100 Pugel Sound and Western Washington MONROE Monroe is a growing town of nearly 2,000 people, on the main line of the Great North- ern, and upon the new "Milwaukee" line, 12 miles east of Everett. The chief indus- tries of the town and surrounding district are logging, lumbering,shinglemanufac- turing,dairying, and small fruit growing and general farming.The townsite is high with fine available factorysites, and an immense farming region.The valleyof the Snoqualmie River for thirty-five miles southeast of Monroe is one of the most famed farming sections tributary to Puget Sound. Dairying is the present chief pursuit of the ranchers in the Monroe valley.The climate and abundance of sparkling water, makes this an ideal dairy region.Many herds of pure bred cows are making their owners rich for although dairying has been followed here since the days of the earliest settlers, its great advance has been since the building of a large plant of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company, which was secured by the efforts of the Monroe Com- mercialClub. The lumber industryof Monroe is very important.Five saw mills and six shingle mills are in operationin the vicinity and many logging camps. The town also has a large canning and box factory, a creamery and isthe home of the Great Northern Fruit Company, which has the largest berry farm in the state, sixty acresalldevoted to berryraising, and shipping hundreds of cases daily dur- ing the summer season to eastern points. Other berry farms are also being developed in a way to make Monroe known as a great center for berry raising.Fruit and vegetables are also raised in large quantities for the cannery. The Washington State Reformatory, an institution recently located at Monroe, is expending annually in con- struction work about a quarter of a million dollars, and will continue to do soar sev- eral years to come.It is for young criminals and first term men. The reformatory is to accommodate one thousand inmates and will furnish positions, when completed, for 100 employees. The town has good stores, sub- stantial brick and concrete buildings, tele- phone, water and elecrtic lighting systems, banks, and a newspaper.The schools are excellent,there aremanychurches,an opera house, and the town is increasing rapidly. Pu get Sound and Western Washington 101 OBJECTS OF INTEREST AT EDMONDS 1 Shingle Mill Row and Steamboat Pier.2 The New Public Library3 The Grammar School. 4 The New High School. a Carnegie Library, and the fraternal orders EDMONDS are also well represented. The town is ad- Edmonds, a town of 1,200 people, islo- mirably situated on the Sound shore,is cated on the shore line of the Great Northern gaining in numbers and is sure of a sub- Railway, about midway between Seattle andstantial and continuous growth. Everett.Many trainsfrom these larger ARLINGTON cities stop at Edmondsdaily. Steamers plying between Seattle and Everett make At the confluence of the north and south forks of theStillaquamishRiver, in the stops at Edmonds on every tripseveral center of one of the rich timber and agri- times daily. The gradually rising land which cultural districts of Snohomish County, is forms the townsite andwhichisabout 60miles from Seattle and 30 three miles long and two miles wide, is Arlington, very rich soil and garden truck here growsfrom Everett, with good graveled wagon roads to all parts of the county.Arlington prolifically.Most of the land is adapted tohas excellent schools, four churches and a the culture of berries of all kinds.On the population of 1,500.It has electric light waterfront aremills and factories Ed- and water systems, a weekly newspaper and suc- monds is admirably located for the Itisthe cessful operating of manufacturing indus-other modernpublicutilities. junction point for the Northern Pacific and tries.The chief industries now carried on are shingle mills, lumber mills, box and its Darrington branch.It has many saw and shingle mills, and loggingandbolt excelsior factroies. In the city itself arecamps, and is an important base of sup- businessconcernsofeveryvariety; a plies for loggers, miners and ranchers for strong state bank, real estate offices anda large and prosperous district of mountain general stores.There are good weeklyand river country. newspapers, telephone and electric lighting systems, a gravitywater system, which STAN WOOD water system is also used for fire protec- In the heart of the beautiful and produc- tion.There are four churches in Edmondstive Stillaguamish Valley, where itsterri- and a handsome new, modern high school,torial limits are expanded by the fertile tide- 102 Pu get Sound and Western Washington MT. SAUK AND THE SAUK RIVER Mt. Sauk in Skagit County. is 6,500 feet high, and is a marked feature of the landscape, but because of many greater mountains in Western Washington it is not much spoken of except by people in its locality. lands of Puget Sound, is Stanwood. The Logging and the manufacture of shingles permanent resources of Stanwood are thoseand lumber are the chief industries.There derived fromthesoil,asfarming andis an electriclightplant and wateris dairying. The famous "Stanwood Flats"supplied to residents at cheap rates.There are composed of several thousand acres ofare 200 wage earners in the town, with a land reclaimed from the sea by dikes ex- monthly payroll averaging $15,000. tending many miles along the shore line Granite Falls is a town of about 750 people from Port Susan to the Skagit Delta.The located on the Monte Cristo branch of the farms on these "flats" produce marvelous Northern Pacific Railway.Mining and lum- crops of hay and grain, yielding from onebering interests are both well represented hundred to one hundred and sixty bushels ofin the town. Saw mills, shingle mills, a oats to the acre and the farmers have be-lime kiln and stone quarry are also impor- come "well-to-do" and there is no wealthiertantindustries and contributorstothe agricultural district in the State of Wash-prosperity of the town.There is consider- ington. Stanwood has excellent rail shippingable good agricultural land in the vicinity. facilities and steamboat connection with all Goldbar is a village of about 300 people parts of Puget Sound.Large warehouses located on the main line of the Great North- line the water front, and the facilities forern Railway, well up toward the foothills marketing the products are excellent. The of the Cascade Mountains. Lumbering, town is a model home community. mining and farming are the chief industries. Sultan has about 600 people, is located in Berry growing and truck farming are carried the foothills of the Cascade mountains onon to considerable extent. the main line of the Great Northern rail- Darrington, a town of 500 people, located way. Lumbering, farming and fruit growingon a branch of the Northern Pacific, is in for the Seattle markets are the chief in-the center of a fine timbered district. dustries. Getchell, Pilchuck, Maltby, Oso and Flor- Marysville is a town of about 1,400 people ence are small towns, mining, lumbering and located on the line of the Great Northern agriculturing centers. Railway a fewmilesnorthofEverett. 103 Pu gel Sound and Western Washington THE CASCADE DIVIDE Looking south along the d vide of the Cascade Range, from a point near Glacier Peak. HEADWATERS OF THE SKYKOMISH RIVER IN THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS The Skykomiab is atributary of the Snohomish River, a noble streatn watering the entire length of Snohomish Valley. portation,electricCitymilk iscannery,1 surroundedlighting i. asVr well in .ndthe as by apower worldby ,eauttu1fertile railroads Isservice fields,in hMt. tuand and givingVernon, ta citynewan. bestwaterwith electricpaying of handM and pasturage out,system, sewer meannually. systems.wellnearlyThe careddeposits $fst(stO throughit for is in reddeiice.tothe the the peopleMOUNT county year three andin finelycityseat the yielding banksofVERNONvicinity, paved Skagit refiecenormous streets, with County. the a secondnew prosperityhay and andand the milk modernoat peital of calnerycrops. the center businecommunity, withLocated for two-thirds ablocks, wide beingon the circleandmorethe Skagit has capselt fthan nilfree River. 5l.000.O(JO.modern deliveryI the public Citytargorfactory routet. utilitiesas waThe sI -. ,.,._i .-.,,,. A ',' ASKACIT COUNTY OAT FIELD NEARMT.VERNON CHAPTER SIX. SKAGIT COUNTY: MT. VERNON,ANACORTES, SEDRO..WOOLLE'1', BURLINGTON, CONCRETE, &c. Skagit: Name of a local Indian tribe. Skagit CountystretchesfromRosarioand fisheries.Its great cereal crop is of oats;hops, fruits, hay and barleyfollow straits to the Cascadesabout 100 miles, and while the 24 miles north and south.Its area is 1,800 in the order named in importance, 30,000. products of the dairy are rapidlymultiply- square miles, with a population about precious It is a county of great diversities in climate, ing. Its minerals includethe topography and resources. The Skagit Rivermetals, iron, lead, coal, marble,limestone, nearly theentiregranite, sandstone, etc. Aside fromits water and its branches drain west- county from the mountains to the salt water. transportation, two railways cross its erly end and send a branch linethrough the Its deltas are great flat fields of wonderful towards the fertility.Its valleys also, where cleared ofvalley of the Skagit River well forests, are very rich alluvial lands. Itsmountains and to the salt water atAna- upper lands carry great forests and arefull cortes. Electric lines arealso entering of hiddent treasuresIts resources are itsand traversing the county. forests and minerals, agricultural products MOUNT VERNON in theBeautiful and BountifulValley of the Skagit point of the new interurban systemtravers- Mt Vernor is the county seat of Skagit The rapid growth in the County.It is situated on the Skagit, theing the county. largest navigable river in Western Wash- recent past, and its present solidprosperity, most important ington,ata point ten miles fromsea, comes from its being the The center in the greatproductiveterritory in the western part of the county.
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