VOLUME 15 NO. 12 AUGUST 9 – AUGUST 15, 2019 SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO CARVING A LONG-STANDING TRADITION ON GUAM PAGES 15-17 TAKE A DIP IN FRESHWATER POOLS PAGE 19 Guam’s vibrant culture, people Mt. Jumullong Manglo PAGES 2 -4 PAGES 20-21 THE GUAM BREWERY TAP HOUSE PAGE 22 Photos courtesy of Guam Visitors Bureau 2 STRIPES GUAM A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION AUGUST 9 − AUGUST 15, 2019 Max D. Lederer Jr. Publisher Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Commander Guam’s vibrant culture, people Joshua M Lashbrook GUAM VISITORS BUREAU Harbor in December 1941. For the next Chief of Staff three years, Guam was the only U.S. ter- Michael Davidson uam, the largest and southern- ritory occupied by Japanese forces until Revenue Director most of the Mariana Islands the Americans returned in 1944 to re- Chris Verigan chain, has a unique and com- Engagement Director claim the island. plex cultural history. Located Marie Woods The political maneuverings after Gin the Western Pacific in the geographic Publishing and Media Design Director World War II and the post-war buildup Chris Carlson region known as Micronesia, Guam is led to even more expansion of U.S. mili- Publishing and Media Design Manager well known for its strategic military and tary interests in Guam and the rest of Mi- Eric Lee economic position between Asia and the cronesia, with Guam becoming a hub for Advertising and Circulation Manager North American continent, but is less economic and commercial development. Monte Dauphin Guam Area Manager known for its remarkable history and re- The easing of military restrictions for Kentaro Shimura silient people. entering Guam and the establishment of Production Manager Inhabited for thousands of years, ar- a local, civilian government, have made Rie Miyoshi chaeological evidence indicates that the the island an ideal place for people from Engagement Manager Marianas Islands were one of the first all over the world to visit, go to school, Denisse Rauda places to be settled by seafaring peoples, Publishing and Media Design Editor find jobs or pursue a variety of economic possibly from the Maritime Southeast Publishing and Media Design Writers interests. ChiHon Kim Asia area, over 4,000 years ago. The Mar- Today, in addition to its inviting Shoji Kudaka iana Islands appear to have been contin- beaches, elegant hotels and great bar- Takahiro Takiguchi uously occupied by people who shared gains, Guam has another vital attraction Layout Designers Ayako Kamio the same culture and language that even- – its unique culture. The traditions and Yukiyo Oda tually became known as Chamorro. customs of Guam’s proud island heri- Yuko Okazaki Kayoko Shimoda Guam’s history is also one of multi- tage thrive, despite invading conquerors, Multimedia Consultants colonialism, with the last 400 years of wars and epidemics, and changing gov- Max Genao Doug Johnson Guam’s history marked by administra- ernments. Forged from a neolithic foun- Brian Jones Jason Lee tions of three different colonial powers: Hans Simpson Chae Pang Yi dation and molded by historical events, Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman Spain, the United States and Japan. Guam’s living culture has expanded into Graphic Designers The ceding of Guam to the United a vibrant, modern way of life. Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji States as an unincorporated territory af- Since the 17th century, Catholic Sales Support Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa ter the Spanish-American War in 1898 in- churches have been the center of village Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro troduced Chamorros to democratic prin- activities. Even today, every village has Yoichi Okazaki Yusuke Sato ciples of government and the modern Chae Yon Son Saori Tamanaha Photos courtesy of its patron saint whose feast day is cel- Distributors Guam Visitors Bureau American lifestyle, while keeping them ebrated with an elaborate fiesta, which Joe Guzman subjects of a sometimes-oppressive U.S. the entire island is invited to attend. John Wesley Naval administration. Family groups still hold christening par- For feedback and inquiries, Guam also had a unique position in ties, weddings, novenas, funerals, and contact [email protected] World War II, when Japan invaded the To place an ad, call 355-5160 guam.stripes.com/contact island shortly after the attack on Pearl SEE PEOPLE ON PAGE 4 AUGUST 9 − AUGUST 15, 2019 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES GUAM 3 4 STRIPES GUAM A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION AUGUST 9 − AUGUST 15, 2019 Guam’s seven historical eras 2,000 BC – 1668: Ancient Guam 3HRSOHÀUVWDUULYHGRQ*XDPDQGWKHUHVWRI WKH 0DULDQD ,VODQGV SUREDEO\ IURP 6RXWK- HDVW$VLDSRVVLEO\LQPDQ\ZDYHVRYHUPDQ\ \HDUV7KHVHSHRSOHHYROYHGLQWRWKH&KDP- RUURSHRSOHZLWKWKHLURZQGLVWLQFWODQJXDJH DQGZD\RIOLIH 1668 – 1898: Spanish Era 6WDUWLQJ ZLWK WKH DUULYDO RI )DWKHU 6DQ 9L- WRUHV*XDPZDVFRORQL]HGE\6SDLQXQWLOWKH 6SDQLVK$PHULFDQ:DU 1898 – 1941: U.S. Naval Era 7KH861DY\UXOHG*XDPIURPWKHHQGRI WKH6SDQLVK$PHULFDQ:DUXSXQWLOWKH-DSD- QHVHLQYDVLRQRI*XDPRQ'HF7KH PEOPLE: Families &KDPRUURVSHWLWLRQHGIRU86FLWL]HQVKLSIRU WKHÀUVWWLPHLQ Guams cornerstone CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 ’ cultural presentations. The very much alive. During cultur- 1941 – 1944: World War II/Japanese Era belembaotuyan, made from a al fairs and exhibitions, visitors death- anniversary rosaries. All hollow gourd and strung with often have the opportunity to -DSDQHVHIRUFHVRFFXSLHG*XDPIURP'HF are flavored by the rich Spanish a taut wire and pressed against watch master weavers, carvers heritage. WR-XO\ ones bare stomach, creates a and even a blacksmith at work. Spanish influence may also melodic sound enjoyed by all. Weavers, using the tradition- be seen in the mestiza, a style 1944-1950: Post-War Era The nose flute, once a long for- al pandanus or coconut fibers, of women’s clothing, or in the gotten instrument, is now mak- fashion baskets of various sizes, $SHULRGRIUHEXLOGLQJDIWHUWKHGHVWUXFWLRQ architecture of Guam’s south- ing a hearty return. purses, hats, floor mats and wall ern villages. RI:RUOG:DU,,1DYDOJRYHUQRUVZHUHRQFH The Kantan Chamorro style hangings. Carvers hew tables, Countless Americans, Eu- of singing has been a favorite plaques, figurines of people or DJDLQLQFKDUJHRIWKHLVODQG7KLVLVWKHSH- ropeans, Asians, Micronesians form of entertainment for gen- animals, and household imple- and other visitors have left their ULRG ZKHQ WKH PLOLWDU\ WRRN ODQG DQG EXLOW erations. Additionally, it has ments using ifil wood or pago imprints on the island’s pas- been used to lighten long hours woods. VHYHUDO ODUJH EDVHV 7KH SHRSOH RI *XDP times and tastes, but nowhere of group work activity, such as The traditional ways are be- SXVKHG KDUG IRU VHOIUXOH DQG 86 FLWL]HQ- is the island’s multi-cultural weaving, corn husking and net ing passed along to the younger influence more evident than in VKLS fishing. One singer would begin generations through appren- its food. the familiar four-line chant, ticeship programs in order to At a fiesta or other island 1950 – 1970: Guamanian Era referring romantically or teas- preserve the island’s art heri- party, families prepare heav- ingly in the verse to another tage. A master blacksmith, for :LWKWKHVLJQLQJRIWKH2UJDQLF$FWRQ$XJ ily laden tables of local delica- person in the group. The chal- example, recently graduated cies, such as red rice, shrimp &KDPRUURV EHFDPH 86 FLWL]HQV lenged person would then take three pupils who have learned patties, a Filipino-style noodle WKRXJK WKH\ KDG OLPLWHG VHOIJRYHUQPHQW dish called pancit, barbecued up the tune and the song might how to make useful steel farm- 7KH JRYHUQRU D FLYLOLDQ ZDV DSSRLQWHG E\ ribs and chicken, and taro continue in this fashion with ing and fishing implements, different singers for hours. such as coconut graters, hoes, WKH 86 SUHVLGHQW 7KH 2UJDQLF $FW VHW XS leaves cooked in coconut milk. Another mouth-watering treat Contemporary music is an machetes and fishing spear- - WKHJRYHUQPHQWRI*XDPDVZHOOZLWKWKHDG is kelaguen, usually prepared important element of social heads. Other hand-forged items PLQLVWUDWLRQWKHOHJLVODWXUHDQGWKHFRXUWV from chopped broiled chicken, gatherings, ranging from fi- include betel nut scissors, tools 7KH WHUP ´*XDPDQLDQµ ZDV FRLQHG ZKLFK lemon juice, grated coconut estas and fandangos to casual for weaving and knives. backyard parties. Musicians A trip to Guam is like visiting LQFOXGHV&KDPRUURV)LOLSLQRVDQGHYHU\RQH and hot peppers. Fiery finadene sauce, made with soy sauce, usually sing Chamorro, Ameri- the four exotic corners of the HOVHZKRPDNHV*XDPWKHLUKRPH lemon juice or vinegar, hot pep- can, Filipino, or a variety of globe. Guam is considered the pers, and onions, is sprinkled Asian songs. hub of the western Pacific and 1970 – Present: Contemporary Guam over the food for a truly memo- Legends and folklore about undeniably Micronesia’s most village taotaomo’na (ancient cosmopolitan destination - a *XDP·VÀUVWHOHFWHGJRYHUQRUWRRNRIÀFHDQG rable dish. After a hearty meal, Chamorros often enjoy chewing spirits), doomed lovers leap- true example of the great Amer- *XDPVWDUWHGJHWWLQJPRUHWRXULVPEXVLQHVV pugua (betel nut) mixed with ing to their death off Two Lov- ican melting pot. In addition to RQDUHJXODUEDVLVZKLFKJDYHWKHLVODQGD powdered lime and wrapped in ers’ Point (Puntan Dos Aman- the indigenous Chamorros and ‘stateside’ Americans, Guam VHFRQGLQGXVWU\EHVLGHVWKHPLOLWDU\ pepper leaf. tes), and Sirena, a beautiful Music is an integral aspect young girl who became a mer- boasts large populations of Fili- of an island lifestyle, and per- maid, are portrayed in many pinos, Chinese, Japanese, Kore- - Guampedia formances using traditional of Guam’s enriching cultural ans and Micronesian Islanders, instruments, such as the belem- dances. as well as a few Vietnamese, In- baotuyan, are highlights of Guam’s traditional arts are dians and Europeans. Photos courtesy of Guam Visitors Bureau AUGUST 9 − AUGUST 15, 2019 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES GUAM 5 BLACK BAY 36 &$521(//8;85< 7XPRQ6DQGV3OD]D7XPRQ*XDP &$521(//8;85<:$7&+(6 7KH3OD]D7XPRQ*XDP &$521(//,)(67</( 6HUHQWL+RWHO%HDFK5RDG6DLSDQ 7,0( 67</(%<&$521(/ *XDP3UHPLHU2XWOHWV7DPXQLQJ*XDP 6 STRIPES GUAM A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION AUGUST 9 − AUGUST 15, 2019 Adm.
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