FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT • ____~e' Papers as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1913 - 1920 Accession Nos. 42-150, 43-90, 43-169, 43-170, 47-15, 48-21 The Papers as Assistant Secretary of the Navy were donated to the Library by Franklin D. Roosevelt and by his estate. The literary property rights in them have been donated to the United States Government. Quantity: 36 linear feet (approximately 72,000 pages) Restrictions: None Related Materials: i1aterial relating to Franklin D. Roosevelt as Assistant Secretary of the Navy will be found in the Fred Colvin Papers (entire collection); the Louis Howe Papers - Navy Papers, 1913-1921; Franklin D. Roosevelt Family, Business and Personal Papers, Naval Affairs - Newport Investigation, 1921, the Rathom Case - Correspondence 1920-1921, the Rathom Case - Exhibits, etc. 1920-1921, and Naval Matters 1920-1922. Copies of materials found in the National Archives Record Group 80 (Offices of the Secretary of the Navy) are filed under "Copies of Materials from Other Repositories." To see this material consult the archivist on duty. Franklin D. Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the Navy during the administrations of Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921. His papers include material relating to the administration of the United States Navy, Federal patronage and Democratic party affairs in New York State, Roosevelt's campaign for United States Senator from New York in 1914, the campaign to re-elect Woodrow Wilson in 1916, and the movement to nominate Roosevelt as the Democratic candidate for Governor of New York in 1918. The papers are arranged in two series as follows: I. Official File: (Boxes 1-30) Incoming and outgoing correspondence and reports divided into three sub-series: (1) (Boxes 1-9) Files on naval yards and shore stations, fleet operations and individual ships arranged by division, office or bureau within the Navy Department. (2) (Boxes 9-\0) Interdepartmental correspondence arranged by Cabinet department (Agriculture - War). (3) (Boxes 10-30) General correspondence arranged alphabeticallj"'by subject and surname of correspondent, which includes a file "Volunteers, 1917 - 1920 A - z" consisting of correspondence with individuals volunteering for ,naval service or those seeking a transfer. II. Personal Files: (Boxes 30-88) Incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, diaries, journals and printed material divided into six sub-series: (1) (Boxes 30-41) Material arranged in alphabetical order by subject. (2) (Boxes 41-62) General correspondence arranged alphabetically by subj ect and surname of cor respondent. (3) (Boxes 62-64) Correspondence relating to Roosevelt's campaign for U. S. Senator (1914) and his 1918 campaign for New York State Governor arranged alphabetically. (4) (Boxes 64-75) Patronage correspondence relating to New York State appointments arranged alphabetically by county. (5) (Boxes 75-80) Correspondence concerning federal patronage arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondents. (6) (Boxes Bl- 88) Bound scrapbooks of newspaper clippings. SERIES I: OFFICIAL FILES A. NAVY DEPARTI1ENT 1 GENERAL Pending I1atters Daniels, Josephus Chief Clerk Smith, Frank: Private Secretary Wurtsbaugh, D. W.: Aide to Daniels Roosevelt, Franklin D. Aide for Material Curtis, F. S. Clerk to FDR Fechteler, A. F.: Aide for Inspections llo\le, Louis 1-1. I1cCarthy, C. 8.: Clerk to Assistant Secretary Pryor, Fred Stewart, Charles W. COI1I1UNICATIONS Division of Correspondence Detjen, John M.: District Communications Supt. General Hoff, A. E.: Office of Cable Censor Todd, D. D. W.: Director of Naval Communications McCandless, D.: District Communications Service OPERATIONS General: 1914 - 1918 2 General: 1919 - 1920 Aide for Operations Aeronautics Division of Aviation Belknap, Charles: Office of Chief of Naval Operations Chase, V. 0.: Acting CNO Division of Correspondence Radio INTELLIGENCE General McCauley, Ed\lard Jr. - 4 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 2 IN'l'ELLIGENCE (continued) Oliver, James H.: Director of Naval Intelligence Welles, Roger ATTACHES Paris: History: 1914 - 1918 de Blanpre, B.: French Naval Attache Dittborn, Julio: Chile Gerardi, Walter R.: Germany Maas, Charles 0.: France McCully, Newton A.: Petrograd Sayles, William R.: France NAVAL WAR COLLEGE General Cowie, T. J., Eberle, E. W. & Madison, Z. H. Knight, Austin M.: Commandant PERSONNEL Bureau of Navigation: 1913 - 1914 3 Bureau of Navigation: 1916 Bureau of Navigation: 1917 Bureau of Navigation: 1918 Bureau of Navigation: 1920 Blue, Victor Brittain, C. B. Koch, Ralph A. Palmer, Leigh C. Recruiting Service Naval Observatory Hydrographic Office Naval Hili tia Naval Reserve: 1915 - 1919 (1) Naval Reserve: 1915 - 1919 (2) Radio Service Bureau of Medicine & Surgery: 1915 - 1918 Judge Advocate General 4 Marine Corps General Barnett, George - 5 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 4 MATERIAL (continued) McKean, Captain Yards & Docks Ordnance Construction & Repairs: 1913 - 1916 Construction & Repairs: 1917 - 1920 Construction & Repairs: Progress Reports on Submarine Chasers Construction & Repairs: Vessels under Construction 5 Steam Engineering Supplies & Accounts: 1913 - 1915 Supplies & Accounts: 1916 - 1917 Supplies & Accounts: 1918 - 1920 Office of the Solicitor NAVAL ACADEI1Y BOSTON NAVY YARD CHARLESTON NAVY YARD NAVAL STATIONS Great Lakes, Illinois Guam Guantanamo Gulfport Indian Head Proving Ground (Maryland) Key West, Florida Las Animas, Colorado 6 Mare Island. California New Orleans, Louisiana New York, New York: 1913 - 1916 New York, New York: 1917 - 1919 Newport, Rhode Island Norfolk, Virginia: 1913 - 1915 Norfolk, Virginia: 1916 - 1919 Panama Canal Pensacola, Florida Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philippine Islands Portsmouth, New Hampshire: 1914 - 1916 - 6 - CONTAINER CONTENTS NAVAL STATIONS 7 Portsmouth, New Hampshire: 1917 - 1920 Puget Sound, Vlashington Samoa St. Helena, Portsmouth, Virginia San Francisco, California Washington, DC Winthrop, Maryland B. OFFICERS ON SPECIAL BOARDS C. NAVAL FORCES OPERATING IN EUROPEAN WATERS General: 1917 - 1920 "American Naval Effort on the Coasts of France" Sims, William S. U. S. ARMY IN EUROPE: 1918 NAVAL AVIATION FORCES IN EUROPE D. THE FLEET Operations: 1913 - 1920 Atlantic 8 Pacific & Asiatic Submarine Warfare Ships (by class) Ships (by name) Ships, Naming of Ships, Bureau of Ships, Movement of Ships in Distress Naval Coast Defense Forces Aerial Patrol System Civilian Volunteer Cruise: 1915 - 1917 (1) 9 Civilian Volunteer Cruise: 1915 - 1917 (2) Motor Boats: 1917 - 1919 (1) Motor Boats: 1917 - 1919 (2) Patrol Boats: 1917 - 7 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 9 D. THE FLEET (continued) Naval Coast Defense Forces Patrol Vessels, Special Board for: 1917 E. INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE Agriculture Agriculture: Hoover, Herbert Commerce Interior Justice Labor Post Office 10 State Treasury: 1914 - 1917 Treasury: 1918 - 1919 War GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE A Adams, Frederick U. Argentina: 1915 Armistice Armor Plate Ba - Be Battle of Jutland 11 Bi - Bri Biddle, Francis B. Big Navy Binoculars Board of Relief: 1914 - 1916 Brandegee, Frank B. British Hatters Bro - By Brown, Lathrop Burrows, Linus P. Ca - Cl 12 Calder, William M. Caldwell, Charles P. Chile Co - 8 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 12 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Coal: 1914 Coal: 1915 - 1916 Coal: 1917 Confidential: B - W Congressional Record: Extracts Council of National Defense Cr - Cy 13 Cummings, Homer D Davidson, G. Aubrey Demobilization Demobilization: Hancock Report - March 1919 Demobilization: FDR Report - April 1919 Dennis, Alfred L. P. de Roode, Albert Dirigible R-34, Flight Dowd, Thomas F. Dutchess County Society E Edison, Thomas A. Eldridge, Fred T. Emerson, Guy 14 F Fish, Hamilton Fiske, Bradley A. Fiske, Haley Fitzgerald, John J. Fitz Hugh, Carter H. France G Gardner, Augustus P. General Electric Germany Graham, Douglas and Jesse Griffin, Daniel J. Ha - lIe Haiti 15 Hammond, Paul L. Harvard Hi - Hy Holland, E. E. Hollis, Henry F. Homer, Arthur P. - 9 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 15 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Hopkins, Fancher M. Humphrey, William E. Hunt, Charles I International News Service J Jackson, Gabrielle E. Japan Johnson, Aymar K L 16 LeVino, Albert S. Lewis, William M. Lodge, Henry Cabot Logue, J. Washington Ma Mack, John E. Maher, James P. ~Ic - l1e McCall, J. T. Merrill, August Mexico General Dispatches: April 1914 17 Dispatches: t>'lay 1914 Dispatches: June 1914 Dispatches: July 1914 18 Dispatches: August 1914 Mi - My Miller, Chester A. Miller, J. W. ~liller , Spencer Mishtowt, Ivan ~lobi 1 i zat ion Hotor Boats Murphy, Barry N Naval History: 1913 - 1920 19 Naval History: Undated Navy League Nesser, Robert W. Newborg, Sidney - 10 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 19 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Norris, George W. o Oil Oliver, Frank Olney, Richard 2nd O'Shaunessy, George F. P Paisley, J. A. Parks, Frederick R. Parmele, Charles R. Payne, G. Henry Pearl Harbor Pendell, Thomas Penrose, Boies Perkins, Edward E. Peters, John A. Platt, Edmund Power Boating Power Squadrons Preparedness 20 Press Releases: 1913 - 1914 Press Releases: 1915 Press Releases: 1916 - 1917 Press Releases: 1918 - 1920 Press Releases: Undated Prizes & Trophies Q R Radio Rathom, John R. Red Cross Rhodes, .William Riggs, Roland R. Riordan, Daniel J. Roberts, Ernest W. Roden, E. K. Rogers, Gustavus A. Rogers, John J. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Articles by, 1915 - 1917 Engagements Speeches 21 Sa - Sp Sague, John K. - 11 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 21 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Saltonstall, John L. Santo Domingo Satterlee, Herbert L. "Sea Sled" Sellers, Coleman Senate Committee on Naval Affairs Senate Investigation
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