Advanced Staining Catalog NovocastraTM IHC Antibodies, Probes & Leica BOND Reagents 2014 USA Edition Pathologists see the difference Over 20 Years of Expertise: Trust our IHC and ISH solutions to deliver quality results Leica’s dedication to immunohistochemistry has led to significant developments in advanced staining. Novocastra reagents deliver the high quality advanced stained slides that pathologists rely on. See the difference... t Optimized for high-quality staining – Confidence in interpretation for diagnosis Novocastra antibodies, in combination with t Flexible formats and sizes – Reduce costs, save time the Leica BOND platforms provide a fully t Robust antibody performance – Right first time, minimizing repeats integrated and automated approach to your advanced staining process. t Extensive antibody and reagent portfolio – One stop shop for all your IHC requirements Your complete solution – fully automated, fully integrated and ready to go. Confidence - Highly specific Speed - Reduce turnaround time Quality - Novocastra and BOND and sensitive compact polymer and increase workflow efficiency Ready-to-Use Antibodies detection systems with Leica BOND automation Don’t just take our word for it, see the results for yourself. SEE THE DIFFERENCE Contact your local Leica Representative to arrange your evaluation. FOR YOURSELF Visit www.LeicaBiosystems.com/contact Leica Biosystems is bringing the Laboratory of Tomorrow to you Follow the EXPERIENCELAB Online www.LeicaBiosystems.com/experiencelab Contents All BOND and Novocastra reagents can be found by going to the sections listed below. To quickly find antibody and ordering information, there is an Antibody Index Guide opposite. BOND Reagents and Consumables........................ 21 Novocastra Primary Antibodies........................... 87 Novocastra Manual Detection Systems .................. 195 Novocastra ISH Reagents/Probes........................ 201 Novocastra ASR Probes ................................. 205 Novocastra Epitope Retrieval Reagents and Buffers....... 207 OriginTM Reagents........................................211 PowerVision............................................ 217 Product Name Index .................................... 221 Reagent Ordering Information ...........................228 Use the simple Antibody Index Guide on the following pages to quickly view clones, formats, sizes and ordering codes. Page 165 Detailed information about each clone can be found by simply going to the page number listed. Use this Antibody Index Guide to quickly view clones, formats, sizes and ordering codes. Ordering code for: Page Description Clone Lyophilized Lyophilized Liquid Liquid Manual RTU BOND RTU 0.1 mL 1 mL 0.1 mL 1 mL 7 mL 7 mL 92 Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Protein EMM43 APC (APC) 88 Adenovirus 10/5.1.2 ADENO 88 Akt (Phosphorylated) LP18 AKT-PHOS-L-CE-S AKT-PHOS-L-CE 88 ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) 5A4 ALK-CE-S ALK-CE ALK-L-CE-S ALK-L-CE-H PA0306 (CD246) (p80) (0.5 mL) 89 Alpha-1-antitrypsin Polyclonal A1AP-A 89 Alpha-Actinin RBC2/1B6 ALPHA-ACT 89 Alpha B Crystallin G2JF ABCRYS-512 89 Alpha-Catenin 25B1 A-CAT 90 Alpha Fetoprotein C3 AFP-S AFP PA0963 90 Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA) ASM-1 SMA-CE SMA-R-7-CE PA0943 90 Alpha-Synuclein KM51 ASYN ASYN-L 90 Amyloid P Protein B5 AMP 91 Amyloid Precursor Protein 40.10 APP 88 Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) 5A4 ALK-CE-S ALK-CE ALK-L-CE-S ALK-L-CE-H PA0306 (CD246) (p80) (0.5 mL) 91 Androgen Receptor 2F12 AR-2F12 91 Androgen Receptor AR27 AR-318-CE-S AR-318-CE 91 APAF (Apoptosis Protease Activating Polyclonal APAF1 Factor 1) 92 APC (Adenomatous Polyposis Coli EMM43 APC Protein) 121 Apolipoprotein J (Clusterin) 7D1 CLUSTERIN 91 Apoptosis Protease Activating Factor 1 Polyclonal APAF1 (APAF) 92 Aurora Kinase 2 JLM28 AK2-L-A 92 B Cell Marker (MB2) MB2 MB2 92 B Cell Specific Octamer Binding Protein-1 TG14 BOB-1-L-A PA0558 (BOB-1) 93 Bcl-2 Oncoprotein 3.1 BCL-2-486-S BCL-2-486 93 Bcl-2 Oncoprotein BCL-2/100/D5 BCL-2-CE-S BCL-2-CE BCL-2-L-CE BCL-2-R-7-CE PA0117 93 Bcl-3 Oncoprotein 1E8 BCL-3 93 Bcl-6 Oncoprotein LN22 BCL-6-564-L-CE-S BCL-6-564-L-CE PA0204 93 Bcl-6 Oncoprotein P1F6 BCL-6-S BCL-6 94 Bcl-w 6C1 BCL-W 94 Bcl-x NC1 BCL-X 94 Beta 2 microglobulin Polyclonal B2MP 94 Beta Amyloid 6F/3D B-AMYLOID 95 Beta-Catenin 17C2 B-CAT B-CAT-L-U PA0083 Red Box = IVD Products in this catalog are subject to regulatory approval. Please consult your Leica Biosystems representative for availability in your region. / 6 ANTIBODY INDEX GUIDE Ordering code for: Page Description Clone Lyophilized Lyophilized Liquid Liquid Manual RTU BOND RTU 0.1 mL 1 mL 0.1 mL 1 mL 7 mL 7 mL 95 Beta-Dystroglycan 43DAG1/8D5 B-DG-CE-S B-DG-CE 105 BL-CAM (CD22) FPC1 CD22-2-S CD22-2 PA0249 137 Blood Coagulation Factor XIIIa E980.1 FXIIIA-L-U PA0449 (Factor XIIIa) 92 BOB-1 (B Cell Specific Octamer Binding TG14 BOB-1-L-A PA0558 Protein-1) 96 CA19-9 (Sialyl Lewisa) C241:5:1:4 CA19-9 CA19-9-L PA0424 96 CA125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) OV185:1 CA125-CE CA125-L-CE CA125-R-7-CE PA0539 96 Calbindin KR6 CALBINDIN 97 Calcitonin Polyclonal CALP (0.5mL) PA0406 97 Calcitonin CL1948 CALCITONIN-L-CE- CALCITONIN-L-CE S 97 Calpain CALP3C/11B3 CALP-11B3 (2.5 mL) 97 Calpain CALP3C/12A2 CALP-12A2-S CALP-12A2 (2.5 mL) 97 Calpain CALP3D/2C4 CALP-2C4 (2.5 mL) 97 Calponin (Basic) 26A11 CALPONIN-B-A PA0416 98 Calretinin (5A5) 5A5 CALRETININ-CE-S CALRETININ-CE CALRETININ-L-CE CALRETININ-R-7- CE 98 Calretinin (CAL6) CAL6 CALRET566-L-CE-S CALRET566-L-CE PA0346 98 Carbonic Anhydrase IX TH22 CAIX-L-CE-S CAIX-L-CE 98 Carboxypeptidase M 1C2 CPMM 98 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CD66e) 12-140-10 CEA-2-L-U PA0004 123 Caspase-3 (CPP32) JHM62 CPP32-S CPP32 99 Caspase-8 11B6 CASP-8 99 Cathepsin B CB131 CATH-B 99 Cathepsin D C5 CDM-S CDM 99 Cathepsin G 19C3 CATH-G 100 Caveolin-1 4D6 CAVEOLIN-1-L 100 CD1a JPM30 CD1A-220-S CD1A-220 100 CD1a MTB1 CD1A-235-CE-S CD1A-235-CE CD1A-235-L-CE-S CD1A-235-L-CE CD1A-235-R-7-CE PA0235 CD1A-235-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) 100 CD2 (LFA-2) AB75 CD2-271-CE-S CD2-271-CE CD2-271-L-CE CD2-271-R-7-CE 100 CD2 (LFA-2) 11F11 PA0271 101 CD3 LN10 CD3-565-L-CE-S CD3-565-L-CE PA0553 101 CD3 PS1 CD3-PS1-CE-S CD3-PS1-CE CD3-PS1-L-CE CD3-PS1-R-7-CE 101 CD3 UCHT1 CD3 101 CD4 1F6 CD4-1F6-CE-S CD4-1F6-CE CD4-1F6-L-CE CD4-1F6-R-7-CE 101 CD4 4B12 CD4-368-L-CE-S CD4-368-L-CE PA0368 CD4-368-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) Red Box = IVD / 7 Ordering code for: Page Description Clone Lyophilized Lyophilized Liquid Liquid Manual RTU BOND RTU 0.1 mL 1 mL 0.1 mL 1 mL 7 mL 7 mL 101 CD5 4C7 CD5-4C7-CE-S CD5-4C7-CE CD5-L-4C7-CE-S CD5-4C7-L-CE CD5-4C7-R-7-CE PA0168 CD5-L-4C7-CE-H (0.5 mL) 102 CD7 LP15 CD7-580-L-CE-S CD7-580-L-CE PA0266 102 CD8 1A5 CD8-295-CE-S CD8-295-CE CD8-295-L-CE CD8-295-R-7-CE 102 CD8 4B11 CD8-4B11-CE-S CD8-4B11-CE CD8-4B11-L-CE-S CD8-4B11-L-CE PA0183 CD8-4B11-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) 102 CD9 (Motility-Related Protein-1) 72F6 CD9 103 CD10 56C6 CD10-270-CE-S CD10-270-CE CD10-270-L-CE CD10-270-R-7-CE PA0270 103 CD11c 5D11 CD11C-563-L-CE-S CD11C-563-L-CE PA0554 103 CD13 38C12 CD13-304-L-U 103 CD14 7 CD14-223-S CD14-223 CD14-223-L 104 CD15 BY87 CD15-CE-S CD15-CE CD15-L-CE CD15-R-7-CE 104 CD15 CARB-1 PA0039 104 CD16 2H7 CD16-L-U 104 CD19 4G7/2E CD19-2 104 CD19 BT51E CD19-163-L-CE-S CD19-163-L-CE PA0843 CD20-L26-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) 105 CD20 7D1 CD20-7D1-S CD-20-7D1 105 CD20 L26 CD20-L26-CE CD20-L26-L-CE-S CD20-L26-L-CE CD20-L26-R-7-CE CD20-L-L26-CE-H (0.5 mL) 105 CD20 MJ1 CD20-MJ1-S CD20-MJ1 PA0906 105 CD21 2G9 CD21-2G9-CE-S CD21-2G9-CE CD21-2G9-L-CE PA0171 105 CD22 (BL-CAM) FPC1 CD22-2-S CD22-2 PA0249 106 CD23 1B12 CD23-1B12-CE-S CD23-1B12-CE CD23-1B12-L-CE-S CD23-1B12-L-CE CD23-1B12-R-7-CE PA0169 CD23-1B12-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) 152 CD25 (Interleukin-2 Receptor) 4C9 CD25-305-A PA0305 106 CD27 137B4 CD27 106 CD29 7F10 CD29-S CD29 107 CD30 15B3 CD30-365-S CD30-365 107 CD30 1G12 CD30-CE-S CD30-CE CD30-L-CE CD30-R-7-CE PA0153 107 CD30 JCM182 CD30-591-L-CE-S CD30-591-L-CE PA0790 107 CD31 (PECAM-1) 1A10 CD31-1A10-CE-S CD31-1A10-CE PA0250 107 CD33 PWS44 CD33-L-CE-S CD33-L-CE PA0555 108 CD34 (Endothelial Cell Marker) QBEND/10 END-L-CE-S END-L-CE END-R-7-CE PA0212 END-L-CE-H (0.5 mL) 108 CD35 RLB25 CD35-A 108 CD37 CT1 CD37 108 CD38 SPC32 CD38-290-CE-S CD38-290-CE CD38-290-L-CE 108 CD39 22A9 CD39 109 CD40 11E9 CD40-S CD40 Red Box = IVD Products in this catalog are subject to regulatory approval.
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