SUNDAY ISSUE--PAGES 17 TO 20 VOL. XII. SAINT PAUL, MINN., SUNDAY. MORNING, APRIL 13, 1890.? TWENTY PAGES. NO. 103. : he was so welcomo that lie was For twelve years he held the distin- Songs? '-Spring Song." and "Spin- and the custom of continually mowing made a member of the- St. Ce- guished position of concert master in ning Song," orchestra Mendelssohn and raking the lawns shuts off the sup- [HE Mrs. Wyman. ? ordinary, celia academy, and was presented the Theodore Thomas orchestra, and to Wagner TREES HAVE ply, of.".Nature's fertilizers, MUSIC FESTIVAL. Vorspiel toAct 1., "Lohengrin" THE GRIP decayed with a decoration by the kinjr. Aria? "AyeMaria"' MacLacblan i. c., :. grass and leaves. llis recent performance of the title role Miss Juch. Hence you see trees j and sward Chat Will Be the Melodious in Verdi's "Otello" so pleased the Em- ABallad? "Lordfilm's daughter" .'MacCunn Foliage Monarchs of St. Paul so, 'often looking sickly. Both peror of Austria that he was presented Chorus and orchestra. trees terraces ;should be watered Event of St. Paul Bur- with the Cross of St. Joseph, a high dis- THIRD CONCERT. Require a Physician's and fertilized by underground tanks ; Thursday Evening. May 29. perforated pipes. When the water tinctioirin Austria. At the end of his A Masque, Ruins and ing May. phenomenally successful season at the Dramatic "The is sprinkled upon the surface, the sun GEO. Beetboren Care. E of LAIS Athens" Metropolitan opera house, he was en- Soloists? Mile.De Vere, Mr. Fisher. drinks itup faster than the earth; espe- Raged at the enormous salary of $1,000 Chorus, orchestra and organ. cially is this true of watering trees. A Furnishing Company. for each for five repre- Interval' ten minutes. bucket of water placed ina tank among The Galaxy of Great Vocalists appearance 1 ; sentations of the Garden act from Overture? Fingals Cave Mendelssohn President Van Slyke Talks of the roots of a-tree will do :more rgood Recitative and Aria? "Wo Berg'ich the Who Will Take Solo "Faust" in conjunction with Miss Juch ("Euryanthe") Danger than several barrelfuls poured upon' mien" Weber the to Our \u25a0 in the cities of Boston, Brooklyn, Phil- Herr Fischer. surface ofthe ground." adelphia, ~?K. ... Parts. Washington and New York. Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Trees. ; The wonderful success of the Juch- No. 1.... Max Bruch LIKE} SNAKE. l'erotti operatic concerts is still fresh in Mme. Jacobsohn. SHE COILS A Mad "Hamlet" Ambroise Thoma? First Definite Information of the minds ofall,and it is a matter of Scene from . : the greatest congratulation MileDe Vere. What a Prominent Horticul- Miss"' Alvina Good now Presents a that it is Ballet ? possible Music? "Faust" ...Gounod ;;Strange Freak ofNature. the May Festival of to present Jules l'erotti, one of turist Has to Say on the " to-day, (Mass.),1 \u25a0- the four greatest tenors of to our Sgr. Worcester Special. j Music. citizens. This has been made prac- Jannotta. Subject. a girl city who 'can yet There's in this ticable only by a largely increased out- The success of "Alidor"is fresh sleep body bent backward lay. people, Sig- only withher in the minds of our and the into a circle and her feet crossed under Programmes of the Five nor's many friends willbe triad to know incredible, > Mrs. Walter C. Wynian. Effects of Pavements and her chin. This may .seem that he willbe withus for the festival absolutely The girl is Night and One Matinee Mrs. Wyman well known all the and willconduct the numbers of his but itis true. is in Sidewalks on the Orna- now eleven years old. Eastern cities and has the reputation of opera which are to be produced. Sgr. Performances. so Paul ments of the City. _ When she was four she had an attack beiug the most cultivated and thorough- Jauuotta is well known inSt. his energy and untiring efforts a large of cerebro-spinal meningitis, which left her spine as limp as a piece of rope. * share of the of Thomas was *~rr^" ** May success due only by taking * t )Bifaw??fi3By? B^^h&Kq^^el ibwM . Tue arrangements for the festi- Mr.Jacobson now holds the position of "We willsoon have to commence She can stand erect hold /w5 ral this year exceed in elaboration and professor Chicago doctoring trees in the parks," said of something higher than her head. She of violin in the icon-- the Uooctnow, a \u25a0ompleteness anything in the musical servatory meeting greaFsuc 1 Slyke, is Alvina the daughter of and is with W. A. Van president of the French molder living at !No. 20, annals of the city. The artists engaged cess as a teacher. Mrs. Jacobsohn is board of park commissioners, to *a iron highly spoken Central street. to participate are the most celebrated in of as a finished artist by > will, Globr reporter yestelday. "You When the Morning Journal corre- this country And Europe, and such an the Eastern press, and we are Buie, discovered," yesterday be a favorite at the doubtless have he contin- spondent saw the girl she was aggregation of genius and talent lias festival. ued,, "that the trees all over the city crawling and wriggling about on the Beldom been announced for any festival Emil Fischer. are ailing." kitchen floor of the tenement where her ever held in the \Vest. Emil Fischer is one of the most prom- The reporter had done a good deal of parents live. As she twisted her head performers from side to side her black, pearly eyes The orchestra of fifty-five inent members of the New York Ger- lounging in the shade during the past fairly greatest and, and her constant undulations willbe one of the features of man Qpera. He was born in the city or; few months, of course, had his made one feel that he was looKing at a the festival. Mr. Jacobsohu will be Brunswick. His father was the well sympathy aroused by the "rocky" ap- snake. "?\u25a0'-\u25a0 <r *-*\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0'."\u25a0- conceit master, and this assures mag- known basso Frederick Fischer, his pearance of the horticultural speci- --\ \u25a0 The face of the girlis an intelligent chorus, which is mother, one, possession her nificent work. The tiie not less celebrated canta- mens. and she has full of : now complete, is the finest that has trice, Caroline Fischer-Achten, both1 "Trees are liable to derangements of mental faculties. She speaks English ever gotten together Paul, belonging to Brunswick Court theater. their vital functions," said the parkist. and French with equal facility,and her been in St. bright and is a thoroughly representative one Bis first singing lessons were given by "just as men are. Just now the trees mother claims- that she is as as father, average i* "" culture, upon his and so rapid was the progress all over the city are troubled with the the girl of her aire. te 7r^vvi, of St. Paul's musical he made that he was fullyprepared to grippe? ifyou choose to say so? and it "Show the gentleman how you sleep, r IMIi| iK?*J \u25a0" IillI^^iiI which fact Mr. MacLachlan is to be appear on the stage at the youthful age doesn't require a microscope to show Alvina."said the mother. heartily congratulated. ot seventeen. His first rffort as an op- the worms that arc destroying them. Inobedience to the request, the girl, era singer was made in Gratz. Dresden The trouble is due to prevailing igno- rising to her feet, bent her body back- THE AKTISTS. became the next scene of his suc- rance rather than carelessness. People ward, and, without an apparent effort,' ' cess; then followed Stettin, Hamburg, have their trees trimmed and cared for rested her head on the floorand crossed Miss Emma Jticlt :: ;'rl and Brunswick. In 18fi2 he took the by men who don't know the first rudi- her feet under her chin. This was re- $7.65. '* W* management the theater Dausic, tliat to say more of him would be super- culture, peated times, and then, as a fur- OIsTXj'Y" \u25a0 ments tree The name of Emma Juch is widely W?^w^h?w T., of. in fluous. of and the result is several occupies .-^- ..! the trees die. We had some trouble ther exhibition of her elastic anatomy, known. She the foremost ly satisfactory contralto fn this country. with the trees in Smith park? though she lay down flat on her face and easily place among American sopranos. &he She has studied with the best masters Fourth Concert. itdid not cost the city anything extra. touched her ears with her toes. ; is very young to have attained the in this country and in Europe, and has Friday evening, May 30. The contractor who furnished the trees -; Then, considering th? interview being Overture- A We would call your attention to the that we are now the distinction owe of th^ great -"Tannhanser ncr had to replace the dead ones at his own closed; she began to devotr a Inure ? "" * fact of Waltz? "lnvitation to the.Dance". \veber ? Marchesi's favorite pupils. During Tannhauser? expense. In somefases the trees were plate of meat and bread and in a tew showing a lullline of h:is Thir'l Act. Wagner supple the past season she appeared Soloists? Miss Juch, Siguor.. Perotti, Ilerr not planted properly (the roots having minutes had tucked awap inher with great success in a num- insufficient moisture and nutriment), \u25a0 frame enough food to supply a work- Fischer. \u25a0 ber of the Boston symphony and Chorus, orchestra and organ.
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