Mayor and Council Legislative Meeting October 5, 2020 7:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting. To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84423489646?pwd=RjIzV01JRXNEbXZQNXh3eUs3UGxBUT09 Or call: 301-715-8592 (Meeting ID: 844-2348-9646 Passcode: 261552) AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda Presentation • Recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month • Recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month Mayor’s Report Town Manager’s Report Monthly Finance Report Correspondence Summary Fire Department Report Council Committee and Ward Reports Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items and Consent Agenda Items Consent Agenda Motion to approve consent agenda items: 1. Minutes: April 7, 2020 Legislative Meeting Legislative Action Items: 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 2020-OR-13 regarding Juneteenth as a Town Holiday 2. Introduction of Ordinance 2020-OR-14 establishing School Zones and Maximum Speed Limits Town-wide 3. Motion to authorize the Town Manager to sign a Novation Agreement regarding a current Town contracted engineering firm 4. Motion to authorize the Town Manager to sign an agreement with E&R Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $30,912 to install sidewalks at Tuckerman Street at the Field of Dreams New Business 1. Appointment of Alternate Member of Ethics Commission 2. Resolution regarding Watershed Management 3. Letter to SHA and State delegation regarding the Purple Line 4. Letter to County Executive Alsobrooks regarding: (a) Nine Pond Project; (b) Root Cause Analysis of flooding event on September 10, 2020 5. Halloween Guidelines Unfinished Business Adjournment All members of the public in attendance are honorary members of the Council, and as such may comment on all items under discussion (subject to the same Rules of Order that apply to elected Council Members). PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the observation of Hispanic Heritage Week began under President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15; and WHEREAS, National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural traditions and honor the significant achievements of our Hispanic and Latino American communities; and WHEREAS, Hispanics have participated throughout the history of the United States in support and defense of the principles and ideals upon which this country was founded; and WHEREAS, Hispanics have made significant contributions in all phases of our economic, social, cultural and political life; and WHEREAS, our community has found strength in the diversity of our people. With faith and passion, a strong work ethic and a deep devotion to the family, the Hispanic community has helped to carry forward our legacy as a vibrant symbol of opportunity for all; and WHEREAS, we, as a community and as a government, are proud of the cultural enrichment brought by the diversity of the Hispanic population; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Alan Thompson, Mayor of the Town Council of Riverdale Park, hereby proclaim the period from September 15 to October 15, 2020 as Hispanic Heritage Month. I call on all public officials, educators, librarians, and all Americans to celebrate this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland, to be affixed this 5th day of October, 2020. ALAN K. THOMPSON Mayor PROCLAMACIÓN CONSIDERANDO QUE, la celebración de la Semana de la Herencia Hispana comenzó bajo la presidencia de Lyndon Johnson en 1968 y fue ampliada por el presidente Ronald Reagan en 1988 para cubrir un período de 30 días que comienza el 15 de septiembre y termina el 15 de octubre; y CONSIDERANDO que el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana es una oportunidad para celebrar las ricas tradiciones culturales y honrar los logros importantes de nuestras comunidades hispanas y latinoamericanas; y CONSIDERANDO que los hispanos han participado a lo largo de la historia de los Estados Unidos en el apoyo y defensa de los principios e ideales sobre los que se fundó este país; y CONSIDERANDO que los hispanos han hecho contribuciones significativas en todas las fases de nuestra vida económica, social, cultural y política; y POR CUANTO, nuestra comunidad ha encontrado fuerza en la diversidad de nuestra gente. Con fe y pasión, una sólida ética de trabajo y una profunda devoción por la familia, la comunidad hispana ha ayudado a llevar adelante nuestro legado como un símbolo vibrante de oportunidad para todos; y POR CUANTO, nosotros, como comunidad y como gobierno, estamos orgullosos del enriquecimiento cultural traído por la diversidad de la población hispana; AHORA, POR LO TANTO, yo, Alan Thompson, Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Riverdale Park, por la presente proclamo el período del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre de 2020 como el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Hago un llamado a todos los funcionarios públicos, educadores, bibliotecarios y todos los estadounidenses para que celebren este mes con ceremonias, actividades y programas apropiados. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, he suscrito el presente y he hecho que el sello de la ciudad de Riverdale Park, Maryland, se coloque este 5 de octubre de 2020. ALAN K. THOMPSON Alcalde PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, domestic violence is an epidemic affecting individuals in every community regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion or nationality; and WHEREAS, domestic violence remains a major public health, social justice, and human rights issue requiring particular attention; and WHERAS, the COVID-19 pandemic and the related stressors and isolation have led to a dramatic increase in domestic violence; and WHEREAS, there in an urgent need, more than ever, for communities to get involved by increasing awareness of domestic violence, supporting organizations that support victims of domestic violence and promoting efforts to eliminate domestic violence in our community; and WHEREAS, the wide prevalence of domestic violence compels all of us to come together and get involved as a coordinated community effort to end the abusive violence in our relationships, in our families, and in our community; and WHEREAS, Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity for residents to learn more about preventing domestic violence and to show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical advocacy, services, and assistance to victims; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland, that the month of October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Residents of Riverdale Park are urged to work together to spread awareness of domestic violence and to wear purple or illuminate their homes with purple light as a visible sign that our community supports those who are impacted by domestic violence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland, to be affixed this 5th day of October, 2020. ALAN K. THOMPSON Mayor PROCLAMACIÓN CONSIDERANDO QUE, la violencia doméstica es una epidemia que afecta a individuos en todas las comunidades independientemente de la edad, situación económica, orientación sexual, género, raza, religión o nacionalidad; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, la violencia doméstica sigue siendo un problema de salud pública, justicia social y derechos humanos que requieren atención especial; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, la pandemia de COVID-19 y los factores estresantes relacionados y el aislamiento han provocado un aumento dramático de la violencia doméstica; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, hay una necesidad urgente, más que nunca, para que las comunidades se involucren por aumentar la conciencia de la violencia doméstica, apoyo a organizaciones que apoyan a víctimas de violencia doméstica y promover esfuerzos para eliminar la violencia doméstica en nuestra comunidad; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, la amplia prevalencia de la violencia obliga a todos a unirse y participar como un esfuerzo coordinado de la comunidad para poner fin a la violencia abusiva en nuestras relaciones, nuestras familias y nuestra comunidad; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, el mes de concientización sobre violencia doméstica proporciona una excelente oportunidad para los residentes aprender más sobre prevención de la violencia doméstica y mostrar apoyo a las numerosas organizaciones e individuos que proporcionan apoyo crítico, servicios, y asistencia a las víctimas; AHORA, POR LO TANTO, SER PROCLAMADA por el alcalde y el Concejo de la ciudad de Riverdale Park, Maryland, que se reconoce el mes de octubre como mes de concientización sobre violencia doméstica. Los residentes de la ciudad de Riverdale Park se insta a trabajar juntos para difundir la violencia doméstica y usar ropa color morada o iluminar sus hogares con luz morada como un signo visible que apoya a nuestra comunidad quienes se ven afectados por la violencia doméstica. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, he suscrito el presente y he hecho que el sello de la ciudad de Riverdale Park, Maryland, se coloque este 5 de octubre de 2020. ALAN K. THOMPSON Alcalde Town of Riverdale Park Legislative Meeting Minutes April 7, 2020 7:00 p.m. In Attendance Mayor Alan K. Thompson CM Marsha Dixon, Ward 1 CM Aaron Faulx, Ward 2 CM David Lingua, Ward 3 CM Christopher Henry, Ward 4 CM Colleen Richardson, Ward 5 CM Hala Mayers, Ward 6 John N. Lestitian, Town Manager Jessica Barnes, Town Clerk/Director of Administrative Services Ryan Chelton, Development Services Director Gentry Jones, Finance Services Manager
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