Charlotta Hedberg The Finland-Swedish Wheel of Migration Identity, Networks and Integration 1976-2000 GEOGRAFISKA REGIONSTUDIER NR 61 ! ""# "$"" % & ' % % (& &) *& + ,+&) ' -) ""!) *& .,+& /& % 0' ) 1 2 + 1 ' 345.""") 5 ) 64 ) ) 1,72 3 .#"5. 466.# *& & & ' + ,+ % & ,+&. ' ' & ,+) *& ' ' + & ' % & ' ,+ & % % & ) 1 & ,+ . & ' % ,+ ) 8 & & & ' 9 & +&& ' & & '& & & '& & %% + & ,+ ) & & + % + ,+ ) 1 & ' & % % & ' 9 & & % ) 1 & & %% + & ,+ % ' & ) 8 & % ' % ' & + & ,+ % ,+ ) *& ' & % & ,+) *& & % & + & &. ' : ' + ,+ ,+&. ' ) *& & & '& +&& & ,+ ) *& % ' & + & & & ' % + % ' . & & ' ) 8 % & % & .,+& ' +& . & + + & % ' ' ) - ' 1 ' & 2 + , ,+ ! "# $%& ' ' ( !)*$%+, ' ; -& ' ""! 1,,2 "!< ."< 1,72 3 .#"5. 466.# $ $$$ .!4< =& $>> ))> ? @ $ $$$ .!4<A List of Papers Section II The dissertation is based on the following papers, which will be referred to in the text by their Roman numerals: I. Hedberg, Charlotta & Kepsu, Kaisa (2003). Migration as a Cul- tural Expression? The Case of the Finland-Swedish Minority’s Migration to Sweden, Geografiska Annaler, 85B(2): 67-84. II. Hedberg, Charlotta. Direction Sweden: Finland-Swedish Migra- tion Fields and Cognitive Distances. Submitted to Population, Place and Space. III. Hedberg, Charlotta. Identity in Motion: The Process of Finland- Swedish Migration to Sweden. Under review in National Identi- ties. IV. Hedberg, Charlotta. Finland-Swedish “Return” Migration to Sweden: The Dividing Line of Language. Submitted to a volume to be published within the research project Diasporic Homecom- ings: Ethnic Return Migrants in Comparative Perspective”, University of California San Diego: Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies. Section III The section contains a popular scientific paper, which is a Swedish summary of the dissertation: Hedberg, Charlotta (2005). Finlandssvenska ”ansikten”: Migrationskulturer och livsbanor, [Finland-Swedish “Faces”: Migration Cultures and Life Cour- ses], Junila, Marianne and Westin, Charles (eds.), Mellan majoriteter och minoriteter. Om migration, makt och mening. Helsingfors: Svenska litte- ratursällskapet. Contents SECTION I .....................................................................................................9 Introduction: A Finland-Swedish Wheel of Migration ............................11 Objective of the Dissertation ...............................................................12 Related Research Approaches .............................................................15 Design of the Dissertation ...................................................................17 The Case of the Finland Swedes ..............................................................19 Finland-Swedish Identity Construction in a Historical Perspective ....19 Finland Swedes in Numbers and Regions ...........................................20 Contemporary Finland-Swedish Identity.............................................22 2. Theoretical Framework.............................................................................25 A Cultural Approach to Migration ...........................................................25 A Reconciled View of Internal and International Migration...............25 Rethinking Migration Geography........................................................27 Migration and Culture..........................................................................29 Aspects of Identity in Cultural Migration............................................31 Circularity, Networks and Flows.........................................................33 The Processes of Integration and Assimilation ........................................35 National Contexts of Integration and Assimilation .............................35 Definitions of Integration and Assimilation ........................................36 Identificational Integration ..................................................................38 Integration over Time ..........................................................................39 3. Methodology and Research Design ..........................................................41 Methodology: A Critical Realistic Approach...........................................41 A Note on Ontology.............................................................................41 Contextualised Research and Concept-Dependent Objects.................42 Causation .............................................................................................44 Method in Critical Realism ......................................................................46 Abstraction...........................................................................................46 Research Design ..................................................................................47 Research Design of the Finland-Swedish Migration Process...................50 The Statistical Data: Extensive Study One..........................................50 Investigation and Selection of Case Study Areas ................................52 Longitudinal Examination of the Case Study Areas: Extensive Study Two......................................................................................................54 Selection of interviewees.....................................................................55 The Interview Study: A Biographical Approach .................................57 Definitions Employed in the Study ..........................................................59 Definition of Finland Swedes ..............................................................59 Definition of Geographical Units ........................................................62 4. Summary of the Papers and Concluding Findings....................................64 Summary of the Papers ............................................................................64 Paper I. Migration as a Cultural Expression? The Case of the Finland- Swedish Minority’s Migration to Sweden...........................................64 Paper II. Direction Sweden: Finland-Swedish Migration Fields and Cognitive Distances.............................................................................65 Paper III. Identity in Motion: The Process of Finland-Swedish Migration to Sweden............................................................................67 Paper IV. Finland-Swedish “Return” Migration to Sweden: The Dividing Line of Language..................................................................68 Concluding Findings ................................................................................69 Finland-Swedish Cultural Migration and Integration..........................69 Causal Analysis of Finland-Swedish Migration ..................................71 Final Remarks......................................................................................74 References.....................................................................................................77 Literature ..................................................................................................77 Unpublished statistical material ...............................................................84 Appendix 1. Finland-Swedish migration to Sweden 1990-1999 ..................85 Appendix 2. List of Interviewees..................................................................86 Migrants living in Sweden .......................................................................86 Migrants living in Finland........................................................................86 Appendix 3. The Regional Sub-Division of Swedish Finland and Linguistic Status 2002....................................................................................................87 Tack! Att vara doktorand har visat sig vara en betydligt mer social sysselsättning än jag föreställde mig när jag påbörjade min forskarutbildning. Det är många som jag vill tacka i det här förordet. Först av allt vill jag tacka min handledare, Göran Hoppe. Redan som stu- dent lät han mig genomföra intressanta och självständiga uppsatsprojekt, vilket gav mersmak för fortsatta studier på forskarutbildningen. Vårt sam- arbete har fungerat bra under den här tiden och jag har fått stöd och upp- muntran att genomföra avhandlingsprojektet på mitt eget sätt. Att jag skriver min avhandling om finlandssvensk migration till Sverige beror inte, som många tror, på att jag personligen har finlandssvensk anknytning. Det var istället Göran som erbjöd mig att arbeta inom projektet. Under årens gång har jag tyckt att detta har varit en spännande forskningsuppgift. Jag har lärt mig mycket om både Finland och finlandssvenskar och om migration och identiteter. En viktig del av vårt projekt har varit ett nära samarbete mellan Geo- grafiska institutionen i Helsingfors och Kulturgeografiska institutionen i Uppsala. Särskilt betydelsefullt har samarbetet med min kollega Kaisa Kep- su i Helsingfors varit. Det har inneburit både stor hjälp i avhandlingsarbetet och, kanske viktigast av allt, det har gjort arbetet roligt. Vi har kompletterat varandra bra såväl när vi har skrivit våra gemensamma artiklar, som när vi har utforskat svenskbygderna
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