1974 (11th) Vol.1 Technology Today for The Space Congress® Proceedings Tomorrow Apr 1st, 8:00 AM Studies On The Lagoons Of East Centeral Florida J. A. Lasater Professor of Oceanography, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida T. A. Nevin Professor of Microbiology Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/space-congress-proceedings Scholarly Commons Citation Lasater, J. A. and Nevin, T. A., "Studies On The Lagoons Of East Centeral Florida" (1974). The Space Congress® Proceedings. 2. https://commons.erau.edu/space-congress-proceedings/proceedings-1974-11th-v1/session-8/2 This Event is brought to you for free and open access by the Conferences at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Space Congress® Proceedings by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDIES ON THE LAGOONS OF EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA Dr. J. A. Lasater Dr. T. A. Nevin Professor of Oceanography Professor of Microbiology Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, Florida ABSTRACT There are no significant fresh water streams entering the Indian River Lagoon south of the Ponce de Leon Inlet; Detailed examination of the water quality parameters of however, the Halifax River estuary is just north of the the lagoons of East Central Florida were begun in 1969. Inlet. The principal sources of fresh water entering the This investigation was subsequently expanded to include Indian River Lagoon appear to be direct land runoff and a other aspects of these waters. General trends and a number of small man-made canals. The only source of statistical model are beginning to emerge for the water fresh water entering the Banana River is direct land run­ quality parameters. Man-made and natural effects have off and numerous small man-made canals. In contrast, resulted in substantial alteration of water parameters there are a number of fresh water sources, both natural since the study was initiated. and man-made, for the Indian River. At the northern end of the Indian River there is a small source, Turnbull Creek; however, with the exception of the St. Lucie River, INTRODUCTION the most significant natural influx of fresh water occurs in the southern part of Brevard County. The principal A major geophysical feature of Florida's Central East natural fresh water streams entering the Indian River in Coast is the classical lagoonal system which extends the southern part of Brevard County are the Eau Gallic along the Atlantic Coast. The natural divisions of this River, Crane Creek, Turkey Creek and Sebastian Creek. lagoonal system are the Indian River Lagoon (or Mos­ The fresh water influx has been significantly modified by quito Lagoon), the Indian River, and the Banana River. man-made structures in all of these streams except the New Found Harbor and Sykes Creek form a poorly con­ Eau Gallie River. A man-made canal empties into Crane nected arm of the Banana River and are often considered Creek. This canal extends in a generally westerly di­ as two additional divisions. All of these waters are rection some 5.3 miles. Similarly there is a six mile saline. drainage canal that empties into Turkey Creek. More recently, a canal (C-54) emptying into Sebastian Creek GEOPHYSICA L ASPECTS was completed by the East Central Florida Flood Control District. An older canal, Fellsmere Canal, also empties The lagoonal system of the Indian/Banana River and the into Sebastian Creek. Indian River Lagoon involves portions of five counties: Volusia, Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin In the case of Crane and Turkey Creek, the preponder­ counties. Indian River Lagoon extends along the south­ ance of water entering the Indian River is a consequence eastern edge of Volusia County from Ponce de Leon of the drainage canals. The same is true of Sebastian Inlet into the northeastern section of Brevard County. Creek outflow, the bulk of which appears to enter from The northern terminus of the Banana River is within the the Fellsmere Canal. Kennedy Space Center - Cape Canaveral complex and it joins the Indian River just north of State Road 518. The Between Sebastian Creek and the St. Lucie River, there northern reaches of the Indian River are near the Volusia are no significant natural sources of fresh water, but Brevard County line and it extends southward along Bre­ there are major man-made canals entering the Indian vard, Indian River, and St. Lucie Counties, terminating River at both Vero Beach and Stuart. Since these canals at the St. Lucie Inlet at the northeastern corner of Martin extend beyond the natural watershed dividing line, they County. are sources of fresh water which would not naturally enter the Indian River. Man-made sources of fresh water There is only one direct connection between the Indian influx are numerous. Essentially all of the urbanized River Lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean, Ponce de Leon centers along the lagoon system utilized these waters to Inlet. However, there are several instances where the dump storm and sanitary sewer effluents. In some in­ barrier beach is very narrow and ocean water breaks stances, there are storm sewers which drain land that over the barrier beach during rough weather. The is primarily utilized for agricultural purposes. In the Banana River has no direct connection with the ocean less urbanized portions of the land adjacent to the lagoons; except the possibility of a small amount of water exchange it is the usual practice for the residential sections to via the lock system at Port Canaveral. The Indian River, employ septic tanks for sewage disposal. on the other hand, has three direct connections to the ocean: Sebastian Inlet, Fort Pierce Inlet and St. Lucie Man-made features which have modified the lagoonai Inlet. system also include roadways, canals, and channels. One of the dominant man-made features is the Intracoastal GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY Waterway. Prior to the construction of the Intracoastal Waterway there was a (low-lying) land bridge that sepa­ The climate of East Central Florida is subtropical with rated the southern end of Indian River Lagoon from the hot humid summers and short mild winters. During the northern end of the Indian River. The Haulover Canal warmer portions of the year there is little or no change now connects these two lagoons and permits a significant in the general weather pattern; however, sharp tempera­ interchange of their waters. In contrast, the construc­ ture gradients often develop along the 150 mile length of tion of the Crawlerway form the Vehicle Assembly Build­ the Indian River Lagoon/Indian River, but these gradients ing (VAB), Kennedy Space Center, to the Saturn V launch are usually of short duration. In these instances where pad has completely severed a tenuous connection between a strong cold front engulfs all or most of the state of the southern end of the Indian River Lagoon and the north­ Florida, the temperature gradient is less distinct. ern reaches of the Banana River. A connection between the northern part of the Indian River and the Banana River As a general rule, the weather pattern of East Central was established by the construction of the Canaveral Florida, from April to October, is dominated by east Barge Canal across Merritt Island. to southeast winds traveling around the Bermuda Anti­ cyclone. In October the prevailing winds shift abruptly There are 16 vehicular roadways crossing the Indian to the north or northwest, and in winter months the River Lagoon/Indian River. There are five existing movement of polar air masses through the region giving crossings of the Banana River. There are two roadway a distinct continental flavor to the climate. Wind effects crossings in Volusia County, two in Indian River County are among the most important factors influencing the and four in St. Lucie County. Although each of the road­ lagoonal behavior since almost all water motion is wind ways is distinctive in character, there are certain fea­ induced. tures which are similar in 14 of the crossings. As a general rule, there is a central span (which traverses The rainy season is usually from June through October. the navigable waterway) of one-quarter to one-half mile Initially the rains are due to the beginning of the thunder­ in length, and small relief bridges are usually located storm season, but later in the season the rains are near one or both original shorelines. The greater portion, usually connected with tropical storm activity. Winter one to three miles, of the crossing is a dredged landfill. rains are commonly associated with frontal activity and The A1A crossing in Volusia County and State Road 3 occur, on the average, once every three to five days. (Mathers Bridge) crossing of the Banana River are built These rains are generally light and reasonably uniform. essentially the entire distance on pilings since the lagoons Summer rains (thunderstorms) on the other hand, can are relatively narrow at these two locations. be heavy, of short duration, and very localized. Rainfall for the lagoonal area averages almost 50 inches per year. Asa consequence of natural and man-made connections, the Indian/Banana River and Indian River Lagoon consti­ LAGOONAL CHARACTERIZATION STUDIES tute an interacting water system. However, the various roadways and natural land areas tend to cause the lagoons Detailed examination of the character of the lagoonal to consist of series of basins. complex were initiated by the Florida Institute of Tech­ nology (FIT) faculty in the summer of 1969 with a limited All segments of the lagoons are relatively shallow and the number of studies being performed prior to that time. deepest portions are generally a result of dredging opera­ Initial studies were concentrated in the general area of tions.
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