PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 54, NUMBER 6 DECEMBER 1996 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. A complete list of authors and the full title are printed after each ®rst author's name with subsequent authors cross-referenced. For Rapid Communications an R precedes the page number. The letters (C) and (BR) fol- lowing the page number indicate that a paper is a Comment or Brief Report, respectively. References with (E) are to Errata. Abdallah, M. — ͑see Kravis, S. D.͒ A 54, 1394 Allen, L. J. — ͑see Huber, H.͒ A 54, 1363 Abe, Sumiyoshi — Angular velocity operator and q-deformation Alston, Steven — Modified Faddeev treatment of electron capture. structure. A 54, 93 A 54, 2011 Ableev, V. G. — ͑see Bertin, A.͒ A 54, 5441͑BR͒ Alt, E. O., A. S. Kadyrov, and A. M. Mukhamedzhanov — Triangle Abraham, E. R. I. — ͑see McAlexander, W. I.͒ A 54, R5 amplitude with off-shell Coulomb T matrix for exchange reactions Abraham, Michael, Barak Galanti, and Zeev Olami — Effect of a in atomic and nuclear physics. A 54, 4091 rotating potential on a quantum particle. A 54, 2659 Alvarellos, J. E. — ͑see Garcı´a-Gonza´lez, P.͒ A 54, 1897 Abram, I. and G. Bourdon — Photonic-well microcavities for Alvarez, I. — ͑see Domı´nguez, I.͒ A 54, 506 spontaneous emission control. A 54, 3476 Alvarez, J. M. — ͑see Valle´s, J. A.͒ A 54, 977͑BR͒ Abril, Isabel — ͑see Pe´rez-Pe´rez, F. Javier͒ A 54, 4145 Alvarez, M. — Calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function. Ackermann, J. and J. Shertzer — Finite-element calculations for the A 54, 1128 three-body Coulomb problem with two equal masses. A 54, 365 Alzetta, G. — ͑see Xu, J. H.͒ A 54, 3146 Adam, G. — ͑see Buzˇek, V.͒ A 54, 804 Amaral, Orlando A. V. — ͑see Medeiros, Renato͒ A 54, 3661͑BR͒ Adam, P. — ͑see Kis, Z.͒ A 54, 5110 Amitay, Z., D. Zajfman, P. Forck, U. Hechtfischer, B. Seidel, M. af Ugglas, M. — ͑see Semaniak, J.͒ A 54, R4617 Grieser, D. Habs, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf Agarwal, Ashish and S. Chopra — Spatial correlation effects in a — Dissociative recombination of CHϩ: Cross section and final states. laser. A 54, 2503͑BR͒ A 54, 4032 Agarwal, G. S. — Control-laser-induced subnatural linewidths and ͑see Semaniak, J.͒ A 54, R4617 quenching of spontaneous emission. A 54, R3734 Amos, K. — ͑see Huber, H.͒ A 54, 1363 ͑see Vemuri, Gautam͒ A 54, 3394 An, Z., T. H. Li, L. M. Wang, X. Y. Xia, and Z. M. Luo ͑see Vemuri, Gautam͒ A 54, 3695͑BR͒ — Correction of substrate effect in the measurement of 8–25-keV Agarwal, Girish S. and Emil Wolf — Correlation-induced spectral electron-impact K-shell ionization cross sections of Cu and Co changes and energy conservation. A 54, 4424 elements. A 54, 3067 Agnello, M. — ͑see Bertin, A.͒ A 54, 5441͑BR͒ Andersen, J. U., J. Chevallier, G. C. Ball, W. G. Davies, J. S. Ågren, Hans — ͑see Gelmukhanov, Faris͒ A 54, 379 Forster, J. S. Geiger, J. A. Davies, H. Geissel, and E. P. Kanter ͑see Gel’mukhanov, Faris͒ A 54, 3960 — Dielectronic recombination and energy loss for He-like 79Br Ahn, Changrim, Kong-Ju-Bock Lee, and Soonkeon Nam ions channeled in a thin single crystal of Si. A 54, 624 — Nonrelativistic factorizable scattering theory and the Calogero- Andersen, N. — ͑see Dowek, D.͒ A 54, 970͑BR͒ Sutherland model. A 54, 4943 Anderson, D. Z. — ͑see Mamaev, A. V.͒ A 54, 870 Ai, B. — ͑see Glassner, D. S.͒ A 54, 3335 Anderson, W. — ͑see Veale, J. R.͒ A 54, 1430 Aichele, K. — ͑see Hathiramani, D.͒ A 54, 587 Andra¨, H. J. — ͑see Pesnelle, A.͒ A 54, 4051 Ait-Tahar, S., I. P. Grant, and P. H. Norrington — Electron Andra¨, H. J. — ͑see Westphal, P.͒ A 54, 4577͑BR͒ scattering by Fe XXII within the Dirac R-matrix approach. A 54, 3984 Andreis, M. — ͑see Baraldi, C.͒ A 54, 4947 Akgu¨ngo¨r, K. — ͑see Kamber, E. Y.͒ A 54, 1452 Andriamonje, S., M. Chevallier, C. Cohen, N. Cue, D. Dauvergne, J. Aksela, H., J. Jauhiainen, E. No˜mmiste, S. Aksela, S. Sundin, A. Dural, F. Fujimoto, R. Kirsch, A. L’Hoir, J.-C. Poizat, Y. Ausmees, and S. Svensson — Angular anisotropy of the Kr Que´re´, J. Remillieux, C. Ro¨hl, H. Rothard, J. P. Rozet, D. Ϫ1 → Ϫ2 3d3/2,5/25p 4p 5p resonant Auger decay studied by utilizing the Schmaus, M. Toulemonde, and D. Vernhet — K-shell Auger resonant Raman effect. A 54, 605 radiative electron capture with bare 60-MeV/u Kr ions channeled in a , J. Jauhiainen, E. No˜mmiste, O.-P. Sairanen, J. Karvonen, E. Si crystal: Experiments and simulations. A 54, 1404 Kukk, and S. Aksela — Angular distribution of Auger electrons Antoine, Ph., B. Piraux, D. B. Milosˇevic´, and M. Gajda — Generation Ϫ1 in the decay of resonantly excited 4d3/2,5/2 6p states in Xe. of ultrashort pulses of harmonics. A 54, R1761 A 54, 2874 Antropov, V. P. — ͑see Katsnelson, M. I.͒ A 54, 4802 and J. Mursu — Electron correlation in the 3p44s state of Ar Arakaki, Y. — ͑see Tanabe, T.͒ A 54, 4069 studied via the 2p54s resonant Auger spectra. A 54, 2882 Arecchi, F. T. — ͑see Ramazza, P. L.͒ A 54, 3472 ͑see Kukk, E.͒ A 54, 2121 Arik, M. — ͑see Hakiog˘lu, T.͒ A 54, 52 ͑see Sairanen, O.-P.͒ A 54, 2834 Arimondo, Ennio — Relaxation processes in coherent-population Aksela, S. — ͑see Aksela, H.͒ A 54, 605 trapping. A 54, 2216 ͑see Aksela, H.͒ A 54, 2874 ͑see Cerboneschi, Elena͒ A 54, 5400 ͑see Kukk, E.͒ A 54, 2121 Arista, N. R. — ͑see Martı´nez-Tamayo, G.͒ A 54, 3131 ͑see Sairanen, O.-P.͒ A 54, 2834 Arista, Ne´stor R. — ͑see Pe´rez-Pe´rez, F. Javier͒ A 54, 4145 Alber, G. — ͑see Zobay, O.͒ A 54, 5361 Arndt, Markus — ͑see Desbiolles, Pierre͒ A 54, 4292 Al-Dossary, O., M. Babiker, and N. Enfati — Quantum optics of Arp, U. — ͑see Shaw, P. S.͒ A 54, 1463 plasmon polaritons and velocity sum rules. A 54, 2419 Artemev, A. Y. — Environment dependence of spectral and dissipative Allegrini, M. — ͑see Jabbour, Z. J.͒ A 54, 1372 properties of an open spin system. A 54, 2779 Allen, L., M. Babiker, W. K. Lai, and V. E. Lembessis — Atom Artoni, M. and R. Marani — Squeezed states in multiple atomic dynamics in multiple Laguerre-Gaussian beams. A 54, 4259 fluorescence. A 54, 2280 ͑see Dholakia, K.͒ A 54, R3742 Asimov, R. — ͑see Lawson-Daku, B. J.͒ A 54, 5042 54 5460 54 CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 5461 Asp, S. — ͑see Gao, H.͒ A 54, 3005 Bapat, Bhas, E. Krishnakumar, C. P. Safvan, M. J. Singh, S. K. Assion, A., M. Geisler, J. Helbing, V. Seyfried, and T. Baumert Goel, and R. Shanker — Two-electron processes in the — Femtosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy: ionization of H2 and D2 by fast protons. A 54, 2925 Mapping of vibrational wave-packet motion. A 54, R4605 Baraldi, C., E. Casnati, A. Tartari, M. Andreis, and B. Singh Atutov, S. N., K. A. Nasyrov, S. P. Pod’yachev, A. M. Shalagin, and — Measurements of anomalous elastic scattering of 59.54-keV O. A. Vostrikov — Light-induced current in plasma. A 54, 4279 photons. A 54, 4947 Aumayr, F. — ͑see Horvath, G.͒ A 54, 3022 Barbe´, R. — ͑see Gorris-Neveux, M.͒ A 54, 3386 Ausmees, A. — ͑see Aksela, H.͒ A 54, 605 Barbiellini, B. — ͑see Harju, A.͒ A 54, 4849 ͑see Kukk, E.͒ A 54, 2121 Barbosa, G. A. — Quantum images in double-slit experiments with Auth, C. — ͑see Winter, H.͒ A 54, 2486͑BR͒ spontaneous down-conversion light. A 54, 4473 Avaldi, L., P. Bolognesi, R. Camilloni, E. Fainelli, R. A. Multari, and ͑see Souto Ribeiro, P. H.͒ A 54, 3489 G. Stefani — Formation and decay of Xe 4dϪ1 vacancies studied Bardin, S. — ͑see Briand, J.-P.͒ A 54, 4136 via electron-electron coincidence experiments. A 54, 2930 Barenco, Adriano, Artur Ekert, Kalle-Antti Suominen, and Pa¨ivi ¨ ¨ ͑see Velotta, R.͒ A 54, 2482͑BR͒ Torma — Approximate quantum Fourier transform and Averbukh, I. Sh. — ͑see Leichtle, C.͒ A 54, 5299 decoherence. A 54, 139 Avetissian, H. K. and S. V. Movsissian — Theory of elastic scattering ͑see Vedral, Vlatko͒ A 54, 147 of particles in a static potential field. A 54, 3036 Barenghi, Carlo F. — Vortex waves in a cloud of Bose-Einstein- Avgoustoglou, E. and Z. W. Liu — Relativistic many-body calculations condensed, trapped alkali-metal atoms. A 54, 5445͑BR͒ 5 Barnum, Howard, Christopher A. Fuchs, Richard Jozsa, and of ͓2p 3d͔Jϭ1 excited-state energy levels for neonlike ions. A 54, 1351 Benjamin Schumacher — General fidelity limit for quantum channels. A 54, 4707 Bar-Shalom, A. — ͑see Behar, E.͒ A 54, 3070 Bartschat, K., E. T. Hudson, M. P. Scott, P. G. Burke, and V. M. Babb, James F. — ͑see Yan, Zong-Chao͒ A 54, 2824 Burke — Convergent R matrix with pseudostates calculation Babiker, M. — ͑see Al-Dossary, O.͒ A 54, 2419 for eϪ-He collisions. A 54, R998 ͑see Allen, L.͒ A 54, 4259 Bartschat, Klaus and Igor Bray — S-wave model for electron- Bachor, Hans-A. — ͑see Harb, Charles C.͒ A 54, 4370 hydrogen scattering. A 54, R1002 ͑see Ralph, Timothy C.͒ A 54, 4359 and Igor Bray — Calculation of electron-Cs scattering at ͑see White, Andrew G.͒ A 54, 3400 intermediate energies.
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