STATEMENT OF FINDINGS CARLYLE LAKE ILLINOIS I have reviewed, in light of the overall public interest, the operation and maintenance program at Carlyle Lake, Illinois, relative to the various practicable methods of carrying out its authorized^ purposes of flood control, navigation, domestic and industrial water supply, fish and wildlife conservation and recreation. I have considered the comments of all interested parties in response to the draft environ­ mental impact statement issued in August 1973. : In my review of this lake's operation and maintenance program, I have found that Carlyle Lake has helped to reduce downstream flooding on the Kaskaskia River. This was especially true during the severe spring floods of 1973 when flood crests were reduced as much as 5. 8 feet at Posey, Illinois. During 1974, the Kaskaskia Navigation Project will open and Carlyle Lake will help to assure that its nine-foot minimum channel can be maintained during drought periods. My investigations have found that Carlyle Lake provides a large permanent warm water fishery while wildlife management programs carried on by the State of . Illinois' Conservation Department and Corps of Engineers' personnel have made this lake one of the most successful migratory bird areas in the State of Illinois. Recreation facilities have been provided for a multitude of outdoor activities ranging from areas where one may hunt to camping areas with hot showers. These facilities, combined with the basic land and water resources of Carlyle Lake, attracted over 2, 500, 000 visitors in 1973. I have noted and carefully considered the adverse environmental impacts which have resulted or will result from the operation and maintenance program at Carlyle Lake. Lake regulation for the purpose of flood con­ trol has and will cause many periods of high water and fluctuating water levels. These high waters and fluctuating water levels have and will continue to cause severe shoreline erosion, the destruction of shoreline vegetation, the interference with normal fish spawning and the disrup­ tion of recreation activities on both land and water. I also recognize that the use of riprap for the purpose of shoreline protection has the effect of reducing the natural aesthetics of the lake shoreline. Other impacts of a less significant nature are recognized in the environmental impact statement. I believe that all appropriate steps were taken in the preparation and presentation of the environmental impact statement to disclose fully all known environmental issues. All pertinent facts have been presented, studied, and discussed by appropriate professional personnel on my staff. : I believe the environmental impact statement complies, with / . the spirit of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Alternatives to the present operation and maintenance program have been studied according to environmental, social and economic effects including regional development and engineering feasibility. Alter­ natives considered included revised regulation plans and methods of shoreline protection. Therefore, being appraised of the environmental, social and economic losses and gains that have and will accrue from the operation and maintenance program at Carlyle Lake and having considered the practicable alternatives in the light of economic and environmental factors, social well-being and engineering feasibility, I have con­ cluded that, on balance, the effects of the operation and maintenance program at Carlyle Lake are beneficial and that it is in the best public interest that they be continued. THORWALD R. PETERSON (Date) Colonel, CE District Engineer I concur in the preceding statement of findings. CHARLES C. NOBLE Date . Major General, USA Division Engineer I concur in the preceding Statement of Findings. FOR THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS: f (Date) jZ w. morris /Major General, USA Director of Civil Works FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT CARLYLE LAKE ILLINOIS Prepared by U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI TABLE OF CONTENTS ' Section Page SUMMARY SHEET 1 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3 1.1 Location and Accessibility • 3 1.2 Authorized Purposes 3 1.3 Authority for the Project 3 1.4 Current Status and Benefit-Cost Ratio 3 1.5 Physical Data 3 1.6 Recreation Management Concepts 4 1.7 Operation and Maintenance Activities 6 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT 7 2.1 General .7 2.2 Geological Elements 8 2.3 Hydrological Elements 10 2.4 Biological Elements 11 2.5 Cultural Elements 14 2.6 Interrelation of Other Projects in KaskaskiaWatershed 19 3 THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF PROGRAMMED 20 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES 3. 1 Local Development as a Result of the Project 20 3.2 Lake Regulation and Flood Control Storage 21 3.3 Resource Management 25 3.4 Recreation Management 34 3.5 Archaeological and Historical Preservation 41 4 ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS AS A RESULT 43 OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES 4. 1 Lake Regulation and Flood Control Storage 43 5 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED OPERATION AND 44 MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES 5. 1 Lake Regulation and Flood Control Operations 44 5_. 2 Shoreline Erosion • 45 5.3 Management of Project Land 45 6 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL SHORT- .45 TERM USES OF MAN'S ENVIRONMENT AND THE MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF LONG­ TERM PRODUCTIVITY Section . Page 7 ANY IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE 46 COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES WHICH WOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSED ACTIONS SHOULD THEY BE IMPLEMENTED 8 COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES 46 Appendix A CARLYLE LAKE FISH SPECIES LIST B CARLYLE LAKE C CARLYLE DAM D TEMPERATURE PROFILE E COMMENTS RECEIVED CARLYLE LAKE, ILLINOIS SUMMARY SHEET •( ) Draft (X) Final Environmental Statement Responsible Office: U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, Missouri 1. Name of Action: (X) Administrative ( ) Legislative 2. Description of Action: Operation and Maintenance of a Multi-Pupose Reservoir in Clinton,.Fayette and Bond Counties, Illinois. 3. Environmental Impacts and Effects: a. Environmental impacts - The Carlyle Lake Project provides flood control, water quality control by low-flow augmentation, navigation, industrial and domestic water supply and recreation benefits as well as certain other economic benefits within the area arising from employment and investment opportunities. The Lake provides a large permanent warm-water fishery while adjacent public lands are intensively managed for wildlife. The total magnitude of public use as expressed in visitors per day have increased greatly. Variable water levels due to flood control activities have damaged or destroyed vegetition at lower elevations while severe shoreline erosion has occurred due to wave action. b. Adverse environmental effects - Conflict of use due to fluctuating water levels; shoreline erosion from wave action. 4. Alte rnatives: Revised regulation plans, shoreL'ne protection. 5. Draft Environmental Statements were sent to th* following for review and comment: An asterisk indicates that a response was received. *U. S. Park Service U. S. Dep' "tment of Commerce, Advisory Council on Historic Secretary Environmental Affairs Preservation *U. S. Dep: tment of Housing and U. S. Department of Commerce Urban Development NOAA Environmental Clearance Officer *U. S. Department of Agriculture *U. S. Dep* "tment of the Interior Soil Conservation Service Office of Environmental Project • Review Illinois Wildlife Federation Mr, Bill Anderson R. R. 2, Box 141a U. S. Office of Economic Tolono, Illinois 61880 Opportunity ♦ Illinois Chapter, American * Illinois Natural Resources Fisheries Society Development Board Illinois Division * U. S. Department of Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. Transportation Federal Highway Administration Kaskaskia Valley Association Illinois Audubon Society ■City of Keyesport Environmental Response Coalition for the Environment Washington University St. Louis Region Committee to Save Allerton Park ♦ Illinois Archaeological Survey City of Carlyle ♦ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ♦ Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 6. Draft Statement to CEQ 13 August 1973__ Final Statement to CEQ 1 7 DEC 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 1. 1 Location and Accessibility. Carlyle Lake is located on the Kaskaskia River at about mile 107, upstream from its confluence with the Mississippi River, and about one-half mile upstream of the Town of Carlyle, Illinois, in Clinton County, approximately 50 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri, on U. S. Highway 50. The project area is bounded by Interstate 70 on the north, U„ S. Highway 50 on the south, U. S. Highway 51 on the east, and Illinois State Highway 127 on the west. The location of the project is shown in Appendix A. 1. 2 Authorized Purposes. The project is one of the key units in the comprehensive development of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The authorized purposes of the project include flood control on the Kaskaskia and Mississippi Rivers, navigation releases for Mississippi River and Kaskaskia River, domestic and industrial water supply, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation. 1. 3 Authority for the Project. Carlyle Lake on the Kaskaskia River, Illinois, was authorized by: 1. 31 The Flood Control Act of 28 June 1938, as a unit in the compre­ hensive plan for flood control and other purposes in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. 1. 32 The Flood Control Act of 1958, approved 3 Ju’y 1958, Public Law 500, 85th Congress (72 Stat 297), authorized the establishment of the Carlyle Dam and Reservoir. 1.4 Current Status and Benefit-Cost Ratio. Construction was completed in Fiscal Year 1967. The current
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