CHAPTER 1945–Present I?7 Following World War II, the nations of Asia worked to win political and economic independence. Their efforts were compli- cated by Cold War tensions, religious and ethnic conflicts, and struggles for politi- cal power. Despite these obstacles, some nations achieved great success in building strong, vibrant economies, and improved the lives of people throughout the region. >;C;Æ In the years after World War II, many Asian nations looked for ways to build their economic and political strength. In this chapter you will examine how these nations worked toward economic development and how some achieved economic success. Æ August 1947 May 1954 April 1975 India is partitioned. Vietminh defeat Mao Zedong leads China North Vietnam wins Æ French at Dien 1949–1976 the Vietnam War. Bien Phu. rzuv rzwv rzyv Æ May 14, 1948 1954 1961 1979 Sandinista Israel declares its Gamal Abdel Nasser The Soviet Union sends the rebels win control statehood. seizes power in Egypt. first human into outer space. of Nicaragua. 906 CHAPTER 30 History's Impact video program Watch the video to understand the impact of Vietnam’s location. Reading like a Historian This photograph was taken during China’s Cultural June 1989 Revolution of the late 1960s, an effort by Chinese Chinese troops attack 1997 leaders to rid the nation of its old ways. The Chinese pro-democracy A financial crisis slows characters on the large signs translate as “Long live demonstrators in growth in the Pacific Rim. the proletariat’s [workers’] great cultural revolution.” Tiananmen Square. Analyzing Visuals How do you think a large public s{{v rally like this might have helped the Chinese govern- 1993 Apartheid March 2003 ment maintain power and minimize dissent? officially ends in A U.S.-led force See Skills Handbook, p. H26 South Africa. invades Iraq. ASIA 907 GEOGRAPHY Starting Points Interactive ASIA, 1945 #SJUJTIDPMPOZ 'SFODIDPMPOZ %VUDIDPMPOZ 1PSUVHVFTFDPMPOZ 64DPOUSPMMFE 4PWJFUDPOUSPMMFE China was an inde- pendent nation in the 407*&56/*0/ midst of a civil war. The Communists were led by Mao Zedong. In India, Mohandas Gandhi led the strug- +"1"/ In French Indochina, gle for independence .0/(0-*" Ho Chi Minh led the from Great Britain. fight for indepen- dence from France. *3"/ $)*/" /&1"- #)65"/ ¡/ */%*" #63." ¡& $IJOB ¡& 5)"*-"/% 4FB ¡& ¡& '3&/$) */%0$)*/" */%*"/ #36/&* 0$&"/ ."-":4*" $&:-0/ ¡&RVBUPS 4*/("103& */%0/&4*" .JMFT ,JMPNFUFST &"45 5XPQPJOUFRVJEJTUBOUQSPKFDUJPO 5*.03 10356("- ¡& After World War II, 1. Identify Which Asian nations were independence movements grew stronger in the controlled by other countries in 1945? Listen to History European colonies scattered throughout Asia. In 2. Predict What might happen to these Go online to listen to an the years to come, these colonies would win their nations after they gain independence? explanation of the starting independence and face the challenge of building points for this chapter. stable governments, economies, and societies. go.hrw.com Keyword: SHL ASA 908 CHAPTER 30 SECTION EKJ>ÆI?7Æ7<J;HÆCF?H; Take notes BEFORE YOU READ about the MAIN IDEA READING FOCUS KEY TERMS AND PEOPLE events in India and Pakistan that followed India gained its indepen- 1. What events led to indepen- Muhammad Ali Jinnah partition. dence from Great Britain, dence and conflict in India? partition but the region entered 2. What happened to India Jawaharlal Nehru Partition an era of conflict and after the nation won its Indira Gandhi challenges. independence? Pervez Musharraf 3. What challenges face the countries of South Asia? What is the price of indepen- People are scrambling for trains or trying to find other dence? It is the summer of 1947, and forms of transportation. They’re deciding what personal more than 10 million Indians are on the belongings they can take to their new country and what move across the British colony of India. The British Parlia- they must leave behind. Most Hindus and Sikhs opt for ment has just passed an act dividing India into two inde- India, while most Muslims choose Pakistan. As their paths pendent nations—Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan. People cross, violence erupts—hundreds of thousands of people have one month to decide which country to live in and to are dying. travel to their new home. Indians have finally won their independence from Great Britain. But peace will have to wait. "/BUJPO 5PSO"QBSU Millions traveled across the Indian subcontinent on overcrowded trains. ASIA 909 RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN INDIA and increasing Indian nationalism helped con- AND PAKISTAN, 1947 vince the British that maintaining control of India was too costly. When the war ended, the British began making plans to leave India. "'()"/*45"/ ,"4).*3 $)*/" *3"/ -BIPSF "NSJUTBS 5*#&5 Religious Conflict and Partition India 8&45 #)65"/ 1",*45"/ 4*,,*. had long had two main religious groups: Hin- /&1"- 3 /FX ( T B dus and Muslims. In 1940 India was home to V %FMIJ O E H O F * T 3 )ZEFSBCBE about 255 million Hindus and 92 million Mus- ,BSBDIJ %IBLB lims. Smaller numbers of Indians were Sikhs */%*" $BMDVUUB SEEKS "SBCJBO4FB ( ), Christians, or Buddhists. As hopes for #63." ¡/ &"45 Indian independence rose, so did religious ten- 1",*45"/ sions. Some Muslims, fearing that an indepen- #PNCBZ .BJOMZ#VEEIJTU dent democratic India would be dominated by )ZEFSBCBE .BJOMZ)JOEV #BZPG#FOHBM India’s large Hindu population, believed that .BJOMZ.VTMJN Indian Muslims needed a separate nation in .BJOMZ4JLI .BESBT order to protect their rights. ¡/ Muhammad Ali Jinnah led the Muslim ¡& League, an organization that worked for the ¡& $&:-0/ interests of India’s Muslims. In 1940 the Mus- INTERPRETING MAPS .JMFT lim League formally called for a partition, or ,JMPNFUFST division, of India and the creation of separate 1. Place Many residents of Pakistan were "MCFSTFRVBMBSFBQSPKFDUJPO members of what religious group? Muslim and Hindu countries. Gandhi strongly opposed the division of India, but there was 2. Location Where did many Hindus live? little he could do to prevent it. As violence between Muslims and Hindus increased during the early 1940s, British lead- Independence and Conflict ers came to believe that partition was the best way to ensure a safe and stable region. They Great Britain had controlled India for nearly decided to divide India into separate Hindu two hundred years, but by the early 1900s the and Muslim nations. British control of the region was starting to Great Britain formally ended its colonial weaken. At the same time, religious tensions rule of India in August 1947 and two new were pulling India apart. nations were created: Muslim East and West Pakistan and Hindu India. Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Nationalism Grows A movement (juh-WAH-huhr-lahl NAY-roo), who would be for independence in India gained strength India’s first prime minister, spoke on the eve throughout the early 1900s. By the mid-1930s of independence. the Indian National Congress and Mohandas Gandhi had won some self-rule for Indians. HISTORY’S VOICES When World War II began, the British “It is a fateful moment for us in India, for all Asia informed India that Indians would have to fight and for the world. A new star rises, the star of for the Allies. Furious at being forced to partici- freedom in the East, a new hope comes into being, pate in a war for democracy while being denied a vision long cherished materializes.” their own independence, the Indian National —Jawaharlal Nehru, speech, August 14, 1947 Congress refused to support the war effort. Instead, Gandhi began the so-called “Quit India” Violence after Partition The division of campaign. This effort was a nonviolent protest India into two nations also divided the reli- that aimed to drive the British from India. gious groups that lived in India. Most of the The British immediately imprisoned Gan- residents of Pakistan were Muslims and many dhi and thousands of Congress officials. These in India were Hindu, but followers of other reli- actions increased anti-British feelings, and gions lived in each new country as well. As a riots erupted throughout India. The violence result, millions of people on each side of the bor- 910 CHAPTER 30 der decided to move. Muslims in India moved India after Independence to Pakistan. Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan left for India. As millions of people crossed the sub- India became the world’s largest democracy continent, violence between different religious when the nation won its independence in 1947. groups flared. Over a million people died. In the years after independence, India faced Gandhi himself was a victim of the blood- many challenges. shed. In January 1948 he was shot and killed Prime Minister Jawa- by a fellow Hindu who blamed Gandhi for the India under Nehru harlal Nehru led India through the difficult partition of India and believed that Gandhi had early years of independence. Nehru empha- sacrificed Hindu interests to protect Muslims. sized the need for unity and economic and social War over Kashmir Complicating rela- reforms, as well as a respect for democratic ide- tions between India and Pakistan was the fact als. He worked to increase the legal rights of that not all border issues had been settled at women, to improve the lives of the poor, and partition. One major point of conflict was the to prevent discrimination based on caste, or region of Kashmir, near the northern border inherited status. Under Nehru’s leadership, ACADEMIC of India and Pakistan. Soon after partition, India utilized modern science and technology VOCABULARY India and Pakistan began to fight over control to improve its industry and agriculture. Dur- utilize to make use of of Kashmir. This continued until a cease-fire ing the Cold War, India played an important in 1949 divided the region into two parts, one role in the formation of the nonaligned move- controlled by India and the other by Pakistan.
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