The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information

The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15453-7 — The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information Index Abbenhuis, M. M., 359 Anthony, Susan B., 388 abolitionists, 5–11, 15, see also slave escape Antietam, Battle of, 80, 259–260, 469 Adams, G. W., 271, 277 Anti-Peonage Act (1867), 334 African Americans army activism of, 480–500 antebellum, 90–91 army troops, 160, 161, 168–169, 382–383 combat effectiveness of, 91–92 colonization efforts, 337, 379, 482, 486–487 Confederate emigration efforts of, 485–486 conscription, 419–424, 428, 508, 518 New York City draft riot, 474 desertion, 429–430 reaction to Emanciation Proclamation, Kentucky campaign, 130–131 448–449 state politics of, 373 treatment as prisoners of war, 299–301, Unionists, 531 303–304, 305 see also guerrilla warfare Union retaliation against mistreatment, Union 245–247 African American soldiers in, 484–485, see also slavery 488–492 African Civilization Society, 485, 498 command, 99–104 agricultural conflict, 251–254, 255, 424–427 conscription, 473–475 albumen print process, 145 eastern theater leadership, 111–116 Alexander, T. B., 425 raising, 98–99, 159–160 Alexandria, 221, 230 army discipline Ambler, C. M., 61 Articles of War, 161–162 Ambrose, S. J., 74, 103 court-martial system, 165–166 American Colonization Society, 28 crimes, 163 American party (Know-Nothings), 30, 32 desertion, 163–165 ammunition, 151 for battle readiness, 169–172 Anaconda Plan, 67 lack of formal, 162–163 Anders, C., 103 punishment techniques and effectiveness, Anderson, Robert, 374 166–169 Anderson, William “Bloody Bill,” Army Medical Museum, 274–275, 290 208–209, 212 Army of Northern Virginia, 127–128, 133, 135, Andersonville prison, 314 259–260, 468 Andrew, John, 488–492 Army of the Cumberland, 100, 108, 109 Anglo-American Treaty of Washington Army of the James, 115 (1871), 364 Army of the Ohio, 109 antebellum army, 90–91 Army of the Potomac, 100–101, 103, 111–116, antebellum Unionism, 526–529 127, 133, 259–260, 471 antebellum violence over slavery, 3–11, Army of the Tennessee, 100, 131–132, 481–482 133–135, 136 545 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15453-7 — The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information Index Army, T., 92 Beckert, S., 335, 353 Aron, S., 6 Bell, A. M., 256 Art of War (Jomini), 65 Bell, D. A., 217 Articles of War (United States War Bell, John, 34, 46, 369 Department), 160, 162, 165–166, belligerent rights, 362–364 168 Bell-Ringers (club), 39 artillery Belz, H., 456 ammunition, 151 Benjamin, Judah P., 513 effectiveness of, 150–151 Beringer, R. E., 118, 119, 425, 501 European made, 343–345 Berlin, I., 16 hot air balloons, 144 Bernath, S. S., 362 Napoleonic era, 148–151 Berryville wagon train raid, 199 pistols, 198 Berwanger, E. H., 5, 7 rifled musket, 92, 148–150 Bigelow, J., 348 as tactical arm, 69 Birkner, M. J., 59 Union advantages in, 92–93 Black, B., 266 Ash, S. V., 217, 218, 219, 225, 532 Blackett, R. J. M., 45, 354, 358 Ashworth, J., 45, 48 Blackford, L. Minor, 527 assassins, 194 Blackman, A., 354 Astor, A., 61, 415 Blair, Montgomery, 373, 385 Atkins, J. M., 56 Blair, W. A., 229, 242, 442 Atlanta, fall of, 88, 109, 135–137, 458, 478 Blanning, T. C. W., 217 atrocities, 245–247, 298–299 Bledsoe, A. S., 98 Auman, W. T., 532 Blight, D. W., 388 autopsies, 276 blockade strategy Ayers, E. L., 4, 5 and Confederate financial difficulties, 348–350 Bailey, Joseph, 199–201 and European neutrality, 361–362 Baird, H. C., 113 and medical supply shortages, 287 Baker, G. E., 35 Union, 95–98, 110–111 Balace, F., 355 see also Union operations Ball, D. B., 348 Blondheim, M., 145 banking system, 175–176, 181 Blum, E. J., 340 Banks, Nathaniel P., 369 Boatner, M., 79 Baring brothers, 347 Bogue, A. G., 378 Barnes, J. J., 359 Bollet, A., 277 Barnes, P. P., 359 bonds Barnett, T. J., 384–385 international, 187–190 Barney, W. L., 52 war, 175–181 Barry, C. L., 346 Bonner, R. E., 352 Bartholow, R., 278 Border South states Bartky, I. R., 145 and antebellum violence over slavery, 3–5 Basler, R. P., 24, 68 geography and commerce in, 3–5 Bass, R. D., 196 prisoners of war, 294 Bates, Edward, 369, 373, 496 slave demographics in, 6 battle deployment tactics, 71 Border States Bauer, C. A., 357 commerce in, 3–5 Baylor, John, 261 emancipation and Lincoln, 446–448 Beatie, R. H., 100 political parties in, 5 Beatty, J., 162, 163 politics in, 5 Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 65, 74–75, 126, 130, slavery in, 5, 465–467 515–516 Unionist army recruits in, 532 Beaver, S. A., 347 Boston activism, 489–490 546 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15453-7 — The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information Index Bowen, W. H., 321, 355 Carroll, D. B., 359 Boyko, J., 328, 332 Case, L. M., 348 Brady, L. M., 255 Casey, Silas, 68, 160, 161 Brady, Matthew, 146 Cashin, J. E., 218, 227, 250, 257, 260, 266 Bragg, Braxton, 70, 74–75, 79–80, 85, 130–135, Castel, A., 92, 209 169, 516 Catterall, H. T., 11 Brazil cavalry, 69–70 Confederate slavery support in, 327 Cecelski, D. S., 499 emancipation in, 338 Central America Breckinridge, John C., 34, 46 defense against European colonialism, 325 Brieger, G., 281 slavery politics in, 335–336 Brinton, J., 270, 275 Chaffin, T., 155, 336 Brock, R. A., 212 Chancellorsville, Battle of, 258–259 Brown, C. H., 336 Chapman, C. B., 272 Brown, D., 535 Chase, Salmon P. Brown, John, 20–21 as 1864 presidential candidate, 387 Brown, Joseph E., 421, 472, 507–510, 535 as presidential candidate, 369 Brown, William Wells, 487 as secretary of the treasury, 175–176, 178, Browning, R., 97 373, 381 Brownlow, William G., 526, 531 as supreme court justice, 391 Brown-Séquard, C.-É., 268 Chattanooga, Battle of, 75–77, 84 Bruce, R. V., 143, 344 Chesnut, M. B., 118, 121 Brugger, R., 4 Chickamauga, Battle of, 108 Buchanan, James Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 334 election of, 30 Chloroformers (club), 39 and secession, 58–59, 400 Cinco de Mayo, 323 Buell, Don Carlos, 72, 76, 107, 130 Civil War causes Buenger, W. L., 55 antebellum African American activism, Bull Run, Battle of, 160, 270, 468, 515, 516 481–482 Bulloch, James, 345–347 antebellum physical conflict over Burlingame, M., 37, 78, 377, 379 slavery, 3–22 Burnett, L. A., 352 Fort Sumter, 60–61, 119, 374, 400, 528 Burnside, Ambrose, 113, 132, 260–261, 442, 471 see also secession Burt, D. C., 346 Clampitt, B. R., 218, 219 bushwhackers, 194, 202 Clark, Charles, 427 Butler, Benjamin F., 115, 226, 227, 228, 230, 312, Clark, Henry, 509 377, 446 Clark, J. E., 148 Bynum, V. E., 522, 542 Clausewitz, Carl von, 77–78, 80, 83, 116, 414 Clavin, M. J., 335 Cadwalader, George, 439 Clay, Cassius M., 19, 21, 369 Calhoun, John C., 14, 16 Clay, Henry Calloway, M., 282 and antebellum violence over slavery, 8 Cameron, Simon, 104, 369, 373 compromise Fugutive Slave Law, 16 Campbell, D. A., 351 and the Whig party, 27, 28, 29 Campbell, S. W., 18 Cleburne, Patrick, 430 Canada Cloyd, B. G., 314 African American colonization efforts, 482 Cobb, T. R. R., 43 draft dodgers in, 473 colonization efforts (African American), 337, foreign relations with, 328–332 379, 482, 486–487 Capers, G. M., 219 Compromise of 1850, 29 Carlander, J., 50 Confederacy Carlton, E., 223 importance of family in, 524–525 Carpenter, J. A., 110 medicine, 284–288 547 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15453-7 — The Cambridge History of the American Civil War Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean Index More Information Index Confederacy (cont.) states’ rights, 430–431 nation-making by, 517 turmoil in, 507–510, 517–518 technological developments, 156–157 Unionism, 526–533 Confederate army discipline white Southern dissent in, 521–525 and desertion, 163–165 Confederate States Medical and Surgical lack of formal, 163 Journal, 288 Confederate Congress, 138, 510–512 Confederate strategy Confederate Constitution, 506 advances on western theater, 81–83 Confederate foreign policy border defense, 514–516 appealing to European humanitarianism breaking Union pulic opinion, 83–84 for aid, 353–355 fiscal, 182–187, 190 King Cotton diplomacy, 352–353 grand strategy for war, 65, 66 promoting cultural superiority to initial battle, 67 Europe, 352 of Longstreet, 85 support of Maximillian’s Mexican offensive, 79–80 monarchy, 324–328 Confederate Conscription Act (1862), 534 support of Union tensions with Canada, Confiscation Act (1862), 231 329–330 Conkling, James C., 450–451 Confederate military leadership Connelly, D. B., 109 generals Connelly, T. L., 122, 131 Beauregard, 118–122, 126, 515–516 Conner, R. C., 108 Bragg, 130–135, 516 Conroy, J. B., 448 Cooper, 121 conscription Johnston, 119–122, 125–127, 516 Confederate, 419–424, 428, 508; Lee, 121, 127–130 recusant, 207 Polk, 122–124, 516 and dissent, 533–538 Sidney Johnston, 121–124 Union, 473–475 president, 67, 79–80, 118, 119–125, 127–128, Constitutional amendments (US) 139, 501–503 First, 442–445 Confederate occupation, 232–233 Thirteenth, 391, 458 Confederate operations Constitutional Unionists (political party), concentration strategy of, 73–77 32–34 guerrilla warfare, 203–211 Cook, A., 364 prisoners-of-war treatment, 293, 297, Cook, C., 218 306–307 Cooke, Jay, 174, 178–180, 190, 191 Confederate politics Cooper, Samuel, 121 Confederate Constitution and states’ Cooper, W., 58, 79, 118, 119, 501, 511 rights, 416–417 Copperheads contentious nature of, 414–415 and conscription law, 473–475 democracy and power holder Democratic, 382, 386, 453, 462–463, restrictions, 417 469–470 dissidents, 533–538 and fall of Atlanta, 478 economic and tax in kind of food crops, on Lincoln reelection, 477–478 424–427 and Overland campaign, 475–477 emancipation, 433–434 and Vallandigham, 474–475 independence of, 417–418 see also Democrats local efforts to feed the poor, 428–430 Corby, W., 167 military conscription law, 419–424, 428 cordon strategy, 66–67, 73–74 passport system, 426 Corinth, Battle of, 80 peace movement, 427–428 Cornish, D.

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