Stewart Fieldhouse gets the much-needed face-lift in only one of the planned renovation projects included in the Expanding Vision Campaign. 95 O-Ite 95 Right: "Eight down and how many more to go?" asks freshman Heather Stout as she hurriedly irons the costumes backstage before opening night. Below: Kim Mercer asks herself whyshe went through so much school just to flip burgers-but of course, she also doubles as a social work professor. Right: President Carl Martin is more than willing to help junior Tara Ghere hold on to Denise, the cow, while secu­ rity guard Ron Harp puckers up. Dawn Pleas-Bailey smiles a little too evilly; could she be up to something? 95 t~ 95 Middle Center: TWEEDLE DEE Top Left: DUH! Freshwoman ANDTWEEDLE D UM! Jennaine Heather Blackmore, worn out by Rhodes and Eric Mauldin poseas college life, takes a Saturdaynight yet another set of twinson the SC off to actually spend some time in campus. her room. Middle Right: NUMBER ONE! TopRight: MOVE IT! ].D.Smith Ryan Rawlings prepares to serve demonstrates hlsauthori ty during the ball at the Phi Delta Theta vs play construction. Sigma Iota Sigma rush volleyball game. Middle Left: POSSESSED! An unknown force takes over Cecily Bottom: DAZED AND CON­ Hopper's body causing her to get FUSED! Chad Holt searches for a down at the 1994 Fall Homecom­ companion at the homecoming ing dance. dance. 95 thzee 95 Right: Mr. Potatohead and his family try to escape the dining hall before they get "fried." Below: When a boy becomes a man he puts away fingerpaints andgoes to spray paint. Kedrick Rollins enter­ tains Tyree Myles, Clintric Kennedy and Monique Stanley. Must be nice to have your own pianist! 9510-wz 95 Dmmm!! Kassi Dyar studying. Is this a once-in-a-year tradition? I seem to remember a picture similar to this last year in the yearbook. Left: Colin Milligan seems surprized he's actuaIly working on the Moundbuilder. Above: Have you ever seen so much rock art? 951we 95 Below: While John Schneider is mesmerized by the camera, Curtis Wheatley steals a chip. Right: "What's going on here?" Preston Richert and Sal Villagran show their volleyball prowess. Left: Janayt! White confirms "It's Good!" Above: Freshmen Kellie Powell, Christy Grealis, Heather Schermerhorn, and Natalie Moore are all smiles at SC's first football game. 95 4i~ 95 n!" Jay Wilson, y N ce, Stephanie les, EIiska Hicks, Carey Melissa Pickerign, and Sheldon show their sup­ at the Moundbuilder's ~=1l11lJ'. football game. Left: Meriam Lehman looks prepared to guard her drum with her life. Above: Robert Higgins shows his spirit and his pretty face at an SC football game. Freshmen Stacey Robbins and Heather Johnson tip on the cover photo for the 1994 yearbook while getting to know each other. Finally a woman in charge! Groundbreaking ceremony for the Stewart Fieldhouse renovation. 95 ei9lt 95 Left: Carmen Doramus, Heidi Hull, Kerry Van Royen, & Holly Mitchek with smiles on their faces display their rock for the MoundBuildingCer­ emony. Bottom left: Kedrick Rollins, Issac West, David Boyd, and Jerome Bailey provide dinner music for everyone in the cafeteria by singing "If I Ever Fall In Love." Bottom right: Raquel Rios and Amanda Folk wait in line at the tailgate party while Zachary Martin begins to dig in to fill his plate full of food . 95 Hilte 95 Below: Ange Craft and Laura Magouirk show the side effects of too much caffeine. Top right: Heather Moore cheers her heart ou t at SC's first football game. Right: Pi Delta Sigma members; Brett O'Brian, Chris King, Stacy Welk, Jen­ nifer Horton, and Kassi Dyar feel sat­ isfied about the rock they just painted. 95 teIt 95 Top: Kenisha Bell and Ameichia Perry show off their confinements with enthusiasm. Above: Jennifer Loomis and Angela Mayorga, the inseparable duo, are now written in stone. Right: Benn Jackson spontaneously reacts to a question at the date rape seminar. 95 ete()eH 95 Top left: Can't these people get decent jobs with their educations? Top right: Look at these beautiful an­ gelic faces. Who could ever dream of the terrible thought of suspension? What is the world corning to? Bottom: "Oh where, oh where has mylittle dog gone? Oh where. oh where can he be?" 95 twetr.te 95 Left: It's fun to be in school on a sunny fall morning! Below: Last Moundbuilding ceremony for the 1995 seniors. Chris Douglasopens his lavish Christmas gift as Heather Schermerhorn and Charlie Rhoads watch. Is that a look of disbelief? 95 t~'tteeH 95 To p Left: Hey Seth Lindberg! Have you had your V8 today? Top Right: The Three Amigos­ Kristin Sauer, Christy Grealis, and Heather Schermerhorn. Bottom Left: Trevor Bridges was just another SC victim captur d on film. Bottom Righ t: Ange Craft is caught in theact of sneaking into Punkin's room. 95 IO-wtteelt 95 hanges at S.C. Top Left: HOW ABO UT THIS STYLE? Debbie Dove con s ulL~ Ang ie DeFisheron how much this dress will hav to be altered for lhe new and improved Michelle Hargis. Above: CROSSDRESSER OR FOOTBALL PLAYER? Michelle Hargis is caughl roaming around campus showing off his new look. Left: LOOK AT THAT BABE!! Jerf PrOlho. Jennifer Loomis. and Angela Mayorga look with awe at the beautiful ighL of !he new Michelle Hargi . 95 lilteeH 95 Above: Tava Ingram getsagroupChriShnas hug from Hea ther Johnson and Stacey Robbins. Right: Colin Milligan demonstrates Tae Kwan Do to elemen­ taryeducationstudents on Career Day. 95 4i:tteeH 95 Left: Preston Richert and Glenn Hammons unfold their immense spirit for the Lady Moundbuilders Volleyball teamat the social organization bannercontest. Below: Chad Strohl and Kurt Echols - two guys who know how to have fun! Left: Brandon Sommer, Murray Moore, Wendell Andrea,and Michael Allen strike a pose for the camera. Above: Jesus Reyes, Crawton Hightower, and Robert Hightower share a laugh. 95 4eCteitteeit 95 1 / / I I I I I , , / / / / / / I I / ./ / / / / / / I I I I I / K / " / " / / / / " / " / t t t t , , , / I " / I / / / / " / / / / I I / V Ol"ganizatio Student Activity Association SAA sponsored many activities for the 1994-1995 academic year. Some of those activities included: free movie night, bowling night, a monopoly tournament, the midnight breakfast,spring formal, and rapelling. Many other activites took place on campus through -out the year that were made possible by SAA. 1994k-1995NSApA. Officers: T~son Mars, Scott Jagodzinske, Eli ska Hicks, Stephanie Gonzales and Heather Ruc er. ot lctured: Chnsty Grealis. ' .95 tweHt'l 95 SGA SGA members 1994-95: 1st row: Paul Jackson, Scott Jagodzinske. 2nd row: Christian Lu tz, Sean Quinlan, J. D. Smith, Terry Barnett, Jon Schneider; 3rd row : Rence Seyb, Angela Mayorga, Jennifer Loomis, Donelle Bergeson, Teresa Latta, and K. J. Pittman. your vision?" This is the first question Martin Rude asked the Student Government Executive Board . planning session before the 1994-95 school year began. "Whatis our vision?" they asked themselves. question in mind, President Donelle Bergeson, Vice President Jon Schneider, Secretary Angela Treasurer Jennifer Loomis and Assistant Dean ofStudents Da wn Pleas-Bailey put their heads together out the answer. The answer that emerged was that SGA really is the voice of the students. Members students having concerns to bring them to SGA meetings for the Senate to study. actions of the SGA were to query activities and organizations on campus about concerns affecting Steps were taken, and will continue to be taken, to make the Southwestern College campus safe and SGA Executive Council: Jennifer Loomis, Scott Jagodzinske, Angela Mayorga, Jon Schneider, Donelle Bergeson, Christian Lutz, and K.J. Pittman. All the news that's fit to print Noses for the news. 1994-1995 Collegian Staff: Top: Brandon Haynes, Scott Galliart, Diana Hayes, Milligan, Deborah Mattal, Morgan Puderbaugh, Robin Hathaway, Brandon Smith. Front: Douglas, Christian Lutz, LySyin Lobster-Maddox, Jana Cartwright, Tava Jo Ingram, Rebecca Amy McWhirt, Jessica Muret, Jerome Bailey. With probably the largest staff in the past five years, the Collegian kicked off its 99th year in print. The staff was eager to begin reporting the happenings on campus and did a wonderful job of including a v of articles in each page turning issue. The first semester Amy McWhirt, Robin Hathaway, and Chris Smith served as the editors. To finish the year, Robin Hathaway and Jerome Bailey served as the second semester editors. Throughout the ye the staff lost a few members, but they also gained some. This year the Collegian assigned ''beats'' for each reporter to make sure that all possible stories reported. The Collegian also had many people who were eager to take pictures so there were many to accompany articles. Advisor Kathy Wilgers said she was pleased with the efforts of the 1994-1995 Collegian staff and the of this year's Collegian. New faces: Joining the Collegian staff for the second semester are Marian Grieve ± and Jaime Brooks ~ ~ 9 5 tweftt~-t((J.(J- 95 oundbuilder captures life on campus With the combinedefforts of the entire staff, the 1994­ 1995 Moundbuilder staff finished yet another page turning book packed cover to cover with pictures and stories of the past yearonSC campus. Each club, sports team, or­ ganization, and event was coveredinaninterestingand unique way. Many people worked above and beyond the call of duty to make sure pages were done by the deadlines to bring you this yearbook. A DANGEROUS LINE! The 1995 Moundbuilder Staff: Robin Sheldon, Heather " u ~JII,Stacy Welk, Stacey Robbins, Heather Schermerhorn, and Tava Ingram. 2nd Row: Bryan ,Brian Pagan, Charlie Rhoads, Colin Milligan, Morgan Puderbaugh, and Jerrod Wheeler You want me to what? Morgan Puderbaugh looks in disbelief at the editor who has just given him another assignment.
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