ИНЖЕНЕРНОЕ ИНЖЕНЕРНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ 16’2014 НАШИ АВТОРЫ SAMMARY 16’2014 ЧЕРВАЧ ВИКТОР ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ МАРИЯ ЮРЬЕВНА доктор технических наук, профессор, Summary менеджер Инновационно- ректор Омского государственного технологического центра развития технического университета, This paper shares Thai industrial re- инженерного образования заслуженный работник высшей CDIO: OBJECTIVES AND MEANS quirements on new graduates entering Национального исследовательского школы РФ OF ACHIEVEMENT real-life workplace and the develop- Томского политехнического E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] S.A. Podlesnyi, A.V. Kozlov ment of an integrated curriculum using университета Siberian Federal University CDIO framework. The result from a E-mail: [email protected] questionnaire survey showed high ШАНДАРОВ The system of CDIO standards in terms needs for personal and interpersonal ЕВГЕНИЙ СТАНИСЛАВОВИЧ of implementation in Russian engineer- skills with strong industrial engineering ЧЕРВАЧ старший преподаватель кафедры ing education is analyzed. Particular background. These skills were integrat- ЮРИЙ БОРИСОВИЧ «Электронные приборы» attention is paid to the scientific and ed into courses in 4-year program. methodological elaboration of «Con- кандидат технических наук, Томского государственного ceive» stage. To increase the efficiency EXPERIENCE AND PRACTICE OF MAN- доцент кафедры «Технология университета систем управления и of this stage, domestic TRIZ methodol- AGEMENT PROBLEM SOLUTION AT автоматизированного радиоэлектроники ogy is considered. Relevant didactics, CDIO IMPLEMENTATION IN UNVERSITY машиностроительного производства» E-mail: [email protected], CAI programs and virtual environments EDUCATION Национального исследовательского [email protected] of professional activity are proposed. It P.М. Vcherashniy, N.А. Kozel’ Томского политехнического is indicated that international standards Siberian Federal University университета are more effective when they are imple- ШТРИПЛИНГ E-mail: [email protected] mented in educational-scientific-indus- There have appeared a great number of ЛЕВ ОТТОВИЧ trial (innovation) complexes. management problems at universities доктор технических наук, профессор, first introduced CDIO ideology. Taking ЧИЧЕРИНА проректор по учебно-методической MODERNIZATION OF ENGINEERING into account the fact that the ideolo- НАТАЛЬЯ ВАСИЛЬЕВНА работе Омского государственного EDUCATION BASED ON INTERNATION- gy itself leads to critical technologies доктор педагогических наук, доцент, технического университета, AL CDIO STANDARDS development in the current education проректор по учебной работе и почетный работник высшего A.I. Chuchalin system, solution of management prob- академическому развитию Северного профессионального образования РФ Association for Engineering Education lems is to result in significant changes (Арктического) федерального E-mail: [email protected] of Russia in a university. The article lists and de- университета National Research Tomsk Polytechnic scribes the problems solved in a definite university and the results. E-mail: [email protected] University The concept of engineering education CDIO WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF modernization based on CDIO (Con- CONTINUOUS EDUCATION “FROM ЧУЧАЛИН ceive, Design, Implement, Operate) SCHOOL TO HEI”: STAGE “CONCEIVE” АЛЕКСАНДР ИВАНОВИЧ Standards is considered. Comparative AT SCHOOL доктор технических наук, analysis of the CDIO Syllabus and the О.V. Sidorkina, Т.V. Pogrebnaya профессор, член Правления и Association for Engineering Education Siberian Federal University председатель Аккредитационного of Russia accreditation Criterion 5 is совета Ассоциации инженерного given. The experience of the CDIO The article describes the system of образования России, советник Standards implementation at Tomsk methods to reveal potential intellectu- ректора по образовательной Polytechnic University is discussed. The al giftedness of pupils. The system is деятельности Национального CDIO Academy programme for Russian designed by the authors and based on исследовательского Томского universities faculty professional devel- TRIZ-pedagogy. Within this system the политехнического университета opment is described. pupils, who are regarded as future uni- versity applicants, are related to inno- E-mail: [email protected] INTEGRATED CURRICULUM DEVELOP- vative HEI (high education institution) ШАЛАЙ MENT IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING through innovative project activity. The PROGRAM USING CDIO FRAMEWORK authors have analyzed how appropriate N. Kuptasthien, S. Triwanapong, the system is to introduce stage “Con- R. Kanchana ceive” at school preparation for HEIs Rajamangala University of Technology implementing CDIO system. Thanyaburi, RMUTT, Thailand 190 191 ИНЖЕНЕРНОЕ ИНЖЕНЕРНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ 16’2014 SAMMARY SAMMARY 16’2014 system of project-based education mathematical and engineering training. interests of study as well as the practi- CONTENT AND AIM OF THE DISCI- provided at Siberian Federal University Teaching tools in designing learning cal ability of students in undergraduate PLINE “INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEER- in accordance with CDIO international activities to implement the integration science program. ING” WITHIN THE WORLDWIDE CDIO initiative. objectives and recommendation of their INITIATIVE application during the teaching process ACTIVE TEACHING METHODS IN PRO- S.I. Osipova IT PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS AS A have been examined based on a specific FESSIONAL CONTENT-BASED ENG- FACTOR INFLUENCING THE SYLLABUS LISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AS AN Siberian Federal University example. OF IT TRAINING COURSES. IMPLE- IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF CDIO The comparative analysis of FSES of MENTATION OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED COMPETENCES AND ENGINEERING CONCEPTS (PROFILE/SPECIALIZATION the higher professional education and LEARNING AT NARFU STAFF IN THE SPHERE OF ENERGY 12.03.01 “INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING”) CDIO standards has revealed that CONSERVATION AS A BASE FOR RE- N.V. Chicherina, O.D. Bugaenko, V.S. Ivanova, K.V. Mertins design-innovation competency as the TRAINING PROGRAM DESIGN E.E. Ivanova, E.V. Rodionova National Research Tomsk Polytechnic ability and willingness to implement Northern (Arctic) Federal University S.D. Vaulin, I.A. Voloshina, I.O. Kotl- University the entire cycle of product or system named after M.V. Lomonosov yarova development is learning outcome of en- The article describes the possible quality South Ural State University gineering education. The article consid- The paper covers education program provision of engineering training in (National Research University) ers the value and role of the discipline development according to Russian profile (specialization) 12.03.01 “Instru- “Introduction to Engineering” and its and international professional stand- Demand for the personnel capable of ment Engineering” via developing a cre- significance in the process of design- ard requirements, development of IT taking innovative decisions and design- ative environment. Examples of applying innovation competency development. specialist competency model, choice of ing innovative facilities conditions the active teaching methods in compliance training paths and learning outcomes necessity for training managerial and with CDIO Initiatives are discussed. STUDENTS AS AGENTS – CONNECTING with regard to international recommen- engineering staff. The offered programs FACULTY WITH INDUSTRY AND CRE- dations. of three types based on the energy con- APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL ATING COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS servation competence models of man- CDIO STANDARD AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH IN THE METHODOLOGY L.B. Jensen PRACTICE-ORIENTED EDUCATION AT agerial and engineering staff contribute OF SCIENTIFIC CREATIVITY Technical University of Denmark, Lyng- NORTHERN (ARCTIC) FEDERAL UNIVER- to the solution of professional problems SITY by, Denmark and development of competences in M.N. Prosekova O.D. Bugaenko, E.E. Ivanova, planning, design, production, imple- Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Collaborative projects between partners E.V. Rodionova mentation in the conditions simulating in the building industry and students Innovative methods of scientific work Northern (Arctic) Federal University professional activity. constitute important means for address- combined with the international CDIO named after M.V. Lomonosov ing more advanced parts of the CDIO APPLICATION AND DEVELOPMENT initiative criteria is a new approach Syllabus 4. In this paper an existing The article examines implementation OF CDIO ENGINEERING EDUCATION to engineering education. The article internship program is revised in order to of team design projects embracing the MODE IN UNDERGRADUATE SCIENCE presents the assessment tools and evalu- enhance collaboration between indus- principles of interdisciplinary and prac- PROGRAM ation techniques which can be applied try and faculty/students and perform as tice-oriented training into education during various master’s thesis project J. Zhou vehicle for addressing challenging parts programmes. The urgency of launching stages, with main focus being paid to Chengdu University of Information of the CDIO syllabus. the project aimed at developing not “production” in parts “testing” and “val- Technology, Chengdu, P.R. China only engineering design skills but also idation”. The present article is the con- PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN THE DEVELOP- personal and interpersonal skills is Enlightened by successful implementa- tinuation of the work done previously. MENT OF ENGINEERING THINKING outlined. tion CDIO (Conceive, Design, Imple- CDIO
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