VIRGINIA VIRGINIA CHRISTMAS TREECHRISTMAS GROWERS TREE GROWERS News Journal for Virginia Grown Christmas Trees ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION Published by the Virginia Christmas Growers Association VolumeVolume 1,1, Issue Issue 1 1 SprinSpringg 2011 2011 InsideInside thisthis Issue: NewNew Look!Look! President’s Message – 2 President’s Message – 2 Officers/Directors 4 Officers/Directors – 4 Marketing Survey 5 Marketing Survey – 5 Marketing Grant 7 Marketing Grant – 7 Why Ag? 8 Why Ag? – 8 Farm Tour 101 9 Farm Tour 101 – 9 Trees are Ag 12 Trees are Ag – 12 Scouting Guide 14 Scouting Guide – 14 National News 15 National News – 15 Are You Green 16 FirAre Seed/Lumber You Green – 1617 CommissionerFir Seed/Lumber of – Ag 17 CommissionerPlants Trees of 19 Ag FacebookPlants Instructions Trees – 19 20 FacebookTree Conference Instructions 21 – 20 VCTGATree Conference Meeting – 2221 VCTGATrees for Meeting Troops –23 22 TreesGovernor, for Troops Trees – & 23 Governor,Wreaths Trees 23 & Wreaths – 23 AdvertisersAdvertisers TreeTree Teck Teck – 7 7 The Virginia KelcoKelco – 9 9 Christmas Tree We Have a New Look! RiversideRiverside – 9 9 Growers Asso We Have a New Look! Tim Mitchell 11 As previously communicated VCTGA is taking a fresh critical look at our publications. Our Tim Mitchell – 11 As previously communicated VCTGA is taking a fresh critical look at our publications. Our CherokeeVCTGA Mfg.Tags –13 13 intent is to streamline and improve the look and the quality of this, our organization’s news Bosch 18 intent is to streamline and improve the look and the quality of this, our organization’s news Bosch – 18 journal.journal. Pines Pines and and Needles Needles is is now now Virginia Virginia Evergreen Evergreen. ChristmasChristmas Hill Hill – 18 18 Fraser Knoll 24 Fraser Knoll – 24 You’llYou’ll noticenotice thethe newnew namename andand tthehe newnew look.look. WeWe wantwant toto meetmeet youryour needsneeds by by informing informing andand educatingeducating our our growers growers by by providing providing the the best best technical technical information information available available for Virgin-for Vir- iaginia Christmas Christmas tree treegrowers. growers. We wantWe want to share to share with ourwith members out members the best the in bet production in production and growingand growing practices, practices, the most the most recent recent trends trends and helpsand helps in marketing in marketing and promotion,and promotion, and theand best in new and ongoing services and products available to use through our advertisers the best in new and ongoing services and products available to use through our advertis- and the companies who serve our agricultural farming community. We also want to be informeders and theabout companies what impacts who our serve industry our agricultural in terms of legislationfarming community. and regulatory We alsoissues. want to be informed about what impacts our industry in terms of legislation and regulatory issues. VCTGA News Journal – Spring 2011 | 1 VCTGA News Journal – Spring 2011 Page 1 Presidentially Speaking…. Presidentially Speaking…. Planning & Planting for Christmases Planning & Planting for Christmases Past, Present & Future Past, Present & Future M & M’s to Moon Pies Contributing A little over a year ago, as we began a new decade, I wrote and Coordinating Editors M & M’s to Moon Pies Contributing A alittle column over ina yearwhich ago, I referred as we tobegan “M & a M’s new”. decade,Those “M I wrote& M’s” and Coordinating Editors a were,column of incourse, which referringI referred to to marketing “M & M’s ”.and Those membership “M & M’s”. I Membership were,then of wrote course, about referring some ofto themarketing initiatives and under membership way following. I MembershipJocelyn Lambert thenour wrote initial aboutStrategic some Planning of the meetinginitiatives in under both thoseway following two focus Jocelyn Lambert Technical Support ourareas. initial Strategic Planning meeting in both those two focus Technical& Production Support areas.Here we are a year later and I’d like to report that we moving John& Carroll Production & Kyle Peer forward in both areas. First, in the area of membership, Here we are a year later and I’d like to report that we moving John Carroll & Kyle Peer forwardwe’ve setin botha goal areas. of increasing First, in bythe 20%. area So of howmembership, do we ac- Mount Rogers Report we’vecomplish set a that? goal Weof increasing do it by taking by 20%. a hard So howlook doat whatwe ac- we Charlie Connor Mount Rogers Report complishoffer our that? members; We do by it identifby takingying thea hard needs look of atour what member we Charlie Connor offergrowers. our members; What mandates by identif yingdo we the have needs from of ourour membermember- Pathology & Disease growers.ship? Are What we supplyingmandates the do needed we have “tools” from to our our member- growers? PathologyNorman & Disease Dart ship?Tools Are that we are supplying needed theto not needed just get “tools” by but to toour succeed growers? and Norman Dart to expand our operations and our profits. I’m reminded that Pests Tools that are needed to not just get by but to succeed and Eric Day to inexpand our mission our operations statement and we areour taskedprofits. with I’m helpingreminded “profes- that Pests sional Christmas tree growers in the expansion of our farm- Eric Day in our mission statement we are tasked with helping “profes- VDACS Support & Updates ing industry by growing and marketing quality trees”. sional Christmas tree growers in the expansion of our farm- Danny Neel VDACS Support & Updates ingThe industry second by areagrowing addressed and marketing with the quality whole trees”. “M & M” thing Dave Robishaw Danny Neel was marketing. What’s the good in growing a quality farm The second area addressed with the whole “M & M” thing Dave Robishaw product if we aren’t selling that quality product? We applied Marketing, Promotion, was marketing. What’s the good in growing a quality farm & Social Media productfor and if receivedwe aren’t a sellingmarketing that grantquality to product?help in expanding We applied our Marketing, Promotion, Sue Bostic market and promoting increased sales of our product- Vir- & Social Media for and received a marketing grant to help in expanding our ginia Grown Christmas trees. We’re working on that initiative Sue Bostic market and promoting increased sales of our product- Vir- Grant Updates now, but we’re not stopping there. In seeking to really build ginia Grown Christmas trees. We’re working on that initiative Sue Bostic, Greg Lemmer momentum for promotion and sales, we’re applying for addi- Grant Updates now, but we’re not stopping there. In seeking to really build tional grant funds to help with our association’s continuing Sue Bostic, Greg Lemmer momentum for promotion and sales, we’re applying for addi- Editor in Chief -Jeff Miller marketing efforts. (You’ll see more about that elsewhere in tional grant funds to help with our association’s continuing this issue.) Editor in Chief -Jeff Miller marketing efforts. (You’ll see more about that elsewhere in Virginia Christmas thisThis issue.) past winter, calls were received requesting information Tree Growers Association Inc. Virginia Christmas on winter meetings for our growers. We’re looking into being 383 Coal Hollow Rd This past winter, calls were received requesting information Tree Growers Association Inc. able to fund a winter meeting in 2012. In addition to our Christiansburg, VA 24073-6721 on winter meetings for our growers. We’re looking into being 383 Coal Hollow Rd regular annual meeting, this winter meeting would afford us PH: 540-382-7310 able to fund a winter meeting in 2012. In addition to our Christiansburg, VA 24073-6721 additional opportunities to bring in speakers with expertise in Fax: 540-382-2716 regular annual meeting, this winter meeting would afford us PH: 540-382-7310 key areas of benefit to our growers across the Common- additional opportunities to bring in speakers with expertise in Fax: 540-382-2716 wealth in a concentrated 1-day format. [email protected] key areas of benefit to our growers across the Common- www.VirginiaChristmasTreees.org [email protected] wealthAlright, in aso concentrated that takes care 1-day of format.the aforementioned M & M’s, www.VirginiaChristmasTreees.org I’m sure you’re wondering “What’s with the Moon Pies?” Alright, so that takes care of the aforementioned M & M’s, Here’s the scoop. On a recent winter trip to Charleston, I’m sure you’re wondering “What’s with the Moon Pies?” John and I happened to step into the Moon Pie General Here’sStore ,the a charming scoop. On nostalgic a recent place winter complete trip towith Charleston, every type John and I happened to step into the Moon Pie General of Moon Pie imaginable and shelves and vintage coolers Store , a charming nostalgic place complete with every type filled with the likes of R.C. Cola and “the real thing”- (that’s of Moon Pie imaginable and shelves and vintage coolers Coca Cola, of course). That little establishment, in the mar- filled with the likes of R.C. Cola and “the real thing”- (that’s ket area of Charleston, just put a smile on your face and Coca“called” Cola, you of tocourse). grab some That change little establishment, and take a little in thebit of mar- nos- kettalgia area home of Charleston, with you. just put a smile on your face and “called” you to grab some change and take a little bit of nos- talgia(continued home with on page you. 3) (continued on page 3) 2 | VCTGA News Journal – Spring 2011 (continued from page 2 Well, I mention this Moon Pie eating them anymore. When’s the - Presidentially Speaking…”) Story for several reasons.
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