
VEDA PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF LITERARY SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL STUDIES EDITORS JOZEF GENZOR VIKTOR KRUPA ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BRATISLAVA INSTITUTE OF LITERARY SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL STUDIES 25 1989 1990 VEDA, PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES • BRATISLAVA CURZON PRESS • LONDON PUBLISHED OUTSIDE THE SOCIALIST COUNTRIES SOLELY BY CURZON PRESS LTD • LONDON ISBN 0 7007 0223 7 ISSN 0571 2742 © Jozef Genzor, 1990 ISBN 80-224-0196-X (Series) ISBN 80-224-0181-1 (Vol. 25) CONTENTS Articles Doležalová, Anna: Image of Intellectuals in Chinese Stories of the 1 9 8 0 s ..................... 9 G á 1 i k, Marián: Patriotic and Socio-political Stimuli in the First Chinese Translations of Lord B yron’s Canto The Isles of Greece .................................................................................................. 31 G á 1 i k, Marián: At the Beginning Was Shijing: On the Reception of Chinese Literature in Bohemia and Slovakia (1897-1988) ................................................................................................ 39 M ú č k a, Ján: La force créatrice de Nguyen Hong (1918-1982) .................................................. 57 Celnarová, Xénia: Zwei bedeutende Werke der Tanzimat -L ite r a tu r ................................ 67 Celnarová, Xénia: Die historische Thematik in Näzim Hikmets Gedichten ..................... 75 Krupa, Viktor: Conceptual Distance within M etaphor ............................................................. 89 Krupa, Viktor: Metaphor in Maori Traditional P o etry ............................................................. 95 Andronov, M. S.: Extra-syntactic Operators in Word-order R egulation ........................... 101 R á c o v á, Anna: Adverbs as a Specific Part of Speech in Bengali......................................... 109 K r a h 1, Günther: Die innere Klassifizierung der arabischen A d je k tiv e .............................. 117 Drozdík, Ladislav: Explicit and Implicit Elements in Arabic Linguistic Terminology . 125 Aliev, Saleh M.: Concerning the Social and Political Essence of Present-day Moslem Movements in the Middle E a s t ...................................................................................................... 135 B 1 a š k o v i č, Jozef - K o p č a n, Vojtech: Türkische Briefe und Urkunden zur Geschichte des Eyälet Nové Zámky. I V ................................................................................................................. 143 Zimová, Naďa: The Minority Question and the Lausanne Convention of 1923 (Historical Context and Religious-ethnic Aspects of the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations) . 159 S o r b y, Karol: Muhammad cAll’s Ascendancy to the Egyptian T h ro n e .............................. 167 S o r b y, Karol: The Egyptian Revolution of 1952 and the Army (Some Questions of the Univer­ sal and the Particular in the Egyptian R evo lu tio n ) 193 Pawliková-Vilhanová, Viera: Social Stratification of African Society on the Eve of European Conquest ............................................................................................................................. 217 Book Reviews Maslov,Yu. S.: Vvedenie v yazykoznanie. By Anna R áco v á ............................................ 227 E t i e m b 1 e : Ouverture(s) sur un comparatisme planétaire. Par Ján M účka .................. 228 R i e s z, János, B o r n e r, Peter, and Scholz, Bernhard (Eds.): Sensus communis. Contem­ porary Trends in Comparative Literature. Festschrift für Henry Remak. By Marián Gálik 230 Bateman New Zealand Encyclopedia. By Viktor K ru p a ............................................................. 233 5 Simmons, David: Whakairo. Maori Tribal Art. By Viktor K rupa .............................................. 234 Morris, Roger: Pacific Sail. Four Centuries of Western Ships in the Pacific. By Viktor Krupa 236 Tuyen tap Te Hanh. Par Ján Múčka ........................................................................................................ 238 L o v e d a y, Leo: Explorations in Japanese Sociolinguistics. By Viktor K r u p a ..................... 239 Japanese Business Language. By Stefan P ech o ...................................................................................... 241 Mazur, Yu. N., Mozdykov, V. M., Ko Hyön, Kim Ūngmo, Ryu Yönggöl: Russko-koreiskii i koreisko-russkii slovar. By Jozef G enzor .......................................................... 242 D e b o n, Günther and H s i a, Adrian (Eds.): Goethe unci China - China und Goethe. By M a­ rián G á l i k ...................................................................................................................................................... 243 Eide, Elisabeth: Chinas Ibsen. From Ibsen to Ibsenism. By Marián G á lik ..................... 246 K i n k 1 e y, Jeffrey C.: The Odyssey of Shen Congwen. By Marián G á lik ........................... 248 M o n s c h e i n, Ylva: Der Zauber der Fuchsfee. Entstehung unci Wandel eines “Femme-fatale Motivs in der chinesischen Literatur. By Marián G álik ..................................................................... 251 S h i m a d a, Kenji: Die neo-konfuzianische Philosophie. Die Schulrichtungen Chu Hsis und Wang Yang-mings. By Marián G á lik .................................................................................................. 253 Huang Tsung-hsi: The Records of Ming Scholars. By Marián G álik ................................... 258 Š í m a, Jiří and Choidjavyn Luvsandjav: Mongolsko-český a česko-mongolský kapesní slovník. By Eva J u ř í k o v á ........................................................................................................ 260 L i p e r o v s k i i, V. P.: Sintaksis sovremennogo khindi. By Anna Rúcová ........................... 262 Turcologica 1986. K vosmidesyatiletiyu akademika A. N. Kononova. By Xénia Celnarová . 264 M e 1 i k o v T. D.: Nazym Khikmet i novaya poeziya Turtsii. By Xénia Celnarová .... 267 S c h a e n d 1 i n g e r, Anton C. (unter Mitarbeit von Claudia Römer): Osmanisch-türkische Dokumente aus dem Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv zu Wien. Teil 1 und 2. Von Vojtech Kopčan 270 Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Köprülii Library I-Ill. By Vojtech K o p č a n ..................... 273 M u r p h e y, R.: Regional Structure in the Ottoman Economy. By Vojtech Kopčan .... 276 The Ottoman Empire and the World-Economy. Ed. by Huri islamoglu-Inan. By Vojtech Kopčan 279 Hetzer, Armin: Dačkerěn-Texte. Von Vojtech K o p čan ............................................... 282 Fähnrich, H.: Kurze Grammatik der georgischen Sprache. By Pavol Ž i g o ...................... 284 T sotskhadze, L. V.: Affiksalnaya clerivatsiya imen v sovremennykh semitskikh yazykakh. By Ladislav D ro z d ík ............................................................................................................................... 286 E 1 s ä ß e r, H.-H. und M u 11 a k, I.: Wortschatz der Politik: Deutsch-Arabisch, Arabisch- Deutsch. By Ladislav D r o z d í k ............................................................................................................. 288 Belkin, V. M.: Karmannyi arabsko-russkii slovar. By Ladislav D rozdík ........................... 290 J ú m a 1 i, M.: Gesprächsbuch Deutsch-Arabisch. By Ladislav D rozdík ........................................ 291 B a d a w i, M. M.: Modem Arabic Literature and the West. By Ladislav Drozdík ....................... 292 A 1 - A z m e h, Aziz: Arabic Thought and Islamic Societies. By Ladislav D ro z d ík ....................... 295 Dunn, E. Ross: The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the 14th Century. By Ladislav Drozdík .......................................................................................................................................... 298 H e r m s, Irm traud: Wörterbuch Hausa-Deutsch. By Petr Z i m a ............................................. 299 Kastenholz, Raimund: Das Koranko. By Petr Zima ............................................................... 302 V y d r i n, V. F.: Yazyk looma. By Petr Z im a ....................................................................... 303 D a v i s, Laňce A. and Huttenback, Robert A.: Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire: The Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860-1912. By Ján Voderadský ............................. 304 Sender, John and Smith, Sheila: The Development of Capitalism in Africa. By Ján Vo­ deradský ...................................................................................................................................................... 306 S h e n t o n, R.: The Development o f Capitalism in Northern Nigeria. By Ján Voderadský . 307 Barnes, Sandra T.: Patrons and Power: Creating a Political Community in Metropolitan Lagos. By Ján Voderadský .................................................................................................................................... 309 BOOKS RECEIVED ............................................................................................................................. 313 6 ARTICLES ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES 25, 1990 IMAGE OF INTELLECTUALS IN CHINESE STORIES OF THE 1980s ANNA DOLEŽALOVÁ, Bratislava A survey of novelettes, stories and oral literature tends to show that present-day Chinese literature is getting rid of the deformed and simplifying image of the intelligentsia. Literary personages from the ranks of intellectuals
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