VOL. II. NO. 45 WEEKEND EDITION: NOVEMBER 5-6,1966 TEN CENTS Ma,con Write-In Threatens Amerson BY MARY ELLEN GALE TUSKEGEE--Friends of Macon County Sheriff Harvey Sadler are quietly HIGH HOPES IN LOWNDES organizing a write-in campaign to enable him to keep his job. BY MICHAEL S. LaTTMAN They are doing it, according to. a man who has been watching county poli­ tics for 30 years, "because they like Sadler and they just don't want to have a MONTGOMERY--Before the Lown­ des County Freedom Organization can­ Negro sherifU' didates went on the radio last Sunday in The" Negro sheriff" is Lucius D. Amerson. the Democratic Party nominee. a one.sided discussion show, school His only opponent on Tuesday's ballot is Bob Dawson. a white man who switched board nominee John Hinson recalled to the 3rd Party For America after running a poor third to Amerson and Sadler what an opponent had said about the black panther: in the May primary. "We never had any trouble until that Amerson edged Sadler in the run-off by less than 400 votes out of 6,600, when cat came along!" only two-thirds of Macon County's Negro voters went to the polls. In a 15-minute show on station WRMA. Still fewer are expected to make it on Tuesday. If the white turn-out stays at the candidates told how they hoped to give their white opponents plenty o! 100%. Amerson could lose trouble. his chance to become Ala­ bama's first Negro sherUt since Re·· "We have enough registered people in Whitley's Entry Twists construction. Lowndes County to win," said Sidney But it wasn't only white people who Logan Jr., running for sherUf against voted for Sadler last time. and--ac­ Democrat C. Frank Ryals. "I feel very strongly that we wtll win. I been movinc Miss. Senate Race cording to the sherUt-·1t isn't white people who are running the write-In night and day, talking to my friends and BY GAIL FALK getting my friends to talk to their neigh­ Prentiss Walker Nominates ...... campaign. JAC!\ ~ ON, ~lIs s .-·Untll last week, FREEDOM ORGANIZATION CANDIDATES (LEFT TO RIGHT): MRS. WILLIE "It's some of the colored people," bors." Mississippi Negroes disagreed about M. STRICKLAND, MRS. ANNIE L. MOORE, FRANK MILES JR., EMORY ROSS, Sadler said this week. "They came to The freedom candidates "have open­ whether they would be better ott vot­ ed the eyes of all the people," said SIDNEY LOGAN JR., JOHN HINSON. NOT SHOWN: ROBERT L. LOGAN. me and said they were going to do it." ing for Democrat James O. Eastland Asked who they are, he smiled and shook Robert L. Logan, who Is opposing Re­ Democrat Jack Golson for coroner. Democrat Charlie C. SUllivan In the or Republican Prentiss Walker for sen­ -- his head. publican David M. Lyon for place 3 on "the family don't even hear of an au­ race for tax assessor. "And ltdoesn't ator. "Now. if I give the names. that might the school board. "I feel the people of topsy, and they never have a doctor say you have to do on a trlendshlp start some rasslln'. We got enough of Lowndes County wUl stand behind their come in." He promised equal treat­ basis." Some said Eastland was the only can­ that. We need to stop it. not start more. candidates 100% on Nov. 8." ment for all people. The candidates were asked wbatpart didate who would getanU-poverty mon­ I'm not t1ghUn' anybody." Although all candidates for Lowndes FraDk Mlles Jr., rWIDlng for tax col­ SNCC would play In their government, ey tor MissiSSippi, and that he was sup­ The sherilf said he was "grateful" to County offices were Invited to partici­ lector against Democrat Iva D. Sullivan, if they were elected. "Stokely CAr­ ported by President Lyndon Johnson. his friends, but dldn't think they had pate in the dlscussion, only the freedom said. "Everybody thinks you've got to michael and the rest of the SNCC Others salt1 Negroes should break East­ iii~~::r"ii~ ' much chance of succeeding where he organization nominees showed uP. But have a master's degree ... to collect fellows haven't ever made any decisions land's power by electing Walker. who .. aIM;Wi¥! I'll y. ... tailed last May. "You can't hardly win John H. Ellis, chairman of the Lowndes taxes." But, he said, "anybody who can In Lowndes County," said Hinson, who would be "the lesser of two evils" be­ __--- 7- a write-in. I won't say It's never been County Republ1can Executive Commit­ cause he would have no seniority. ... ~ .... ."-"""" count money and make out a receipt," Is running against Republ1can Tommy :::,.... :- ___ _ __---1 done, but seldom. It'dneedalotofink." tee, sent a written statemellt in behalf can do the job. "Pm as much quali­ Coleman for place 4 on the school Last week, a federal court ordered L G« TiJo "BI.d Po_" VOIW Tiot l'mfIiII W.JM. w., But Negro volunteers who have been of the Republicans seeking re-election fied as the one sitting In the seat now board. the name at the Rev. Cillton Whitley, to the school board. (Sullivan)," Miles said. "The help they have given us Is In an independent Negro candidate for sen­ ANTI-WALKER LEAFLET teaching new voters how to use the ma­ chines In the courthouse said a lot of ink Ellis' letter charged that Governor "I'll do exactly what the law says do," courage ... letUng you know you are an ator. placed on ballot. But il anyone who would get the Negrovote In the sen­ was being used. One volunteer said that George C. Wallace tried to get the board thought this would solve the question of said Mrs. AnnIe L. Moore, taclng American." ate race, they under-estimated the com­ when he left at night, groups at white to shut down Haynevllle School after plexity of r.lisslsslppl poHtics. people took over the maChines to learn about 100 Negroes Integrated it this fall. Says Injured Dr. Robinson Mlssissippl Freedom Democratic how to write in names. Party leaders were enthUSiastic about But, said Ems, the board unani­ And, be said, some people asked him mously refused the governor's "InSis­ Whitley's campaign. "For Negroes to to show them how to do It. show their strength on a candidate they tent" request. The letter said this was Although the main emphaSis is on the "an outstanding example of tbe present believe In. Is the best thing they could (CONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE. Col. 1) boarcl'a COIlCeJ'1l lei: kw:alautooomy aDd Part do," said MFDP worker Joe· Morse. 'We Are of U.S.' desire for- good relaUoaa JJetwHa tbe BY MARY WlSSLER w•• n't arOWld tor--he attended Gill But a M.rlc11l11 N'rro l.ader dls­ races." about a third of the meetings of Con· agreed: "Getting Whitley on the ballot BIRMINGHAM-·"Martin would be Voting Suits But Mrs. Wl11ie M. Strickland, run­ gress." was the worst thtngthat could have hap­ even worsdor this state than Wallace." pened. We could have gotten Eastland ning against Democrat C. B. Haigler Dr. Carl Robinson, Independent can­ In his platform, Robinson has pro­ out. He's the ruth strongest man in for place 5 on the school board. said didate for governor, counted ott his crl­ posed Improvlngworkmen's compensa. Congress. We had a chance to show our the present board wasn't concerned tion and unemployment laws. making I Still Pending tlclsms of Republican nomlnee. James strength by putting a man with low edu­ enough about Negro education, college education available to everyone , D. Martln. But Robinson wasn't speak­ cation and little experience into that ing from a campaign platform. He was and removing all taxes on food and med· "The colored schools are not up to ottlce." Iclne~ date." she said, "There are too many lying in University Hospital. If Whitley does poorly, the Meridlan ill 4 Counties students in a classroom--60 or 70 stu­ The 40-year-old doctor-lawyer is "The poverty program -- and othel federal aid programs -- are designee leader said, "wf!re exposed"--because BY MARY ELLEN GALE dents for one teacher. and that;s too recovering from a broken back, sus­ people will see that Negroes dldn't turn many. In some schools, the children tained when his gyroplane crash-landed to belpus who are backward. Congress­ MONTGOMERY--The general elec­ men from other states are generous e· out. In the June Democratic primary, tion wUl take place on schedule Tues­ have to go out and get wood to heat last week. atter a tull campaign. Whitley polled nough to let us get $2 back for every day in Bullock, Barbour, and Macon the school." Martin's philosophy is the same as 34.323 votes to Eastland's 240.171. In dollar we pay In taxes." Robinson ob­ counties. But nobody can be sure the The freedom organization candldates Governor George C. Wallace's, He's this election, he has officially been a served. "They don't do that because votes for five of the offices w1l1 count. aU told why they thought they deserved agaInSt the working man. and he's not candidate for less than two weeks. they love us. They do It because, wheth­ The offices are the ones contested to be elected--and why their opponents competent for the job, . Robinson said. Meanwhile, Eastland's press secre­ er we admit it or not, we are a part of by five Negro candidates.
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