Track and Field Pre-Meet Notes Officials Head Starter to Inspect Starting Blocks Cross Country Finish Corral Recommended with Tran- sponder Usage National Federation of State High School Associations IN THIS ISSUE: Review of 2016-17 Rule Changes 2. Review of New Rules The head starter now inspects the starting where in existing rules and adds language 3. Points of Emphasis blocks. Placing the responsibility of inspect- regarding when the order of competition 5. Starting Blocks-Who ing all starting blocks is more appropriate may be changed for consistency in all field Has the Responsibility with the starter, who has this expertise, ra- to Inspect them? event rules. (7-6-10, 6-2-5) ther than with the implement inspector who Allowing the use of the double painted 6. Terminology for Offici- has expertise with throwing implements. (3- ating Field Events— boundary lines marking both the inside and 6-4, 3-19-3) The Basics outside boundaries of the cross country 8. Shot Put Size—Indoor Head event judges may use white and red course. This method provides additional vs Outdoor flags to signal fair or foul for a field event guidance to the runners, better defines the 9. Order of Competition trial. The use of flags will assist with efficient race course for spectators, and allows for in Field Events administration of the field events. Communi- natural barriers (grasses, hedges, etc.) which cation between officials, coaches and fans is 10. The Javelin—A Con- appear on many of the newer courses. (9-1- structive Look enhanced by the visual signal, similar to the 3b) use of flags by umpires. (3-10-7) 11. Cross Country Finish Recommending the use of a video/ Area– Chute or Corral? The definitions of trial/attempt, flight, photograph back-up system when order of 12. Appropriate Use of round, pass, foul and what determines the finish in cross country is determined using a Flags in Field Events initiation of purposeful action of completing transponder system. The review using the 13. Vertical Jumps Bar Dis- the specific throwing or jumping event are back-up is activated when the timing system placement—Is it Al- expanded for clarity. The changes update the indicates a one-tenth second or less differen- ways a Failed Attempt? rules to accepted current sport terminology. tial. Transponders can read early or late, 14. Appropriate Number (6-1-1, 7-1-1) come off the runner etc. The video back-up can confirm close finishes and also assist if of Competitors in To account for the thickness of the synthetic Track & Field Distance other problems arise using the transponder covering of an indoor shot, which is not pre- Races system at the finish line. (9-3-3a, b) sent on the outdoor implement, a maximum 15. Double Boundary diameter is added to the rules in the specifi- A finish corral is recommended at cross Lines for Cross Coun- try cations for the implement. (6-5-2) country meets in which the transponder sys- tem is used for the order of finish. The finish 15. RIO Injury Survey Updates to the current javelin specifications line is opened to its full width allowing com- eliminate reference to wood, which is no 16. Horizontal Jumps Take petitors to race through the line. The use of longer a commonly used material. The jave- -off Board a chute may restrict running space. The cor- lin shall be constructed of metal or other 16. Correct Height & Place- ral enhances competitors’ ability to perform suitable material, which could be wood or ment of Hurdles— administrative tasks as directed by meet Who is Responsible? newer materials, with a metal point or rub- management and then progress in an order- ber tip. The change will permit use of newer 17. Video/Photographic ly fashion out of the corral culminating all Back Up System in materials, such as carbon fiber, in the con- race activity. (9-3-4, 5 & 9-4-6, 7) Cross Country struction of the javelin. (6-6-1) 18. Coaches, Don’t Miss Updates the size of the takeoff board to ac- Your Mark-Pro-Active cepted sport specifications by recommend- MEDICAL ALERTS Preparation ing it be 8 inches wide, but permits up to 24 SHOULD BE WORN WITH 18. Participation Results inches. Existing boards will not become non- 19. Coaches Education compliant. (7-6-3) ALERT VISIBLE Opportunities Removes duplicate language contained else- Page 2 © 2016 by NFHS and USATF the white flag and red if the attempt is ille- Officials Training Subcommit- Points of Emphasis gal. Actions by a competitor cannot be a foul tee. All rights reserved. Per- after the official has ruled fair except when mission is granted to copy and 1. Role of officials inspecting duties, a gen- the official makes an immediate correction use in its entirety by an indi- eral review – A well-run meet begins when of a mistaken action, such as raising red flag vidual or non-profit organiza- each official competently performs each of his/ when it should have been white and imme- tion solely for the purpose of her pre-meet responsibilities. These responsi- diately correcting . training track and field offi- bilities include not only those covered by the cials. Any other use, or use of 3. Number of competitors in sections of rules but include the “common sense” ap- any portions of this document, distance races – The rules permit the size proach to making sure your event is ready to is prohibited without written of sections to be determined site by site go for the competition. Prior to the beginning permission from the NFHS and unless state association policy would deter- of inspecting duties, the officials should discuss USATF Officials Training Sub- mine otherwise. When determining the the method of clearly marking implements that committee. number of competitors to be placed in each pass inspection as well as those not passing section, it is important to consider the size inspection and their being removed from Edited and written by Becky of the field, the quality of the performances warmups and competition. This should be done Oakes, NFHS Track and Field of the competitors involved and the rela- in a fashion that makes it easy for the event Rules Editor, Robert Kern, tionship to risk minimization. A section USATF Officials Committee and judges to quickly determine the legality of the should not be so large as to create an envi- Rob Buzaitis, Chair for Train- implements once at each specific event venue. ronment that increases the risk for injury ing, USATF Officials Commit- The referee, field referee or head field judge due to the competitors being too crowded tee. has the responsibility to oversee all implement and not able to freely run. Acknowledgments to authors and apparatus inspectors. The weighing, meas- and editors who contributed to uring and inspecting of all implements in 4. Forces disassociated with competi- the 2016 NFHS Track and Field throwing events are responsibilities of the im- tor’s actions in high jump and pole vault Pre-Meet Notes: plement inspector(s). It is important that only – When a competitor has legally and is legal implements are permitted for use in clearly over the crossbar and a force not Larry Able (Lenexa, KS); warmups and competition. This season, by rule, associated with the competitor causes the George Adams, (Dallas, TX); Mike Armstrong (Springdale, the starter has the responsibility to inspect all crossbar to be displaced, it shall not be con- AR); Roger Burbage (Raleigh, starting blocks to be used in the running sidered a foul. Examples of a disassociated NC); Jennifer Burks (Gilbert, events. Each pole to be used in the pole vault force would include such situations as the AZ); John Deardorff (Wichita, competition shall be inspected by the field ref- wind blowing the crossbar off the pins or KS); Stan Druckrey (South Milwaukee, WI); Carolyn eree or head field judge and meet the require- the pole contacting and rebounding off the Griggs(Philadelphia, PA); Mark ments in Rule 7-5-3. Once at each field event plant box padding. It is NOT considered a Heckel (Hughesville, PA); Glo- venue, to be certain the venue is ready for com- disassociated force if the vaulter, for exam- ria Louis (Lafayette, LA); Mi- petition, the head event judge and accompany- ple, releases the pole and it falls into the chael McCoy (Largo, MD); Richard Messenger (Weston, ing crew should observe the equipment, layout crossbar without that cause being from WV); David Nickels and marking, necessary areas are cordoned off wind or rebound. It is the responsibility of (Sheboygan, WI); Raymond for risk minimization and all necessary equip- the competitor to have a clean jump or Pierre (Waco, TX); Michael ment for the conducting the event is present. vault. In the case of vaulting, the competitor Powers (Batavia, IL); Jay Pres- ton (Waukesha, WI); Patrick Any problems should be reported to the field must have a clean release of the pole so that Pretty (Cedarburg, WI); referee or referee who in turn may need to it does not fall into the crossbar. Jamero Rainey (Bloomington, work directly with the meet director and host 5. Multiple logos on uniform bottoms IL); Jim Smyth (Raleigh, NC); administration to bring the venue into compli- Robert Springer, (Seattle, are non-compliant – There continues to be ance for competition. WA;) Bob Tice (Whispering emphasis placed on coaches and athletes Pines, NC); Annette White (Philadelphia, PA) 2. Use of flags by officials – With the change selecting and wearing uniforms that are in in the rules to no longer call “mark” in the field full compliance with the rules.
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