December 10, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 38967 for the purpose of taking testimony on PROGRAM if there be any such votes, a vote will rules and regulations for the administra­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, occur on a motion by Mr. ALLEN to table tion of the Johnson-O'Malley program, the Senate will convene at 9 a.m. to­ the amendment by Mr. HUGH SCOTT. If and along with the Joint Committee on morrow. After the two leaders or their that vote fails, there will be 30 minutes Atomic Energy be authorized to meet for designees have been recognized under for debate on the amendment by Mr. a joint hearing on the nomination of Dr. the standing order, the Senate will pro­ HELMS, and a vote will then occur on Robert Seamans. Further, that the Gov­ ceed to the consideration of S. 1988, the that amendment. ernment Operations Committee have so-called 200-mile limit bill. There is a If that vote fails, there will be 30 min­ permission to meet tomorrow, Decem­ time agreement on that bill. Any votes utes on an amendment by Mr. BEALL, ber 11, to conduct a hearing on a GAO on amendments thereto, or any vote on after which a vote will occur on the report; and that the Commerce Commit­ final passage of that bill, will not occur amendment by Mr. BEALL. What happens tee have permission to meet on Wednes­ prior to the hour of 3: 30 p.m. tomorrow. thereafter is unclear at the present mo­ day, December 11. Also, that the Judi­ After the time for debate on the bill ment, but suffice it to say that several ciary Committee have permission to meet and amendments thereto has expired, roll call votes are expected tomorrow. on Thursday, December 12 to consider the Senate tomorrow will proceed to the nominations on Federal judgeships consideration of H.R. 14449, the so-called which were announced in the RECORD of OEO bill. There is a time agreement on December 5, and, further, that the Bud­ ADJOURNMENT TO 9 A.M. that bill also. Rollcall votes are expected TOMORROW get Committee have permission to meet to occur on amendments to that bill to­ on Wednesday, December 11, Thursday, morrow. I should make it clear that if Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, December 12, and Friday, December 13. any rollcall votes are ordered on amend­ if there be no further business to come I also ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Foreign Relations be au­ ments to the OEO bill, there is no order before the Senate, I move, in accordance thorized to meet on Thursday, Decem­ to the effect that they will be delayed with the previous order, that the Senate ber 12, on nominations and treaties, and until 3:30. Rollcall votes on such amend­ stand in adjournment until the hour of that the Committee on Banking, Housing ments may occur when the time on any 9 a.m. tomorrow. and Urban Affairs be permitted to meet such amendments expires. The final vote The motion was agreed to; and at 5: 58 tomorrow, December 11, on certain leg­ on H.R. 14449 will not occur until the p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor­ islation and a nomination. hour of 10: 30 a.m. on Friday. row, Wednesday, December 11, 1974, at The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without At no later than the hour of 1: 30 p.m. 9a.m. objection, it is so ordered. tomorrow, the Senate will resume con­ Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ sideration of the amendment by Mr. dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. HELMS to the amendment by Mr. HUGH CONFIRMATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk SCOTT to the amendment No. 17 in dis­ will call the roll. Executive nomination confirmed by The second assistant legislative clerk agreement, supplemental appropriations bill. At the conclusion of 2 hours of de­ the Senate December 10, 1974: proceeded to call the roll. VICE PRESIDENT 01' THE UNITED STATES Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, bate, to wit, 3: 30, the vote will occur then on the bill S. 1988 and amendments Pursuant to the provisions of section 2 I ask unanimous consent that the order of the 25th amendment to the Constitution for the quorum call be rescinded. thereto. of the United States, Nelson A. Rockefeller, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Immediately following those votes, of New York, to be the Vice President of the objection, it is so ordered. which will be stacked up back to back United States. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BLACKBmDS ARE EVERYONE'S It's too muddy for him to harvest his site. They are a detriment to the well-being PROBLEM crop; so the fat, pudgy birds are doing it for of man and animal. him, nonprofit of course. "If it doesn't dry It is time everyone became involved. Be­ up soon so I can get my combine in the field, cause one way or another the birds will cost HON. ED JONES there won't be anything left for me," he said. you too. OF TENNESSEE Mr. Tidwell has used tinfoil piepan re­ If they don't make you sick with some IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES flectors and other devices to scare the birds illness; if they don't cause your grocery away from his. field, but nothing works. bill to become higher; then ultimately, your Monday, December 9, 1974 "They (the birds) aren't even sea.red of me," car will be next. Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. Speak- . he said. "You can drive right up to them." We commend the army for their efforts to B1lly Allison of Atwood, reportedly is hav­ thin out the pesky devils. They have the er, at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant ing the same trouble with a crop of winter support of the local community. in Milan, Tenn., several million black­ wheat. We pity the others who are totally ig­ birds, virtually all starlings, are roosting In the Salem Community, Denton Fly said norant of the problem, and to each of them for the winter once again. the birds ate at least 500 bushels of corn on we beseech a. towsackful of birds for Christ­ At dusk the birds literally darken the the old Jones Farm before it could be har­ mas. (BP)" sky because of their large numbers. It is vested. At $3.50 per bushel, those birds be­ : regret that the CONGRESSIONAL REC­ come mighty expensive. ORD cannot reproduce the two photos needless to say that those birds consti­ Last year, hundreds of hogs died in the tute a genuine pestilence to the people Milan area from intestinal disorders after which accompanied these remarks. In of the area, especially the farmers, yet birds flocks had descended on feedlots-­ one is shown a typical ear of corn from they are unable to protect themselves bold enough to compete with the larger a nearby farm. At least 75 percent of the because the roosts are located on the beasts-for grain. kernels have been eaten by the birds. Army's property. Blackbirds are everyone's problem. The owner estimates his losses to the Following is the lead item on the front Besides, the disease potential to man and birds this year at 500 bushels of corn. page of the Milan Mirror of December animal, they are cutting into the nation's The other photo shows a milo field food supply, greatly reducing the yield of 4, 1974. grains-which eventually leads to higher which can hardly be seen because of the While the bureaucracy of environmental­ prices on the food table. blur of blackbirds. This 15-acre milo ists fumes in Washington, delaying any field will probably be lost entirely to the action on getting rid of the pests, millions, With all the current outcry of world food birds because the weather has delayed yes millions, of blackbirds are presently eat­ shortages, it seems ironic that a govern­ ment would. point a finger to farmers for harvesting. ing up tons of precious foodstuffs each day, Mr. · spreading disease, and spotting automobiles. more food production and at the same time Speaker, I submit that the most In the Terry Community, just east of Area permit a bunch of bird biddies to perpetu­ overlooked species in the environment Q at Milan Arsenal, the plague of birds is ate an eternal flow of masses of dirty, smelly, of the Milan, Tenn., area is man. To pro­ literally eating up F . M. Tid.well's 16 acres feed-stealing, lousy :t:ouls · (Fowls) that are tect the pestilence at tne expense of man of mllo. , not helping man or animal-j\lst the oppo- is not only foolish,' but. costly and liaz- 38968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 10, 1974 ardous as well. I cannot understand how breakthrough in producing methanol (wood respectively. We understand that the House groups located thousands of miles away alcohol) from any fibrous material such a.s ts scheduled to consider these bills on Tues­ should be permitted to block the Army's wood, leaves, garbage and waste paper-at a day, December 3, under suspension of the attempt to protect the people in the vi­ cost of 20 cents per gallon. Race cars run on rules. methanol~and so could an adaptable new With regard to H.R. 1 7084, I would first cinity. engine. like to emphasize our concern about author­ At the end of WW II, running short of gas, ization levels. We recognize that H.R.
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