Ministère de l’Education et de la Recherche L’Université Valahia Târgovi şte Faculté de Sciences Humaines D’UNIVERSITÉ VALAHIA TARGOVISTE SECTION d’Archéologie et d’Histoire TOME XXI 2019 Valahia University Press Târgovi şte Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire publie des mémoires originaux, des nouvelles et des comptes-rendus dans le domaine de l’archéologie préhistorique, de l’histoire du moyen âge, de l’environnement de l’homme fossile, de l’archéologie interdisciplinaire et de patrimoine culturel. Rédacteur en chef: prof. univ. dr. Marin Cârciumaru Rédacteur en chef adjoint: C.S.II dr. Elena-Cristina Ni ţu Secrétariat de rédaction: prof. univ. dr. Ioan Opri ş, dr. Denis Căpr ăroiu, dr. Radu Cârciumaru, dr. Monica Mărg ărit, dr. Marian Cosac, dr. Roxana Dobrescu, dr. Ovidiu Cîrstina, dr. Daniela Iamandi, dr. Adina Elena Boronean ţ. Comité de rédaction: prof. dr. Eric Boëda, prof. Marcel Otte, prof. dr. Răzvan Theodorescu, prof. dr. Victor Spinei, prof. dr. Sabin Adrian Luca, prof. dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici, prof. dr. Carol Căpi ță , dr. Marylène Patou-Mathis, dr Marie-Hélène Moncel, dr. Cristian Schuster, dr. Adrian Bălăş escu. Correspondants: prof. Jacques Jaubert, prof. Jean-Philippe Rigaud, prof. Árpád Ringer, prof. Alain Tuffreau, dr. Aline Averbouh, dr. Nejma Goutas, dr. Alain Turq, prof. Ivor Jancovi č, prof. Ivor Karavani č, dr. Eugen Nicolae, dr. Emilian Alexandrescu, dr. Sergiu Iosipescu Technorédacteur: drd. Remus Constantin Dumitru Dinc ă Revue indexée B+ par CNCSIS et B par CNCS - Roumanie Indexée dans: SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rank, AWOL, FRANTIQ ERIH PLUS INDEX COPERNICUS Tout ce qui concerne la Rédaction des Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire doit être envoyé à: [email protected], www.annalesfsu.ro ISBN: 1584-1855; ISSN (online): 2285–3669 Sommaire ARTICLES ET ÉTUDES MARIN CARCIUMARU, ELENA-CRISTINA NIȚU, THEODOR OBADA, OVIDIU CIRSTINA, FLORIN IONUȚ LUPU, MARIAN LEU, WIND INSTRUMENTS IN THE MID UPPER PALAEOLITHIC OF THE EASTERN CARPATHIANS………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7 STELIAN GRIGORE, A BRIEF NOTE ON THE MALACOLOGICAL PALEOFAUNA OF PIATRA- NEAMȚ 1 PALEOLITHIC SITE (NEAMȚ COUNTY, ROMANIA) ………………………………………………...21 SABIN ADRIAN LUCA, GHEORGHE NATEA, VASILE PALAGHIE, DATA ABOUT STYLIZED BULL/CALF HEADS FROM TURDAȘ EXCAVATIONS ………………………………………………………………29 ANA ILIE, ITHYPHALLIC FIGURINES FROM GEANGOE ȘTI HUL Ă, A NORTH TO DANUBE KODJADERMEN-GUMELNI ȚA KARANOVO VI CULTURE SITE ……………………………………………….39 VALERIU S ÎRBU, MARIA-MAGDALENA ȘTEFAN, DELIMITED FUNERARY SPACES – HELLENISTIC TUMULI WITH STONE ENCLOSURES AT KALLATIS ………………………………………………………………51 VALENTINA CETEAN, SAROLTA LŐRINCZ, HISTORY UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: THE PIGMENTS USED IN THE FUNERARY CHAMBER OF THE EARLY HELLENISTIC PERIOD TOMB IN DOCUMACI MOUND, AT KALLATIS, ON THE WESTERN BLACK SEA ………………………………………77 SAMIRA HAOUI, SAMIA CHERGUI, L’HABITAT FORTIFIE SUR LA FRONTIERE ROMAINE PRESAHARIENNE EN ALGERIE ORIENTALE (OASIS DES ZIBAN, ALGERIE) …………………………...87 ALEXANDER KIM, RELATIONS BETWEEN THE BOHAI PEOPLE AND THE KORYŎ KINGDOM …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...105 RADU CÂRCIUMARU, PRINCE NEGRU VODĂ, A MEDIAEVAL FIGURE AS MIRRORED BY THE ROMANIAN ENLIGHTENMENT AND ROMANTICISM …………………………………………………………117 MINODORA CÂRCIUMARU, GHEORGHE OLTEANU, ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS AT THE “ST. VINERI” CHURCH FROM THE PRINCELY COURT OF TÂRGOVIȘTE. THE REPERTORY OF PERSONAL ORNAMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………123 NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS MARIN CÂRCIUMARU, CRINA MICLĂUȘ, ANDREI ALEXANDRU SMEU, OUTCROPS OF EXOTIC RAW MATERIAL IN THE BISTRIȚA VALLEY (NORTH-EASTERN ROMANIA) USED IN THE PALAEOLITHIC ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………139 CLAUDIU NEAGOE, MILITARY ORGANIZATION OF WALLACHIA FROM THE FIRST BASARABS UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF THE 16TH CENTURY ..........................................................................................155 AMALIA LARISA COSTINA NICĂ-DIDE, ASPECTS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE IN TELEORMAN COUNTY (ROMANIA) FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO NINETEENTH CENTURY ........................................................163 Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, Tome XXI, 2019, p. 163-168 ISSN: 1584-1855; ISSN (online): 2285–3669 Aspects of religious life in Teleorman County (Romania) from the sixteenth to nineteenth century Amalia Larisa Costina Nic ă-Dide* * PhD student in history, “Valahia” University Târgovi şte, Faculty of Humanities, Str. Locotenent Stancu Ion, nr. 34-36, Târgovi şte, 130018, Dâmbovi ţa County; e-mail: [email protected]. Abstract : Religious life in Teleorman County has only begun to be documented since the sixteenth century, although we have so far few documents, but since the seventeenth century, the number of documented priests has increased considerably. Numerous medieval documents confirm that in the village community, the priest did not only act as a supporter of the Orthodox faith, to alleviate the sufferings of the people, but to own lands he had bought or inherited from his parents. In terms of their social status, priests were considered free people, but there were also situations where the priest’s dependence on the boyar was a real fact. Most of the priests were scholars, as evidenced by the numerous documents written by them. The book teaching was done, firstly in the village churches by its parishioners, but not lastly in the monasteries and hermitages erected on the county territory. Keywords : religious life, XVIth-XIXth century, Teleorman County (Romania), priest, church, owner, free people, literacy. With the formation of the Wallachia medieval state there is no evidence to this effect (D. C. Giurescu, 1973, in the first decades of the fourteenth century, the p. 358). foundation of ecclesiastical structures with all state We have witnesses regarding the obligations of structures was laid as well. Thus, in 1359, during the priests only from the seventeenth century. As it appears time of Nicolae Alexandru, the first Metropolitan on January 14, 1630, voivode Leon Tom șa exempted the Church of Ungrovlahia was established, based in Arge ș, priests and deacons from the Royal Church in conducted by the metropolitan Iachint de Vicina (D. C. Bucharest, so that ,, ca s ă fie de acum înainte casele lor Giurescu, 1973, pp. 355-357; N. Dobrescu, 1906, p. 35; și bucatele lor în pace și slobode de bir și de bou și de N. Constantinescu, 2002, p. 137-146), acquiring, “not oaie seac ă și de cal și de miiare și de cear ă și de galben only a church organization, but also a political- state și de cai de olacu și de vin ărici și de p ăhărnicie și de organization , both by the fact that it was recognized by schimbul banilor și de g ăleata cu fân și de undelemnul Byzantium and by the fact that the foundations of the și de dijm ă și de n ăem și de împrumutare și de toate ruler-metropolitan / state-church binomial were laid “ slujbele și mânc ăturile care sunt peste an în țara (Cl. Neagoe, 2014, p. 190). Here lived the metropolitans domniei mele, de nimic bântuial ă s ă nu aib ă, pentru c ă of Wallachia until 1517, when Neagoe Basarab moved am iertat domnia pe dân șii, ca s ă se odihneasc ă în zilele to Târgoviste (D. C. Giurescu, 1973, p. 353; N. domniei mele, cum au fost ierta ți și la al ți domni ”* Dobrescu, 1906, p. 35). (,, from now on, their houses and their food should be in In the 14th-15th centuries, the representatives of peacekeeping and free from taxes, oxen and sheep, the Church, the monks and the clergy were landowners, horses and thousands and wax and gold and free from and therefore, probably, payers of gifts to the reign, but horses and winery taxes and butlers and exchanging 163 Amalia Larisa Costina Nic ă-Dide money and the hay bucket and oil and free from taxes Neagoe Basarab, dated May 23, 1515, we find out about and fellow citizens and from borrowing and all the work “priest Stanciu ” who had bought “a part of Z ărne ști ”, and all the food that exist all over the year in the land of from a certain Cernica, for the sum of 260 aspri **. On my kingdom, there is nothing to be desired, for I have April 23rd, 1527, priest Mircea is mentioned, to whom forsaken the kingship, to rest in the days of my reign, as voivode Radu from Afuma ți strengthened his part of the they were forgiven also by their lords ”). We can land ,, pentru c ă îi este veche și dreapt ă ocin ă, dedin ă” conclude that they paid all the duties as the rest of the („because it is old and straight land, dedina ), namely a population, being exempted, in certain periods, by the plot of land in the village T ămășești bought from Oncea rulers. From Anatefter. Condica de porunci a vistieriei with 62 aspri ***, **** (E. Țânță reanu, 2010, p. 66). lui Constantin Brâncoveanu (Anatefter. In the order of On January 13, 1575, Alexandru Mircea, the ruler of the the treasury of Constantin Brâncoveanu), in 1698, we Wallachia, was giving to a certain priest Dumitru from also find some obligations that the priests had towards Poenari village, a part of the village bought from Stroe the reign (D. C. Giurescu, 1962, p. 391-392). Thus, for from Valceni with the sum of 300 rough, a territory that those in Buz ău bishopric, Constantin Brancoveanu gave included ,, toat ă vatra satului și din amândou ă ogr ăzile orders to pay 2000 annual ughi in four installments ,, și cât se va alege toat ă și din rediu jum ătate și din Valea le-am facut domniia mea rumtoare da bir, ca s ă aib ă a cu Trestie jum ătate (“ all the hearth of the village and of dare to ți preo ții și diiaconii [...], pre an câte ug<hi> both yards. how much will all be chosen and half of the 2000 ” (D. Giurescu, 1962, p. 391-392) („and I did spinney and half of the Trestie Valley ”)”*****, **** during my reign rumtoare in order for everbody to give (M. Bâzgan, 2004, p. 175). Witness to the signing of the tribute so that all the priests and deacons have to pay decree given by voivode Mihnea Turcitul to Ban Calot ă [...] per year by ug <hi> 2000”).
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