
! PfW BEITRAGE ZUR REGIONALEN GEOLOGIE DER ERDE <0 T7 t~S T f^N -^ T Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. H. J. Martini President der Bundesanstalt fiir Bodenforschung Band 7 v ^in j UKDi .N I Dr. Friedrich Bender (?-— - Oberrcgierung« so/eji e Bundesanstalt fiir Bodenforschung Flaimover Friedrich Bender GEOLOGIE VON JORDANIEN Mit 40 Abbildungen und 14 Tabellen im Text, idungen, 5 Fossiltafeln und 8 farbige Abbildungen auf Kunstdruck, 9 Abbildungen und 2 Tabelkn auf Ausschlagtafeln und l geologische Vbersichtskarte 1968 1968 GEBRODER BORNTRAEGER • BERLIN • STUTTGART GEBRODER BORNTRAEGER • BERLIN • STUTTGART : •,. ... mm. .. I- • • - -- Landschaft am Nordcndc dcs Wadi Ram in Siidjordanien: Brcite Zcrtalung mit Hane- schutt der ariden Verwitterung, mit Driftsand und mit pelitischcn Sedimcntcn in Rcgcn- pfannen;Grundgcbirgssockel (prakambrischer AplitgTanit, links im Hintcrgrund) und steil aufragendc Massive aus kambrischcn und ordovizischcn Sandstcincn Landscape at the North end of Wadi Ram in South Jordan: Broad playa basins with debris of the weathering in the arid cycle, with acolian sands and with pclific sediments in mud flats; left in background: Prc-Cambrian basement ofaplite-granite and steep mountain ridges ot Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones ;-*»* J* ••4Ki*> s {, Abb. 36. Winkcldisknrdanic Auflaj»crung kambrisclier Sandsieine iiber dcr oberalgorikisch.cn 1<»nschicler-( i.rauw ackcnseric: mitderes Wadi Abu Barqa aril I.-Rand lies Wadi Aralu Fig. 36. Angular unconformity between tile I pper .Vlgoiiclati shirc- grcywackc series and •< .amhnan sandsiones; middle course ol the (--" Wadi Abu Barqa at ihc I.-side ul'thc Wadi Araha I- -: igsgebiet der ig gute Sor- ltung einzel- :inen karbo- i mit 5 m bis 11 >ir Madhkur Die karbo- >, § icher Mach- adi Feinan— en (Kapitel iilfiihrenden t^it ^PhtS«nit-Sockel (Prakambnum), gcbanktc Arkose-Sandstcine (Kambrium) massige, braun verwitternde Sandstcinc (Kambrium) und massige weiB vc™t3c Sandsteine (Unterordovizium) vom Wadi Ram, Sudjordanien »«« *cruittcrndc ^oS^-^S^^SS^hro'J^\Apliteugrariite (P/C-Cambrian). bedded arkose—sandstones*hit.sh weathered(Cambrian)Ldstonc^massive :, - \ ' 30mm nbrium bis raba (nach i to Middle Abb. 53. Dolomitischcr und feinsandigcr Kalk desboln.ii I ntcrkambriums bis Mittcl- kambriums (vorne rcchts) mit auflajjernden kambrischcn Sandstcincn; Bergmassiv im Mittclgrund: Kambrischc Huarzporphyrc; Ik-rgzug im I lintcrgrund: L'nterkrcide-Sand- stcinc und Ccnoman-Kalkc, mi Stdrungskontata mit den kambrischcn (icsteincn; Wadi Mogatba am mittlcrcn 1.-Rand des Wadi Araba Fig. 53. Foreground, right: Oolomitic and line-sandy limestone of the upper LowerCam brian to Middle Cambrian, with Cambrian sandstones on top; mountains in center: Cambrian quartzporphyrics; mountain ridge in the background: Lower Cretaceous sandstones and Ccnomanian limestones, dim nfaultcd against rocks of Cambrian age; at Wadi Mogatha, central part of Wadi Araba-1 .ast side 3strakodeh- > vom Wadi ba-Ostrand; <ens Qala'at n, die nach Coch (Bun- 'OQ'pris gibba littelpalaoli- [ Ma'an), in n gefunden es Jebel el leiza, sowie i'ertebraten- m, von der ion mussen ne mit fein- nit Konglo- 1 miichtigen vom Gebiet ichten iiber- it das ? Oli- .& Morton der Cardien :h R. Huck- ZKNBER.G & iten (90 km dlfchen und kreisrunde, Abb. 97. Der Novdicil dcs Tnlvtl Mceres von W geschen; im rund Tiefen Vordcrgrund Obextcrrassc aus plcislozanen l.isan-Mcrgcln mil gmb- (Deflations- klastischcn /.wixchcnlagcn'; .ml der Tcrrasscntlachc Rcsic ciner Wasscrlcitung, die zu den Ktiincn der I.ssener Siedliing Qumnim •it, w ahrend fiihrt; jcnsciiigcr (iwllichcr) lirabcnrand mit den Scbicbienlolgen i nicht nach der Trias, dcs lur.iund der Isreide li al. Ghina, Fig. 97. Notbent part ol the IX.id Sea as \ ieu ed from \\ 'est : I ppcr terraces of Pleistocene I is.mm.iris with coarse clastic interealaiioiis; rdcn 14 200 at the terrace-surlaiv remnants o| an aqueduct bailing til tbc ruins . sic wcgcn of Qumram. an atu ii hi settlement i>l Ihe l.sscns; opposiic (I-.asiernl chntauscnde edge ol the Ionian Kill Willi the sequences ol 1tiassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous sedmuills ruckljefuhlt iet (LlLLICH t Vererzung ten Gebieten in erheblich ?insandstein- :inen Gehalt , Cu absank. ne", wo eine u aufwiesen, 1 m ebenfalls reaben, sind e Reihe von sdimentation Verbreitung lieser Schich- irungen oder Abb. 138. Kupfervercrzter, hoch-untcrkambrischer Bis mittelkambrischcr Dolomit mit i i auflagcrndcn kambrischcn Sandstcincn; Seil el Ja'jar N Fcinan am Wadi Araba E-Rand rzknotten. Fig. 138. Copper-mineralized dolomite of upper Lower to Middle Cambrian age with H -npragnierten •1.1 Cambrian sandstones on top; Seil cl Ja'jar N of Fcinan at the East side of Wadi Araba W.i im umgeben- t'' n jedem Fall litisch. men, mit der mis gekenn- n kupfererz- insandsteinen Yulkanismus :ufuhr in den •stattc muBte ihr zuriickzu- iclkiimbriums 'tiicrtei' Sand- indcn sich im ni machtige, te Ycrcrzung I mehr als •logischen 40 m des i daB sich le 11a). h Bektor lensje ent- cor allem n um ein Jn Ober- ilorid ge- i Konzen- sonstigen 1 1000:1, - V -•._ ititativen •,: ( leer (mg/1) '". ' - ,«5 -* • Abb. 157. Stiirzh.ich beiben Wasscrs (am Oui-Hansum nberhall. der Sintertcrrasse : 58 C) \ om. Wadi /.nq.i \|g'in Fig. 157. Cataract of |„„ U.1UT , s# C .„ ihermal sprint: on ,,„, Mn Ot sinter-terrace), \\ .tdi Zt rqa \lafn-arca ial'i koine lu-ns aut r dcutcn auna des -M i Mccres, J i Summary 18 The highly metamorphosed rocks occuring in the Wadi Araba are thought to rep resent the remnants of the oldest ( ? early Algoncian) geosynclinal sedimentation, fol lowed by major intrusions of plutonites in southern Ionian. A great number of differentiated dyke rocks intruded the plutonites during several phases, during the late Algoncicn. Uplift and erosion preceded the deposition of the upper Algonciansediment: which overly the older rocks with an angular unconformity. These sediments, the ,,Sai.i:nuj Conglomerates" and the,,Slate-GreywackeSeries" indicate merelyepimetamorphic proc esses. They were intruded by quartzporphvries, porphyrites, and again by differentiated dyke rocks. The entire pre-Cambrian basement complex is considered to belong to the northern-rim of the African Craton, which was consolidated relatively late. Summary At the beginning of the Cambrian, a peneplane was developed in South-Jordan with deeply weathered plutonites at its surface. Neither highly metamorphosed ,,roof-rocks"; This volume of the ..Handbook ofthe Regional Geology of the Earth" deals with an nor upper Algoncian sediments were preserved anywhere. In the area of the Wadi .resi which, from the point of view of ageologist, is very favourably located for regional Araba-Jordan geosuture, however, a distinct relief was cut in the pre-Cambrian sur-' indies in the Near East: . face. Pre-Cambrian tectonic movements had occurred in the zone of the geosuture and The complex of pre-Cambrian rocks at the northern edge of the Nubo-Arabian had producedstructuralpositions which favoured the protection of highly metamor •hield is well exposed: phosed rocks and of upper Algoncian sediments from complete erosion prior to the The continuously changing environment of deposition along the southern-rim of the deposition of the Cambrian. Among other reasons, it is thought therefore, that the Iethys Ocean, frequently advancing towards the shield and regressing again since the initiation of the dilatation zone dates back to the pre-Cambrian. ambrian, offers good possibilities for time-stratigraphic subdivisions of both, the ma- Since the beginning of the Cambrian, the paleogeographic evolution of the country me and the continental sediments. was dominated by three factors: The evolution and structure of the Wadi Araba-Dead Sea-Jordan Rift avery im- 1. By the Tethys-Ocean, which occupied the area in the W and NW, and transgressed ressive part ofthe East African-North Syrian Grabcn zone, can be traced in detail due several times over parts of, or over the entire country, i the good exposures, which may throw more light on the origin of great geosutures 2. by the unstable zone, the Wadi Araba-Jordan geosuture, or dilatation zone, between • general. the Palestine and the Transjordan blocks, anil The present paper is based on a compilation and critical sorting of the literature on 3. by the Nubo-Arabian Shield in the SE and S, from where mechanical ainl chcittical « subject, and on the author's own investigations during afive year stay in Jordan weathering products were transported into the shelf of the Tethvs, and where, at head of ageological mission. This mission was established in Jordan by the Geological certain periods, continental clastic sediments were deposited. irvey of the Federal Republic of Germany within the frame work of an agreement on Continental, thick conglomerates and coarse, arkosic sandstones levelled tin pre- utual assistance in the technical and economic sphere between both governments Cambrian relief in the area of the Wadi Araba in the lower Cambrian, while sandstones trthermore, agreat number of yet unpublished stratigraphical and penological obser- without conglomerate layers were deposited in the peneplaned S- and SE-parts of rhe •tions and results of geological mapping made by the members of the geological country. i ission could be used. Itis for these reasons that in many cases new interpretations on During the upper periods of the lower Cambrian to the middle Cambrian, i lire .l.mentary environment, structure and paleogeographic conditions were achieved transgression of the Tethvs reached the E-rim
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