Index Page numbers in italic denote figures. Page numbers in bold denote tables. Acadian orogenesis 274, 286, 291–302, 305 Appalachians Acadian slab 299, 300 northern microcontinents 276–277 Acatla´n Complex 239, 240, 256, 347 oceanic terranes 277 mafic rocks 346–350 apparent polar wander path, Laurentia 375, 376–378, palaeogeography 261–265, 263, 264 379, 380, 383 U–Pb zircon analysis 241, 243–256, Apulia, plate tectonics 90, 91, 92,93 257–260, 348 Apulian–Hyblean foreland 115, 115, 117 Ackley Granite 272 40Ar/39Ar dating, Capricorn Orogen 446–451 Aconcagua fold and thrust belt 35, 37,46 Arabian Platform 147, 149 Adria 90, 91, 92, 93, 117 Aracena massif 217, 219–220, 227 Aeolian Islands 114, 118 Aracena Metamorphic Belt 354 African–Anatolian plate boundary 127–152 Arauco Basin 40 Akdag Massif 139, 140, 141 Arisaig Group 272, 275, 291 Albany–Fraser Belt 379–380, 445 Armorican microplate 359 Alleghanian orogeny 164, 271, 273, 276, 346 Ası´s Lithodeme 243, 246, 257, 349 Allochthon Boundary Thrust 406, 407–408, 411, asthenosphere, upwelling 216 419–421, 421–423, 425 Anatolia 133, 137–138, 144, 145, 150, 151 hanging wall 423, 425, 429, 434 Appalachians 284, 286, 291 Orogenic Lid 432 Australia Allochthonous High Pressure Belt 425, 426, 433, 436 Mawsonland 379–380 Allochthonous Medium-Low Pressure Belt 425, Rodinia reconstruction 382, 384 427–428, 429, 436 Austroalpine domain 93, 100, 103 Alpine cycle 104–106 Austroalpine–Carpathian orogen 97–98 Alpine realm, plate tectonics 89–107 Avalonia 276–277, 318 Alpine Tethys 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 103 accretion of Meguma 302–303 subduction 105–106 accretion to Laurentia 291–293, 300 Altaides 162, 163 Lizard Complex 355 Altiplano flat-slab segment 41–42, 47,48 Amate Unit 244, 247, 249, 256, 258 Badger Basin 272, 285 Amazonia Baffin Suture 460–461, 468 collision with Laurentia 406 Baie Verte oceanic tract 272, 275, 277 Rodinia reconstruction 382, 389–391 Baie Verte–Brompton Line 272, 281, 283 ANACONDA reconstruction 381, 383–384 Baltica 161, 163 Anatolia magnetic anomalies 167, 169 central orogenic belt passive margin 171–173, 180 geology 139, 140, 141–143 rifting 167, 384 tectonic evolution 143, 144, 145 Rodinia reconstruction 377–378, 381 eastern, geology 145–146, 147, 148–151 Bamford Brook fault 272, 275, 289, 290 western Bangemall Supergroup 446, 447, 451, 452 geology 134, 135, 136 Basal Unit 352 tectonic evolution 136–139 Lizard Complex 355 Anatolian plate basalt, K Trig 15 boundary with African plate 127–152 basalt flooding 48 Anatolide block 134, 135, 138 Baskil arc 147, 148 Andes Bazar ophiolite 319, 320, 324–325, 353 flat-slab subduction 31–48 origin and history 334–335 arc magmatism 33, 35,35 Benedict Fault 415, 417 sedimentation 35, 36 Benioff zone tectonics 32,35–36 Chiapas fold-and-thrust belt 66, 67 uplift 46 see also Wadati–Benioff zone Annieopsquotch accretionary tract 277, 279, 281, 283, Bergeron Suture 462–463, 474 284, 305 Bermejo foreland basin 46 Annieopsquotch ophiolite belt 275 Big Island Suture 462, 471, 474 Apennine–Maghrebide peninsula 123 Bitlis massif 146, 146, 147, 148–149, 150, 151 Apennine–Sicilian fold-and-thrust belt 113–117 Bohemian Massif 197, 198, 318 buckling 119, 121–123 Rheic Ocean mafic rocks 356, 357 palaeogeographic evolution 116, 120 U–Pb zircon analysis 204, 205–206, 208, 209, 210 Appalachian orogenesis 4, 164, 271–308, 345 Variscan orogeny 197–212, 211, 356 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3900358/9781862395756_backmatter.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 482 INDEX Bolkar Mountains 142 Cookson Group 272, 290 Bouguer gravity anomaly, Lake Taupo 24 Cordillera Blanca 37, 46 Braganc¸a Complex 353 Cordillera de Maran˜o´n 37, 46 Brianc¸onnais terrane 89, 91, 92, 99, 102, 105, 106 Coromandel Volcanic Zone 9, 12 Bridge River terrane 81, 83 Cosoltepec Formation 244, 250, 251, 256, 259, 264 Bucaramanga segment 32, 37, 39–40, 46, 47 mafic rocks 349–350 buckling, Apennine–Sicilian fold-and-thrust belt 119, cratons, reconstruction 375–376 121–123 Cretaceous Burgeo batholith 272 Alpine tectonics 97–104 Burntwood back-arc basin 469–470 oceans 99–102 crystallization, assimilation fractional 142, 143, 144 Cabo Otegal Complex 320, 321 Cumberland Batholith 468, 469, 471 Cabot fault 272 Cut Throat Island Fault 415, 417 Cache Creek terrane 71, 72 Cyprean Arc 128, 132 geological setting 73, 75, 76 subduction zone 131–132, 133 high-pressure rocks 81–82 extrusion model 82–84 Dashwoods microcontinent 276, 277, 278, 279, stratigraphy 74 281, 283, 303–304, 306 Cadomian orogeny 199, 209 De Pas Batholith 469, 471 Calabrian nappes 115 deformation Calabrian orocline 3, 113–117, 118 Acadian orogeny 295–296 tectonic model 119, 118–120 Andes 48 Calabrian subduction zone 117–118 Ossa Morena Zone 216–234 Calabrian–Peloritanian nappes 114 Salinic orogeny 288, 289–291 caldera volcanoes, Taupo Volcanic Zone 12,16–25 Saxo-Thuringian Zone 201, 202 Caledonia fault 272, 291 Taconic orogeny 281, 306 Canadian Cordillera 71–84, 72 Urals 182 Canadian Shield 457, 458 Dewar Formation 75 Canoas Unit 244, 247, 249, 256, 258, 350 Dog Bay Line 272, 289–290, 293, 297 Cantabrian zone 350, 351 Do¨hlen Basin 202, 203, 204, 207, 209, 211–212 Cape Ray fault–Victoria Lake shear zone 296 Dover fault 272, 291 Cappadocian volcanic province 140, 143 Dunn Point volcanics 275 Capricorn Orogen 5–6, 445–454, 446 Dunnage me´lange 284, 285 Carballo–Bazar slice 324 dykes, mafic Careo´n ophiolite 319, 320, 327–329, 353 Appalachians 276–277 origin and history 333, 336–338 Grenville Front 413, 415–416, 418, 423 Carnegie Ridge 32,40 Trans-Hudson Orogen 467, 471 Carreiro shear zone 331, 333, 338 West Australian Craton 452 Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex 139, 140, see also Sudbury dykes 141–142 late-Cretaceous plutons 142, 143, 144 East Anatolian High Plateau 145, 146, 148 Central Asian ocean 161 deformation and volcanism 149, 151 Central Atlantic opening 95, 96 tectonic evolution 150, 151 Central Uralian megazone 166 East Anatolian subduction-accretion complex tectonostratigraphy 168 148–149, 150, 151 Chain Lakes Massif 272 East Magnitogorsk Fault 165, 166, 185 channel flow, Grenville Province 406, 431, 432, tectonostratigraphy 168 434, 435, 436, 437 East Magnitogorskian me´lange zone 166 Chazumba Formation 244, 252, 254, 256, 260 East Pontide arc 145–146, 146 Chiapas fold-and-thrust belt 55–67, 56 East Uralian zone 165, 166, 185, 188 China tectonostratigraphy 168 North, Rodinia reconstruction 382, 388–389, 392 Eastern Cordillera 39–40, 41, 42, 46 South, Rodinia reconstruction 382, 386–388 Eastern Turkey Seismic Experiment 151 Choiyoi Group 44–45 Edgecumbe volcanoes 13 Cilo ophiolite 147, 149 Edmundian Orogenesis 446, 451–452, 454 Cimmerian orogeny 182 El Epazote Unit 244, 247, 249, 256, 258, 261 Coaker porphyry 275 El Rodeo Formation 244, 247, 249, 256, 258, 262 Coastal arc 292, 294 Elazig–Palu nappe 147, 148 Coatlaco Unit 244, 250, 251, 256, 259, 350 Elbe Zone 198, 201–204, 203 Cobequid–Chedabucto fault 272, 303 exhumation 204, 212 COBRA reconstruction 390–391 geochronology 209–212 Cold Spring Pond me´lange 275 strike-slip processes 201–202, 202, 211 Congo craton, Rodinia reconstruction 380–381, U–Pb zircon analysis 204, 205–206, 208, 209, 210 382, 383–384 Eocene, Alpine tectonics 103, 106 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3900358/9781862395756_backmatter.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 INDEX 483 erosion, subduction Gondwana Cache Creek HP rocks 82–83 Appalachian microcontinents 276–277 Chiapas fold-and-thrust belt 64 collision with Avalonia 216 Errabiddy Shear Zone 449–450, 451, 452 collision with Laurussia 198, 319, 321 Erzgebirge nappe complex 201, 202 Mexican terranes 264–265 Esperanza granitoids 243, 244, 245, 247 palaeogeography 345 ESRU–SB profile 185, 186, 187 Gondwanaland 391, 393–394 Europe, Eastern, Rheic Ocean mafic rocks graben systems, western Anatolia 135, 138 357–358 granite, biotite, Evora massif, U–Th–Pb analysis Evora Massif 217, 218, 219, 227 222, 226, 229, 230, 232 U–Th–Pb analysis 222–230, 232 granite magmatism, Urals 181 E´ vora–Aracena–Lora del Rı´o metamorphic belt Granite Supersuite plutons 140, 142, 144 216–217, 232 granitoids exhumation Acatla´n Complex 244, 245, 247, 248, 256, 257, Anatolia 138 258, 259, 261 Elbe Zone 204, 212 Appalachians 273, 284 Grenville Front 417, 420, 433–434, 437 Elbe Zone 203–204, 209 Ossa–Morena Zone 216, 232 Lausitz Block 202, 209 Piaxtla Suite 350 Ossa Morena Zone 217 Salinic 290 Granjeno Schist 240, 252, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261–265 San Rafael block 43 Granville Lake Structural Zone 468–469, 472 Taconic 284 Green Bay fault 272 extension greenstone belt, Grenville Front 414, 416, 418 Andes 48 Grenville APW loop 376–377, 385 eastern Mediterranean 137, 138–139, 145 Grenville foreland 413, 415–417, 418 Variscan, SW Iberian Massif 231–234 Grenville Front 406, 407, 409–411, 413–414, 414–417, 418, 420 faulting exhumation 417, 420, 433–434, 437 Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex 145 Lithoprobe seismic study 409–410, 411 East Anatolian High Plateau 149 Grenville Front Tectonic Zone 409, 410–411, 413, Sonda de Campeche 63 414–416, 417, 418 STEP 133 Grenville Orogen 406–407, 407, 420 Taupo Volcanic zone 13–16, 14 Grenville Province Fitzcarrald arch 37, 38 channel flow 406, 431, 432, 434, 435, 436, 439 Flin Flon–Glennie Complex 460, 463–464, 466–467, general features 406–409, 407 469–470, 471, 472 interior, metamorphism and deformation 421–429 flysch large hot long-duration orogen 5, 405–438 Alpine 104 metamorphism 406–409 Anatolian orogenic belt 136 Ottawan event 421–429, 430, 432–433, 435 Uralides
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