Nos. 1 – 80 Archizines Celebrates the Resurgence of Alter- Native and Independent Architectural Publish- Ing

Nos. 1 – 80 Archizines Celebrates the Resurgence of Alter- Native and Independent Architectural Publish- Ing

i. AT 17 April – 9 June MMXII i. Nos. 1 – 80 Archizines celebrates the resurgence of alter- native and independent architectural publish- ing. Edited by architects, artists, and students, these eighty publications provide new platforms for commentary, criticism, and research into the spaces we inhabit and the practice of architec- ture. They make an important and often radical addition to architectural discourse and demon- strate the residual love of the printed word and paper page in the digital age. I. Title & Issue ¶ A. II. Format § & Pages A. 01 Pollen, No. 01 27 dérive, Nos. 40 / 41— 52 San Rocco, No. 02—The 76 face b, No. 03—Back to 01 297 × 420 , 20 pp. 34 200 × 260, 252 pp. 67 145 × 210 , 42 pp. Understanding Even Covering of the Field Basics 02 New City Reader, No. 16— Stadtforschung 02 420 × 600 , 4 pp. 35 276 × 200 , 176 pp. 68 148 × 210 , 24 pp. Front 53 Thresholds, No. 38— 77 PIDGIN, No. 10 w/ insert. 28 PISEAGRAMA, No. 03— Future 03 289 × 400 , 48 pp. 69 148 × 210 , 42 pp. 03 P.E.A.R. : Paper for Emerging Playtime 78 scopio, No. 1 1/3 — 36 254 × 203 , 184 pp. Architectural Research, 54 PLAT, No. 1.0 Aboveground Architecture 04 285 × 390 , 16 pp. 70 148 × 210 , 34 pp. No. 03—Sample & Synthesis 29 Fresh Meat, Vol. IV—The 37 182 × 257 , 100 pp. How-To Issue 55 SPAM, Vol. 6 79 City as Material, No. 01 05 290 × 380 , 12 pp. 71 148 × 210 , 10 pp. 04 The Unlimited Edition, 38 180 × 250 , 160 pp. No. 02—Speculation 30 Conditions, No. 08— 56 The Modernist, No. 02— 80 Journal Illustratif, No. 0.5— 06 290 × 360 , 44 pp. 72 150 × 200 , 44 pp. Preparing for the Unknown Brilliant City / Trip 39 189 × 246 , 116 pp. 05 Preston is my Paris : Preston 07 265 × 320 , 32 pp. 73 101 × 127 , 24 pp. Bus Station 31 Junk Jet, No. 04— 57 Another Pamphlet, No. 02— 40 170 × 240 , 160 pp. Statistics-of-Mystics! REPETITION! ¶ The editors of each publication 08 224 × 315 , 46 pp. 74 115 × 190 , 72 pp. 06 Index Newspaper, No. 01 selected one issue to be 41 170 × 240 , 136 pp. 32 MONU, No. 14—Editing 58 CLOG, No. 02—Apple presented in the exhibition. 09 222 × 305 , 80 pp. 75 130 × 185 , 138 pp. 07 Megawords, No. 15 Urbanism 42 170 × 240 , 224 pp. 59 Maximum Maxim MMX 10 289 × 428 , 28 pp. 76 130 × 180 , 160 pp. 08 archphoto 2.0, No. 01— 33 Ein Magazin über Orte, 43 170 × 240 , 120 pp. Radical City No. 06—HOME 60 One : Twelve, Vol. 1; No. 03 11 297 × 420 , unknown. 77 170 × 240 , 256 pp. 44 170 × 240 , 176 pp. 09 On Site, No. 26—Dirt 34 Bracket, No. 01—On Farming 61 Pablo Internacional— 12 210 × 297 , 36 pp. 78 120 × 160 , 159 pp. Paisaje Inútil / 45 170 × 240 , 144 pp. 10 Scapegoat, No. 01—Service 35 VOLUME, No. 28—Internet Useless Landscape / 13 105 × 297 , 2 pp. 79 88 × 133 , 22 pp. of Things Inútil Paisagem 46 160 × 235 , 135 pp. 11 Anza, No. 01 14 230 × 297 , 224 pp. 80 190 × 125 , 28 pp. 36 New Geographies, Vol. 03— 62 90X60, No. 03 47 165 × 235 , 176 pp. 12 Club Donny, No. 07 Urbanisms of Color 15 190 × 297 , 54 pp. 63 Archinect News Digest, 48 150 × 230 , 144 pp. § Measured and indicated in 13 MAP : Manual of Architectural 37 TOO MUCH, No. 02 No. 01 —The Ai Weiwei Issue 16 292 × 381 , 24 pp. millimeters, width × height. Possibilities, No. 04—Floods 49 170 × 230 , 176 pp. 38 STUDIO©, No. 01 64 matzine, No. 08—Domestic 17 210 × 297 , 70 pp. 14 Mark, No. 36 Exotic 50 90 × 155 , 194 pp. 39 SOILED, No. 02— 18 210 × 297 , 130 pp. 15 Block, No. 01—The Modest Skinscrapers 65 America Deserta Revisited, 51 152 × 228 , 140 pp. No. 03—Detroit 19 232 × 297 , 240 pp. 16 Evil People in Modernist 40 Noz, No. 04 52 170 × 230 , 200 pp. Homes in Popular Films, Vol. 1 66 engawa, No. 04 20 210 × 297 , 40 pp. 41 Candide, No. 04 w/ A3 insert. 53 200 × 230 , 96 pp. 17 Generalist, No. 04— Saving / 67 Friendly Fire, No. 01—Das ist Sparen 42 Apartamento, No. 08 Friendly Fire 21 230 × 297 , 184 pp. 54 160 × 222 , 152 pp. 18 Kerb, No. 19—Paradigms 43 Beyond, No. 01—Scenarios & 68 Public Library : Casa de Todos 22 210 × 297 , 100 pp. 55 170 × 220 , 72 pp. of Nature: Post Natural Speculations Futures 69 Sámi huksendáidda, No. 01— 23 210 × 297 , 4 pp. 56 170 × 220 , 24 pp. 44 Le Journal Spéciale’Z, No. 02 For Beginners 19 PLOT, No. 04—Arriving 24 234 × 285 , 172 pp. 57 140 × 216 , 20 pp. Somewhere 45 OASE, No. 81—Constructing 70 Touching on Architecture, Criticism No. 01 25 228 × 286 , 128 pp. 58 140 × 216 , 152 pp. 20 The Weather Ring, No. 04 46 Criticat, No. 07 71 UP, No. 08 26 210 × 280 , 128 pp. 59 140 × 215 , 68 pp. 21 Trans, No. 20—Relevanz 47 Log, No. 22—The Absurd 72 mono.kultur, No. 18— 27 210 × 275 , 212 pp. 60 95 × 147 , 24 pp. 22 What About It?, No. 01 MVRDV : On Statics and 48 Horizonte, No. 03— Statistics 28 205 × 275 , 66 pp. 61 148 × 210 , 64 pp. 23 FAS : Foreign Architects Re-Definition Switzerland, No. 01 73 no now, No. 01—Towards an 29 210 × 273 , 52 pp. 62 140 × 215 , unknown. 49 UR, No. 02—Conversar / Architecture of Opposition 24 PIN-UP, No. 09—The Conversing 30 200 × 270 , 100 pp. 63 140 × 216 , 30 pp. Los Angeles Issue 74 Civic City Cahier, No. 03— 50 Cornell Journal of Distributed Agency, Design’s 31 190 × 270 , 88 pp. 64 148 × 210 , 40 pp. 25 PRAXIS, No. 09—Expanding Architecture, No. 08—RE Potentiality Surface 32 200 × 270 , 132 pp. 65 148 × 210 , 16 pp. 51 MAS Context, No. 10— 75 Camenzind, No. 08—The 26 Boundaries, No. 03 Conflict Great Report from Paradise 33 210 × 270 , 84 pp. 66 148 × 210 , 64 pp. i. A. A. III. Location & Date† A. IV. Edition & Dist. A. 01 Oslo, Norway. September, 2011. 26 Rome, Italy. January, 2012. 51 Chicago, IL, United States. 75 Zurich, Switzerland. January, 01 2500 Units. 32 3000 Units. 64 200 Units & Portable Summer, 2011. 2011. Document Format. 02 New York, NY, United States. 27 Vienna, Austria. October, 02 1000 Units. 33 1500 Units. January, 2011. 2010. 52 Venice, Italy. Summer, 2011. 76 Paris, France. November, 2010. 65 30 Units. 03 1000 Units. 34 2500 Units. 03 London, United Kingdom. May, 28 Belo Horizonte, Brazil. July, 53 Cambridge, MA, United States. 77 Princeton, NJ, United States. 66 50 Units & Print-on-Demand. 2011. 2011. February, 2011. April, 2011. 04 1000 Units. 35 5100 Units. 67 150 Units. 04 London, United Kingdom. 29 Chicago, IL, United States. 54 Houston, TX, United States. 78 Porto, Portugal. October, 2010. 05 500 Units. 36 1000 Units. September, 2011. Spring, 2011. Autumn, 2010. 68 100 Units. 79 London, United Kingdom. 06 15,000 Units. 37 10,000 Units. 05 Preston / London, United 30 Oslo, Norway. June, 2011. 55 Santiago, Chile. November, February, 2011. 69 300 Units. Kingdom. October, 2010. 2008. 07 3000 Units. 38 500 Units. 31 Stuttgart, Germany. October, 80 Brussels, Belgium. February, 70 50 Units. 06 Porto, Portugal. January, 2012. 2010. 56 Manchester, United Kingdom. 2012. 08 1000 Units. 39 Print-on-Demand & Portable September, 2011. Document Format. 71 1500 Units. 07 New York, NY, United States. 32 Rotterdam, Netherlands. April, 09 1000 Units. April, 2010. 2011. 57 New York, NY, United States. † Indicates release date of single 40 2000 Units. 72 5000 Units. August, 2011. selected issue. 10 1000 Units & Portable 08 Genova, Italy. Autumn, 2011. 33 Berlin, Germany. Winter, Document Format. 41 1500 Units. 73 80 Units 2009–10. 58 New York, NY, United States. 09 Calgary, Canada. Autumn, 2011. February, 2012. 11 5000 Units. 42 22,000 Units. 74 750 Units. 34 Toronto, Canada. October, 10 Toronto, Canada. Summer, 2011. 2010. 59 New York, NY, United States. 12 1000 Units. 43 1500 Units. 75 400 Units. October, 2010. 11 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2011. 35 Amsterdam, Netherlands. July, 13 2000 Units. 44 1000 Units. 76 600 Units. 2011. 60 Columbus, OH, United States. 12 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Spring, 2011. 14 19,000 Units. 45 1500 Units. 77 1000 Units. September, 2011. 36 Cambridge, MA, United States. August, 2011. 61 Mexico City, Mexico & London, 15 1300 Units. 46 1300 Units. 78 1000 Units. 13 Copenhagen, Denmark. United Kingdom. 2010. September, 2011. 37 Tokyo, Japan. July, 2011. 16 1000 Units. 47 2000 Units. 79 50 Units & Portable 62 Guadalajara, Mexico. Document Format. 14 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 38 Milan, Italy. Winter, 2011. November, 2011. 17 1000 Units. 48 700 Units. February / March, 2012. 80 100 Units. 39 Chicago, IL, United States. 63 Los Angeles, CA, United States. 18 2000 Units. 49 2000 Units. 15 London, United Kingdom. June, Summer, 2011. July, 2011. 2010. 19 7000 Units. 50 1500 Units. 40 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. March, 64 Dublin, Ireland & London, 16 New Haven, CT, United States. 2010. United Kingdom. April, 2011. 20 200 Units & Portable 51 Print-on-Demand & Portable Summer, 2010. Document Format. Document Format. 41 Aachen, Germany. July, 2011. 65 London, United Kingdom. 17 Frankfurt, Germany. February, October, 2011. 21 1500 Units. 52 1500 Units. 2011. 42 Barcelona, Spain. Autumn / Winter, 2011–12. 66 Barcelona, Spain. January, 22 50 Units & Portable 53 1000 Units.

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