• THE MACARONI ,I " ! JOURNAL ) \ I I ,i .~! ! I Volume XVI I I i Number 10 February 15, 1935 :1 , Do JUstice' To Quality • 'Vise is the general who orders 3n imlllediate retreat whell he discovers that he has erred in his battlc plans. Equally wise is the Macaroni l\'lal111facturcr \\'ho orders the' immediate discontinuance of practices that arc found to he ruinous. In the making of a food 110 greater or costlier error can be made tli;m to sacrifice a brand's or a product's reJiutation through the usc 'of low-grade, inferior ingr~ dicnts . \. Firms' that have entered the "Battle of Low Grades," • 11\\,iIlingly or otherwise, will find , it liD disgrace to order an immediate ,retreat to the safer ground of Quality Products, ' " '. TO TIlE INTERESTS OF MANUFACTURERS OF MACARONI .' ------------------~.. THE MACARONI CODE AUTHORITY Operatln&; Under The NRA Code of Pair Competition For The Macaroni Industry Approved January 29, 1934. Effective February 8, 1934 MEMBERS AND OFPICERS FIRST MACARONI CODE AUTHORITY Term-July t, 19J4-]une 30, 1935 OLENN O. HOSKINS. Chillmin SlO N. Mlchl'llI Av. ChlulO, III. JOItN V. CANEP"--__ _ JIO W. (lund St.. ChlulO, Ill. a , OUERISSI ____ ._ .•.•...... _. ___. _ _ .. __ Lfb... o n, I'• . WN. CULMAN_ U ·n Vunon Dlyd., Lon. hllnd Cllr. N. Y. IIENRY MUELLER..-II0 nlldwln St. J"uy Chr. N. J. M. n,NATTEI U N. Sia Fd,o SI. 81n JOII, CII. LEON O. TUJ#oClIE--. _ 100\ Fulton 51. NfW Orlnn., La. ALPIIONSO 0101"__ __71 1'.... ..... y. Rochultt, N. Y. LOUlS S, VAONINO ____ 1227 5 •. Loui. Av. 51. LOlli. ADMINISTRATION M&MDER WILLAM II. CALHOUN_Chlc"o, III. Tum_Much I 10 S,pl .•, 1914 Regional Industrial Adjustment Agencies RRaION NO. I_BOSTON, liAS!. REOIOK NO. S-DUFFALO, N. Y. HEGION NO. G_DAUAS, T EX. O. L, Marti, RIlloud Ch,lnnlo, JP1 ClHIImuclal IL, UOIIOO, ...... E'sfi Yc'li:~~;;h!~• .~'~~o;:,~,C~~lr~:n, FI;:I~ Sih,~n.~~. ~!fr!~~a}I~~l l lmln , Uti"''' C. Orllber, Rt,lonal SICII"t)', Lton lld JI . Leont. RI.lonal StCflllt)', II C,_ II., DOilon, ...... La'''tnu L. LomonlC O, RIllonal Sunll'r. ZIO COlin n, OlllhJo, N. Y. 1000 Ihll 11., Uan ... T ... A,"ac, "mlben A,tIlCF Mtnlbt,. A,IIIC), )hmblll O. La MlrclhiChahma ... DOllon, N .... ~p~o~~I~II~~e'i!o~~:~~~:nN~~IIO, N. Y. Franlr S. Bonno. Chal.man, UIII .., Tu. ~1I.::..lI 'I;:o¥ld~~~;t~l.tf(• .,.... i01ltPh C. Wtl.,null!. Roch"ltl, N. Y. all), Jd. HUlIoIl. MrAlutrr, 0.11. ii. , .• ~II". BOiloa, MI ... Sam J. LlIcb, 1101111011 . Tn. O. D. Del )(011" I'ro¥ldcnu, R. I. J N Y. il'unk L. Lombl,do. Uuumonl, Tn. ~!~~to J!r::~n:,u~:Ir~\o~ ~ N. T. Mil". Fort Wonh, Til. RECION NO. 6-CIIICAOO. IL' .. REO ION NO.2-NEW YORK, N. Y. REGION NO. IG-LOS ANORLI!S. CAUiI'. 'r;:"p:;II~!r~,·tr~~I;::IN~h;~rm ..., R' .. ~:i g~oo:; ~tl'~Ot~I~I~hCI;;~:~~, 1:1. S. Nun.laIO. RI.lonll Chll.man. F,. .. k TuliunlJ, Rtllonll Sec,II.. " 1122 t: " ~ I"'1 ~ ,. •.. I ~,· . '"~'''' ' '' f~1 01:o8.flh4·in:I!I~~n~I.!·~~:eN. Y. 451 N. Raclnl I¥., ChLCI,O, Ill. I'. J. 51110. R ••lonl. S.n.u'r. L. Shumln Aldrich. DtPIII)' Cod , EUCUlly •• G003 Loni: II•• La. An.oltt. C.I. Aalllc, J(tmb-ull 310 S. W.1l1 II., ChltllO, Ili. A,mer lItft1b'fI A.tllc)' ),f,mblrl t::~.L;.!r::'I~t~h'4';:~'N~t~.I,n, N. Y. IlIrrr Lanl, Ch,l,mln, Lol A.. "ln, Cal. R. B. Brown, Chalrm.n, ChltllO, III. S. NlInd.IO, Lo. Anltlll, CII. V· t CoUIUO, N.w Yor.'yN. Y. A. irvin. OUII, C"'UlO, Ill. P: o~::~; nj:J~~l~'N~ limn, COlin. SUYI W"llonl. Chlcafo, lit. ~: r.::~:!0i.~ ~0:1 ~:'~0~:1. Cal r·&crL,YrI~~~ ~~ twft';,I~::!: tt.11~: · E. U. Rocco. San UloiO. Cal. R£OION NO. J-PUILADRLPIIIA, PA. RECION NO. II-SAK FRANCISCO. CAL. RE010N NO. '-ST. LOUIS. MO . M. Dr Mauri. RIIlonlL ChaJrm.a. P~~r, ROI't'~~cb:~:np~I1~J~~.3:! ~.~ Irm l'" Jottl'h Flltchl Rellon al Chairman, SI N. San 1'11110 II• • Sin JOII, Cal. IUO Kln" h{f.hW I~ bl_d.. SI. Loul •• Mo. A. 110.111((1. Mo,lonll S.IICUlr. DURING Ihe pasl six months we've whal you need In Ihe way of I'ackag. Jon~ It;11~:!ltl~. , R~~lr,ndatllpt'~:"~:~)', LOI~I:7 SSt.V t~~ l~oiv .• tl~onL~u~:,eru!~'" 2n, il'ollom IL. SU 1'110(10, Cal. develol'ed some new and highly iog, to help you increase your sales A'lIIc, "tmbtn "Iultr Mnabnl Altllt)' Mflllbn. andprofils. It deesn'l mailer whelher 10l.ph Fruehl, Chalrmln, SI. LOll' •• Mo. successful ideas in macaroni and ~~~Ut~;I:.'I~~:~~":'I:nldtiphla, Fl. ~. J1:.,.':.~~riS.~h~:::,~y~,:,.'C!t" •• CII. you're aamall concern with one press, Get ideal, lIuqqestions, 1.I0t:J W. S.lnnn. Omlh .. Ncb. noodle packaging. Many leadmg ~~W~\t,~tt.N:I~::::::""'P:;I . ~: VI;I!n'~··stOt~:t! ~I M~. r . g: 'l.~~t f:;" SO:Irr.':d.C~~f.' C.t. concerns have been quick to recoq· or a big one with a dozen or more .. , full color Ikelcbes and N.. Ku ru. Philldilphll, P,. M. Onofrio. Kin ... Chr, Wo. J. SU'plno. S.ulm.nto. Cd. you'll g~1 the same qUick, efflclenl nire Ihe superior advanlages of this low prices. Thero's no nEOIO,., NO.1-NEW ORLEAtlS, LA. REOIOK NO. 12_SEATTLE. WASil. service and expert attention on your RaOION NO. 4-FITTSBUROJl, PA. better way 10 markel their macaroni obliQ'IIUon. Leon O. TlIIllUI, Rt,loul Chal.ml", Punk A. Qhl,lionl, H.,lonal Chll.man. requirements. lei us help you "dress R'B~~ ~:~~'~II~.t.\I~;:,I.f,~.~~.n, 1000 Flllton II .• Ntw OrlulI1, LI. ~101 Sinh IV. S .. Suul,. Wilh. products. Designing and manufac. T. VMlno. Jr., Rillonil Snlll"),, Utrmao Mall. Rliional SHlttlr,.. up" your Itne ... give il new Mles and s. ~OOJ FunlrUn In .• N.w Orlnn., LI. Il.lfI~5 Wnn;.~y.~.,!:~,~~. Sy;!:~~')" luring successful folding carlons, Clflll.lc, Va. profit opportunities. Prices are sur. ~alllt' M""bln AU~c)' .hmb"l A,cner LI,mb", wrappers and labels forlhe macaroni R. V. Ooldln, Ch,lrm.n. Cllrktburr, W. V,. prislngly low Address Dept. M·19. 0,1 ....., LI. Irade has been a specialty with us for I'•. h~~~a~' ~~I.I.~UHt~h~rri!:~i. N~:, ~:.~~ ~~.~.hlr.~~I~:nd~h~::." n. Suult, WI.h. BranchOfflces:612N.MlchlganAve., t.~· J!~~tC'u:~~I~I:J.'Lll·d. R. ilDlmlnl. NI"W Orl..... , LI. more Ihan 35 years. We KNOW jusl A. Sc.,pcllJ. I'oniand. Ou. Chicago .417 Meere Ave., Pitlsburgh. i~I!!i~:~~;I~"I~~c.!n~~r,', ~!: ~~'~e Jc~:::~: ~r:r:J!:~~~. L:i,. ~: bl.Vc~r~I.S~~~~~n':-:I~·I'h . eo .... lry Slocks wllt'at ill theSl' puslIiuus has hl'CII 11l;uil. This n ·purt. an·llnlill)..' 111 till' lTllp re · • • Of Wheal It seems fairh- cl'rlaiu, hnwe"cr, that pllrlill).:" hoardui till' L' . S. l)l'parlllll'llt ROJJOTT I slocks ill Iltl'Sl: posiliuus this n'ar art' or Agriculture is illll'IlIIc\1 lu iwllllil' LIT~OGl<API,lInG COmPAny' inC. somcwhal IIduw a\'er:lgl.'. Stocks of Stocks flf whl'al in iUlcrior mills, cit·· .nlly t'lllIlIlrr cil'\':llurs allli warl'lulI.scs III VARIC\( ITRee,', H..'U" new YORK CITY whe:;1 ill illl l.' rior mills, l'Ic,'alors ;\1111 allil Ihe smalkr illlt'rilir lIIills whidl an' v:nors :lnd wardlOuses on Jan. I. 1935 warchoust,s 011 April I , 19.1-1 were 8.',' arc eSlimated In ha\'e been 93,485,(0) nut illdUlll't1 dtllt'r ill III\' dl'll:ll"IlIIl'nl's 588,000 IlUs. allli UII July I, 19.14 were rl'l)()rt fir t'olllllll'rci:11 g-rain slul'ks ill bus. Comp.uahlt' figures :or previous 51,060,CXX) I,us. In 19.'-', April 1 stucks PACKAG ING HEADQU )'l'ars :Ire nut :\v:\ilable since this is the Ilrilldl.:Ii markt'IS ur in lilt' IIl1ft'an of were 95,9I1,(XX) allll July 1 stoi.'l.s wt're Ille Census r\'port UII stOl'ks u f Wlll';11 ill I first time that :\ survey of stocks of 64,296,000 hus. merchant mills alill au:u:ht'1 1 eleV:llurs . , • February IS, 193,. TUE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XVI FEDRUAR~ 15, 1935 Number 10 The Future of Trade Associations Leading business executives in ever)' important trade, in. cialioll Committee of the United Stales Dcpartment of Com­ dustry and profcs!lioll have long recognized the value of the merce thai has 10lln taken a I)'llernal interest ill hoth CO llllncr­ trade association, honestly conceived and properly operated. cial :lIId trade association activilics. The importance ()f trade Fur gellerations they saw such voluntary organiz.1tions grow associations as the means of assuring sclf rcgulation in busi­ in number and power, bringing hlessings to industry, to con­ ncss is elllphasized in the statement adopted on th e subject and ~umc r and to the country. rclca s e(~ to thc country aher studying thc report of its colllmi t­ At the advent at the :oJational Industrial Rr<:ovcry Act in tee, Tllc statemcnt, III part, sl.\les: June 1933 wherehy the government Ol!isumcd at lea st a SUller­ "The continuance o( lrade ussociatitl ns, allLI more parlic­ visory intercst in husim.."Ss (or the primary purpose of spread.
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