the pogroms was constantly giving rise to discussion throughout the history of development of the theme. rn 1920s, a considerable r.ror:k \"ras done by B. Lekash. In his opin.Lon, 226 pogroms made by the Volunteer Army in Ukraine resulted in g0,000 victims. rr I folrg"nnnaH c. I. Xagiactra Harlioxanraa aBroaoMts. - MbExeH, 1963. to Kenez p. civil I,lar in South Russj.a, - London, 1977. - p. 170. JJ nexan E. Korqa tl3par.rtrb yMHpaer, - n. , 1926.- c. 2i . S. Subtelny, a professor of york University (Toronto) gave another figure: 35,000 to 50,000 people perished durinq the pogroms conducted by A. I. Denikin's Volunteer Army and petlyura,s army.lz In some researches of the later period the figure was decreased even more: S. Martsenyuk and V. Simonenko, Ukrainian researchers, gave a much fower figure - 21,000.rr In our opinion, 65,000-70,000 Jews peri.shed, which was the resul-t of 250 pogroms, It is necessary to point out that the history of mutual relations betweerr A. I. Denikin's regime and the Jewish population of Ukraine needs a further and deeper research. Not onl_y problems of the pogroms made by the white Armyr but the history of constructive interaction between Jewish community and business circles with the White movement during the Civil War of 1917-1920 still oiwe rise r^ discussion. The change in the correlation of powers between the Red Army and the Armed forces in the South of Russia resulted in the Whites' occupying the territories populated by Jews mostly. According Lo the conmon opinion of historians, in the spring of 1919 the Civil war entered its thirci phase. It lasted for a year. It was the most difficult and unpredj-ctable phase of antagonj_sm between the Bolsheviks and the Volunteers. A, T. Denikin's regime being a sort of continuation of the monarch pre-Revolutionary social establishment which lasted for more than 300 years on the territory in Ukr:aine, was not identical with i-t. IL was a complex of problems diffieult to research. Those \^rere l2 ^..4-^-- ------- ^ LyurErrbndn v! vKpalHa. Icropi.s. - KHIE, 1922. - c. 317. lJ Mapqexnr C., CEMoHeHKo B. eBpeEcbKa rpoMana qepHiriBqElrg, EBp. Becru.- 1994.- lI! 15.- c. 10. both relations of power and social and economic relations. The civil War of l9l7-7920 exposed deep processes going on in the pre_ Revolutionary society of the Russian Empire and reveared the real- attitude of political groupings and powers to the choice of methods and means of their desire to deeply penetrate into what, in practice, is called the ,Russian idea,. The year of 1917 laid trre foundations of the most difficult trials which became the destiny of Jewish people in alt the provinces of ukraine' rn 191s the centrai Racia governed that territory, then p. getman Skoropadsky did, then it was governed by the Special council which was A. r. Denikints government attached to commander_ rn-Chief of the Armed Forces in South Russia ( AFSR). In the sunmer and autumn of 1_glg, three armies of the AFSR infricted a combined b10w from the south at the main forces of the Borsheviks, rn the sunmer of 1g1g A. r. Denikin,s troops occupred Donbass, Kharkov, Tsaritsin and, accordinq to the ,Moscow instruction', undertook an offensive in the Northern di-rection. rn July i9i9 v' u-Lyanov's (Lenin/s) letter vse na borbu s Denikinim /Everyone ( to Fiqht against Denikin') appeared in the Bolshevik press r-n ukraine' rt appealed to all the citizens supporting the Bolsheviks to join the fight against the white Army, which rearly threatened to occupy Moscow.
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