Island Golf Resort Just 2 1/2 Hours North Of Winnipeg • Explore miles of Hecla Island Wilderness Trail s • Comfortab le Accommodations $8g~5 • Restaurant , Outdoor BBQ's, and Bar • Fu ll Conference/Meeting Facilities Doub le Occupancy • Indoor Pool , Sauna and Whirlpool INC LUDES: • Superb Golfing • Sandy Beaches • Free In-Room Movies • Tenn is • Accommodation & Daily Round of Call The Resort Direct: 475-2354 Golf For Two Resort and Present thi s ad at chec k-in'. Confe rence Centre, Limited avai lability based on Gull~ advance rese rva tion. Sunday to Hecla Island , Thursday only. Harbour Hecla Provincial Park. A message from M.G.A. President All Indications pOlnl 10 1988 bOing a a very successfullournam nl and proba­ banner year for our golf season. Our bly one of Ihe besl organizod In Canada slaff Execullve Diroctor Jeff Hnatluk with Soulhwood members laking a vory and Technical Director Todd Toplitski ­ active role. Canadian Airlines Inlerna­ now each have well ovor a year's lional , Keyslon Ford, and ICG liquid expenence In the lob I personally fool Gas Company will again b Ih major this has and, no doubt, Will conllnue 10 sponsors. logelher wilh partlclpaling Improve the efficiency and offectlveness gold, silv rand bronzo palrons who I 01 our association. am assured will mako thiS tournament a A groat deal of credit and appreciation speclalors success. must go to the supporting clu bs and I would be remi ss if I did nOI acknow­ Iholl mombers for allowing tl1e MGA 10 lodgo some of our lournamenl sponsors conduct tho lournaments thai we are SUC l1 as tho Winnipeg Free Press, responSible for This co-operalion is LaballS, North American Ufe and greally appreclatod by all, Blackwoods Beverages Lid Their contin­ The volunloors of the MGA continue ued support makos our lob a lot easier 10 excel In giving Iheir time 10 make our We Will conlinue 10 pul greator efforts • Rudy Boivin tournaments most successfut . Our into working more closely wllh rural clubs Soufhwood Exocutlve, Council and numerous volun­ and assisting them In ral ing Iheir toers are dedicaled 10 ensuring Ihal gall courses, Junior development as well as in Manitoba continues to grow an b providing golf clinics, We also conlinue Our provinCial leams represenled uS successful. to offor advice and supporl Ihal Ihese well at national camp lilions, JeH Helper, The ninlh odltion of the golf annual is ctubs may require 10 assisl !l1 ern in Ih Todd Fanning, Glen Hnaliuk and Gord our lead in opportunity to directly con­ operation of their facililies. Lenlon placod very well indiVidually tact more than 10.000 members of Ihe Work continues on Ihe oporation of t am ve ry confldenl Ihal Ihe abililles MGA Gord Lenlon hoads up the group Ihe Maniloba Summor Games Program of the young players in our provlnco of dedicaled votunioors who produce in 1988 with commiliOO rnombers being provide a brig hi fulure in nalional ov nls. the golf annual. t know you will enjoy represenled from Ihe MGA and Ihe In closing, t again wish 10 express my Ihe contents 01 thiS publication, MLGA working logelhor 10 conduct Ihis appreciation 10 all the MGA members, This year, as In the past. we will be competition, Regional playdown involv and Iheir golf club for a slsting In mak­ sending volunleers to national Iralnlng Ing men and women Irom junior 10 so nior ing my year Ihe success Ihal I know il sosSlons on rules and course rating . II levels wilt be held, with tho winners 10 will be. IS our hopo to oxpand the number 01 represenl Iheir region al Iho Provincial Bost Wishes for an enloyable goll volunleers 10 ensuro Ihal we have Ihe final s In Pinawa Augusl 19-2 1, 1988. season! r qUiled p rsonnel available al all limes Wo , in the Manitoba Golf Associalion 10 conduCI lournamonts are most proud of some of our gotf Rudy BOIVin, Presldenl The Manlloba Open conllnues 10 be memb rs who havo oxcetled nalionally Manitoba Golf Assoclallon He was sUNived by his wife Mary and hiS d alh camo a month before Iheir 62nd anniv rsary. He had IWO sons, JJn flmcmoriam fivo grandchildren and Ihree greal-grandchlldren. WILLIAM JOHN WALLACE JIMMY DAVtS A man who sorvod as tournament secrelary lor Ihe Ono of Winnipeg's moSI respecled golf professionats. ManllOba GOlf Associalion for 10 years, William John Jimmy Davis died July 29 al Ihe age of 74 . (Bill) Wallaco diad March 23, 1988, al Ihe age 01 88, Born in Virden, Davis lived in Winnip g Inco 1923, Wallace wa s a long-time member of Ihe Ass iniboine when his goll career began al Soulhwood Goll and Golf Ctub and was also a life membor and pasl presidenl Country Club. of Ihe Deer Lodge Curling Club. In succeoding years, DaVIS seNed as profeSSional al He was a schoot principal in SI. James for 38 years Ihe old Norwood club and Ihe [Imhursl and Assinlbolne al th Woodhaven, ASSlnlbolne and linwood Schoots clubs, bul mosl of his working years were spenl al Ihe He belonged 10 Deer Lodge Ul1Iled Church for more Tuxodo Golf ClUb, which he operaled unlll hiS relirement than 50 years, was a chartor member and pasl presldenl in 1976. of the SI. James Kiwanis Club and was aClive in educa­ Davis was su rvived by his wife Bea. Ihroe dSl'ghlors lion aClivifies. and five grandchildren, MAN tTOBA GOLF ANNUAL '88 BEST WI SHES FR OM RCGA PRESIDENT On behalf of the Royal Canadian Golf Assoclalion, It is my plea ure to extend ou r INLAND TRUST ve ry best wishes to the ManitOba Golf Association for continued success during the ond SAVINGS t988 season, The MGA provides an invalu­ able se rvice to Its m mbars and I congr lulale you on your nthusiasm and oncourago Our Friendly Personal Services Include ment, part icularly in the area of PASSBOOK SAVINGS and Junior Developmen t. CHEOUIN G ACCOU NTS Finally, our compliments on Harold Brownstein th e publication of your ninth REGISTERED RETIRE MENTS SAVINGS Golf Annual - a ve ry impresslvo and Informative vehicle of PLANS communication. We look fonward to wo rking with the MGA once again this GUARANTEED INVESTMENT year and wi sh all of your members a long, successful and CERTIFICATES enjoyable golfing season, Harold Brownstein, President RESIDE NTIA L FIR ST MORTGAGES Royal Canadian Golf Association GR EETING S FROM THE PROVINC E OF MANITOBA On behalf of the Government of Manitoba, th e Provi ncial INLAND TRUST & SAVINGS Sports Diroctorate extends warmest greetings to the Man itoba 1054 PORTAGE AV ENUE. WINNIPEG R3G 3M2 Golf Association, FREE PARKING PHONE 786-7801 The Directorate is work ing co-operati vely with the Manitoba Golf Association and communities In providing golf opport un­ Mem ber C8 nada Depos it Insuranco Corporation ities for p ople throughou t the province, Golf is a special game wh ich draws people lrom all w Iks of li fe and provides fun and fellowship as well as the challen e of athletic proficiency, We pay tribute to tho mMy vo lunteers who oHer thei r time, energy and tal nt so others ca n en joy this pleasant and rewarding sport. Best wishes lor '88, Sport s Di rectorate Dahl · Province of Manitoba Homes Ltd. MANITOBA SPORTS FEDERATION GREETING On behalf of the Manitoba Sports Federation's Boa rd 01 A"~ Directors, it's my pl ea sure to ~ ~ Li,{e.S1V~ ex tend gree tings to th e members of the Manitoba Golf Association, It's an OPPOrtunity to wish you all the best for a great 1988 soason, one which AWARD WINNING BU ILDER OF I'm sure will be highllghtod by CUSTOM HOMES golf's debut as one of the sports involved in Ihe upcoming Manitoba Games, At MSF, we 're prOUd to be a part of th e success of the 59 WEST SPR INGS COVE Don MacKenzie Manitoba Golf Association, Success, whiCh is also founded In the vital support received WINNIPEG. MAN , R2G 488 from lottery funding and th e private sector, Together, we're working at making amateu r sport in Manitoba beller than ever before, Sincerely, Helmut Dahl (204) 661 -8494 Don Mac Kenzie Chai rman, Pi no Ri dgo Member Man itoba Sports Foder lion 2 MANI TO BA GOLF ANNUAL '88 Contents Features Messages 1 2 In Momorlam 1 MGA CounCil 4 Execullve Dlroctor's Roport 6 Te chnlcat Dlroctor's Roport 8 R C G A Govornor's Report 14 Tournament Sch dulos 32-33 Pa st Championship Winners 58-59 Dlroctory 01 Golf Courses .... 60·63 Advertisers' Index ......... ................ 64 manitoba games '88 Articles New rules, dell nit Ions explained ..... ... , ... , .10 Male & Female Glen Hnalluk Goller 01 the Year .. 16 [arller date for '88 Manitoba Open . .. .......... 18 Dave Barr wins '87 Manitoba Open .... , ..........20 GOLF Garth Collings Amateur champ ........ ..... .24 Jell Helper runaway Junior winno r ....... ..... .. 28 Gord Lenton wins Sonlor title ..... ............... .3 4 Solomons lead Family goll event . .. 36 Glenn Collins wins Blair crown . .. .. .. ........38 Grant Coulter claims Rural honors ..... 40 Intorclub honors to P,no Ridge, Sandy Hook .... .. 42 • Tuxedo wins national Crown Lile . .. .. .. .44 CPGA 01 Manitoba prog ram outlined . .46 Course Superintendents see growth . .48 John Stool into Golf Hall 01 Famo .......... .49 Hecla Island has a lot to oller .. 50 Changes on Manitoba golf scene .... .........52 Regional Games Bol Acres marks 25th anniversary . ...............54 Review 01 MLGA's 1987 winnors ........ .... , .....56 June, 1988 Six Age Categories: as of August 7. 7988 73 and under The Cover 74 to 77 This year's cover offers a saluto to tho wlnnors of the major 18 to 34 1987 Manit oba golf champion ships The top rOw, lelt to right.
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