Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Zoja V Editors THE . Karamysheva of STEPPES CAMERINO Courtesy 1995 17 . OF Vladim Editors MONGOLIA of i r N. Khramtsov Courtesy Editors of Courtesy issn03935434 Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of ................................................................................................................................................................................... '.' .....~ ......................................................' ., .... ". '.' '.' ............... BUBIJICATlONDUOEPARTEMENTDEBOTANIQUEETt:COLOOIEDECUNIVERSITEDE CAMERINOET DE LA STATION INTERNAnOOAteDEPHYJbSOCtOLOGIEOEI3AIU.EUtSOUSl:eG10EDECASSOCIATIONPMICALEDEPHYTosoCIOUJG1E Courtesy :SfO$4iASSQCrATIQNiN"'E.RNAtiQN,AJiEPQLJRL'ErUDED~4AV~GgTAJ"lC>N>.· i<···········< .'. .' . .. .... ... EDITEURS: Editors of Jean-Marie Gehu Universite R. Descartes Paris et Station Internationale de Phytosocio­ logie, Haendries F - 59270 Bailleul Courtesy Franco Pedrotti Dipartimento di Botanica ed Ecologia Editors dell'Universita, Via Pontoni, 5 of I - 62032 Camerino (MC) Sandro Pignatti Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale Courtesy Universita "La Sapienza" Piazzale Aldo Moro I - 00185 Roma Editors Salvador Rivas-Martinez of Departamento de Botanica Facultad de Farmacia Universidad Complutense E - 28040 Madrid Courtesy Erich HObl Botanisches Institut Universitat fOr Bodenkunde Editors GymnasiumstraBe, 79 of A -1190 Wien COMITE DE LECTURE: Courtesy O. De Bolos (Barcelona) N. Boscaiu (Cluj-Napoca) P. Bridgewater (Canberra) M. Costa (Valencia) Editors A. Damman (Storrs, Conn.) R. Pott (Hannover) Secretariat general de la publication: of K. Dierssen (Kiel) P. Quezel (Marseille) N. Donita (Bucuresti) F. A. Roig (Mendoza) Prof. Roberto Venanzoni U. Eskuche (Corrientes) R. Schumacker (Liege) Dipartimento di Botanica ed Ecologia J. B. Falinski (Bialowieza) MAJ. Werger (Utrecht) Via Pontoni 5, 62032 Camerino (Italia) Courtesy M. Grandtner (Quebec) R. Wittig (Frankfurt a.M.) Tel. 0737/2527 Fax 0737/40528 S. Grigore (Timisoara) V. Westhoff (Nijmegen) L. lIijanic (Zagreb) O. Wilmanns (Freiburg i.Br.) Jzco (Santiago) Editors J. F. KIOtzli (ZOrich) Secretariat d'edition: Laura Carimini of A. Lacoste (Paris-Orsay) This volume has been written, edited and composed on a desktop publishing system using D. Lausi (Trieste) Apple Macintosh'" Page Maker 5.0· by laura Carimini. Proofs and final pages were E. van der Maarel (UppsaJa) created on the PostScript- Apple laserWritere. A. Miyawaki (Yokohama) Courtesy J. Moravec (Pruhonice) @ 1995 Dipartimanto di Botanica ad Ecologia dell'Universita - Camerino et Station de A. NOirfalise (Gembloux) Phytosociologie - Bailleul E. Oberdorfer (Freiburg i. Br.) Editors T. Ohba (Yokohama) Printed in Italy by Centro Audiovisivi e Stampa, Universita di Camerino, 1995 A. Pirola (Pavia) of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of BRAUN-BLANQUETIA Courtesy Editors of REVIEW RECUEIL Zoja Courtesy OF V. THE DE Karamysheva, GEOBOTANICAL Editors TRAVAUX STEPPES of CAMERINO 1995 17 Courtesy OF Vladimir DE MONGOLIA Editors GEOBOTANIQUE N. of MONOGRAPHS Khramtsov Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors Drawn/orm of a J. photograph BRAUN-BLANQUET, 1954 Courtesy by Frarv;oise M. Editors Dansereau of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of The the highest best authors Courtesy respect expert dedicate on to Editors Academician the of the Eurasian book with steppes E. Courtesy M. love Lavrenko and Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy THIS IS Editors A of BLANK PAGE Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy Editors of Courtesy BRAUN.BLANQuETIA, vol. 17, 1995 5 Editors of INTRODUCTION lia, are traditional. They have a long Steppe Region that is botanical-geogra­ history connected with names of phic division (regionalization), map­ Steppes are the most widespread outstanding Russian traveller-natura­ ping. and peculiarities of the flora and type of plant communities in the Mon­ lists (N. M. PRZHEVALSKII, G. N. POTANIN, the history of steppe vegetation, etc. golianCourtesy Republic, that is situated in the M. V. PEVTSOV, P. K. KOZLOV, etc.). Their They are of a great importance not only easternmost ultracontinental sector of publications contained the bright des­ for steppe region, but also for under­ the Eurasian Steppe Region. The tcrri­ criptions of natural landscapes of the standing of the vegetation origin of the tories with the steppes vegetation extend country. These works, continued in the Eurasian continent especially its non­ fromEditors the western up to the eastern fron­ beginning of XX c. by specialist-bota­ tropical part (LAVRENKO, 1940, 1942, 0 0 tiersof of the country (from 90 up to 120 nists (1. V. PALIBIN, V. L. KOMAROV, 1948,1954, 1956,1968, 1970a,b). E longitude), while in the south they V. V. SAPOZHNIKOV, etc.), give us the In 50-60th the investigations of reach 440 20' N latitude that is much more thorough and detailed information Mongolian steppes, their classification more south then in the neighbouring about vegetation and flora of the sepa­ and mainly the dynamic of above­ continental sector- Kazakhstan, where rate regions of Mongolia. After 1921, ground biomass of natural steppe pas­ theCourtesy boundary between steppe and desert as Mongolia had not the own special­ tures, were carried out by Mongolian region nearly coincides with 48°N lati­ ist-botanists, the botanical investiga­ specialists (DAVAZHAMTS, 1954; DASH­ tude (KARAMYSHEVA, LAVRENKO, RACH­ tions were accomplished by Russian NJAM, 1966, 1974; BANzRAGCH, 1982). KOVSKAJA,1969). scientists (N. V. PAVLOV, 1. M. KRASHE­ Unfortunately in the majority of case Editors E. I. RACHKOVSKAJA (1977, 1986, NINNIKOV, E. G. POBEDIMOVA, V. L. BARA­ these works were published in Mongo­ 1993)of draws the border between step­ NOV, etc.). A great significance in the lian, and thus is not enough accessible to pes and deserts in Mongolia conside­ study of botanical-geographic re­ the broad usage. rably further north (approximately gularities of the vegetation and flora A considerable progress in steppe along 46° N 1.), including the southern of Mongolia had the works of 50-60th vegctation study was observed in the last typesCourtesy of steppes (desertified steppes years by E. M. LAVRENKO, V.1. GRUBOV decades owing to the works of the Joint and desert ones) into the Afro-Asian and especially A. A. YUNATOV, in whose Soviet(now Russian)-Mongolian com­ Desert Region. V. 1. GRUBOV (1990) publication the first scientific descrip­ plex biological expedition Ac. Sci. of also interprets the desert steppes of tion of the whole Mongolian vegetation the USSR (R. Ac. Sci.) and Ac. Sci. of CentralEditors Asia as the desert vegetation. is contained. A. A. YUNATOV has pub­ Mongolia (Scientific leaders Aead. of In the east and south-east where lished two monographs (YUNATOV, 1950, E. M. LAVRENKO and Acad. V. E. So­ under influence of the Greater Khingan 1954), in which the main features and KOLOV). Mts. (Da Hinggan Ling) and the Pacific peculiarities of Mongolian vegetation In addition to special extensive Ocean the inversion in plant com­ are revealed, including the steppes, and route botanical-geographic and carto­ munities distribution is observed, and the analysis of their botanical-geo­ graphic works in the main natural zones theCourtesy zonal belts has rather longitudinal graphic regularities and the brief de­ of Mongolia, the biological observa­ position, this boundary extends even scription of the main types of steppes, as tions at the field stations during several more southward. The border between well as the main fodder plants of the years were also carried out there. They the boreal-forest and steppe botanical­ steppe pastures, arc given. included the comprehensive examina­ geographicEditors regions, that is northern A special attention deserves the tions of the edifieators and dominants - boundaryof of Eurasian Steppe Region, monograph by YUNATOV (1974) devoted the main environment forming species has on the territory of Mongolia quite to the analysis of flora and vegetation of of steppe communities. The investiga­ intricate outline. Most of botanists the desert steppes in Northern Gobi. tions were carried out in zonal types of (YUNATOV, 1950, 1954; YUNATOV, DASH­ These communities specific for floristic steppes: mcadow steppes (LAVRENKO, NJAM, GERBIKH, 1979; LAVRENKO, 1970a; composition and structure distributed on BANNIKOVA, 19X3, 1986), dry (LAVREN­ LAVRENKO,Courtesy KARAMYSHEVA, NIKULINA, the northern part of the Central Asian KO, 1984, 1999) and desert ones (LAV­ 1991; LAVRENKO, KARAMYSHEVA, 1993) subdominion of the Ancient Mediterra­ RENKO, 1980a, 19~n). By late 1980 the attribute to the boreal region only the nean dominion (GRUBoV, 1963) are the field station studies of the Eastern territoriesEditors around the Khubsugul Lake endemics of Central Asia and have not Mongolian steppes were started, but (northern than 50° N 1.) and mountain analogies in other arid districts of Pa­ unfortunately they were interrupted. of massif Khentei (Hentiyn Nuruu) with laearctic region. The fundamental task of field
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