March 20, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 4053 of the House, the following Members Is that not a great way to describe only 5 decades before by Patrick will be recognized for 5 minutes each. democracy? Henry, embodied the Greek patriots’ f The best way to express the feeling of unmitigated desire to be free. the Hellenic community is the Greek News of the Greek revolution met MARKING 180TH ANNIVERSARY OF National Anthem that tells of their with widespread feelings of compassion GREECE’S DECLARATION OF struggle for independence. in the United States. The Founding Fa- INDEPENDENCE FROM THE I thank the Federation of Hellenic thers eagerly expressed sentiments of OTTOMAN EMPIRE Societies of Greater New York for all support for the fledgling uprising. Sev- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a of the contributions they have made to eral American Presidents, including previous order of the House, the gentle- our community and in their efforts to James Monroe and John Quincy woman from New York (Mrs. MALONEY) make each year’s Greek Independence Adams, conveyed their support for the is recognized for 5 minutes. Day celebration more exciting than the revolution through their annual mes- Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam last. I know that I will remember this sages to Congress. William Harrison, Speaker, I rise to recognize the coun- year. Zeto E Eleftheria. Long live free- our ninth President, expressed his be- try where democracy was born and dom in Greece and in the entire world. lief in freedom for Greece saying, ‘‘We where democracy returned 180 years must send our free will offering. The f ago. ‘Star-spangled Banner,’ ’’ he went on to March 25, 2001, marks the 180 anni- CELEBRATING GREEK say, ‘‘must wave in the Aegean, a mes- versary of Greece’s declaration of inde- INDEPENDENCE DAY senger for eternity and friendship to pendence from the Ottoman Empire. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Greece.’’ Before then, Greece had been ruled by BIGGERT). Under a previous order of the Various Members of Congress also the Ottoman Empire for almost 400 House, the gentleman from Florida showed a keen interest in the Greek years, during which time Greeks were (Mr. BILIRAKIS) is recognized for 5 min- struggle for autonomy. Henry Clay, deprived of their civil rights. utes. who in 1825 became Secretary of State, It is with great pride that Hellenic Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, was a champion of Greece’s fight for Americans recount the stories of how today I, too, proudly rise to celebrate independence. Among the most vocal their ancestors in Greece stood to- Greek Independence Day and the was Daniel Webster from Massachu- gether and fought against repression strong ties that bind the nations of setts, who frequently aroused the sym- by continuing to educate Greek chil- Greece and the United States. pathetic interests of his colleagues and dren in their culture, their language, It was 180 years ago when the people other Americans in the Greek revolu- and their religion, even under the of Greece began a journey that would tion. It should not surprise us that the threat of death. mark the symbolic rebirth of democ- Founding Fathers would express such This year, the Federation of Hellenic racy in the land where those principles keen support for Greek independence, Societies of Greater New York has as to human dignity were first espoused. for they themselves had been inspired its parade theme the Hellenic-Amer- The word ‘‘democracy’’ stems from two by the ancient Greeks and their own ican educational system. It is espe- Greek words: ‘‘demos,’’ meaning ‘‘of struggle for freedom. As Thomas Jef- cially important that they are paying the people’’ and ‘‘kratos,’’ meaning ferson once said, ‘‘To the ancient tribute to education, cultural heritage, ‘‘power’’ and ‘‘strength.’’ On this anni- Greeks, we are all indebted for the religious learning, and the Hellenic- versary, it is the power and strength of light which led ourselves, the Amer- American values and ideals that are the Greek people and their courage and ican colonists, out of gothic darkness.’’ taught in the United States Hellenic Our two nations share a brotherhood commitment to the principles of parochial schools. bonded by the common blood of democ- human government and self-determina- racy, birthed by Lady Liberty, and b 1845 tion that we celebrate. committed to the ideal that each indi- Revolutions embody a sense of her- Education has always been the key vidual deserves the right of self-deter- oism, bringing forth the greatness of to preserving Hellenic culture, values, mination. and religion. the human spirit in the struggle We all know that the price of liberty This year I have the honor of being against oppression. It was Thomas Jef- can be very high. History is replete selected grand marshal, along with the ferson who said that, and I quote, ‘‘one with the names of the millions who gentleman from Florida (Mr. BILI- man with courage is a majority.’’ have sacrificed for it. Socrates, Plato, RAKIS), who cochairs the Hellenic Cau- Quoting Jefferson on the anniversary Pericles, and many other great schol- cus with me, and Assemblyman Mi- of Greek independence is particularly ars throughout history warned that we chael Giannaris from New York and appropriate. Jefferson and the rest of maintain democracy only at great cost. California Secretary of State Phillip the Founding Fathers looked back to The freedom we enjoy today is due to a Ajjedilis and Honorary Grand Marshal the teachings of ancient Greek philoso- large degree to the sacrifices made by Lucas Tsilas. We will have the privi- phers for inspiration as they sought to men and women in the past in Greece, lege of marching with many members craft a strong democratic state. And in in America, and all over the world. of my Astoria community, the largest 1821, it was the Founding Fathers of Madam Speaker, on this 180th birth- Hellenic community outside of Athens. our Nation to whom the Greeks looked day of Greek independence, when we The Hellenic and Phil-Hellenic com- for inspiration as they began their celebrate the restoration of democracy munity has a great deal to celebrate. journey toward freedom. to the land of its conception, we also They will celebrate the coming Olym- Encouraged by the American revolu- celebrate the triumph of the human pics and the continued efforts of the tion, the Greeks began their rebellion spirit and the strength of man’s will. Hellenic Caucus to seek a peaceful un- after 4 centuries of Turkish oppression, The goals and values that the people of derstanding with Turkey on the issues facing what appeared to be insur- Greece share with the people of the of the Greek Islands and Cyprus occu- mountable odds. Like the United United States reaffirm our common pation. Here in the United States, we States, Greece faced the prospect of democratic heritage. This occasion often take democracy for granted. In having to defeat an empire to obtain also serves to remind us that we must the world, there are still countries liberty. Many lives were sacrificed at never take for granted the right to de- fighting for basic human rights. On the altar of freedom. In the face of im- termine our own fate. this day of Greek independence, let us pending defeat, the Greek people Remembering the sacrifice of the remember the words of Plato, and I showed great courage and rallied brave Greeks who gave their lives for quote: ‘‘Democracy is a charming form around the battle cry, ‘‘Eleftheria I liberty helps us all realize, Madam of government, full of variety and dis- Thanatos,’’ liberty or death. Speaker, how important it is to be an order, and dispensing a kind of equality Similar words, ‘‘Give me liberty or active participant in our own democ- to equals and unequals alike.’’ give me death,’’ spoken in America racy, and that is why we honor those VerDate jul 14 2003 19:55 Feb 11, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H20MR1.000 H20MR1 4054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE March 20, 2001 who secured independence for Greece so Greek leaders, but the intent of the society they learned that Turkish troops were fast ap- many years ago. was to seek freedom for Greece and her peo- proaching their village, they began to dance Madam Speaker, today I proudly rise to cel- ple. the ‘‘Syrtos,’’ a patriotic Greek dance. One by ebrate Greek Independence Day and the The group planned a secret uprising for one, rather than face torture or enslavement at strong ties that bind the nation of Greece and 1821 to be led by Ypsilantis. He and 4,500 the hands of the Turks, they committed sui- the United States. volunteers assembled near the Russian border cide by throwing themselves and their children One hundred and eighty years ago, the peo- to launch an insurrection against the Turks. off Mount Zalongo. They chose to die rather ple of Greece began a journey that would The Turkish army massacred the ill-prepared than surrender their freedom. mark the symbolic rebirth of democracy in the Greek volunteers, and Ypsilantis was caught The sacrifice of the Suliotes was repeated in land where those principles to human dignity and placed in prison, where he subsequently the Arkadi Monastery of Crete. Hundreds of were first espoused. The word democracy died. However, the first bells of liberty had non-combatants, mainly the families of the stems from two Greek words; demos, meaning been rung, and Greek independence would Cretan freedom fighters, had taken refuge in of the people, and kratos, meaning power and not be stopped.
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