-5//0 ULIA NEO C./S c0{>/C}) 800 Independence Ave., Sl"' Washington, DC 20591 ONCURRENCES ROUTING SYMBOL ARC-3 U.S. Department of Transportation INXJ Federal Aviation ATE Administration 1/-5 -Oi O~'TING SYMBOL ATO lNITlALSISIG Mr. Marc S. Moller Kreindler & Kreindler DATE 100 Park A venue NewYork,NY 10017-5590 fOvTING SYMBOL A TO-R INii!ALS/SIG Dear Mr. Moller: _\VVWJZ&~ DATE This letter acknowledges receipt of your Freedom ofinformation Act (FOIA) requests "\ ~~\o"\ dated April 8 (#2004-004537) and August 13 (#2004-007463) seeking records that the ROUTING SYMIJOL Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provided to the 9/11 Commission. AGC-50 INITIALS/SlG In request #2004-0045 3 7, you are seeking all ''Unclassified" materials that the FAA provided to the 9/11 Commission. In request #2004-007463, you are seeking 79 ATE specific items that the FAA provided to the 9/11 Commission. ROUTING SYMIJOL This is an initial response to your August 13 request #2004-007463 seeking 79 specific INITiALS/SIG items. ATE Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 51 through 61, and 63 through 79: These records come under the purview of the Transportation Security Administration. Requests for these ROUTING SYMSOt. records should be sent to: Transportation Security Administration, TSA FOIA Office, !NlTlALS/SIG TSA-20, 601 South 12th Street, West Tower, Arlington, VA 22202-2872. DATE Item 11: FAA report, "Executive Summary, Chronology of a Multiple Hijacking Crisis, September 11, 2001" is enclosed (3 pages). ROUTING SYMBOL Item 13: FAA report, "Summary of Air Traffic Hijack Events, September 11, lNlTIALS/SIG 2001" is enclosed (59 pages). DATE Item 14: FAA report, "Report of Aircraft Accident," Nov 13, 2001 ( 4 pages). "-OUTING SYMBOL Item 15: FAA report, "Chronology ofthe September 11 Attacks and Subsequent INJTJALS/S!G Events Through October 24, 2001" is enclosed (9 pages). ATE Item 18: A copy of 14 C.F.R. § 121.547 (2001) is enclosed (2 pages). Item 20: A copy of the July 2001 "Administrator's Fact Book" is enclosed (50 pages). Item 21: A copy of 14 C.F .R. § 91.215 (200 1) is enclosed (2 pages). OFFICIAL FILE COPY 2 Item 22: The Aeronautical Information Manual is located on the internet at www.faa.gov/atpubs/AIM/index.htm Item 32: A copy of the New England Region Daily Log for September 11,2001, is enclosed (2 pages). Item 62: A copy of 14 C.P.R.§ 121.587 (2001) is enclosed (1 page). We are continuing to process your request relating to items 9, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23 through 31, and 33 through 50. We will provide a final agency response addressing these items once the search and review process has been completed. There is no fee associated with this portion of your request because the cost to process was under $10.00. Sincerely, Vice President, System Operations Services Enclosures File: 04-4537 & 04-7463 WP: S :\ARC40\SHARE\AAD\KATHY\Kreindler 04-453 7&04-7463 .doc ARC-40:Kball:kab:73988: 10/07/2004 OFFICIAL FILE COPY ' 09/17/2001 Executive Summarv Chronology of a Multiple Hijacking Crisis September 11,2001 TIME EVENT 0759 American Airlines (AALA) Flight 11, a Boeing 767, departs Boston for Los Angeles with 81 passengers and 11 crewmembers on board. 0801 United Airlines (UALA) Flight 93, a Boeing 757, departs Newark for San Francisco with 38 passengers and seven crewrnembers on board. 0810 AALA Flight 77, a Boeing 757, departs Washington's Dulles airport for Los Angeles with 58 passengers and six crewmembers on board. 0814 UALA Flight 175, a Boeing 767, departs Boston for Los Angeles with 56 passengers and nine crewmembers on board. 0840 Representative of Civil Aviation Security Intelligence (ACI) summons a duty officer from Civil Aviation Security Operations (ACO). 0843 ACO duty officer responds to ACI Watch. 0845 ACI advises the ACO duty officer of information received from the Washington Operations Center (WOC). AALA Flight 11 from Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) may have an intruder in the cockpit. Flight 11 has diverted off course and is heading south towards New York City. Aircraft is losing speed and descending with the transponder off. ATC advises they have no communications with the flight, however, pilot is keying the microphone and threatening comments are overheard. 0847 FAA Principal Security Inspector (PSI) for AALA is notified of the events by AALA corporate office. 0847 AALA advises that a flight attendant may have been stabbed. 0850 ACO representatives activate the Aviation Command Center (ACC) and request the primary communication net be established. 0855 CNN is reporting an aircraft has hit the World Trade Center (WTC). 0905 CNN is reporting a second aircraft has hit the WTC. 0915 ACI Watch contacts FBI, CIA, S-60, and State Department. 1 09117/2001 0915 ACI advises that New England Region (ANE) has stopped all air traffic. 0916 ACI receives telephone call from Transport Canada requesting information. 0916 NOIWON convened by CIA. 0920 AALA advises PSI that a flight attendant on Flight 11 made a cell phone call to her flight service manager in Boston indicating the passenger seated in 1OB had stabbed the passenger in 9B. 0920 ATC Eastern Region (AEA) reports three aircraft missing from radar. 0920 United Airlines Flight 175 is missing from radar. 0920 ~EA deploys agents to Dulles International Airport: 0922 ACC contacts ANE to request information regarding Flight 11. ANE deploys agents to BOS to gather information. 0922 ACO representative arrives at FBI Strategic Information Operation Center (SIOC). 0925 ACS-1 contacts ACI Watch from Puerto Rico to receive initial briefing. 0925 Northwest Airlines (NW AA) contacts ACI Watch for briefing. 0926 State Department, Department of Justice, Secret Service and National Military Command Center on net. 0926 ACS-1 to depart on military aircraft to Andrews Air Force Base. 0932 ATC AEA reports aircraft crashes into west side ofPentagon. 0942 Secret Service and White House confirm aircraft has crashed into Pentagon. 0945 FAA Building evacuated. 0948 Delta Air Lines (DALA) Flight 1989 reported hijacked in vicinity of Toledo, Ohio. 0950 Capitol and White House evacuated. 0956 Secret Service reports UALA Flight 93 is being hijacked. 1006 Passenger places 911 call from UALA Flight 93 advising three hijackers with knives are on board. 2 09/17/2001 1010 Unconfirmed report that UALA Flight 93 crashed into ground near Johnstown, P A. Smoke reported. 1013 DALA Flight 1989 may not be hijacked. Returning to Cleveland. 1013 All international flights inbound to the U.S. are diverted to Canada. 1013 Secret Service reports unconfirmed explosion at Lincoln Memorial. 1017 Ground stop of all U.S. air carriers ordered. 1033 DALA Flight 1989 lands safely in Cleveland. Flaps are up. Police are responding. 1134 FBI has secured DALA Flight 1989 and is conducting controlled debarkation. ACTIONS TAKEN • National ground stop of all U.S. air carriers ordered by ATC. • Issuance of airport emergency amendment requiring implementation of specific security procedures before airports are certified for resumption of operations. • Issuance of Part 108 security directives requiring implementation of specific security procedures before a U.S. air carrier is certified for resumption of service. • Issuance of Part 108 security directive and Part 129 emergency amendment identifying individuals that are associated with terrorist activity. • Issuance of Part 129 security directives requiring implementation of specific security procedures before a foreign air carrier is certified for resumption of service to the U.S. • Issuance of Part 108 security directive requiring implementation of specific security procedures before an all cargo air carrier is certified for resumption of service. • Issuance of a security alert notice to all non-Part 107 airports. • ACO Operations Watch established to support FAA field security elements and industry with implementation of new security requirements. 3 r ( ~ 0 0 N "' ~ ~ CD;I../ .Q / I / ...... -------"' a. CD (IJ .. ~ [\ ro .!--------""·.• .. ~~~,.;~c)Fr~,;."o ~ I 16 ..,_..., ~~r: 'I,.·. Sept~mber 11, 2001 0809:17 l , ~I / lo conr.;ct with I \j Boston Air ~afflc C'ntrol Canter (ZBW). 0820:48 I .> "Boston Center. good mor~ing. American ·-~ .:.·-;,I Secondary ra~turn Eleven with you passing. through one-nine-zero · sr•res_of ~"!'" ; (transponder) indiCiifrn :~· ~-....,_ ,;_. (nineteen thousand feet) for two-three-zero ""'.'iJ! 1 --'~--v··,l,.;:· aircraft speed, altitude, and (twenty-three thousan_d feet) .. ··.\._ ~ .. -~lght Information was lost. on ZBW ract.Jir displays. The aircraft was c·c- ._\ nO'tir.observed as a primary . ·· II I I I \--;1r. ra~rget only• / \ (! \ I ; :. ;,¢t•can Airlines Flight t t, 8767 UQ5ton. • Los Angeles Jepartment ol li'Winaportation \ ) \ tderal Aviation Adminlstralion \ .· 'ilepi:trted Boston: 8:00A.M. EDST 0846:35 1/ ;W.mol<l Trade Center; 8:46A.M. EDS < ·'- __ ·::-~; ·~ ; '. Impact at the World Trader: tenter. • I .. ,.- s:c • ~•~o~ e I -- -~ l _""\ 1 r'·il. L - ·· ""';>cLe·• ____ ,__ .. jt. '~ •i·-·:-. ~~ r--- .. --::-..-"" I / __,- ___.. I f / JAD , .... ' ( ·r .-,... oriA· ~~c \ ..• 'i'' ... i J 'I/ I> / _; ~· \ ;·::\ ... \\ ·, ) -~ / "-. American Airlines Flight 11 (AALll) Boston - Los Angeles AU times indicated are Eastern Daylight Savings Time 0756:27 Boston Airport Traffic Control Tower (BOS) issued taxi instructions to AAL11. 0800:00 AAL11 began takeoff roll, runway 4 Right, Boston Logan International Airport. All communications with BOS and with Boston Depirture Control were routine and normal. 08.09:17 AALll established radio conta~t with Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZBW}. "Boston Center, good morning, American Eleven with you passing through one-nine-zero (nineteen thousand feet) for two-three-zero (twenty-three thousand feet)." 0809:22 ZBW acknowledged AALll. From this time until 0813:31 all communications appear routine and normal.
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