FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT 01.02.2010 – 30.04.2013 Empowerment of LAs and NSAs in Responding to Economic Development Opportunities and Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerabilities (PRODUCE) Contract number: DCI-NSAPVD/2009/208-357 Reference: Europe Aid/128141/L/ACT/BD The project is funded by the European Union, the Austrian Development Cooperation and CARE European Union Implemented by CARE This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents and views of this publication are the sole responsibility of CARE and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. Page 1 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 Table of Content 1. Description 5 2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 7 2.1 Executive summary of the Action 7 2.2. Activities and results 8 2.3. Activities that were planned and were not implemented 26 2.4. Assessment of the results of the Action 26 2.5. Outcome for final beneficiaries and target groups 35 2.6. List of all materials (and no. of copies) produced during the Action 35 2.7. List of all contracts (works, supplies, services) above 10,000€ 36 2.8. Describe if the Action will continue after support from the European Community has 37 ended / sustainability prospects 2.9. Explain how the Action has mainstreamed cross-cutting issues 38 2.10. How and by whom have the activities been monitored/ evaluated? Please summarise 38 the results of the feedback received, including from the beneficiaries 2.11. What has your organisation/partner learned from the Action and how has this learning 40 been utilised and disseminated? 3. Partners and Co-operation 40 3.1. How do you assess the relationship between the formal partners of this Action? 40 3.2. Is the partnership to continue? If so, how? If not, why? 41 3.3. Relationship between your organisation and State authorities 41 3.4. Where applicable, describe your relationship with any other organisations involved in 41 implementing the Action 3.5 Where applicable, outline any links and synergies you have developed with other actions 42 3.6 How far has this Action been able to build upon/complement the previous one(s) targeting 42 the same beneficiaries? 3.7. How do you evaluate cooperation with the Contracting Authority? 42 4. Visibility 43 Page 2 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 List of abbreviations ACD - Assistant Country Director ADC - Austrian Development Cooperation AM - Assemble market CA - Change Agent CAP - Community Action Plan CBHQ - CARE Bangladesh Head Quarter CHP - Classical Handmade Product CVCA - Community Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis DAE - Department of Agriculture Extension DLS - Department of Livestock DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction EDU - Economic Development Unit EKATA - Empowerment Knowledge And Transformative Action ESDO - Eco-Social Development Organization EU - European Union FFO - Field Facilitation Officer FO - Finance Officer GED - Gender Equity & Diversity GO - Government Organization GoB - Government of Bangladesh HH - Household IGA - Income Generating Activity LA - Local Authority M&EO - Monitoring and Evaluation Officer MMC - Market management Committee MoU - Memorandum of Understanding MPG - Milk Producer's Group MSI - Monzoor Silk Industries NGO - Non Government organization NSA - Non State Actors OH - Office Helper PAB - Practical Action Bangladesh PDU - Program Development Unit PM - Project Manager PO - Project Officer/Purchase Order PQU - Program Quality Unit PR - Purchase Request PRA - Participatory Rural Appraisal PRODUCE - Pro-poor-initiative for Disaster-risk-reduction and Understanding Climate- Page 3 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 change for Economic-development PUC - Para Unnayan Committee RSP - Rural Sales Program SD&CB - Strategy Development and Capacity Building SDVC - Strengthening Dairy Value Chain SDU - Social Development Unit SETU - Social and Economic Transformation of the Ultra poor SHIFT - Strengthening Poorest and Vulnerable Households Capability to Improve Food Security in Northwest Bangladesh SHOUHARDO - Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities SKSF - SKS Foundation TL - Team Leader TC - Technical Coordinator TNA - Training Need Assessment TO (DRR) - Technical Officer (Disaster Risk Reduction) TO (ED) - Technical Officer (Economic Development) UP - Union Parishad VDC - Village Development Committee Page 4 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 1. Description 1.1. Name of beneficiary of grant contract: CARE Österreich 1.2. Name and title of the contact person: Katharina Auer, Programme Officer Asia, Middle East and Europe, CARE Österreich 1.3. Name of partners in the Action: Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) and SKS Foundation 1.4. Title of the Action: Empowerment of LAs and NSAs in Responding to Economic Development Opportunities and Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerabilities 1.5. Contract number: DCI-NSAPVD/2009/208-357 1.6. Start date and end date of the reporting period: February 01, 2010 to April 30, 2013 1.7. Target country(ies) or region(s): 3 Districts in the Northwest of Bangladesh (Kurigram, Nilphamari and Rangpur) 1.8. Final beneficiaries and/or target groups1 (if different) (including numbers of women and men): The final beneficiaries are 80,000 extremely poor people (men and women) in the targeted rural areas. The target groups are: UPs, civil society organizations and networks, community based organizations, women organizations, and private sector actors engaged in market promotion and economic activities. 1.9. Country(ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7): N/A 1 “Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large. Page 5 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 Summary Reference of the Call Europe Aid/128141/L/ACT/BD for Proposals Title of the Call for Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development-Support to in-Country Proposals interventions Empowerment of LAs and NSAs in Responding to Economic Development Title of the Action Opportunities and Climate Change and Disaster Vulnerabilities Duration 39 months (February 2010 April 2013) Overall Objective: To contribute to the promotion of participatory inclusive governance to broaden the scope of economic opportunities for the poor and marginalized in rural communities (MDG1) Objectives Specific Objective: Improved conditions for cooperation between Union Parishads (UPs), local actors and communities (men and women) to collectively address economic and climate vulnerabilities in 29 Unions in the Northwest of Bangladesh (District of Kurigram, Rangpur and Nilphamari). SKS Foundation, Europe Aid ID number: BD-2009-DNC-0103374574 Local Partner(s) Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO), Europe Aid ID number: BD-2008-EVA-071284261 UPs, Civil society organizations and networks, community based organizations, Target Group(s) women organizations, and the private sector engaged in market promotion and economic activities Final beneficiaries The final beneficiaries are 80,000 extremely poor people (men and women) in targeted rural areas; they do not have sustained livelihood options and face economic and climatic vulnerabilities. Expected results 1: Improved capacities of 29 UPs and LAs accelerate their pro-poor and gender sensitive service delivery mechanisms and poor and marginalized communities, especially women, are empowered to negotiate their interests and to take responsibilities in accessing services. 2: Networking and collaboration mechanisms established among different actors and participatory planning and collective actions undertaken to effectively promote pro poor, gender sensitive economic activities. 3: Participatory learning and action mechanisms established to empower communities to actively engage in policy reform and implementation processes. Main activities Activities for Result 1: Capacity building of LAs and NSAs, specifically UP capacity on participatory poverty analysis, market and value chain analysis, assessment of climate vulnerability and capacity; capacity building for CBOs, poor men and women on IGA development. Activities for Result 2: Facilitation of cooperation, dialogue and linkages between NSAs and LAs to foster improve participatory planning. Activities for Result 3: Develop a comprehensive learning, documentation and reflection system. Publications and organize year-round learning sharing events. Page 6 of 44 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT-PRODUCE – FEBRUARY 2010 - APRIL 2013 2012 2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 2.1 Executive summary of the Action PRODUCE was implemented by CARE in cooperation with Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) and SKS Foundation in three districts in North-western Bangladesh (Districts of Kurigram, Rangpur and Nilphamari) from February 2010 to April 2013. The project aimed at improving cooperation between Union Parishads (UPs), local market actors and communities in order to collectively address economic and climate change vulnerabilities as well as to contribute to participatory inclusive governance and broaden the scope of economic opportunities for the poor and marginalized people in the rural communities.
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