y' y / l i , : r . \ ' < r . ■ « • - t . - FRroAY, MAY 26, 1987 FACE TWENTY-FOUR iianrtfifat^r lEn^nUts ll^ralb Average Daily Net Pi’ess Run The W eadier,;v 5 ; For The Week Ended Sunny, milder Pvt Ronald F. Oirouard, bon Presidents nnd Vice Presi­ May 20, 1067 65-70, clear and opol of Mrs. Josephine Walsh of Instruction Set dents, Mrs. Doris Hogan;, Secre- low about 40; moeOy fWr About Town 317 Tolland Tpke., and. Pvt Ray-Totten U TKTA IWbert Schuster; Joy n il. 1-iO U nC ll Treosurera, Geoige Dickie; Leg^ ' DAVIS BAKERY « mild ionfiorrow, taigta hi 70A The VFW Aiixlliexy has been Barry N. Smith, son of Mr. 15 ,2 1 0 and Mrs.' NeWton R. &nlth of islailve and Council Delegaites, ManOhenter—^A CUy, of Village Charm Invited to attend and bring the Tlie Mancheater PTA OouncU Lloyd Berry; Program, Mia. 32 S. Main St., have rec^ itly PRICE SEVEN CHM29 co lo n to the J<^nt installation ■wm sponsor a school of instruc- ca^riene- Taylor; Membership, (ClaMlfied Adverttsttit on Page IS) completed an Army advanced WILL BE CLOSED MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1967 « f oiTteers of the Glastonbury tion for incoming officers and Eleanor McBatai; PubUclty, VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 202 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) infantry course at F t Jackson, VPW Poet and AuxllttmT Sat­ ooenmittee members of Districts i^tonchester Hoiald staff; Ways S.C. M O N , MAY 29 S TUES,.IIAY 80 urday at 8 pjn. at the poet One an<| Two at Bowers School Means, Mot. Helen Pahner; June 8 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. yij,e Arts, Miss Martha White Iwme, 81 Ooncord St. Miss Joyce Keilerstrass, Workshop leaders wlth^expe- Pastel; Library, OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAlL W B). i daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Hhm- riience In theli- fleld-s will give Evelyn Bail; Room Moth- . Army Pvt. Jvun R. Freeland, est Ketletstmss of 55 Bates the instructions In the various ^rs. juUan Whitney, 521 MAIN STRE^ MANCHWWQ leon, bf Mr. arid I Mrs. William Rd., has been elected president Freeland o f 93 Nike Circle',' has” of . her dormitiory at the Uni­ phases of PTA work. Refreshments will be served. m Ai iiiA i inVb* h n R)> recently been assigned to the versity of Oonnoctiout, Stoms. Registration widl be at 7:30. ------------------------- lot Infantry Division near D1 Eugene Mbnteny, local council president, win welcome the deie- UOONN HONORS. ALUMNI An, Vietnam. The Army-Navy Club Auxili­ gates and Introduce lea«ier8. STORRS (AP) — Dr. Cbarlea ary will have its annual sum­ There will be a general dls- J. Zwlck and Dr. Louis I. Ger- Pvt. Gary A. W inter of 46 mer outing Sunday, June 11, Hawtaiome St., a member of oussion at 9 after the Individual son have received the 1967 “ Dis- Of Egyptian Gulf Blockade starting at 11 a.m. at Vickie’s workshops, foUowed by a report tingxiished Alumni Awards” of-| the 169th M.P, Battalion, will Caterers, Tolland Tpke. Reser­ report Monday, May 29, for on the state conventioft by Mrs. the University of Connecticut. vations may be made with Mrs. Charlene Taylor,' secretary of The awards were announced basic combat training at Ft. Adelaide Pickett 613 Main St., Knox, Ky. the Manchester council and Wednesday, or Mrs. John Vince, 227 MciCee state prog;ram chairman. Zwlck is assistant director of S t Tlie following workriiops and the Bureau of the Budget and Mias Jennifer MioCkNmh^, leaders have been announced by Gerson was appointed last week Thant Due to Report daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. The Senior MYF of North William Palmer, chairman of as head of the university’s pollt- McOonnlck of 501 Porter St., Methodist Church will conduct- the instruction commiittee: ical science department. has recently been elected vice a car wash tomorrow from 9 , president of the Junior class at a.m. to 3 pjn . on the Chur A Rnssefl Sage OoHege, Troy, grounds, 300 Parker St. On Talk with Nasser N .Y. 'BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) port of Elath. it was the fir.it Worid War I Barracks and -E gyp tion President Gam- «wp^ since the blockade was an- Todd George Metcalf, son of Auxlliaiy will me^ Sunday at alI Abdelf u j 1 Nasser says Viohe novrtced to come to-Aqaba with­ Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalf of 10:30 aju. at Center Congrega­ ^ Margaret Rd., has recently tional Church to attend a Me­ knows his blockade of been elected treasurer of Alpha morial Day Service with other Aqaba could lead to war shipping to ‘Omicron fraternity at Bryant veterans organizations. The W ith Israel and, if war does p\>ur* other sMps which pollege. Providence, lU . Barracks and Auxiliary will come, the Arabs will set (^me to Aqaba in the last meet Sunday at 2 p.m. at the m e m o r ia l WEEKCND s p e c ia l s — G O O D out to destroy the .Jewish three dkys already had been Senior Methodist YouHi Fel­ VIFW Home. Mrs. Catherine state. checked by Egypt when they lowship of North Methodist will LaBurge of Groton, Dejxirtment Israel was reported avoiding entered Suez. sponsor a car wash Saturday president, will make her official MON. ONLY! SAT. and an immediate challenge to the The skipper of onie of those from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the visitation. A potluck will be announced blockade of its direct four, the West German freighter 7 church. served after the meeting. route to Jraniaji oil and other Stolzenfels said Fridgy night he cargoes from the Bast. But it saw no jAiyrical Sign o f a block­ MON. ONLY! has said it will fight to keep the ade in the Strait of ’Hmn. gulf open. (CLOSED TUESDAY—MEMORIAL DAY) Cairo’s semiofficial newspa­ R e 9CNtlless of the W eatheiw O ur Produce 1$ A U.N. Secretary-General U per A1 Ahram had reported that Thant, who talked with Nasser T o p s ! Real A workman, carrying wrenches on his shoulder, takes a look at the huge bow Egyptian authorities in the HOUSE R«q. 9.98 — 7 Only! Wednesday, reports today to. the strait had stopped and searched NATIVE! Asparagus, Rhubarb, Dandelions, Kale, Spinach, Holiday of the carrier John F. Kennedy which will be christened today by the late U.N. Security Council on his RmUsIi—, Scallions, Broccoli Rot and. Hot House Tomatoes. the Stolzenfels. K also said Special president’s daughter Caroline. President Johnson will deliver the message at peace mission. The United Egypt had mined the strait. FRUn’I'T’Vesh Strawberries, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Karen photo Honeydews, Spanish Melons, Tangerines, Navels, Plume, For AU Door Mirrors IU8 the Newport News, Va., ceremony. (AP Photofax) , States hopes his report tan ’Hie American freighter Grefen Peaches, Pears, Red, Green Grapes, Coconuts, Pineapples, MRS. KENNETH MITCHELL RAY You boostDOOSI mpiomaucdiplomatic eiio|^efforts to prepre- expected at vent Arab-Israeli fighting over ^ the Egyptian Middle tJgU Fm it and Fresh Sweet Cider. Miss Jennifer Doreen Totten nie M. Ray Jr. at Manchester, Men! \ Req. 14.95 — 9 Only! the gulf.SfUlf. , Bast news agency said that onAM VEGETABLES! Belgium Endive, Watercress,'Boston Let­ ar.d Kenneth Mitchell Ray, both brother of the bridegroom, was tuce, Green, YMlow Squash Shalots, Cauliflower, Beets, honorary usher. President Johnson met orders from the U.S. consul at of Manchester, were united in Carrier Awaits $00,01 Check Israeh Foreign Mtoister Abba g^y Com, Egg Plant, Chinese, Savoy Cabbage, Peas, Parsnips, Robert Chartier of Lisbon, Little Red Schoolbouse Port Said, the Green Island White Sweet and New California Potatoes. marriage Saturday, May 6, at HALE Eban on the crfsls Friday night, changed course for an Ethiopian Ooim., served as best man. Ush- MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)— 'but neither would comment on port. The U.S. Embassy denied Christ Church Cathedral, Hart­ era were Steven Brazitis and Mrs. Jack K. Guess received CELLO TOMATOES...........................* pkgs. 3 9 « Clocks HUM' Cdroline ’s Touch their discussions. Israel v/ants any knowMge of the reported ford. a pay check Friday from BANANAS ............................................. 2 lbs. 2 9 t William Gaffney, both of Man­ U.S. backing to keep the gulf change. The bride is a daughter of chester. David Musco of Man­ NEWPORT NEW.S, Va. (AP) who loved Ws father’s ship and the Radio Cewp. of America open. An air raid shelter in Tel-Aviv, Israel, is clear^ of CANTALOUPES, Extra L a r g e .......................4 9 ^ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. plant here for $00.01. The Soviet Communist party after 10 years of relative peace in the Middle East. Hebrew sigBpost at righttr chester, nephew of the bride­ LUXURY BLEND- Reg. 15.95 — 5 Only! — A giant aircraft carrier wait- plane models, had a place o( The Soviet Union has called paper Pravda accused the Unit­ REYNOLD’S ALUMINUM FOIL . .2 pkgs. 49<^ Totten of 50 Summit St. The Mrs. Guess, injured in an groom, was ring bearer. ed- today for a young girl to*- honor on Uie 10-foot-wide chris­ on the United States and other ed States of making statements reads: "To Shelter.” (AP Photofax) ' --'F bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Totten wore an ensem- ^ HAND DETAILED christen it for her father. Presi­ tening pad. auto accident May 12. was Western nations to restrain Isr­ COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS! Mrs. Lonnie M. Ray Sr. of 174 9Jt8 sent home by plant officials to Egypt which "smell of an ble of white lace over blue Mirror and Table Set dent John F.
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