Materials, Form and Architecture Laurence King Pub I Introduction 06 Materials for Building 10 Materials and Form 36 In the Nature of Materials 68 Place 98 Time 116 Use 132 Junctions 146 Surfaces 158 Meaning 170 Materiality and Translucency 184 Conclusion 228 Index 230 Notes 236 Acknowledgments 240 Basso, Keith 100 Colonna. Francescn.... 58-- Index Bath. Enaland: Lansdowne Crescent 42. 43 colour 7, 54, 56, 58, 58. 59, 59-60. 61, 61-2,76, 100, l~,,-~, 102, ~auhausythe52,79, 82, 163 103,104, 105,106, 106,161 161 16% 167 Bear Run, Pennsylva?ia: 'Fallingwater' (Wright) 84, Como, Italy: Casa del Fascio (Terragni)-@ 82-' *" *" ** *** 54,YI,YL, l l l, Ill concrete 26,27, 27,32. 41. 70, I I 8, I 57,' I 74, I 76, 190, 191, 93 Beeston, nr Nottingham, England: Boots Factory Williams) 82, 83 206,208,211.211 Behne, Adolf 82 conoer-stained 206 207,208 Behnisch. GunterIBehnisch and Partners 148-9 reinforced 28. 32, 3234, 34, 63-4, 65, 81. 86, 86-8, 90, 91, 92, 92, Lutheran Seminary, Stuttgart 149 111 190 Parliament, Bonn 219 ~onta&;~uguste:Copenhagen 7, 102. Galerie 103 des Machines, Paris 30, 78, 79 Benedikt, Michael: For an Architecture of Realiw 186, 190 Benjamin. Walter 79, 176 Bank of Denmark (Jacobsen) 166. 167 Benthem and Crouwel: ~avilion.Sonsbeek 221 Citv Hall (Nvroo) 179 Benvon, Baqe and ~arshall:miil, Shrewsbury 27 ~rundtvigChurch (Jensen-Klint) 168 Berlage, Hel-idrik Petrus 161, 164 refurbished- - -- -~ street- -.... 99 Amsterdam Stock Exchanae 72. 72 Thorvaldsen Museum (Bindesb~ll)59, 60, 61, 102, 103, 140, 141 U-,Rnrlin ,,, , copper 123,123-4, 124,128, 155,173. 183, 183,201 Bauakademie (Schinkel)71 stained concrete 206, 207, 208 GSW Buildina (Sauerbruch Hunonl 226. 227 Cornwall,Cor-ten steel England: 28, 28, Eden 124, Project 124 (Grimshaw and Hunt) 224 Jewish ~usgum(Libeskind) 212,214 Reichstag refurbishment (Foster) 82, 82, 219 Cosham, England: roof (Weston) 221 Bessemer. Sir hen^ 28 Cosmati pavements 58 beton brut 88, 100 Cotswold vjllages, England 100, 101, 120 Aalto, Alvar 128, 130, 134, 180 Beuys, Joseph 194-5 Crvstal Chaln 52. 81 Academic Bookshop, Helsinki 173, 173 Bibury, England: Arlington Row 100, 101 ~GstalPalace, iondon (PaXron) 30, 73, 74, 76, 76, 78, 149 Baker House, MIT 93.94.95 Bilbao, Spain: Guggenheim Museum (Gehry) 28,123,214,215 Curl, James Stevens 121 Church of the Three Crosses, lmatra 52, 52 Bindesbmll, Michael Gotilieb: Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen 59, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki 137, 143, 143, 149 60, 61,102, 103, 140, 141 Helsinki Technical University 124, 130, 173, 173 Birmingham, England: Selfrldges (Future Systems) 214 Dacca, Bangladesh: Assembly Building (Kahn) 90, 90 Jyvaskyla University Festival Hall 94, 137-8, 138 'blob architecture' 214 Darde, Paul 86 Paimio Sanatorium 137, 137,176, 176 Bloch, Ernst 176 Davos, Switzerland: Kirchner Museum (Gigon Guyer) 203 Saynatsalo Town Hall 69, 93, 94, 100, 100, 134-5, 135, 137 Blossfeldt, Karl 222 Deane & Woodward: Oxford Univers~tyMuseum 71 Seinajoki Town Hall 165, 165 Blue Rider group 80-1 Deconstructivism 194 summerhouse, Muuratsalo 94, 94, 128, 128 Bohnstedt, Ludwig 76 Delft, Netherlands 108, 109 Viipuri library 137, 140 Bonn, Germany: Parliament (Behnisch and Partners) 219 Montessori School (Hertzberger) 138, 139 Villa Mairea, Noormarkku 128, 129, 135, 135, 136, 137, Bordeaux, France: Law Courts, Bordeaux 219 De Stiil movement 52. 53. 181 180, 180, 181,182 Borromini, Francesco: San Carlo alle Quanro Fontane, Rome 42, ~ewhLrstMacfarlane: conservatory, Hampstead 221, 221 adobe 19, 19 43,44 Dickens, Charles 31 Adorno, Theodor: Minima Moralia 138 Boston. Massachusetts Diener and Diener: Migros Shop, Lucerne 201 Agos~nodi Duccio: Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini 166 driveway, Beacon Hill 134, 134 Dixon, Jeremy and Jones, Edward: Said Business School, Oxford 124 Ahmedabad, India: Institute of Management (Kahn)94, 94 Public Library (McKim, Mead and Whjte) 138, 138 Djenne, Mali: Great Mosque 19 Alberti, Leon Battista 21,41. 54-5. 57. 58, 65 Botta. Marlo: house. Tclno 168 Doesburg, Theo van 53.82 Rucellal Palace, Florence 55, 55 ~otticher,Karl 45, 62, 76 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 165 Santa Maria Novella, Florence 54, 55, 55 Bottningen, nr Basel, Switzerland: house (Helzog and Dorman Long 155 Albi Cathedral. France 20 de Meuron) 199 Dudok. Willem: Hilversum Town Hall 168, 169 Algarotti, ~rancesco71 Brancusi, Constantin 38, 80, 174 Duisburg. Germany: Business Promotion Centre (Foster) 227, 227 aluminium 7, 28, 29, 30. 62, 62, 214, 214 'The Kiss' 80.. Dutert, Charles-LOUIS-Ferdinand:Galerie des Machines, Paris 30, Amsterdam 108, 109 Brecht, Bertolt 176 78.79 Apollolaan (Hertzberger) 138 Bregenz, Austria: Art Gallery (Zumthor) 186, 208, 208, 209 Dyer, John l20 Eigen Haard housing (de Klerk) 168, 169 Breuer, Marcel: De Bijenkorf Dept Store, Rotterdam 124, 125 Stock Exchanae (Berlaae)72. 72 bricksibrickwork 19, 79-21, 20, 21, 24, 69, 70, 71, 924, 93-6, 96, 97, anathyrosis 22 104, 108,109,120,135. 135,168, 169, 173,179,182. 182, 192,193 earth construction 19, 34, 34-5 Ando, Tadao 114, 190,194,224 bridges 16, 16, 27, 154, 155 Easton. David 35 Koshino House, Ashiya 90,190, 190, 191, 193, 193 Brighton, England: Royal Pavilion (Nash) 75 ~berswalde,Switzerland: Llbraw (Herzog and de Meuron) 222, 222 Mount Rokko chapel, Kobe 224,224 Brinkman and van der Vlugt: Van Nelle cigarette factory, Rotterdam 82 Eden Project, Cornwall, England (GrimsKaw and Hunt) 224 Row House, Osaka 190 Brunelleschi, Filippo 43 Eaeraat. Erick van: Ichthus Hoaeschool. Rotterdam 220 Andre, Carl: 'Tate Bricks' 195 Brussels: Palais Stoclet (Hoffmann) 154, 154 Egyptian architecture 21-2, 2z23, 24, 166, 166, 173 'Angel of the North' (Gormley) 28, 124, 124 Bucher, Lothar 76 Eiffel Tower, Paris 30, 30, 78, 78, 79 Appenzell, Switzerland: Liner Museum (Gigon Guyer) 204,205 built olaces' 99. 100 Ekler. Dezso: Recewtlon Hall, Haranaod 179 Architectural Review 163 Burano, Italy 7, 102, 103 el-Khoury, ~odolphe21 1 Aristotle 44-5, 54 Burkhalter and Sum1 Zurlchberg Hotel extension 200, 200 Ely Cathedral, England 48 Art Deco 64,163 Burnham Dane and Root, John Rellance Buildlng, Chlcago 76, 76 octagonal larrtern 16, 17 Art Nouveau 41. 143 Burton, Declmus Palm House, Kew Gardens 30.30 Endell, August: Die Schonheit der grossen Stadt 53 Arte Povera 8,194 BunerFleId, Willlam Keble College, Oxford 94, 95 Ericson. Slafrid: Gothenbura Art Museum 168 169 Arts and Crafts movement 74,148 Byzantine archltecture 48 50, 50 ~r~kine:~iph: metal connector 151 Asam, Egid Quinn: 'Assumption of the Virgin' 51 ETFE (ethylene tetra fluoro ethylene) 222, 224, 224 Ashiya, Japan: Koshino House (Ando) 90, 190, 190, 191 Ethio~ia:Church of St Georae in the ,nit, . Ldibal2 20. 152 ashlar 42.43 Calatrava. Santiaao 155 ~xeter,England: Cathedral 754 Asplund, Gunnar l40 Calvino, ltalo 48,-l 18 Exeter, New Hampshire: Phillips Academy library (Kahn) 93, 93, 96 Gothenburg Town Hall 134, 140, 141 Cambridge University 134, 134 Evck. Aldo van 12. 100. 138. 138 Karl Johan School. Gothenbura 162. 163 cardboard-tubestructured hall, Hanover Expo 2000 (Ban) 75, 75 'ESTEC centre, ~ordwiik1'53 Stockholm Public Library 163.~164 Caruso, Adam and St John, Peter: Walsall Art Gallery 210 Woodland Crematorium wai.iing-rooms, Stockholm 140, 140 carving 38, 38.39, 73,80,80-1,166 Athens, Greece 19, 24, 24, 43 cemeteries 120, 121 'Fallingwater', Bear Run, Pennsylvania (Wright) 84, 84, 91, Atklns, Robert and Bagenal, Hope: Theoryand Elements of Chareau. Pierre: Maison de Verre, Paris 176 92 111 111 Architecture 21 Chicago 28 ~~t,Sverre: Bispegard Museum, Hamar 17, 122, 122 Auxerre Cathedral. France 47 Federal Center (Mies van der Rohe) 83 Fiat Factory, Turln 32 Gem/ Tomb (Sullivan) 166, 166 Finsterlin, Hermann 52 Lake Shore Drive apartments (Mies van der Rohe) 149, 153 Flavin. Dan 196. 208 Bagsvsrd, Denmark. church (Utzon) 35, 153, 198, 199 Ludington Building (Jenney) 28 Fletcher, Sir Banister: A History of Architecture.12. 12 Baird, George 137 Marin Center (Lapidus) 86 Florence, Italy 21, 101, 101, 138, 174 balloon-frame construction 16 16 office tower (KPF) 194 Palano Medici 42. 43 bamboolcane 34,35,60, 136, l37 Prairie Houses (Wright) 11 0-1 1 Pini Palace 41, 43 Ban, Shlgeru cardboard-tubestructured hall, Hanover Expo 2000 Reliance Building (Burnham & Root) 76, 76 Rucellai Palace (Alberti) 55, 55 75. 75 Robie House Wright) l l l, 157 San,Miniato cemetery 121 ~arc'elona,Spain Unity Temple. Oak Park Wright) 86, 86-7 Santa Maria Novella (Alberti) 54,55 55 Casa Bofarull balustrade (Jujol) 41 Christiani and Nielsen: The golden age of concrete 174 Foggo, Peter: Clty of London building 72 Casa Mila (Gaudfi 43.43-4 Chur, Switzerland: woodslatted 'box' (Zumthor) 200, 200 Foreign Office Architects: Yokohama International Port Terminal 21 1 Casa Mila ceiling (~u~ol)37 Churton's Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire 121 Foster, NormanIFoster and Partners: Barcelona Pavilion (Mies van der Rohe) 84, 84, 153, 153, cladding 614, 1434.186 British Museum's Great Court. London 214 166-7. 167.224 Coca Castle. Soaln 20 Duisburg Business ~romotion'centre227, 227 Basel, Switzerland coffering 26, 27 Hong Kong Airport 217,217 Beyeler Gallery (Piano) 195 Coignet, Fran~ois32 Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank 218,219 railway signal box (Helzog and de Meuron) 201 Cologne Exhibition (1914):Glass Pavilion Vaut) 52-3, 81, 82, 176 North Greenwich Traffic interchange, London 214 Reichstag, Berlin 82, 82, 219 Vredenburg Music Centre 138, 139, 174, 175 Krautheimer, Richard 56 Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arjs, Norwich 141, 143, 143 Herzog, Jacques and de Meuron, Pierre 194,205 Kroll. Lucien: Louvain-la-Neuve Medical
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