14th volume City of Helsinki Urban Facts Address P.O. Box 5500, FI-00099 City of Helsinki, Finland (Siltasaarenkatu 18–20 A) Telephone +358 9 310 3612 Telefax 09 310 36601 Publications can be ordered tel. + 358 9 310 36293 Inquiries Statistics and information services Ari Jaakola, tel. +358 9 310 43608, [email protected] Aila Perttilä, tel. +358 9 310 36399, [email protected] Telefax +358 9 310 36601 ISBN 978-952-331-259-3 Contents Preface ..........................................................................................................................................................................................6 Explanation of symbols ..........................................................................................................................................................7 Reader instructions ..................................................................................................................................................................7 1 Area and environment ...............................................................................................................................................9 2 Population .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 3 Housing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 4 Transport and tourism ............................................................................................................................................ 33 5 Health care ................................................................................................................................................................... 37 6 Social welfare .............................................................................................................................................................. 43 7 Education ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 8 Culture and leisure ................................................................................................................................................... 53 9 Energy and water supply ....................................................................................................................................... 57 10 City finances and personnel ................................................................................................................................. 61 11 Labour force ................................................................................................................................................................ 65 12 Economic activities ................................................................................................................................................... 69 13 Income and consumption ..................................................................................................................................... 73 14 Justice and public safety ........................................................................................................................................ 77 15 Elections ........................................................................................................................................................................ 81 Preface The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki Region and Finland as a whole. Mo- reover, the yearbook contains a chapter on major cities in the rest of Scandinavia and one on the capitals of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and on the City of S:t Pe- tersburg. The book contains 257 tables in all. The 2016 edition is the 104th, The book has been reshaped several times, but its objective, to describe the city and its inhabitants from many perspectives, has remained. The Statistical Yearbooks of 1905 to 2008 are available in a digital for- mat on the Sinetti archives database. (www.sinettiarkisto.fi). Sinetti contains a mul- titude of material relating to Helsinki’s history. Tables from the Statistical Yearbook were among the first data to be published as open data by the Helsinki Region Infoshare online service (www.hri.fi). The sta- tistical yearbooks since 2002 are available on the HRI. Additional data on many themes in the yearbook can be found in the statistical and research publications, electronic data and databases of the City of Helsinki Ur- ban Facts (www.hel.fi/tietokeskus). Statistics on Helsinki by district and sub-district are available in the Helsinki Region Small Area Database (www.aluesarjat.fi). The publication Helsinki by district presents statistics in the form of maps, graphs and tables. This publication, too, is available on our website. The library of Helsinki City Urban Facts also provides information services. The yearbook is compiled by the City of Helsinki Urban Facts Division for Sta- tistics and Information Services. The editing has been led by Senior Statistician Sini Askelo, and the actual editorial work was carried out by Statistics Secretary Aila Perttilä with Information Service Secretary Solja Saarto. Statistics Secretary Annikki Suihkonen made the graphs. The layout was made by Statistics Secretary Sirkka Koski. The cover was planned and made by Graphics Designer Olli Turunen of Tovia Design Oy Ltd. We want to thank all our numerous cooperation partners within and outside the city administration for their valuable help in providing da- ta for the Statistical Yearbook. Helsinki, November 2016 Ari Jaakola Statistics and Information Services Manager 6 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF HELSINKI 2016 Explanation of symbols Coefficients for monetary value 2014 currency rate 2015 currency rate Year Coefficient Year Coefficient 1995 1,3741 1995 1,3717 2000 1,2729 2000 1,2700 2005 1,1985 2005 1,1960 2010 1,0907 2010 1,0885 2011 1,0541 2012 1,0232 2012 1,0253 2013 1,0083 2013 1,0104 2014 0,9980 2014 1,0000 2015 1,0000 Explanation of symbols Magnitude nil – Magniture less than half of unit employed 0 Data subject to secrecy ... Data not available .. Category not applicable , Preliminary data * Corrected figure u Men M Women W A horizontal line drawn across a time series shows substantial breaks in the homogeneity of a series. Reader instructions The book contains some data denominated in euros expressed in fixed monetary value for 2014 or 2015. This has been done in an attempt to eliminate the impacts of changes in monetary value on the figures. The cost of living index 1951:10 = 100 has been used as the deflation coefficient. The coefficients for different years are stated in conjunction with the symbols. There is always a reference in conjunction with the euro-denominated data as to whether the figures have been stated in fixed monetary value for 2014 or 2015. Where no reference is stated, the euro-denominated data is in the current monetary value. Where figures are examined in relation to the population figure, the average population figure has been used as the population figure if the data apply to the whole year. The year book presents district data in accordance with the district division system approved by the City Board. The district division system is at four levels with the city being divided into 8 major districts, which are subdivided into a total of 34 districts. These districts comprise sub-districts and small districts in the offi- cial district division. There are currently 148 sub-districts and 404 small areas. Each major district, district and sub-district has a code and name confirmed by the City Board and small areas have a code only. Major dis- tricts have a single-digit code from 1–8 and districts have a three-digit code, with the first digit designating the major district in which the district lies. The three-digit code of sub-districts is formed from the city area code (the two first digits) and the sub-district code (the last digit). A full list of the district names and codes in the district division system can be found with the district division map appendix. The Helsinki Metropolitan Area comprises the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. The Hel- sinki Region comprises these four cities and those of Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava, Kirkkonummi, Nurmijär- vi, Sipoo, Tuusula, Vihti and, since 1 Jan. 2005, Mäntsälä and Pornainen. STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF HELSINKI 2016 7 Major districts in Helsinki . North-Eastern Major . Östersundom District . Northern Major District Major District . Eastern Major District . Central Major District . Western Major District . Southern Major District . South-Eastern Major District © Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkimittausosasto 079/2009, © Aineistot: Helsingin mittausosasto Land use 2015 Residential area Park, field or forest area Industrial area 8. Östersundom Major 5. North-Eastern 4. North Major District District Major District 2. Western Major District 7. Eastern Major 3.Central Major District District 6. South-Eastern Major District 1. Southern Major District © Helsingin kaupunkimittausosasto, alueen kunnat ja HSY 2015 8 STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF HELSINKI 2016 1 Area and environment List of diagrams and tables Area and environment
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