M/S. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. LIST of CONTENTS S.NO

M/S. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. LIST of CONTENTS S.NO

M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. LIST OF CONTENTS S.NO DESCRIPTION Enclosures PAGE NO & Annexures Enclosures 1 Copy of EC Enclosure - 1 1-4 2 Copy of CFO Enclosure - 2 1-6 3 TSDF Membership Enclosure - 3 1-4 4 Plant Lay out Enclosure - 4 1 Annexures 1 List Of Products Annexure - I 2 2 Manufacturing Process Annexure - II 3-46 3 Water Consumption Details Annexure - III 47 4 Waste water Details Annexure - IV 48 5 Solid & Hazardous waste details Annexure - V 49 6 Stack Emission Details Annexure - VI 50-51 7 Process Emission Details Annexure -VII 52 8 List of Raw materials Annexure - VIII 53-57 9 Solvents Details Annexure - IX 58-59 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 1 Enclosure - 1 Enclosure - 2 Enclosure - 3 Enclosure - 4 6 f'9L,i'$ 5 /*:t.7' \3 \ <} FA *Y S\ (.rlQ (J==E L6 ffif{i o3=5 <*d.e c5g sfi 6 E.; baB UJ= -J- + QXto ur+d+ LU nnZ= oo=OOz CNH SUNOSH9I]N zo 3 d. = o (9I U z ONfl SUNOSH9I]N M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. Annexure - I LIST OF EXISTING PRODUCTS S. No Product Name Quantity In Quantity In Kg/Month Kg/Day 1 Niacinamide 25000.00 833.33 2 Niacin & its derivatives 25000.00 833.33 3 Isoniazid 6000.00 200.00 56000.00 1866.67 LIST OF PROPOSED PRODUCTS S. No Product Name Quantity In Quantity In MT/Month MT/Day Group-A 1 Isonicotinic acid 325.00 10.83 2 Nicotinic acid 325.00 10.83 3 Niacinamide 325.00 10.83 Total (Sum of any one or all products 325.00 10.83 Group-B 1 Benzyl Nicotinate 50.00 1.67 2 Ethyl Isonicotinate 50.00 1.67 3 Ethyl Nicotinate 50.00 1.67 4 Hexyl Nicotinate 50.00 1.67 5 Methyl Isonicotinic acid 50.00 1.67 6 Methyl Nicotinate 50.00 1.67 7 Methyl-6-Methyl Nicotinate 50.00 1.67 8 Myristyl nicotinate 50.00 1.67 Total (Sum of any one or all products 50.00 1.67 Total Sum of (Group-A + Group-B) 375.00 12.50 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 2 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. Annexure - II Group - A 1. ISONICOTINIC ACID Process Description Stage-1 4-cyano pyridine is hydrolysed with Ammnoium hydroxide to yield Ammnoim salt of Isonicotinic acid which on neutralisation with dilute sulphuric acid gives Isonicotinic acid. Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 3 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. ISONICOTINIC ACID Route of Synthesis Stage-1 Step-A N N + NaOH + H2O + NH3 CN COONa 17.0 4-cyano-pyridine Sodium Hydroxide 18.0 Sodium Nicotinate C6H4NNaO2 C6H4N2 40.00 104.11 145.09 Step-B N N 2 2 Na2SO4 H SO + + 2 4 COOH COONa Isonicotinic acid Sodium Sulphate Sodium Nicotinate Sulphuric Acid C H NO C6H4NNaO2 98.08 6 5 2 142.04 2X145.09=290.18 2X123.11=246.22 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 4 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. ISONICOTINIC ACID Flow Chart 4-Cyanopyridine SS REACTOR Candle SS P.F Activated Carbon (HYDROLYSIS) Filter Sodium hydroxide Dil. Sulphuric Acid SS Neutralizer (Neutralization) Niacin for packing Drying Centrifuging HTDS Effluent water Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 5 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. ISONICOTINIC ACID Material Balance: Material Balance of Isonicotinic Acid Stage-1 Batch Size: 880.0Kgs Name of the input Quantity Name of the out put Quantity in Kg in Kg 4-cyano pyridine 800.00 Isonicotinic Acid 880.00 Activated carbon 8.00 Effluent water 2826.70 Sodium hydroxide 346.00 (Water-2826.7) Sulfuric acid 424.00 Spent carbon 8.00 Water 2965.00 Inorganic solid waste 614.04 (Sodium sulphate) Process Emission 130.63 (Ammonia) Organic solid waste 83.63 Total 4543.00 Total 4543.00 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 6 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. 2. NICOTINIC ACID Process Description Stage-1 3-Cyano pyridine is hydrolysed with sodium hydroxide to yield sodium salt of nicotinate which on neutralisation with dilute sulphuric acid gives Nicotinic acid. Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 7 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NICOTINIC ACID Route of Synthesis Stage-1 Step-A N N CN + NaOH + H2O COONa 3-Cyano pyridine Sodium Hydroxide 18.0 Sodium Nicotinate C6H4N2 40.00 C6H4NNaO2 104.11 145.09 + NH3 17.0 Step-B N N 2 2 COONa + H2SO4 COOH + Na2SO4 Sodium Nicotinate Sulphuric Acid Nicotinic acid Sodium C6H4NNaO2 Sulphate 98.08 C6H5NO2 2X145.09=290.18 2X123.11=246.22 142.04 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 8 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NICOTINIC ACID Flow Chart 3-Cyanopyridine SS REACTOR Candle SS P.F Activated Carbon (HYDROLYSIS) Filter Sodium hydroxide Dil. Sulphuric Acid SS Neutralizer (Neutralization) Niacin for packing Drying Centrifuging HTDS Effluent water Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 9 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NICOTINIC ACID Material Balance: Material Balance of Nicotinic Acid Stage-1 Batch Size: 880.0Kgs Name of the input Quantity Name of the out put Quantity in Kg in Kg 3-Cyano pyridine 800.00 Nicotinic Acid 880.00 Activated carbon 8.00 Effluent water 2835.18 Sodium hydroxide 346.00 (Water-2826.7,water from Sulphuric acid-8.48) Sulphuric acid (98%) 424.00 Spent carbon 8.00 Water 2965.00 Inorganic solid waste 614.04 (Sodium sulphate) Process Emission 130.63 (Ammonia) Organic solid waste 75.15 Total 4543.00 Total 4543.00 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 10 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. 3. NIACINAMIDE Process Description: Stage-1 3-Cyano pyridine undergoes hydrolysed with dilute sodium hydroxide to give Niacinamide Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 11 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NIACINAMIDE Route of Synthesis: Stage-1: N N NH2 C + H2O CN O 3-Cyano pyridine 18.00 Niacinamide C6H4N2 C6H6N2O 104.11 122.13 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 12 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NIACINAMIDE Flowchart: 3-Cyanopyridine Activated Carbon SS REACTOR S.S P.F SS Candle Sodium hydroxide (HYDROLYSIS) Filter Sulphuric acid 3-Cyanopyridine SS Crystallizer DM water Wash (Crystallization) Niacinamide for packing Drying Centrifuging Wash water & ML for recycle Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 13 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. NIACINAMIDE Material Balance: Material Balance of Niacinamide Stage-1 Batch Size: 1070.00 Name of the input Quantity Name of the out put Quantity in Kg in Kg 3-Cyano pyridine 1000.00 Niacinamide 1070.00 Effluent water Recovered 961.03 Sodium hydroxide 14.00 for Recycle Sulphuric acid 17.00 (Water-954.8,Generated water-6.23) Activated carbon 2.00 Spent carbon 2.00 Water 1143.00 Inorganic Residue 24.60 (Sodium sulphate) Process Emission 14.37 (Ammonia) Niacin 104.00 Total 2176.00 Total 2176.00 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 14 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. Group - B 1. BENZYL NICOTINATE Process Description Stage-1 Nicotinyl chloride hydrochloride reacts with benzyl alcohol in presence of Toluene and the reaction mass is neutralised with liquor ammonia to liberate Benzyl Nicotinate Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 15 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. BENZYL NICOTINATE Route of Synthesis: Stage-1: Cl HO Toluene HCl + + 2 NH4OH O N Nicotinyl chloride Hydrochloride Benzyl alcohol Ammonium hydroxide C H O 2X35.05=70.10 C6H4ClNO.HCl 7 8 178.02 108.14 O O 2H O + 2NH4Cl + 2 N Benzyl nicotinate Ammonium chloride 2X18=36.0 C13H11NO2 2X53.49=106.98 213.23 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 16 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. BENZYL NICOTINATE Flow Chart Nicotinyl chloride HCl Liq.Ammonia Benzyl Alcohol Toluene Toluene for Recycle Organic Layer SS Vacuum SS Rector GLR Distillation Vessel Aq.Solution for Ammonium Pure Benzyl Nicotinate chloride recovery Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 17 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. BENZYL NICOTINATE Material Balance: Material Balance of Benzyl Nicotinate Stage-1 Batch Size: 100.0 Kg’s Name of the input Quantity Name of the out put Quantity in Kg in Kg Nicotinyl chloride Benzyl Nicotinate 100.00 112.00 Hydrochloride Benzyl alcohol 68.00 Toluene Recovery 106.05 Toluene 119.00 Toluene Loss 5.95 Methanol 234.00 Methanol Recovery 215.30 Nitric acid 60% 55.00 Methanol Loss 11.70 Ammonium hydroxide 166.00 Effluent water 1043.54 (Water-840,Nitric acid-33, Water from Nitric acid-22, Water 840.00 Generated water-22.64, Ammonium hydroxide-121.9, Toluene-2,Methanol-2) Inorganic solid waste 67.30 (Ammonium chloride) Organic Solid waste 44.16 (Organic impurities-34.16, Toluene-5,Methanol-5) Total 1594.00 Total 1594.00 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 18 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. 2. ETHYL ISONICOTINATE Process Description Stage-1 Isonicotinic acid reacts with Ethyl alcohol in presence of Sulphuric acid as a catalyst to give Ethyl Isonicotinate sulphate which one neutralisation with liquor ammonia liberates Ethyl Isonicotinate which is extraction with Toluene. Toluene is distilled out from the extract. The crude ester is subjected for vacuum distillation to give pure Ethyl Isonicotinate. Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Page 19 M/s. Veer Chemie & Aromatics (P) Ltd. ETHYL ISONICOTINATE Route of Synthesis: Stage-1: CH3 HO O Toluene N + H O N + C2H5OH 2 H2SO4 O O Isonicotinic acid Ethanol Ethyl Isonicotinate 18.00 C H O C6H5NO2 2 6 C8H9NO2 46.07 123.11 151.16 Prepared By Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt.

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